
DAMN am in hell

Jack Dawson's mundane, cynical life takes an unexpected turn when a darkly humorous accident transports him to Hell. Awakening in a realm of eternal damnation, Jack must navigate a bewildering bureaucracy and face both the horrors and absurdities of his new surroundings. Determined to rise above his circumstances, Jack embarks on an epic journey through Hell's complex hierarchy. Along the way, he encounters strange allies, powerful demons, and relentless challenges, all while grappling with his own moral dilemmas.

al6733 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: A Demon’s Proposition

Jack's days dropped into a different cadence now, filled with training and scavenging, with the odd encounter from Hell's multitude of denizens. He was getting stronger in body and spirit, but constant vigilance was wearing down on him. Every one of the minor victories that he had brought in his path lit him with a glimmer of hope.

It was in one of those unlikely moments of tranquility—around a fire with Sam and some few others—that Jack would crack his first honest laugh in Hell. They all sat swapping stories, tales of lives before, some tragic, some absurdly mundane.

"So there I was," Sam said, "at the company holiday party, completely plastered, trying to convince the CEO that I could juggle flaming torches. Except, I didn't have any torches. I used the centerpiece candles instead. Set the whole tablecloth on fire."

Everyone laughed at that, the sound a strange but welcome comfort in the infernal landscape. Jack couldn't remember the last time he had laughed like this. It felt good.

"Alright, your turn, Jack," Sam said, his eyes twinkling. "What's the silliest thing you ever did?"

Jack grinned as he sank back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, I was in love with this girl in my English class in college, and I wanted to think that I was impressing her by quoting Shakespeare constantly. One day, I saw her in the library, and I thought I'd go for it. I walked up, all confident, and said, 'To be or not to be, that is the question.' Except I slipped on a book someone had left on the floor, fell flat on my face, and knocked over an entire shelf of books."

The group burst into laughter, and even Jack couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. It was a small, bright moment in the midst of darkness.

Just as the laughter was dying away, a deep voice suddenly cut through the air. "What's so funny, mortals?"

Turning around, they saw a tall figure approaching. It was a demon, but not like any Jack had ever seen. The massive creature stood ten feet tall, with dark red skin and black horns twisting forth from his head, eyes like shining embers. Steel seemed to gleam from his armor, lightless and undefined, but telling of power.

Sam rose, his face carefully neutral. "Everyone, stay calm," he said, low. "This is Garruk, one of the local lords of demons."

Garruk looked down upon them, his face an intriguing mix of contempt and curiosity. "What's so funny?"

Jack was still riding his story-telling high and surged with boldness. "Just sharing some funny stories, your. lordship.

The demon raised an eyebrow. "Funny stories? In Hell? Intriguing. Go on, entertain me."

Jack glanced over to Sam, who nodded very slightly. He took a deep breath and stood up. "All right, I'll tell you another one.

He launched into a story about his first job at a fast-food restaurant, where he accidentally served a customer a milkshake with a plastic spoon still stuck in the blender. By the end of the story, even the demon lord was smirking.

"You have a talent for comedy, mortal," Garruk said, his voice a fraction less menacing. "It's rare to find such. levity here.

Jack nodded, feeling a weird wash of nerves and pride. "Thanks."

Garruk's smirk elongated into a grin, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "I like you. You amuse me. I have a proposition for you."

Sam tensed, his eyes thinning. "Careful, Jack," he said warningly.

But Jack was curious. "What kind of proposition?

He hunched ahead, his face only inches from Jack's. "I have grown tired of the usual torments and struggles here. I would be…entertained. Amuse me often enough, and I shall ensure your safety, and provide resources to survive. Refuse, and I shall make your existence here far more. unpleasant than it already is.".

Jack's thoughts raced. He was sure there had to be a catch for something that sounded so good, this kind of opportunity. "What kind of entertainment do you mean?"

