
Danmachi :Bell Ōtsutsuki

Becoming a Hero is all well and good, but if you don't have a reason, a purpose to become one. Then it all becomes a monumental waste of effort. I learned that, and through my failure I gained a motivation to become a Hero. It is through those that have accepted me and love me for who I am, that I will become their Hero.

RaUlM · Others
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6 Chs

The Winds of Change

Bell had to admit something, to concede upon himself a revelation that he's just recently come to be aware of. It was a truth that, while it wasn't world breaking, it was just enough to alter his view

ever so slightly on a certain someone that's been apart of his life for awhile now. Someone that's been his friend for year's and supported him, though she had no idea she was supporting a rogue

adventurer that the Gods themselves were wary of.

Now you all may be wondering what that truth may be, and I'll tell you.

Bell had just come to realize that Eina Tulle, his personal guild adviser and a friend of his for the past 6 year's, could not hold her liquor.

Meaning she was a horrible lightweight...

That was pretty much evident from the way he watched her from his seat as she slurred her words into almost incomprehensible syllables and phrases that made you wonder what she was trying to

say. His eyes glinted in amusement from the way her cheeks flushed and her clothing long since ruffled as she joked about something with the head of the Inn, Mia Grand. Which the giant dwarven

woman seemed to find funny as she let out another bellowing laugh as she brought in another another mug for the young woman.

'Still, this is exactly what she needed.' this was his gift to her, lately he'd come to realize he hadn't been spending as much as time as he wanted with her, she was one among little circle of friends

and he wanted to give Eina some time to herself. As Diablo, he had a peculiar respectful relationship with Ouranos and Eina's boss, Royman Mardeel the head of the guild that worked directly under

Ouranos himself. So, all he needed to do was pull some strings and he could give Eina a time to relax.

Especially since Royman, the old elf, owed him more then a couple of favors.

For a moment, Bell tore his gaze off Eina and let his eyes wash over the other denizens of the Hostess of Fertility that had come by tonight. To drink, to feast and to mostly have a grandiose time.

Most of them were adventurers that had come back from the labyrinth and needed some much needed nourishment. Others were citizens of Orario that just wanted to have some fun and get away

from their mundane jobs. It was an expectant sight to see for him, as he was someone who had been coming to this little pub for year's now and he had grown to seeing this.

The atmosphere of the Inn was just perfect in a sense as it eased the stress for adventurers after a long day of adventuring. It had that feeling of being welcomed, no matter who you were, and that

was the kind of atmosphere anyone could enjoy. He himself knew that for a fact as Hestia had been the one to bring him here for the first time. Though she may have regretted that now as this was

where he came to know 2 more of his close friends.

''It never changes here does it?'' he spoke to himself, that is before he heard a giggle and he turned to see a young woman standing beside him. How he didn't sense her was a mystery to him, but

he had grown used to that peculiar mystery and instead he focused on the woman before him.

''I hope you don't mean that in a bad way, Bell-kun, otherwise Ryuu-chan and I may start to think you don't wanna see us anymore.'' the young woman stated, her tone full of mirth, but there was

no bite in her tone. At her words, Bell freely expressed a true smile toward her as he took in her appearance with his eyes.

Syr Flova, a human girl that was one of the 2 friends he made here at the Inn, his eyes took in her bluish gray hair that was tied up in a small knot that turned into a ponytail. She had a milky white

and smooth complexion and a maturing womanly body that could be clearly seen even from the waitress dress she wore. But the most interesting part he found in Syr were her eyes. Being one with

a peculiar set of eyes himself, he strangely felt drawn to her eyes, which from one glance had the same shade as her hair, but to him there was more to those eyes then at first glance.

He wasn't certain, but it made him curious and from that curiosity grew a interest that he found in her eyes. Some would say the eyes were the windows to the soul, and that saying would be true

for most part. Yet when he looked int Syr's eyes he always found himself staring into an ever lasting sea of gray that blocked his vision from seeing what lay within. But that wasn't the only part of

her he admired.

Syr Flova was a very cheerful, kind young woman. No one would argue that fact, but he had learned from personal experience on more then a few occasions that she was mischievous and at very

rare times extremely scary. And she could, would and will at every opportunity tease him until he's blushing flustered mess. Something that he found to be similar to how Hestia would tease him.

But beyond all that, he knew without a doubt of one thing, and that was the fact Syr was very kind and generous to anyone she met.

