
Daily Life of Monster Girls in Alabama

It's time for a monster girl story that takes place in Sweet Home Alabama, nuff said.

GoatmanofAnime · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Wolf in Sheepish Clothing

Writer's Notes

Ok Fam, here we are again. I know you missed me as much as missed you. Man, these last few weeks have been a trial. Started a new job because my previous one had become a saturated with unreliable employees who couldn't pick up the slack, and guess received the brunt of his boss's agitation. So yeah I just dipped as soon as I found a better opportunity. This chapter I am hoping to try and build some understanding of Lyca's personality and hope her and Mirabelle can find some common ground. Now as usual if you have any opinions on the story so far and how it can improve, please leave it in comments or PM me. Well, that's enough of my prattle, onward to the story.

It was later that night after dinner. Everyone in the Bizzell household had turned in and were in their rooms asleep. Well…almost everyone.

Mirabelle lay on her side in her bed staring at the wall in contemplation. A vase of lavender flowers sat on her windowsill as the starry night sky filled her senses with cold uncertainty. It's not like it wasn't uncommon for her to be up that late, her species didn't require much sleep anyway, but this night she was undoubtedly worried. She ran her hand through her lavender strands trying to massage away her anxiety. She had been contemplating using her ability on Lyca for a good two hours now, but she was too afraid of just what she would find. That wolf was so upfront and honest about her intentions there wasn't the slightest hesitation in her words yet she gave off this very strange aura. After her encounter with...him...she didn't want to chance running into another violent encounter with a deeply suppressed subconscious. Besides, she decided to herself long ago that Caleb was the only person who's dreams she ever wanted to go into.

It's no use, I just can't work up the nerve to do so. I'll just have to ask Caleb., she thought adjusting her position so she was kneeling her entire lower body on the bed with her legs firmly tucked in. She closed her eyes and cupped her hands meditatively. Then her eyes shot open suddenly glowing a bright violet light. She felt her entire body become like stone as part of her consciousness left her physical body.

In Caleb's room he was fast asleep after checking over emails from work, gaming messages, and posts from a fanfiction he wrote 5 months ago out of boredom. He should really finish it. On his night stand was brown file folder with information on Lyca's species that he's been reading over after dinner.


Caleb stood in the dreamscape in his white t-shirt and grey pajama bottoms wistfully whistling to himself. He was interrupted as he noticed the mark on his chest glowing followed by the familiar sight of Mirabelle stepping through a portal into his dreams. Putting away her scythe, she changing her attire from pajamas to a simple violet evening gown partially covering her horse-half and a dark purple v-neck that hugged her curves and gave a good view of her ample cleavage. He gave a content grin.

"Hehe you're a bit later than usual. Well, let's get started.", he finished with a snap of his finger as the entire surroundings began changing into a Mediterranean themed restaurant setting with noticeable Southern influences like several state flags hanging from the rafters. The two stood on the outside patio on the 2nd floor looking over the pristine ocean as the evening sunset created a cascade of vibrant colors reflecting from the water surface. Over in the distance were dozens of tall heavily lit buildings juxtaposed with the faint sounds of blaring car horns and bell tolls made by boats from the pier pulling into dock. Mirabelle looked at the surroundings in wonder; pleasantly sniffing the air which was laden with the salty scent of the ocean and delicious food from inside the restaurant.

"Beautiful right? And before you ask, no this isn't from any anime or movie. This is just a restaurant I went with my uncle and cousin in Georgia one Summer. Of course, i put my own little spin on it.", Caleb said pointing at the ocean down below the side of the patio. A colossal blue whale-like creature came leaping out of the water over their heads then landing on the other side of the restaurant with a huge splash like Free Willy. Caleb snapped his fingers creating a huge umbrella to shield them both. It was the legendary pokemon Kyogre, one of Caleb's favorites.

"Woo, that just never gets old! So what should...we...", he ceased his excited outburst after noticing Mirabelle's despondent expression. He grew worried. This was the first time in a long time he's seen Mirabelle upset while in their dream world. Caleb then cupped her cheek in hand forcing her gaze to meet his.

