
Letter and Attachment

She opened the letter and tears started forming in her eyes.

[When you've read this letter, though I did not intend for you to, it would probably mean I perished. I don't actually regret anything, having served my country and protected you in the process. I've heard great news about you here. I am happy that you are successful in life even though that life is without me. I still cannot forget you even until this point though I think you've forgotten me. Ah, what am I saying? You probably have someone else by now and really from the bottom of my heart, I wish you happiness. And right now, if you're thinking why you're the person I sent the letter to, it's because you're the only family I have left. Well, had. But still counts as one, right? Haha. We won't see each other again so might as well ask you for a favor Meng Lin. Take out the old phone I've hidden in your room closet and charge it. My email should still be logged in there. And lastly, take care of yourself for me, alright?]


Meng Lin's legs weakened and she fell to the floor. Tears flowed on her cheek yet she did not produced sobs. The letter devastated her. If only she wasn't foolish during the time Hao Yun was still with her. If only she gave him the love that he deserved. If only she matured earlier. Too many 'if's ran through her head.

The soldier looked down as he turned around without saying a word. Seeing Meng Lin, he also felt just as much sorrow as her. He was Hao Yun's buddy in camp and in war. He'd always tell him about Meng Lin. Their love story, he knew as well. He was heartbroken for his best buddy, leaving the world without ever knowing the true feelings of Meng Lin.

'Brother, I, Ban Shan, will become stronger for you!' Ban Shan thought to himself as he walked out of the building.


The sun was setting and Meng Lin's head was still blank. She hailed a cab absentmindedly and went back to her house. She suddenly remembered Hao Yun's words, 'Take out the old phone I've hidden in your room closet and charge it'. Meng Lin immediately ran towards her room and rummaged through her closet. Within a few minutes, she took out a worn-out phone but still knew it was working. Without a second thought, Meng Lin pulled a cord and charged the phone. She waited for 5 minutes and it automatically turned on. She opened the mailbox hoping that Hao Yun may still be alive and that he sent her a secret message regarding his actual location. Meng Lin opened the latest message that was sent. It was a 10-second video. The thumbnail showed Hao Yun sitting and looking at the camera. She quickly pressed the play button. But her hope was for naught. It was not his location. It showed Hao Yun smiling. And the last part pierced through her heart. It rang through her head. The words she wanted to hear personally are now being delivered to her through the video. "I love you.", these were the last thing she heard right after the world turned black as she lost conciousness.

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