'I should know, she was quite stubborn in making me open up when Hestia first brought me here, she was still a kid back then, but she was as stubborn back then as she is now.' the thought

brought a smile to his face as he turned to stare into her eyes. Addressing her with an expression of warmth that he gave only to his true friends.

''I would never think of that, Syr-chan.'' he said semi-seriously and half jokingly which she took into consideration before giggling again. Though their eyes remained in contact with one another, the

devotion to her and Ryuu, to his friends was clear to Syr. He meant every word and more, Syr, Ryuu, Eina and Hestia were his friends and he would never betray that friendship. He'd sooner take his

own life then to even think of breaking that bond he shared with them.

After a moment, Syr blushed prettily and averted her gaze as she gripped the him of her leaf green skirt, biting her lower lip she gave a small nod.

''I-I know I was just joking Bell-kun...'' her words were soft, but he heard her and content with her knowing that one absolute truth he began to turn back to the counter.

...Only see a platter of food and his mug of alcohol being refilled by a slender hand from over the counter. And he only needed to look up to see a sight that only made his smile grow.

''...You are the enemy of women everywhere, Bell-san.'' spoke a cool and tempered voice of the only woman that Bell knew could remain so balanced even in this time of atmosphere. And he looked

up to see another woman though she was a few year's older then himself and Syr. His crimson orbs took in the appearance of an elf woman with a slender body with light green hair that reached

just past her neckline. She had a healthy pale skin tone which only seemed to bring out bright blue eyes. Like Syr, she wore a waitress uniform, fit for the waitresses that worked at the Hostess of


This was Ryuu Lyon, his other friend that worked at the Hostess of Fertility, a friend he made in her at the same time he met Syr. She was the silent, stoic type while Syr was the shy yet stubborn

one. Yet as Bell looked at her he could only see her as another beautiful woman that seemed to be a constant in his rather young life. While Syr was a natural kind hearted yet mischievous woman,

Ryuu was the emotionally balanced and mentally mature one that always seemed to know when he was troubled by something.

She was also the one he needed to be on guard around most of the time.

'While she may try to hide it, Ryuu-chan's eyes always seemed to be observing me, I wonder if she was an adventurer once.' he thought to himself, he didn't know as much as he would have liked

about Ryuu, but one thing he caught on from her was that he was always very observant, especially on him which was why he kept himself guarded when she had that glint in her eyes.

Which she had now...

''…..What do you mean by that, Ryuu-chan?'' honestly he had no clue as to what she meant by that and he missed the expression Syr had once he said that. He was too innocently unaware of that

fact that he was too honest about his goals with those he called friends. His resolve and devotion to them, and only them was a big factor to their relationship with him. He was, unlike most men,

unafraid to show how much he cared for them or any of his friends and wouldn't hesitate to come to their aid no matter how much of a problem it would be for him.

In that kind of revelation, it was no wonder why Ryuu said that too Bell, but unfortunately that flew completely over his head.

Ryuu just let out a sigh before offering a small smile to the red eyed young man, which was a rarity itself. ''It's nothing to be concerned of right now, you'll understand later I'm sure.'' she said

giving Syr a small glance causing her break out in a amused chuckle. All the while Bell, the poor oblivious young man that he was, didn't understand why Ryuu was giving him that strange smile and

or why Syr was laughing like that.

Scratching his head in mild bewilderment, he shrugged before partaking in his food and drink .''Oh well I guess you're right.'' he took notice of the fact that Syr took a seat beside him while Ryuu

busied herself by cleaning mug's from the other customers, but remained where she was. All the while her piercing blue eyes trained on him the whole time. Which made him feel slightly

uncomfortable from how intense her gaze was.

It was more intense than it usually was.

But just as he was about to take a sip from his mug he felt a weight fall on his right shoulder and then a pair of slender arms wrapped around his neck. Then a pair of soft breasts was pushed into

his shoulder, the softness caused him to freeze as the sensual feeling left him more than a little surprised. And then the smell of alcohol became very evident and he only had to look at his right to

see cause of it. It was a sight that would have made him bust out laughing if he wasn't so worried.

It was Eina Tulle, her cheeks were flushed the darkest red he'd ever seen and her emerald eyes were glazed over, every labored breath she took was thick with the smell of alcohol and her body was

shaking, thrumming with a sense of emotion that was so intense that he hadn't seen from her. Ever. It was an emotion he knew all too well, he saw it at times in Hestia when she looked at him and

at times he felt when looking at Hestia.

