
Danmachi:Suffer Or Suffer

I died. Met god. Reincarnation Cliche. yep thats all. (Expect some 3rd grade grammer fr)

BlessedByBadluck · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Slave Traders (2)

I woke up in a carriage. My left arm was bandaged with a dirty cloth.

"What is this? Where am i?SHIT Where is my arm?!" Slowly my memories started coming back and I couldn't help but cry.

Luis,Rex and all the villagers.

They killed the villagers who could fight and took the children and women as slaves.

Everywhere I go, Misfortune follows. Maybe if I died or never existed this would have never happened.

Right next to me was Rex, Unconcious.

"Oi ni- *cough* *cough*" Fuck my throat was dry. How long was I unconcious?

"Don't force it, Kid." Said the beastkin sitting in front of me.

"They will soon bring food and water, Just wait"

After 2 hrs which felt like 2 years. We got some soup which was literally water with a cup of water.

After getting beaten up by the Slave Traders AGAIN we could finally eat.

After getting beaten up by the slavetraders, Rex also woke up.

After eating I asked the beastkin where are we currently and what would happen to us next.

"As if I would know where we are but I know that we are taken in as slaves and are going to end up in Orario."

"Orario?" I asked in confusion.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know Orario?"

"I really don't" I said in confusion.

"Really? You don't know about Orario?Adventerers?Gods?What are you an alien?"

well I knew about the God part but I didn't confirm it yet soo.

After hearing that I went quiet.

We are slaves now. It was hard to digest honestly.

Rex also wasn't in the mood to speak so I went to sleep. Again.

The next day we had almost reached Orario.

I don't know how I was feeling. I was feeling a mixture of emotions but mainly, Anger. Both at myself and these Slave Traders who are also ex adventurers.

No wonder I could not hurt that guy which looked like straight up Corkus from Berserk.

He used to be an level 4 adventurer called Greed.

When I woke up the Beastkin whose name was Quaz told me everything. Adventurers, Falna, Dungeon etc.

We were the only three slaves being transported to Orario. Rest of the villagers who survived were taken somewhere else.

One day if I get stronger I would kill those guys and look for the villagers.

Those people were techincally my family. Ain't no way I am just gonna leave them behind.

I hope they manage to survive somehow till I become strong enough.

I don't understand, If gods actually exists in this world. why does slavery still exist?

This just makes me doubt if they are actually Gods or some imposters.

Rex has also gone in his emo evil villain arc.

Everything about him screamed "Ah yes I am the real deal. inside me exists an never ending abyss darker than black."

Honestly I can't blame him going through the villain arc.

and just like that we reached Orario.


Kinda short ch but its 1 am and i have tuiton classes at 6 am soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