
Danmachi: Harbinger of Thunder

Strength. It was a concept I never really needed. Until now I was desperate for it. Willing to sacrifice my arms, legs, head, or even my soul. Why? Because with strength, I wouldn't have to see the demise of Orario, alongside my Goddess and all those that I considered dear. After days of fighting and eventually killing the being that I detested the most whilst suffering unimaginable injuries an opportunity presented itself in front of me. Something that makes me able to change everything. A chance to go back to the past, and I would take it, no matter what dares to stand before me.

ThighLover · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

[1] Regression

{...} - monster speech

'...' - thoughts

"..." - speech

--- Chapter 1 ---

How much time has passed since I've began fighting the colossal entity before me?

Days? Weeks? I'm not sure, all I know is that the moment I saw 'that' I lost all my reason, composure, patience.

{...How long has it been since someone was able to fight me to this extent..? Hahaha... the only other person who has done this was that cursed mongrel who sacrificed his life for that spirit!}

My wounded and battered hands that were tkghtly gripping the handle of the legendary weapon - that aided me thus far, but at the same time rendering my body crippled to a state that I can never recover from - wavered.

The Sword of Thunder.

From the ancient ruins I visited in the past had stated that this was the weapon of the Hero of Beginning - Argonaut. It was said that it was due to this sword that the Hero was able to slay the monster that wreaked terror across centures: The Minotaur Minos. Although it was a weapon beyond powerful, it also damages the user's body beyond what anyone - or anything - can heal.

{...Hehehe... well aren't you a fool..? You've been fighting me with that cursed sword for months now... I can already tell that it has broken you to a nearly vegetative state..!}

Ignoring what the monster had just said, I lunged toward it and slashed downward - creating an blindingly huge arc of lightning that flew and shredded the tail of the seemingly immortal creature in front of me.

{...Ahahaha! You've already lost nearly all of your senses! I can already tell that your legs are going go be the next thing gone if you use that 'thing' for a few more days..! Why are you fighting so hard for? Is it because I killed and ate your dear beloved?!}

My movements that were calm and fluid suddenly became more ferocious, seemingly rising with the infernal rage building up inside me, accompanied by great regret. I knew that what the entity had said was true. I already lost my smell, sight, touch. The only qualities that were keeping me alive was my 6th sense and hearing which I would soon lose going at the rate of things.


I sidestepped the monster's claw that aimed and whistled towards my chest and once again created an arc of electricity that seemed to pulverise through everything in its path.


The scales of the monster ruptured and spread like a case of falling domino's. The being ahead roared out its pain menacingly, and I unashamedly took advantage of that.

I leaped onto the creatures head and punctured its eyes before spitting out all my frustrations, regret, sadness.

"You took everything from me... Black Dragon."

Accompanying my hate-filled words was the arm of the dragon alongside its mournful scream.

"One by one, you took everything. EVERYTHING!"

My arms weaved and created a bolt of screaming thunder, that reasonated and pierced through the wings of the mighty dragon at the command of my anger.

"Ais, Hestia, Syr, Ryuu, Haruhime..."

With every name I spat out with heartbreaking melancholy and anger, a part of the dragon would get thoroughly dismantled. At one point the screams of the once ancient and abominable dragon ceased to exist.

My actions of wrath suddenly stopped when the corpse of the legendary dragon was dismembered into tiny pieces. Even with the death of the being that plagued my dreams, nightmares, and reason to become unrivaled - my heart still didn't seem to stop aching.

My bloodied hand dropped the hilt of the sword and my body slowly fell to my knees as it quickly filled with wrenching pain.

"...Is it finally over? Can I rest now?"

I felt my voice breaking as I whispered quietly to myself, rapidly remembering flashes and memories of what shaped me to become the person I am today.

Happiness, nostalgia, hunger, tiredness, and most of all remorse. These were the emotions that strongly wreaked havoc inside of my body as I began losing consciousness.

I felt the orfices of my body rupture, my legs breaking, my arms getting turned into nothing but dust. Even through all this pain I didn't mutter a single word, or more like I couldn't.

'I didn't know the side-effects of using that skill would be so severe...'

At some point the pain reached a level so unimaginable that I couldn't even feel it anymore. I mentally sighed to myself as I felt my heartbeat

steadily decrease.

'...If only I had a second chance...I would do everything differently...'

Although, I knew that this impossible, after all not even the Gods could regress someone. I stopped thinking about this foolish notion and slowly felt myself cease to exist.

Or so I thought.

A bright light suddenly descended and enveloped my entire being alongside a whisper and chuckle that I could clearly hear.

'Your wish has been granted. Make sure to take advantage of this, after all there won't be something like this happening ever again...'

With that the bloodied and battered body of Bell Cranel, disappeared from the collapsing floor of the dungeon. Marking his end, but also his new beginning.

His beginning after the end.


Author Note:

I'm currently re-reading Danmachi to refresh my memory on it. I would appreciate if the people reading this story can point out any errors or spelling mistakes I have committed😭

Anyways, this is going to be slightly AU with a regressed Bell of the future intending to change everything so it's probably gonna drive-off Canon massively.

I already have some arcs and chapters planned out so I won't be dropping this any time soon but I cant guarantee the release schedule since I'm writing this during exams although you can guarantee at least 2 chapters or more depending if I'm free or some people are reading this.

Well, anyways enough with my rant. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this series. Reviews, Comments and Ideas would be much appreciated ahaha.