It was desire, complete and raw desire in it's most basest form. Desire glinted in her eyes, unabashed and completely overtaken, the raw sensual emotional thrummed throughout her drunken body.

From the way she embraced him, the way her body trembled against in his own, the way every breath she took made his own deeply locked desire lash out against it's cage. His eyes widened in

alarm when he felt his fingers begin twitching and his already disturbed body begin to react to Eina's overly drunken action.

''Bell-kun~'' she whispered sensually into his ear and Bell felt his face color and his red eyes widened even more in surprise.

''Ah! Eina-san! Calm down you're drunk!'' Syr stepped in after shaking herself from her stunned state. Bless you Syr-chan, bless your soul!

Eina though seemed just aware enough of her surroundings to look at Syr, but in her drunken stupor she pouted like a small child and promptly pulled Bell's face into her bosom causing his eyes to

widened widely in shock. His arms flayed about in the air as the woman pushed his face deeper into her valley of soft...perky...pillows.

'No...no...shit...I'm losing myself...' Bell thought to himself.

''No! Hic! Bell-kun's m-m-m-m-my...my...myyyy~" however consciousness slipped in-between her fingers and her eyes grew heavy before she slumped forward. Her body falling against Bell

completely which resulted in them both crashing into the floor, but the sound was drowned out by the other customers in the Inn. Still Eina's hair flared out as she fell ontop of Bell who's face was

still buried in her bosom.

''MMMM! HMMMM!'' his arms flailed around wildly, all the while he did everything he could to not scream bloody murder!

'Oh god the PAIN! I didn't think I'd be in this much pain!' he definitely underestimated how much damage his body was undergoing, especially since he'd been trying his best to keep the damage his

body was degrading into from everyone's eyes. Yet when Eina fell on him and brought him to the floor, that simple action alone made it feel like his body was being torn apart piece by piece, flesh by

flesh, bone by bone. Only to be fixed up again and the process starting again and again and again.

The pain, oh kami the pain!

Thankfully, he quickly got a hold of himself and grit his teeth as he took hold of the unconscious Eina and held her up allowing him to pull himself up from the floor. His bones screamed in protest at

the action alone, but he ignored it and pushed away the pain and the degradation of his body into the farthest depths of his mind as he stood up. Picking up Eina he turned towar dhte worried and

surprised eyes of Syr and Ryuu to which he spoke.

''C-can she use one of your rooms for tonight? I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon.'' he said in a veiled expression of amused exasperation.

Thankfully he received a nod from them.

Bless their souls...

''Thanks for doing this, Mia-san.'' Bell thanked the dwarven woman one last time to which she just waved him off with an easy going grin.

''Oh no worries kid, it's well worth it after seeing little Eina finally unwind like that! Now go on and get some rest, you've paid your bill so head on home. Me and the girls will take care of Eina.'' the

woman spoke causing Bell to smile. With a small glance at the sleeping Eina in one of the beds in the dormitory of the Inn he grasped the door knob and closed the door behind him.

Then he let out a sigh as he leaned his head against the door frame. The events of tonight slowly began to weigh on his shoulders and despite what happened with Eina he could still say it was a fun

night for him too, it was a night of which he actually needed. He'd been adventuring for so long now that he almost forgot what it meant to relax himself.

However his eyes narrowed when his body began to shake and with all the resolve built up over the year's he willed his body to calm itself. Contrary to what he looked on the outside, on the inside

his body was still going through excruciating amounts of pain. So much pain that he was sure he broke a molar from gritting his teeth so hard. The taste of copper was evident in his mouth, but he

ignored it for the most part as he let out a slow leveled out breath. Trying to calm himself from the pain that he was earlier under the impression would have settled by now.

''Are you alright, Bell-san?''

….It took everything Bell had not to jump alarm. With all his senses focused on suppressing his internal pain from exploding he hadn't sensed the presence that was near him until it made itself


Slowly he inhaled and exhaled once again before he pulled himself from the door and glanced to his right to see Ryuu gazing at him with her usual stoic expression, but their was a spark of worry in

those blue eyes. That alone made him straight straighter in a thinly veiled attempt to appear just fine.

