
Danmachi: Broken System inside the Collapsing Dungeon

Ryu Han-Bin, self-proclaimed strongest man was doing his weekly in-woods workout to become one with the nature, and wrestle with some giant bears, as suddenly he found himself in some kind of cave with a blue window floating in front of him telling him that he is a mere level one! "Did the bear-mom somehow defeat me and kidnap me?" ~ I don't own anything except the OC. Mc will look like Ryu Han-Bin from 'Survival story of a sword king in a fantasy world' or cover if you don't know who that is. Great manga, recommend reading. Btw, this is a danmachi fanfic if you haven't noticed until now, mc will be strong, but not overly. He will get stronger steadily. Also his own system will lose importance after a while so don't wonder why I don't bring it up later anymore. That's all, enjoy reading.

An1x · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

1.True Men

"... fivethousandfourhundredandten, ha! Fivethousandfourhundredandeleven, hua! Fivethousandfourhun..."

Deep inside a beautiful forest, on a sunny day, you could see a giant of a man, punching away at some poor boulder he found.

He was punching with such force that every time, his somehow unharmed fist, touched the cold stone of the boulder, cracks formed on it.

He was sweating all over his whole body, but it only made his huge steelhard muscles look even more alluring. Just look at those legs! Just based on them you can see he is a true man. By the way, he has short black hair and black eyes and is built different like already mentioned.

And you ask why he isn't wearing pants? Only god knows. But it's not like anyone would see his giant-

"Roarr!" A very loud roar could be heard coming from deeper inside the forest. The birds became scared and flew away.

"Hm? Sounds... Strong! Let's see what it is hah!" Han-Bin gave the boulder one last full power punch which completely destroyed it! And then went on his way deeper inside the forest with a happy smile on his face which doesn't fit his giant physic.

"Hm~ hm~ hm~"

After walking for a while and enjoying the beautiful lush green forest he finally reached his destination.


It is a giant brown bear! It has many scars on its body and on its face you can see pure bloodlust.

"A bear! I think I already fought one before but youre very big, like me haha! Come let's fight like true men!" Han-Bin said. Not knowing that the bear he is about to fight is female, and also, the wife of the bear he fought before and ate after he killed it with his bare hands.

"Graaarrr!!" The bear stormed at him while giving a warcry.

"HAA!" Han-Bin did the same without hesitation. Men don't hesitate!

When they finally met the bear tried to give him a strong swipe with its right front paw which had very big, sharp claws on it.

"Slow!" As he said that he ducked and delivered an beautiful uppercut, which even lifted the bears upper body from the ground!

But before it could fall backwards it stopped itself while standing on its legs, and then came back down again with a full force overhead strike!

"Huop!" Han-Bin barely managed to dodge it with stepping backwards, but it still managed to scratch his chest.

"ouch! Ahhh that's pretty deep, but don't worry mister bear, I can still fight!" He said. Seems like his steel hard muscles saved him from more severe damage.

"Grrrr!" But it seemed like his words pissed the FEMALE bear off even more as it came jumping on him.

"aw man." Han-Bin suddenly got dead serious and looked the gigantic bear which was flying straight at him with opened maw straight in the eyes. It seemed like time slowed down.

If anyone saw this scene they wouldn't believe this was real even if they saw this. A giant man facing an equally giant bear without a trace of fear. We ignore that he's still naked.

But like in an instant he pulled his right arm back and went into a martial arts stance. Then he clenched his fist so hard all the bulging muscles of his forearm became even more bulged and veins seemed like they would pop any second.

But like said before, before the beast even got nearer his fist was already embedded in its face and the course of its flight took a sharp right.


This was all that was heard with a couple of *crack*'s that came from its now all over the ground sprayed head.

The bear crashed into a tree nearby and snapped it on contact.

It is probably dead. (No way)

"What a shame, well at least it was stronger than that other one." with a shrug Han-Bin went over to the bloody mess that once was a bear that ruled this forest and grabbed it.

"Huo! Damn you're heavy! Hm... You must have had a cave or something where you lived nearby right?"


"Right, let's find it and then there will be a big feast! Also, this will be a good leg workout!"

And so he happily stomped away.


"Hm~ hm~ hmmm~ Oh? What do we have here?"

It's an entrance to a cave.


Han-Bin adjusted the bear on his shoulders so that he could carry him easier and walked towards the cave.

"I really need to take a bath after this." He said as he looked at himself. His whole body was covered in partly dryed blood and it looked like he took a literal blood-bath.

He stepped inside the cave and noticed that the cave is pretty deep. He laid the bear on the side for now and before continuing deeper inside he thought that he wouldn't even be able to see anything! So he went oitside again for a while and got some sticks and dryed grass.

"I need a fire!" And so began the fire making.


After a short while he managed to make a fire and after that he created a torch with a stick he got ready to venture deeper inside the cave.

Of course he didn't forget the bear because he didn't want to leave it there all alone. Who knows, maybe some other wild animals would steal his food for tonight? Better safe than sorry.

He grabs the bear by one of its paws and began dragging it behind him while holding a torch in his other one.


Second chapter coming soon

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