
Damaged Mafias

Two powerful Mafias who fell in love with each other, but are supposed to be sworn enemies who hate each other's guts.

Author_Risia · Urban
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Chapter 2


I winced when he yelled out my name. He turned around to face me and the look in his eyes gave off the impression that he's already gone mad. His eyes were twitching and veins appeared on his forehead. The amount of killings, he has done in his life, is taking a toll on his life."Not only, did you get caught by Leonardo, but Jason almost died because of you, and yet still you abandoned him!"He yelled angrily.

"Didn't you say that men are more potent than women?"I replied angrily."Jason is a weakling and I hate having him as a partner, he's too weak, a little craving on his body is nothing" I replied nonchalantly. He shook his head in disappointment. He came up to me with an evil grin and grabbed my arm, he pulled out a sharp pocket knife and started carving words on my arm, all while I stood there emotionless and gazed as blood dripped off, my arm.

Not satisfied with my reaction, he grabbed his gun from the counter. However, this never shocked me, since I've been through this many times before. He shot me in my side and walked off, leaving me wincing and clutching my abdomen in pain.

"I hope this will teach you a lesson!"

I gripped the table in pain and slid down onto the ground. Even if, I felt a lot of pain, I never screamed or shed a tear, like Jason would.

Amelia soon rushed in through the door and looked at me in pity. I hate pity! "Oh Ginevra, I'm so sorry" she whispered."It's not your fault," I replied as she helped me up to my feet. I tried my best not to put all my weight onto her since she was pregnant. I slowly walked into the living room with the help of Amelia and lay on the sofa.

Amelia is the doctor of this family. Every time, someone is injured, she treats them. Since we're basically in the mafia, none of us goes to the hospital to get treated, so she's of good use. Allision was supposed to be the mafia, however, when he met Amelia his wife, he changed his ways and backed down from the position. I believe that Uncle Allision would've been a much better Mafia, he would have never treated his kids In this manner. Amelia once told me the story of how he was a good person and loved my mother very much but since she died everything changed.

She gave me something to drink and a couple of minutes after, I blacked out. When I woke up, I was all patched up. She always does this, to decrease the amount of pain when she removes the bullet.

The Bianchi family has always placed the bullets we removed from our body in a container, each member has their box stored wherever they want it. Most of the bullets, I've ever gotten in my entire life are from my father. We may be related by blood, but ever since I've known myself, I've despised him.

Living in a house with this man feels like, living in a house with the devil. Not that I am any better since he turned me into his killing machine and still gave credit to Jason even when I did most of the killings or shall I say all.

Jason is a coward, he may show my father that he's a boss but honestly, he's just a coward. He's even Afraid of blood and can bearly use a gun properly.

Enzo Bianchi is a coward as well he never gets his hands dirty, he pays someone or uses someone like me and Jason to do the work for him.

Amelia poured some tea for me to drink and we chatted for a while, She told me that Allision planned on taking her far away from here, since he didn't want their children to grow up here in the mix of madness.

If I'm being honest, I once begged Uncle Allision to take back his position in being the head of the mafia family.

There are two mafia families that are the strongest of all times, my family the Bianchi family, and The De Luca family. Our families have been enemies from day one, we both get in each other way and cause riots between each other. I believe my dad has something to do with the De Luca family which caused a lot of hate towards one another.

"What are you gonna name the baby?" I asked as I stared at her stomach as the baby kicked.

"We don't know the gender yet, but if it's a boy Emilson and for a girl Adanelia" she beamed and rubbed her tummy.

"These are lovely names"

"Thank you, Allison, and I chose them"

I watched as Allison came through the door and gave Amelia a passionate kiss. She giggled and I took that as my cue to leave. I can't stand this romance shit! I waddled my way to my room and locked the door, I sighed and grabbed my soft blanket to lie on. My room is pretty basic, the room is painted in white, I once thought of painting it in black but I recognized it would make the room too hot. My sheets are black with small stars on them which reminded me of the nights when I was a kid and there were small sparkling stars to look at when I cried in pain from getting beatings.

I have a closet full of dangerous weapons and gadgets for whenever I need them for missions, knowing that I don't have any more missions for the rest of the day, I decided to go to sleep since I could still feel the stings on my side.


The next day, I woke up to Amelia knocking on my door. She came to check up on me and even brought me my favorite breakfast which is cornetto and eggs. I devoured it since I didn't eat dinner yesterday and felt extremely hungry.

"Allison booked a ticket for us to go to Am

erica tomorrow" She stated happily."So soon?"I asked sadly.

Her face immediately dropped upon seeing my facial expression. Amelia has always been my number one friend and basically the only friend, I can trust. The one who picks me up, when I'm hurt and always used to listen to me when I spoke badly about my father. She sometimes wished she could help me, but that would get her killed.

"We can always meet up one day, or go on late-night calls"

"I know, but it just won't be the same without you"

We hugged each other tightly and since my father had gone out of town, to do some errands as usual, we decided to dress up and go out for the rest of the day. I opened my closet and pulled out a mesmerizing red dress with a v-cut at the top and a long split on the right which looked like it would stop at my thighs, it also sparkled.

"This is perfect to get laid tonight!"Amelia sang in a high-pitched voice. "Ew, no way, well I'll just change."Just like, I suspected Allision was right behind her."Babe, I remember when we were young and you were a scardey cat, just like her"He stated and kissed her forehead, to which she returned with a slap behind his head.

"Do you have to talk about how I was?"She said annoyed and rolled her eyes. He chuckled and left the room.

"It hurts a ton!"

"I don't want to hear about that!"

I shoved an apple in her mouth, which I found on the dressing table when she started talking about her experience. I dramatically sighed and pushed her out of the room, making sure she was perfectly fine out the door, I slammed it shut.

"One day, you're gonna lose it and would've wanted me to tell you some good tips," I rolled my eyes in response. Never happening! I looked for my black heels and placed them near my outfit, Tonight I'm gonna have fun and absolutely no one will disturb my peace. I took a shower making sure not to wet the wound, Amelia cleaned up for me, knowing that she would scold me if I magically made a drop of water go in it. It's terrible listening to a scolding Amelia, it's very irritating how she goes from the list on the list of harmful water going into a wound. I'm surprised she hasn't warned me about it yet. She would say something along the words "They could cut out your abdomen," which is quite funny. I got out quickly and I put on a comfy pink sweater and jeans and white sneakers since we were going on an ice cream date and next eat Chinese food.

I walked down the stairs and met the couple at it again."Can you all quit acting like hungry dogs!"I yelled covering my eyes."Stop being so dramatic, It's just a kiss Ginevra"He stated as he looked into his wife's eyes, in a way I just couldn't understand.

I grabbed Amelia's hand and dragged her out of the house before I puked."Enjoy the rest of your day girls!"

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