"Moon pie, what wrong? Come on, you know you can tell me anything here. It's a safe spa-oh, wait a sec.", he closed his eyes and concentrated. Ten fully armed soldiers in high-grade battle armor appeared around the perimeter of the patio standing guard, "Ok, now it's an even safer space". Mirabelle let out a snorted giggle before being embraced in a tight hug by the young man.

"You are incorrigible dear.", she whispered nuzzling her head into his chest.

"Heh, hey it come with the territory of being me. Now, tell me what's eating at you.", he finished snapping a stack of lavender scented pillows arranged in the shape of a giant circular bed. Mirabelle shook her head with a smile easing herself into the structure sitting with her human.

"Caleb. I...well it's about Lyca.", she said as Caleb gave her his full attention, "I'm not sure how to say this but...I don't have a good feeling about her".

"Well she did start living with us just several hours ago. Give it some time moon pie, you'll get used to her.", he said assuredly stroking her horse back. He knew she was still shy around most people so it wasn't surprising she'd feel that way towards Lyca.

"I know, and I understand her circumstance...but you seemed a bit quick to allow her to stay with us. I know that's the way you are though. You saw she was in trouble and helped her. I could imagine what she's been through believing you're in a seemingly safe environment only to proven terribly wrong.", she said looking away musingly.

"Yeah, not gonna lie, I wasn't 100% sure about it myself. Sterling kind of put me on the spot and I just kinda rolled with it. But like you said, she was in trouble and I most certainly, no matter the circumstance, was going to help her. I hate to imagine what would have happened to her if the program agents didn't find her in time. But hey, she seems to likes it here so far, so I think we'll all get along well.", he finished with a confident smile.

Mirabelle fidgeted for a minute messing with one of the pillows. Noticing this he gently took her hand getting her attention before saying, "I know that's not all. Lay it allllllll on me Moon pie."

"O-ok. While you were cooking, she and I had a conversation.", she said in a uncertain tone.

"What was it about? if you don't mind me asking.", He said still respecting her privacy.

Mirabelle blushed slightly remembering her words. " Well she commented on close we seemed to be and was essentially said she was happy for us."

"Ah, well that's not really something to be embarrassed about. I-", He stopped when Mirabelle placed a finger to his lips. " Then it got quite bizarre. She started going on about how she wanted in on it, and how she was challenging me for 'alpha female'. I don't know what she meant but...I'm afraid she may do something that'll get us all in trouble with the exchange program. "

"Hmmm that would be problematic. And the 'alpha female' thing? What's that abo-", Caleb muttered before he suddenly remembered something, "Ahhh, now I get it. Moon pie I actually read a little about her species before turning in for the night. Apparently, werewolves are a proud bunch that enjoy testing their mental and physical strength. They live in these hierarchial groups with alphas at the top and Omegas at the very bottom just like normal wolves. Ranks are determined by competing amongst each other through ritualized trials of their choosing to find the strongest among them. It seems they can be pretty violent in that endeavor but they mainly rely on psychological intimidation and their cunning to subdue their opponent and they're surprisingly fair fighters."

Mirabelle shuddered a bit from hearing the last part. "What exactly does that have to do with it?", she asked slightly apprehensive.

"Well she's a lone wolf living with two complete strangers and still adjusting to a new world. I guess when she saw how we were and she felt like just some outsider. Her instincts likely took over to establish a sense of belonging in a new pack. That's my guess at least. Tell me, was she at all hostile towards you when she challenged you?", Caleb explained.

" Well, no. In fact, she seemed to try and encourage me to try and beat her.", Mirabelle said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"See? She's in a new environment and she's doing her best to bring some sense of control in her life. I guess her pride is making her have to earn her place.", he said.

" B-But I don't want to fight her or anything. I...I just...", she started to whimper out before Caleb massaged her back calming her.

