
Danmachi:Suffer Or Suffer

I died. Met god. Reincarnation Cliche. yep thats all. (Expect some 3rd grade grammer fr)

BlessedByBadluck · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Slave Traders

Soo where do I start?

Yep I reincarnated, that too in a medievial world.

God wasn't capping when he said he would give me another chance in life.

Even though I have no idea in which world I have reincarnated in. (yet)

I was born in a very small village. There was about 50 residents here. Unfortunately, or fortunately I was an orphan.

I don't really know what would I have done if I had a family in this world. I doubt I would have been able to look up to them as Parents.

I was a bit too attached to my parents from my previous life. I mean they took care of me my entire life and I could tell they loved me. That too for no reason.

I personally believe that when you love someone for no reason. That is real love because imagine you love someone for something and when that something is gone will your love also be gone?

So yea I am kinda grateful I was an orphan.

The villagers took care of me since my parents were dead.

Oh by the way all the villagers in the villages, including my dead parents used to be bandits. They used to make a living by robbing people and shit but at the end they decided to live a life of peace and harmony and formed a small village.

Anyway the villagers are quite nice. I have memorized every single villager's name but I doubt I would be staying in this village for long.

Apparently Gods have descended in this world and live with mortals.

I honestly doubt that since I have never seen a God except, Of course the god who reincarnated me here.

(The mc don't know about Danmachi)

I think the villagers are pranking me by making up stories, But I will know soon enough....soon.

By the way my name is Aghor which literally means fearless. I honestly quite like this name.

I am currently 9 years old and was living with mah new homie and brother alike Rex.

Rex too is an orphan and we live together in the same house. We became quite close due to both of us being the only orphans in the village.

I was thinking of leaving this village after I turn 15 but I did not expect to leave this village a lot sooner.


It was just a normal evening. I was chilling at my house in the village with Rex but then I heard shouting and screaming coming from outside.

"What was that?!" Rex said in a surprised tone.

"Welp we gotta check it out" I said and we both went out of the house just to look at absolute chaos. The entire village was caught in fire.

"RUNN OR HIDE!FAST!" Said a villager

"Luis??WHAT IS HAPPENING??" I said

Luis was a nice guy , Almost like a big brother. He took care of all my needs and necessorities.


His entire body was cutted in half and blood was spraying from his body like a fountain.

His blood dyed me and Rex in red.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH ITS BLOOD!, BLOOD!" Rex was literally screaming. Looks like he is traumitized.

This scene shaked me to my core. After my parents from my previous life died I had became soft. I was scared for my life and my knees started shaking.

"Aah I found some children, Children fetch for a lot especially demi humans." Said the menancary. I was so scared that I lost my balance and fell on the ground. Was I gonna become a slave??

Speaking of demi-human, Rex was a cat boy. Yes not a cat girl but a cat BOY!

"C'mere babies I won't hurt you as long as you be obedient." He said in a tone which disgusted me

He came to pick me and Rex. Rex already lost conciousness but I was still on my knees.

He picked Rex and put him on his shoulder.

"Heh, good stuff" he said in a disgusting tone.

After that he came to pick me up too but where he saw someone weak, I saw an oppurtunity.

Suddenly I was feeling angry. Why?Why does it have to be me?I was finally starting to enjoy my life and some random assed NPC had to come in and ruin it?I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT!

When he was about to come pick me up I punched him in his solar plexus which would have atleast hurt him....that is if it was in my old world.

This guy's solar plexus was as hard as metal.

"So you do not want to obey eh?" he said that and cut off my left arm.

"AAAAH FUCK IT HURTS IT HURTS!" I said while crying. This was the worst pain I had ever experienced.

"Because of you I will get paid less, DAMAGED SLAVES SELL FOR LESS!You should have been obedient as I said!" He made it sound like it was my fault.

This made me even more angry but I could not do anything other than crying in pain.

Slowly but surely I was starting to lose conciousness.

"FUCK YOU KID!" He said that and started kicking me in my stomach.

Each of his kicks hit like a goddamn bulldozer

I lost conciousness after that.


It isn't really interesting right now (since the story just started)but it will be better in the future (I think)