
Damaged Mafias

Two powerful Mafias who fell in love with each other, but are supposed to be sworn enemies who hate each other's guts.

Author_Risia · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

My eyes darted towards my phone on the table, I grabbed it and looked at my notifications. Shit! I forgot about Amelia living today, she messaged me and told me that she already boarded the plane and was on her way to America. Now I felt like a completely bad friend. I breathed in deeply, trying to calm down myself.

He got up from the bed, his eyes still on me and I stood there taking the chance to admire his well-defined six-pack of abs.

"Like what you see?"

I shook my head to get out of the trance I was in and replied to him.

"There's nothing to stare at anyways"

He walked up to me slowly like a predator threatening their prey and like the idiot I am, I allowed myself to fall into his trap. He trapped me within his arms and grinned at me"Ginevra, go home before I do something to you"He warned. I scoffed and pushed him away. I quickly grabbed my purse and headed towards the door, I didn't look back to give him the attention he wanted.

I slammed the door shut and walked out of the hotel room. I have been here before, it's a hotel my dad always goes to. Why did he have to bring me here, is he trying to get me into trouble? If only I had a hat to disguise myself, then that would've been much better. If I get spotted here, my father would know right away.

I tried my best to snuck out quietly and got into a taxi. I need to get rid of the awful smell of vodka and change my clothes before going home. Thankfully, there weren't any missed calls from my father. I breathed in deeply and answered back to Amelia, apologizing because I couldn't say goodbye to her.

I walked into a different hotel and asked the receptionist for a different room. This hotel was way better than the one from before. There were a small number of people for which I'm very thankful, it is a lower rank hotel which was small and cozy. I could tell not many rich people go there and that's just great. I needed to keep a very low profile!

The room was filled with pretty paintings probably from small business places which made it look unique, I sat on the bed and enjoyed the warmth of the bed. It's so cozy, I definitely wanted to come back here again.

On the way to the hotel, I bought some clothes so that I could put on after I shower. I want to take a nice steamy hot shower to wash away the stupid thoughts of Leonardo. I played some soothing classical music on my phone to make my day more dramatic. I removed my clothes, danced in the mirror, and started singing like I was in an opera.

I entered the bathtub and placed a small pink bath bomb into the water. My entire body felt relaxed when I entered the water, it was the perfect temperature. I breathed in deeply taking in the rich strawberry scent, the only thing I was missing was someone to massage my feet. It hurt a ton since I danced the night away last night and felt the intense burn under it whenever I took a step.

My eyes closed allowing me to fully relax and quickly I dosed off into a sleep.


The time on my phone was very late by the time, I had woken up. I should have been back home a long time ago!

I started shivering since I spent a long time in the bath, I wrapped a white fluffy towel around me and walked to the room. I quickly put on some tight black jeans, a white crop top, and my black boots. I popped on my favorite raspberry lips gloss and when I was satisfied with the way I looked, I left the hotel.

I texted Amelia to ask her about the highlights of the update on the cunning and brave person who gave my information out to the press. I allowed myself to fully relax and walked around the area in an attempt to find a proper restaurant to eat some food. I didn't want to catch a taxi to go back home knowing I'd stave from hunger.

I should have gotten food from the hotel, but I already signed out. I noticed a small restaurant, the savory smell from the air. A good chicken meal would sit just right on my empty stomach.

As soon as I entered, I was astonished by the amount of appetizing food there was on display. I licked my lips thinking about the way the food would taste on my tongue.

The waitress approached me with a bright smile on her face. Her hair blonde was neatly tied up in a bun with some loose curls framing her face perfectly, she had bow-shaped lips that were painted with some pink lipstick, and her face resembled someone who's innocent.

"Hello miss, what would you like to have?"

I smiled at her clasped my hands together and gazed at her name tag."Lydia"

"Whatever you normally eat, cutie!"

Her face turned bright red and she pushed back a strand of curl behind her ear. She's not innocent, she's gay!

"I'll be right back with your order then"

I nodded and watched as she quickly walked away into the comfort of behind the door to the kitchen. I hope it is some good food and not a plain old salad.

I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to take a healthy salad, she's so petite. Boy, I was wrong she came back with her hands filled with different dishes.

"This one is pork" She stated as soon as I placed it inside of my mouth. I quickly spat it out, and her eyes widened.

"I don't eat pork"

"Why not, pork is so delicious?"She asked.

"I'm allergic"

"Oh hey, aren't you the trending porn star."