
Dance with the Death

When the death of a college girl brings the beautiful and the brilliant detective Angela Thompson to an abandoned warehouse where she finds a young man near the mutilated corpse. Thinking that she has caught the killer red handed, she arrests him and brings him to the police station which leads to a series of incidents that she shockingly finds is related to her past and the trauma she had endured in the past and tried hard to forget. An Ethan hunt book which has riveting details, a merciless killer and two characters who run against all odds to eliminate the killer who has haunted their past for many years. When one do it for the sake of others and the other for the fun of it. A sociopath and a compassionate detective joins hands together to deal with a even bigger devil.

Sabarinath_Vk · Action
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Three people sat in a dimly lit room. There was an eerie silence that covered them. One of them was a very beautiful woman with black long hair and a jade like face. She had a calm look on her face. The man sitting near her looked sharp and experienced. Although he didn't look as calm as the woman beside him. This was obviously Kevin and Angela.

Both of them were looking at the man who sat opposite to them. The man was in a black suit and his extremely handsome face shone under the bright light hanging above the table. His dark blue eyes and the smirk on his lips made the room more tense. Ethan hunt looked at the people sitting in front of him especially the woman sitting in front of him. She wore a casual blue shirt and had a jacket over it. The glean in her eyes could tell him that she was wise beyond her age, well she was promoted to this position despite her young age that showed the capability of the woman.

'Interesting' Ethan thought as he calmly looked at those green eyes.

"Mr. Hunt, you can start by telling us why were you there at the warehouse" Angela folded her hands and looked at his face for some sort of change in his expression but soon was disappointed because of the lack of any. Ethan just smirked and said in his same playful voice.

"I was just driving around and you know it was rather raining heavily and wanted to escape from the rain when I saw the warehouse, guess what I saw when I entered the warehouse, It was horrible, The poor girl"

Ethan shook his head indicating it was such a pity. Angela scoffed, this guy was playing pity, then why the hell are you still smirking you asshole' Although Angela could bear it due to her calmness, Kevin was not so, he was already short tempered but what Ethan said lit his fuse.

"You said you were just driving around, in that forest, you must be joking me or are you taking us as a joke"

Ethan looked at Kevin and with the annoying smirk he shot back.

" Why can't a person take a break once in a while and I am free to go wherever I want"

This guy was still playing, ok then we will see how much you can play then, Angela hummed while tapping her fingers on the table.

"Mr. Hunt, you said you wanted to get some alone time. Well then can I ask you some questions"

"Oh, go on" Ethan was interested. He thought she would also flip out but she was calm. Interesting very interesting.

"You were there because you knew something would be there weren't you?"

Angela still had the calm tone when she asked the question and looked him right in the eye.

"Oh Interesting, why would you think that? " Ethan leaned forward and looked at Angela with a smile.

This is it, come on entertain me more

"Looking at your outfit, you have just flown in and I have checked it too and that was not too many hours ago. You didn't even change your clothes and rushed first to the warehouse and that means you knew"

Angela stood up from her chair and went beside him sitting on the edge of the table.

"You are clever, may be that is what I did or maybe I am the murderer" Ethan still folded his hands and leaned back with the same irritating smile on his lips.

"You were the one who informed us too right?"

Ethan raised his eyebrows and had a baffled expression, Angela furrowed her brows, this guy was acting and even has the nerve to put on a fake baffled expression, should I just smash him with the chair.

"You knew we were coming and was not surprised when you heard our sound" Ethan looked at Angela in a new light. Yeah, he was impressed for once. How many years has it been? She was good, very good.

Angela sighed and persuaded Ethan this time in a gentle tone, Time to play good cop.

"Come on Ethan, no more girls should die, please tell us where you got the information" Ethan laughed and looked at Angela, that was fast, how did her tone change that fast. He didn't care about the girls who died, but this was way too entertaining to just let it go.

The next sentence from Ethan made Angela jump up from her seat.

" You shouldn't worry about any more girl's dying because that is not going to happen."

Angela narrowed her eyes and looked at Ethan, There was a but in that sentence and she could feel that.

"But many people are going to be killed soon"