"You won't have to get into a physical fight just face her in a game of wits. Give a little challenge to make her feel more at ease with herself. Play some Fighterz or play one of my board games. Don't think of it as a battle for supremacy more like a...bonding experience. And don't worry, I'll be there to mediate so things don't get out of hand.", he finished in a reassuring voice.

Mirabelle let out a sigh of relief at his words, she still felt worried, but more at ease. "O-Ok dear, I'll try my best. Goodness how are you so inciteful for your age?"

"Sweetheart, I had a therapist for a mom, psychoanalysing people has become an odd habit of mine.", Caleb said with a light chuckle.

" Ah, that makes...a little too much sense.", she uttered with a slight sarcastic giggle.

" yeah well, it comes with the terri-Ahapha!", Caleb spat out patting his belly as a sudden tingling sensation on lower stomach. As if something sharp just brushed passed his skin.

"Caleb?! What's wrong?!", she exclaimed.

" Nothing, it's nothing probably just a itch or something on my body in the real world. Sorry I startled you.", he said rubbing to spot on his stomach. Mirabelle simply gave a nod before leaning into him so they were shoulder to shoulder. She let out a content sigh as she and Caleb enjoyed the sunset.

"Hey, you thirsty?", he said snapping his fingers creating a slim, good-looking in traditional butler attire holding a tray with two glasses filled with white wine. He knelt down and they both took a glass.

"Will that be all sir", the attractive man said in a very regal tone., " yes, thank you Sebastian. As timely as ever."

"Of course sir, I'm not one hell of a butler for nothing", the man said with a courteous bow before disappearing in a poof of purple smoke.

" Really?", Mirabelle said raising an eyebrow to which Caleb lightly shrugged., "ooh, dearearn't look now but...moon stick", she said with a smile creating a pink wand with a yellow crescent moon then pointed it upwards making circles with it. They looked upwards to see a colossal butterfly with a rounded body covered in brightly colored fur and six small bird-like legs circling the restaurant. With every flap of it's multicolored wings, the brightly colored dust left a cascading ring of illuminating light; and in the middle, 'DreamMaster4ever'. The two looked at each other with loving smiles.

" I had a feeling showing my kaiju movie collection was a good idea.", Caleb said with a snarky wink as Mirabelle gave him a peck on the cheek, "You're so easy to please Caleb".

" Lali-ho.", they both said with a klink of their glasses and a short but passionate kiss.

In the back of her mind though, Mirabelle knew she didn't tell everything. She couldn't tell him the challenge was because of him. It cgirlsmake things worse if he intervened. Besides, she wanted to try and deal with this herself first.

The next morning

A peaceful and serene Summer morning enraptured the entire town in a warm blanket of soft sun rays. The birds could be heard singing their jubilant melody as a light breeze came rasping through the trees caring with it the scent of freshly cut grass. Young children going outside enjoying their well deserved break from school and adults went off to work after a hearty breakfast. Ah yes, a calm, quiet morning in the town of Huntsville for everyone...unless you're Caleb Bizzell.

"GAHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!", the young man exclaimed falling out of his bed backwards with a loud thud. He rubbed the back of his to ease of pain of hitting his head on the floor. He then heard the disjointed chuckles of his wolf girl house guest sitting up on his bed energetically slapping her knee. She had on a simple black exposed belly button T-shirt and black high cut brief panties.

"Damn chief, that's a hell of wake up call. Careful, we may just get noise complaints if every morning will be like this", she started with a slight cocky tone.

"Mornings won't be like this if YOUR not in here UNANNOUNCED! Speaking of, WHY are you in my bedroom?", Caleb growled through his teeth.

"Whoa calm down chief. Well if we're gonna be living here I think it's best we get used to each other real quick. We've passed formal introduction and ate our first dinner together. So the next logical step was to enjoy a good nights sleep together. It's common ritual we werewolves use to get settled into a pack. By the way, you're an excellent cuddler.", she finished with a wink coyly pointing a clawed finger at Caleb's blushing face.

