
DAMN am in hell

Jack Dawson's mundane, cynical life takes an unexpected turn when a darkly humorous accident transports him to Hell. Awakening in a realm of eternal damnation, Jack must navigate a bewildering bureaucracy and face both the horrors and absurdities of his new surroundings. Determined to rise above his circumstances, Jack embarks on an epic journey through Hell's complex hierarchy. Along the way, he encounters strange allies, powerful demons, and relentless challenges, all while grappling with his own moral dilemmas.

al6733 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: The Comedy Challenge

The days all began to blend together in Hell, with each a fight to survive and to entertain Garruk. Jack had taken on some rather extraordinary talent as a storyteller among the souls within the settlement. His tales were at one time absurd, at other times tragic, but always designed as such to appeal to the demon lord's appetite for amusement.

One evening, as Jack was regaling a small group with a particularly outrageous story involving a pet goldfish and a failed attempt at a magic trick, Garruk reappeared. There was always a taut energy about his presence, but tonight, in his fiery eyes, something more—a sense of anticipation gleamed.

"Ah, mortal," Garruk boomed, the voice echoing through the night, "I have a special challenge for you tonight."

Jack swallowed nervously, catching Sam's eye briefly. "What kind of challenge?"


Garruk grinned, his sharp teeth glinting in the firelight. "Tonight, you will compete in the Comedy Challenge."


"The Comedy Challenge?" Jack repeated, his mind racing as he wondered what exactly that meant.

Garruk's grin broadened. "You will entertain an audience of demons and souls alike. If you can make them laugh, I shall look upon you with favor. Fail, and. well, let's simply say the consequences shall not be pleasurable."

Jack glanced over at Sam, who nodded at him in encouragement. "You've got this, Jack. Just do what you do best.

Jack stood and followed Garruk through the settlement, coming to a large, open area surrounded by makeshift seating—a crude arena where souls and demons had gathered, their eyes fixed upon Jack with varying degrees of interest and malice.

Garruk gestured for Jack to step into the center of the arena. "Begin, mortal. Show us what you have got."

Jack coughed, trying not to squirm under the weight of so many intense stares. "Uh, all right. Here goes nothing."

He regaled them with a tale of his disastrous attempt to bake a birthday cake for his sister, complete with burnt batter and exploding frosting, and managed to get a cat covered in icing. He embellished the tale with over-the-top gestures and voices, hoping to plop laughter from the crowd.

Fortunately, some giggles came from the audience. Now warmed up, Jack went on to tell a series of misfortunes: about a malfunctioning vacuum cleaner, mistaken identity at a costume party, and an ill-fated encounter with a swarm of bees during a picnic.

As he spoke, Jack could see Garruk's expression shift from amusement to actual laughter. Then the booming guffaws of the demon lord resounded across the arena, setting off the rest; the whole crowd was roaring with laughter now as demons and souls alike were caught up in this hilarious story Jack told.

Jack finished off his final tale with a flourish, bowing theatrically to the audience as they clapped and cheered. Even Garruk was clapping his massive hands together, no small sign of approval.

"Ah, well done, mortal," Garruk said, his voice booming. "You have earned my favor tonight.

Relief washed over Jack, mixed with the sense of prowress. He had faced Comedy Challenge and lived to tell about it. As the crowd began to break up, Jack felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Lila standing behind him, a broad grin on her face.

"You did it," she said, her eyes shining with admiration. "I knew you could.".

Jack smiled, his heart welling up in appreciation. "Thanks, Lila. I couldn't have done it without everyone's support."

She nodded, still looking at him. "You have a gift, Jack. It's more than making people laugh. You bring them hope, even in a place like this."

Jack's smile faltered slightly as a doubt crept into his mind. "I'm not so sure about that. I'm just trying to survive, like everybody else.

Lila shook her head, seeming quite sincere. "No, it is more than that. With every joke, every story, you fight the darkness. It's. inspiring."

Before Jack could say anything to that, Sam moved back over, clopping him on the back. "Great job out there, Jack. Garruk was practically rolling with laughter. You've definitely impressed him."

Jack nodded, still trying to wrap his mind around everything. "Yeah, it was. intense."

Sam smiled. "Milk that victory for what it's worth. You never know when that favor of Garruk's will come in useful."

As they strolled away, down to the little campfire area, Jack failed to brush away the feeling of unease. Sure, he'd won Garruk's favor for now, but Hell was a dicey race on its best terms, so everything could change in an instant. He needed to stay vigilant, honing his skills and building alliances.

Jack lay back that night under the Hellish sky, dimly bright, and reconsidered all he had done since his arrival in this damned land. He faced death; he bartered himself off to a demon lord; he overcame the Comedy Challenge. Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, he found companionship, hope, and a new feeling of purpose.

As sleep finally claimed him, Jack had promised himself that he would keep fighting, to keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles Hell threw in his way, for he had tasted victory tonight, and he was resolved to turn this small triumph into something more: the chance not just to survive Hell but to thrive despite it.

