

A happy expression flashed on 23-year-old Hao Yun's face as he paid for a bouquet of roses. His brown eyes that matched his brownish hair, together with his fair skin could make women swoon. He gleefully hopped around like a little child as he was walking down the streets of Paris. It was their 5th anniversary with his girlfriend Meng Lin. He wasn't rich nor was he poor. He just had a stable income as a call center agent and saved money to take a trip outside his country to celebrate their anniversary. He stopped by a patisserie and bought a cake as well thinking he should go all-out to surprise his beloved.

Hao Yun shoved his left hand inside his pocket and grabbed a small black box then opening it. Inside was a silver ring with 'HYxML' engraved on its back portion. "We've already known each other for five years. I really need to step up my game and propose to her" he spoke to himself.

As the daylight turned dimmer, little did he know that his life would also be like the daylight.

He opened the door of the room of the hotel they were staying in as he scanned the room. It was dark and cold, indicating that no one was there. His heart shattered at his sudden realization that his love for Meng Lin will never be reciprocated. His hands tapped the switch on the wall as the lights suddenly blinded him.

Hao Yun, taking large steps toward the table, took out a pen and paper. His tears were falling as he was writing his feelings out. The strong man that he always portrayed to be broke down and only a whimpering man can be seen. With heavy heart, he packed his things and put them in his luggage and left the room, his silhouette fading away.


Meng Lin was drinking in a club and when she noticed the time, it was already 11 PM. She felt it was late enough and that she could go back. She was avoiding Hao Yun due to the fact that he could not spark any interest in her and that she also thinks he's boring. Reminiscing their time in college when he was courting her, she only decided to agree to pass the time because she was still hung up on her ex-boyfriend that time. She didn't expect they could maintain it this long. Just as she opened the door to their room, her eyes revealed loneliness. Though the room was bright, there was no trace of Hao Yun. Only a letter caught her interest. She dashed towards the table and read the contents of the letter.

[Happy anniversary! Or it was supposed to be. We've made it here together but now I guess this is our finish line. I truly was happy with our time together and have not regretted every moment of it. You have to take care of yourself now, alright? I won't be near but I'm joining the army so I guess that counts as protecting you. This might be the last time you'll hear from me so for the last time, I love you.]

As Meng Lin finished reading, she clenched her chest in pain, feeling thousands of needles prickling her heart. Tears started falling and sobs could be heard. She knew how dangerous the situation of the army in China so without hesitation, she took out her phone and dialed his number to call. However, it couldn't connect. The phone was off. Hao Yun's phone was turned off. She then realized that she really did develop feelings for him but was in constant denial. It was too late now. She could only hope for his safe return and tell him.


3 years later and Meng Lin was now a successful CEO of Meng Corporation, the largest business venture in China. With Hao Yun as her inspiration, she could only strive for success.

"Ma'am, a man from the army is here to see you." her secretary informed her as she then raised her head in happiness. This was the day she was waiting for. She hurriedly strode towards the lobby but what greeted her was a downhearted soldier's expression. Meng Lin tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you Miss Meng Lin?" the soldier asked.

"Yes I am. Who might you be?" still with a confused expression, she asked.

"I am someone without importance. I only came here to give these to you." the soldier handed her a letter and a dog tag.

Meng Lin was shaking and nervous. She had seen this situation in a lot of movies. Regret overcame her as she reached for the things.

'How could this be?' she thought to herself.