''Yes...Yes, is something wrong Ryuu-chan?'' he questioned the elf woman who's eyes seemed to narrow in suspicion before she stepped closer toward him.

''You're...trembling. I've been meaning to ask this, but you've been trembling the moment you came to the pub. But now it's gotten worse...'' she commented as she came closer to him. He tried, oh

he so tried to hide the flinch when she laid her slender hand on his shoulder. And he grimaced when he saw her eyes widened in alarm. That alarm only grew into worry when she felt him flinch

against her touch and the way his trembling only got worse.

''You're in pain...'' she breathed out before her eyes cut across to him and Bell merely closed his eyes and hid his obvious agonizing pain behind a small grin. Turning away and quickly walking to the

stairs he spoke.

''I-it's nothing Ryuu-chan I just need some sleep is all! You and Syr-chan get some sleep as well, I-I'll see you later, I promise!'' and with his piece said he ran, he ran down the stairs with a pained

expression causing him to miss Ryuu's expression of horrified shock as she watched him go. The realization came dawning upon her as she looked back down at her hand, the same hand she placed

on Bell only to feel the lasting contact she made with him.

She was an elf, a child of nature itself and thus she was very sensitive to the energies of the world and in other people. Which was why the moment she touched Bell she felt a link between herself

and him form, and in that link she felt what was causing him so much pain. And it took all her years of self-control to not let out a cry of terrified shock.


So much power...

'No...' she thought with horrific realization, her hand tingled in barely suppressed pain, the lingering energies she felt from Bell coursed itself through her hand causing it to burn and tingle slightly.

Her eyes narrowed in worry for the young man that fled as she hid her hand away behind her skirt.

'That was too much power...that sheer amount of power...it was almost like I was drowning in it! And it was...building...expanding. Bell-san's body...it was burning...was he...going through that

the entire time he came here?' her hand went to her heart as she thought about that . The thought alone pained her greatly, thinking that he was going through so much pain before her eyes and

having little to no idea until now. To know the boy who befriended her year's ago was going through that amount of pain right under her nose.

Why...why was he hiding it?!

''...Bell...'' she let out his name for the first time without any suffix to his name. Her worry for him became dominant as she looked back to where she watched him go.

For Bell as he went down the stairs and saw the door leading outside, he all but jumped toward it causing it to snap open as he hurled himself out of the pub. But as he stumbled down the few stairs

from the pub's entrance he let out a hiss as the pain grew more fierce. His body thrummed and pulsed with his power, restrained as it was, and he let out a pained gasp as he almost fell to a knee.

'Why...why hasn't the pain vanished! What's going on!?' stumbling forward Bell bit his lip as he stalked away from the pub, gripping his body for all it was worth. Trying to hold on to the power in his

body that threatened to slip through the cracks of his fleeing control.

And as he walked away he never accounted for the young woman, Syr, watching him go as she leaned against the building she worked in. Her gray eyes watched him go with a sorrow filled light and

an expression of anguish formed upon her face. In light of watching him, Bell, the man of her affections walk away in such obvious tormenting pain, Syr Flova's eyes closed in grief. Her hands

gripped at the hem of her shirt as she turned and walked away from the pub, entering the alleyway Syr opened her eyes again...

Only to show her once gray eyes had melded away into a royal purple that glinted with a power that was otherworldly and yet the pain in those eyes were true. Pain from the heart, sorrow from the

soul, anguish from the love she harbored for the young man that walked away from the pub, from her.

''Bell...I knew...I knew it had to be you...but why...why must you be in so much pain?''

At this point, Bell was sure no one knew what true pain was like better then he did at this very moment. With each step he took, his body was literally bursting, his bones broke and regenerated at

the same pace. His clothes tore at the seems as his body exploded with his breath he took, blood spewed from various parts of his body. With each pained gasp of air, his power, his natural born

energy, his chakra slipped from the cracks of his control. By the moment he reached the church, his body was soaked in crimson, each footstep left behind a bloody footprint, blood poured from his

body that was tearing itself apart to restrain the power within him. His once pure white hair was darkening into a rusty red from the blood pouring from his scalp.

'What's...what's happening to me...this...this isn't supposed to be happening...this should have stopped long ago...Hestia...I need...Hestia...' that was the sole driving force that kept him from falling

at this point. He knew without a shadow of a doubt Hestia would know what was wrong with him and would be able to heal him. At first he thought this was just a consequence of releasing a bit of

his power prematurely at the labyrinth earlier today, but now the pain's only grown to such a degree that it was tearing his body apart.