These days blurred into one another, training, scavenging, and telling stories to amuse these souls and demons living in the settlement. Jack found himself growing more confident in his ability to negotiate Hell's treacherous landscape but was never truly off his guard.

One afternoon, Jack strayed from the heart of the settlement in search of supplies. He came across a small gathering standing out of town, huddled together in subdued conversation. They spoke in low tones to one another, their faces wary and tense.

Curious, Jack wandered over slowly. "Hey, what's going on?"

One of them, a haunted-eyed man in his middle age, turned his eyes onto Jack from where he had been staring at the ground. "It's. it's bad news, kid. There's a rumor going around.

A knot formed in Jack's stomach. "What rumor?"

The man nervously looked around him before hunching down lower. "They say. they say Garruk is planning something big. Something that is going to change everything around here."

At this, Jack's heart plunked. Garruk's favor was a double-edged sword from the beginning—protection in return for entertainment—but now, he seemed to realize there was so much more at stake than he previously thought.

"What do you mean, something big?" Jack asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

He jerked his head from side to side. "No one knows for sure. There's word of new alliances being formed, power plays being made. whispers of a ritual that will tip the balance of power in Hell."

Jack's mind raced. He had told Garruk stories to entertain him, and Garruk had been having a good time, but beneath all the laughter lay danger. Now, faced with the possibility of something ominous brewing, Jack knew he needed to tread carefully.

"Thanks for letting me know," Jack said grimly. "I will be keeping an eye out."

The somber nod from the man sent Jack on his way, deep in thought. If Garruk were indeed doing something that was going to affect them all, then he should be prepared. He wanted more information about the situation and the magnitude of the risks, fairly not wanting it again that he or one of his friends was caught off guard.

As he walked, Jack caught Sam in the distance, slapping his sword and practicing his swordsmanship against a makeshift dummy. He hurried over, his mind racing with everything he had learned.

"Sam," Jack said urgently, "we need to talk."

Sam looked up, and for a second, a gleam of concern flickered across those eyes. "What's wrong, Jack?"

Jack relayed what he had overheard—the rumors of Garruk's plans, the talk of alliances and a potentially game-changing ritual. Sam listened intently, his furrowed brow a window into his racing thoughts.

If this was a plan brewing in the mind of Garruk, then they needed more information, but daren't attract unwanted attention upon themselves.

Jack nodded, his brain already racing with the implications. "I'll see what more I can find out discreetly. Maybe Lila or some of the others have heard more."

Sam clapped him on the shoulder. "Be careful, Jack. Garruk's favor might be precarious, but it's keeping us alive for now."

Jack swallowed hard, his resolution hardening. "I won't let us down, Sam. I'll figure this out."

With that, Jack set off to find out more, purpose now poured into every step. He had to unwrap exactly what Garruk intended—the protection of himself and his new friends from whatever evil had been brewing beyond the horizon. There he was, striking through assiduous pathways of Hell, swearing by wit, humor, and survival for them all to see them through whatever was to come next.

Days turned into weeks of tension, as Jack learned more about Garruk's plans. He spoke with Lila and supporters he trusted, trying to piece together scraps of information and rumor passing among the souls and demons of the settlement.

As Jack made his way back to their campfire one evening, fresh from another day of gathering intelligence, he caught Lila waiting in the shadows for him.

"You found something," she spoke in a low measure, her voice nuanced with the feeling of haste.

Jack nodded, his expression dire. "Yeah. There's definitely something big brewing. Garruk's been making alliances with other demon lords, consolidating power. And there's been talk of a ritual that could shift the balance of power in Hell."

Lila's eyes widened. "A ritual? That doesn't sound good."

"It doesn't," Jack agreed, his mind racing with possibilities. "We need to find out more. Figure out what Garruk's planning and how it affects all of us."

"We'll need help," Lila said, her voice firm. "But we have to be careful. Garruk is dangerous, and if he catches wind of what we're doing."

Jack nodded, his jaw set with determination. "I know. But we can't just sit back and do nothing."

Jack and Lila teamed up and involved Sam, along with a few other trusted souls, in the deal; all of them turned out to be very concerned. In secrecy, without prying eyes and listening ears, they gathered together, blending their knowledge and formulating a plan the better to uncover Garruk's intentions.

Jack's was a sense of purpose, like never before, that kept them at work incessantly, piecing together the puzzle. Jack had stopped merely surviving in Hell; he was fighting back with his wits, his determination protecting himself from the looming threat, and those around him.

But deeper into the devouring darkness they went, Jack had the gnawing feeling that he was running out of time. Garruk's plans were unfolding; his influence was becoming so much stronger day by day. And if Jack and his allies didn't do something soon, they risked being swept up in a storm of chaos and destruction unlike anything Hell had ever known.

With the Hellish sky looming over his head, Jack steeled himself on what was ahead. Whatever it was, he did know one thing: he wouldn't turn his back. Not now, not ever.