Garruk stood up straight again, and his eyes flashed, entertained. "Stories, jokes—anything that will make me laugh. Prove your worth, and you shall live a more comfortable existence. Fail. well, you shall see.

Jack met Sam's gaze, then half-heartedly nodded. "Alright," Jack told Garruk, turning back. "I'll do it."

"Excellent," said Garruk's deep voice. "Now we start. Another story, then."

Jack drew a deep breath and regaled him with the tale of his disastrous camping adventure, in which absolutely nothing seemed to go right. He actually saw the expression on the demon's face change from skeptical to actually amused as he spoke. At the end, Garruk let out a boom of laughter that resounded through the night.

"You have talent, mortal," Garruk said with a chuckle. "I'll be keeping a close eye on you. Don't disappoint me.

With that, the demon lord wheeled and stridingly walked away again, handing the group into stunned silence.


Sam blew out a long breath. "That was. unexpected. But you handled it well, Jack."


Jack nodded. His veins still surged with adrenaline. "Thanks. I just hope I can keep him entertained."


"You'll have to," Sam said seriously. "Garruk isn't known for his patience. But for now, you've bought us some safety."

The circle broke apart, and everybody became lost in their own thoughts. Jack lay down and gazed up at the dark, swirling sky. He had just sold his soul to a demon lord, which was scary but oddly empowering. Though dangerous, for the very first time since his arrival in Hell, Jack felt as if he had some purpose.

The next morning, Jack and Sam took up their training once more. With survival at stake—not just in combat but also in entertaining Garruk—he had never been more determined to get better. They trained hard, with Sam really putting Jack through his paces.

As they took a breather, Jack wiped the sweat on his brow and looked to Sam. "Well, what do you think? Can I really keep Garruk entertained?"

Sam sighed, slumping down beside him. "It is hard to say. Demons can't be predicted. But you got a gift, Jack. You make folks laugh in places, such as this where, usually, humor wouldn't last a day. Use that to your advantage."

Jack nodded feeling determination well up in him mixed with anxiety. "I will. I don't have much choice, do I?"

Sam gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "No, you don't. But you've got us, we'll help you however we can."

That evening, after the group had camped for the night at the same spot beside the fire, Jack noticed a new face among them. It was a young woman with dark hair and sharp green eyes. She seemed out of place; her expression was more thoughtful than fearful.

"Hey," Jack said, sitting down next to her. "I'm Jack. Haven't seen you around before."

She turned her gaze on him, studying his features intently with those bright green eyes.

Jack nodded. "It's a rough place to get used to. How are you holding up?"

Lila shrugged. "As well as anyone can, I suppose. Heard about your deal with Garruk. Bold move."

Jack chuckled nervously. "Yeah, well, sometimes you have to take risks to survive."

Lila smiled, a faint but genuine expression. "True. And it seems you've got a talent for it. Mind if I join you all?"

"Not at all," Jack said, nodding to them all. "The more, the merrier."

Another story led into another, and soon they spoke into the evening, each story earning laughter and applause in turn. Lila kept silent throughout it all, her eyes never leaving Jack. His presence was comforting and yet intriguing, the simple reminder that in Hell one finds moments to connect.

She came over to Jack after the fire had died down and the others drifted off to sleep. "You're different," she said softly. "You still have hope."

Jack looked at her, surprised. "Hope? I don't know about that. I am just trying to survive."

Lila shook her head. "It is more than that. You are fighting for something. That I can see.

Jack sighed heavily, allowing her words to weigh upon him. "Maybe. I just. I don't want to lose myself here."

Lila nodded. "I understand. Just remember, you're not alone. We're all in it together."

Jack smiled warmly, a feeling he hadn't experienced in quite a while. "Thanks, Lila. Means loads."

As he lay down to rest, Jack reflected on just how strange his turns of afterlife had become. He had found allies, a mission, perhaps the slightest glimmer of hope. And so long as he could keep Garruk entertained, he had a chance at survival. For the first time since his arrival in Hell, Jack felt like he moved forward—a step at a time.