He tried to seal it in the labyrinth earlier, but had something gone wrong? Why was his power breaking out? He locked it away for that very reason!

The red life giving liquid dripped from his body as opened the door to the church, and once it closed behind him Bell didn't have time to even call for Hestia as he lost all self control and fell to his

knee's as another wave of mind numbing pain surged forth in the form of another pulse. He gasped, but as his hands fell to the floor his eyes widened as yet another pulse, many times stronger,

escaped his body.

Then...then Bell screamed.


In a horrific display of gore, blood exploded from his body again. Painting the churches inner walls crimson, tainting the cross in front of him red with his blood. In that instant, Bell lost

consciousness and his body fell face first too the floor. If one were to even look at his body now they would have wretched after seeing his back and chest blown out by some unseen force. His open

eyes, wide in shock were gone, and his mouth was in the form of a perpetual scream of agony.


Then what followed was a wave of pure jet black darkness that leaked out from his torn, and broken body. It took on the form of a black void of nothingness, a misty black that leaked off his body

before it seemed to latch onto his body. The light of the moon itself was snuffed out by the darkness that came out from the boy's body before it took hold of the seemingly dead young boy and

wrapped itself around him.

Slowly, the darkness seeped back into the boy's flesh causing the wounds on his person to instantly regenerate at a speed that was far faster than normal. His blown out chest grew back, his lungs

and heart regenerated back and his bones came back in the span of a second. For all intents and purposes, Bell looked perfectly fine now.

However, purple tattoo's began to thrum to life all across his arms, legs, and chest. Each having the design of a flame-like marking that thrummed with a power that was far too alien to ever be

conceived in this world. They grew and stretched among his body like a second skin, going up his waist and shoulders, spanning his chest and up his neck before the markings finally reached his


Then Bell's white eyes flashed...

And a pair of maroon orbs with a ripple-like pattern appeared over the full scope of his eyeballs, but then a comma began to appear over each ring that overlapped each other until their was a total

of 9 comma's. Those dual, abnormally otherworldly eyes unconsciously spun in a hypnotizing manner that seemed to carry a life of their own before the pattern vanished revealing only crimson orbs

with no light of consciousness in them. Then the tattoo's vanished as well, as if they were never their to begin with. Then Bell's eyelids closed to the world.

And then...darkness greeted him like a long lost son.

No one would ever be the wiser of a humanoid figure of pure blackness watching over Bell's unconscious form. It stood with the physique of a man, but it was an entity of void less black that even

when standing on the rooftop, watching from the hole in the ceiling, that even the moon's brilliant radiance could not even reveal it's appearance.

For it had none at all...

The things shoulders trembled in what seemed like quiet laughter, as if the entity found what it had seen to be an amusing spectacle. It's laughter held no emotion though, no life, no death, no soul

whatsoever. It was a hollow chuckle, one fit for an entity such as itself.

''Finally you start to amuse me, child. I suppose you aren't a complete failure as I once imagined.'' the figure crouched low, staring aimlessly at the prone body of Bell with no eyes, but it

was still staring down at the unconscious young man as if it could see him, through him and read his complete soul bare, as if it were an open book to it.

And it was...

''Yes….Yes...Continue this little show, boy. Show me, prove to me that you aren't an utter failure like the rest of these wretches." with the thing's piece said, it just...vanished. No

smoke, no display of power, no wisp of wind...no nothing.

It just vanished...

All the while Bell would remain oblivious about the letter left behind in his and Hestia's room.

An hour passed, and in the midnight sky under the light of the moon, the churches door slowly creaked open to reveal the physique of another man whom. The man stopped once he saw all the

blood around the churches interior and a low whistle escaped the man.

''Woooow~ This explains the blood I saw earlier...'' he said in a grim acknowledgment before turning his shadowed gaze upon the prone form of Bell in the center of the churches floor. With a

somber silence the man walked toward him before coming to the young man's side. And soon his appearance was revealed to be a young man wearing an attire consisting of what would be mostly

western with a cowboy hat that covered his naturally curly sandy blond hair. The distinct feature he had was a pure white feather which was stuck into the fabric of his hat.

