
Dance with the Death

When the death of a college girl brings the beautiful and the brilliant detective Angela Thompson to an abandoned warehouse where she finds a young man near the mutilated corpse. Thinking that she has caught the killer red handed, she arrests him and brings him to the police station which leads to a series of incidents that she shockingly finds is related to her past and the trauma she had endured in the past and tried hard to forget. An Ethan hunt book which has riveting details, a merciless killer and two characters who run against all odds to eliminate the killer who has haunted their past for many years. When one do it for the sake of others and the other for the fun of it. A sociopath and a compassionate detective joins hands together to deal with a even bigger devil.

Sabarinath_Vk · Action
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3 Chs

Angela and Ethan

The rain stormed down heavily on the windshield as Angela struggled through the traffic in the city. She had been behind a case which shook the entire city to the core. The case started with a college girl gone missing and ended up being  chopped to pieces and displayed in the back alleys of the city. Primarily the case was considered as a simple murder case and all the police did was to check up on her relatives and friends so that they can find out the culprit.  But all of this changed when a girl of similar age went missing one week later which caused a sudden public response and the media was all over it. The was considered as the biggest crime after 10 years.

Serial killers in this part of the city was always rare and when the people started talking about serial killings and possible suspects were being discussed in the city which lead to a all around media sensation. Captain Frank gates was desperate to shut down all the negative comments about his detectives and all he could do was to  transfer the case to their only detective with a  spotless record in hopes that media would report on the case being handled by the elite of his department.

Angela Thompson has been a detective for 5 years now and was considered as one of the best in the precinct. Her intuitions were always on point and she was one with the eye for minute details. She was always famous in the precinct for her brains as well as her beauty which was not commonly seen in the field. Her slick black long hair  and green eyes were something to  look at and years of training has made her what people call as beauty with brains. 

Although all this were well and good with the case in her hand she had a hard time following the lead and after a month of following leads and after three girls were abducted she was able to track down the killer. His name was John White and was also a bouncer at the near by club where all the girls used to visit. She also found out that he used to follow them around and several eyewitness placed him at scenes where the girls were present.

When she found John she acquired a warrant so that she can search his house but was unable to find him as well as there was nothing in his house that indicated that he was murdering the girls inside the house. When others thought they missed the culprit again and her intuitions were wrong again she once more surprised them with locating a ware house that john frequently drove to from his GPS in the car. She and her partner Kevin raced in the night to the warehouse in the heavy rain so that they could at least save the third girl.

"Do you think she is alive ?" Kevin sat on the passenger seat and his face was dripping with anticipation and tension. They have been behind the case for a month and his face showed weariness, especially from the media that scrutinized them when something  fucked up.

"She should be. He Abducts them on Mondays and kills them probably on Thursdays and dumps them on Friday. So looking at the pattern we should be able to save her if not we are definitely fucked up this time too" Angela increased her speed once more as though sensing the urgency of the situation. She has been behind this son of a bitch for a month and  had already lost two innocent girls. Even if she had to kill the merciless son of a bitch she was going to save the girl this time.

"Don't Worry we are going to save her and catch this bastard this time" Kevin checked up with the back up and said to Angela as though he was  convincing himself. He respected the women beside him so much. Although she faced all kinds of hard ships with her job as it being a male dominated job she was never let down her spirit . whatever happened she was the first one  to respond to any situations and gradually he was absorbed in to her pace and he fell in love with her.  But being partners it was a unappropriate thing all he could do was bear it alone.

Angela smiled at Kevin and further increased her speed to the limit as she neared the warehouse. It was situated at a desolate place with no clear path leading to it. The road was muddy with rain and she had a hard time navigating through it.

"We have company. Look at the road" Angela furrowed her brows as she dodged another branch of tree that had fallen to the road due to strong winds.

Kevin looked at the road and found out tire tracks leading to the place they were heading to.

"Do you think it is him. May be he came down to finish the last one and is still there" 

Angela slowed down the car as  they almost reached the warehouse she didn't want to alert him and give him an opportunity  to escape.

"May  be . Lets walk from here or he will hear us coming, How much time will the back up take? "

Angela removed her jacket and wore her vest, she took her gun and stealthily walked through the mud road towards the warehouse. Kevin followed her closely looking at the dimly  lit warehouse.

"They are here, I have asked them to follow us silently" Angela nodded and made sure that no one was near the warehouse while Kevin checked the other side and made sure the place was clear.

She neared the exit of the ware house and found out an another SUV  parked outside the warehouse. The black SUV was parked along the exit and  after making sure that nobody was inside it she slowly went inside the warehouse. The inside of the warehouse was dimly light with one or two light bulbs and as she walked inside the warehouse she found a figure crouched down over something on the floor. 

"This is the Police Slowly turn around and raise your hands up in the air" She shouted as soon as she found the figure crouched down on one knee. The figure slowly rose up from his knee but still kept staring down and she was not able to see clearly what was on the ground due to angle from the light. she moved to the figure and peeked at what was on the floor and one glimpse made her face freeze. there it was again the sliced up body parts. it was neatly arranged but what astounded her was unlike the last crime scene the body parts were neatly arranged there was a little bit of sophistication that can be seen like it was an art that was done with the body parts.

The figure in front of the corpse slowly turned around and the first thing she noticed was the cold eyes that penetrated like sharp arrows and although there was a corpse in front of him she could not find any emotion in those eyes. Slowly his whole face came in to view, there was a small playful smile that crept up to his lips looking at the  women standing in front of him with the gun pointed at him.

The loud voice from the back up startled her and made her wake up from the daze, She looked at the figure in front of him and was finally able to look at his profile. The person standing front of her was similar to her age . He had slick black hair and a handsome face. His cold blue eyes and the playful smile on his lips made others shiver while looking at him. While she was carefully studying him he was also carefully studying her ad the mirth in is eyes didn't go unnoticed by her.

" I never knew you guys would arrive so fast, if I have known I would have played around some more" He adjusted his clothes and gradually put down his hands.

"Are you gonna just stand there. When are you guys going to arrest me" He walked forward towards her and stood in front of her. He was head taller than her and looked completely at ease with all the guns pointed at him.

"Let me introduce myself. My Name is Hunt. Ethan Hunt" he slowly raised his hand directed it in front of her for a handshake.

All the people around stood speechless due to the situation and all she could think about was

"Who the hell is this guy?"