''Well...old man Zeus wasn't kidding when he said it wouldn't be pretty when I found you. However, I didn't think you would be this banged up kid.'' the man spoke before a content smile crossed his

features. ''Oh well, at least I found you before the others did...now up you go!'' with a small grunt of effort the man lifted the young Bell onto his shoulder and with a brief flash of white the man

vanished with the unconscious Bell.

There was an unspoken rule among the Gods and Goddesses, an unofficial law that many had to follow lest they risk damnation upon themselves. It was a rule that no one had dared to tread upon

as the consequences of such a foolish action were very real and were very terrifying for any foolish deity that did such a idiotic thing.

And that was to cross a certain Goddess, a Goddess that many overlooked due to her rather young appearance, but time and time and time again vastly underestimated the sheer magnitude of

power she wielded among the seven Heavens. This Goddess was one that was for the majority of her very being a compassionate and loving woman to anyone. She was a kind, pure soul at heart.

Yet when spited, she was one of the most dangerous entities to ever grace the Heaven's, in her wrath chaos would follow, in her hands even others Gods fell before her as she has proven time and

time again. Those that truly truly earned her fury would never have time to even apologize as she would bring down upon them a fury that nigh any deity would ever imagine.

The only ones who learned early on about this was her close friends and her siblings that knew about her true power. She was a Goddess that was not as well known as others on earth, but in the

Heaven's her very name was like speaking of a nightmare come to life.

Hestia was the Goddess of the Hearth, the exemplar of the governing figure of family. She loved family, family is what she always wanted, it is what she has always wanted to have even in her youth

with her siblings. Yet she could never have such a thing for most of her siblings were either pompous fools, idiots with an ego the size of the earth, a pervert that had the libido the size of the galaxy

and an absolute airhead.

Her siblings never knew the value of family and for the longest amount of time she wondered if she would have such a thing. Yet in just a few short years in what was her long long long life, Hestia

had finally found her family. She had found her family in the form of a young boy who grew up to become a man. A man that would become something more, something that she herself would never

have dreamed of becoming until a few year's earlier.

She had found a family in the man she loved with all of her soul. Hestia loved Bell with all of her being, her heart was always in his hands. He was her family and in him she loved him and wanted to

spend the rest of her life with him. She loved everything about that man, his compassion for her, his devotion to her and his small circle of friends. His willingness to go above and beyond the realms

of what was possible just to support her. His resolve to protect her through whatever was thrown at them.

Hestia knew she had it bad...very bad for Bell Ōtsutsuki, but she didn't care as she loved him. From the moment she found the young boy in the alleyways of Orario until now. She had fallen head

over heels for him in such a manner that even Aphrodite herself would have been jealous by her sheer unquestioning love she had for him, and only him.

However there was one thing she wanted from him, a selfish desire really, but of all the things he has done for her, the one thing she truly wanted from Bell was his love and if possible maybe...just

maybe...have a family with him...to love and to be loved in return...to have children with him. To always be in his arms was her dream.

And yet...the love of her immortal life was being threatened...

By her fellow deities...

The line between self control and going on a murderous rampage was becoming increasingly blurry to Hestia as she stalked towards the Gods Council chambers. Her blue eyes were unusually cold,

colder then the very void itself. Even the sounds of the party Ganesha was throwing below the temple did little to affect her temperamental state.

Truly, the only thing that could quell Hestia's anger that built upon by year's of watching her love be slandered by overly cautious Gods and Goddesses was Bell himself.

Yet...he was not there to stop her.

It would take a miracle for her to come out of this meeting this time without tearing most of her fellow deities apart.

Once Hestia reached the doors that led inside the Council chambers she stopped and took a deep breathe before she exhaled. Closing her eyes she let her thoughts go to the love of her life and of

all the slander he's suffered by the hands of the deities in this very room. To have to undergo a double life to protect her and his friends from them and his potential enemies. To have been given the

alias of the very entity that long ago had been the nemesis of the Gods themselves.

A image of Bell's smiling visage materialized in her mind and a small smile made it's way onto her face and she placed a hand over her heart which thrummed lightly at the image of her dearly


'Bell...give me some of your resolve so I don't lose myself in this.' with her resolve renewed if ever so slightly, Hestia's expression was hidden behind a facade of her usual happy-go lucky

personality. With a reignited fire she placed her hands on the doors and went on in...

She would have no idea of the change that would come about this meeting.