Caleb let out an exasperated sigh massaging away the migraine forming near his temple, "OK, Lyca, I don't know much about werewolf culture and am happy to learn, but with us humans it's kinda frowned upon to sneak into sleeping person's room in the middle of the night."

"Ah come on, you REALLY think I'd do that to just any human? Nah, just you chief. You are something special. I could tell from when first met ya that you're an upstanding guy.", she said with a proud smirk getting down on the floor with her host. Caleb blushed slightly as her thigh lightly brushed against his leg.

"You've haven't been here a full day yet, how are you so sure about that assessment?", Caleb asked incredulously looking away slightly embarrassed of the position they're in.

"Chief, when I arrived on your doorstep I sized you up THOROUGHLY. My mom taught me how to spot the bigots and fakers who only act nice in front of people like us. When I talked to you you didn't falter in your speech, you didn't have any sort of malice, distrust, or criticism in your eyes, and your stature was unflinching yet accepting. Trust me, unlike that other dick head I had the misfortune of staying with, you're great guy.", she finished with slightly shaky tone near the end then beaming a toothy grin showing off her razor sharp white fangs.

Caleb was caught off guard by her impeccably forthright explanation and just settled on accepting the compliment. Suddenly, he his door flew open dramatically which caught his and Lyca's attention. There stood in her dark purple button down sailor moon pajama top with matching sheet-like gown the distressed Mirabelle.

" Caleb, are you alright?! I heard... Screa...ming...", she exclaimed before registering the sight in front of her. The expression began to morph from concern to utter shock and hurt. She was about to let out a distressed shriek before Caleb quickly stopped her.

"Whoa, OK moon pie, before we turn into a crappy anime cliché, allow me to explain what's going on here. Besides I already got a bit of a headache.", Caleb said standing up from his awkward position. As he did though, Lyca got up too putting an elbow to his shoulder leaning on him casually with a smirk aimed at Mirabelle who stood in disbelief. This action incited an annoyed sigh from Caleb. This girl was NOT helping at all.

"Ok, so SHE snuck into MY bedroom at night while I was dead asleep. Apparently, because of a tradition among her people to join a new family. That's it. Nothing happened at all.", Caleb said gesturing to Lyca then noticing Mirabelle's face soften a bit choosing to believe him. She had no reason not to trust him but...still.

" heh, speak for yourself there chief", Lyca said with a wink toward Caleb. Both Caleb and Mirabelle looked at her stunned in confusion, "Ha, the looks on your faces! But no, seriously it's true, I just snuggled up with him for the night. You know getting to know my new leader...on a personal level.", she finished with a slight cooing tone. Mirabelle mouth hung agape as she looked over to an obviously annoyed Caleb pinching the bridge of nose between his eyes. He then moved of to the side almost making Lyca fall over and picked up his phone. It was 7:15 am.

" Alright girls that's enough tomfoolery for right now, get washed up, breakfast in one hour. I need to get dressed so I'm gonna need y'all to bounce.", he said plainly.

Mirabelle expression began to loosen slightly at his words but she was still wary of the werewolf next to him. Lyca looked a bit puzzled before saying, "Hey chief why don't you go wash up first you are man of the house. Ooh you know what? To make things more efficient, how about we ALL use the bath together?! That way we'll all get clean as a pack.", she said with delighted gaze and a slight blush. Caleb felt his heart quicken and his cheeks burned.

" W-WHAAAT!?", Mirabelle exclaimed cupping her mouth as her entire face burned so bright red steam came out of her ears like Popeye as her eyes became purple cartoon spirals.

"Ahem, no Lyca were are not doing...that. I already had a good shower last night. You ladies go on wash up.", he finished calming himself down after Moon pie's outburst.

Both liminals met each other's gaze until Mirabelle, startled by the wolf girl's toothy smile that exposed her fangs, looked away fearfully much to Lyca's confusion.

"OK, outoutout, I need to get dressed", he said shooing the werewolf out of his room to give him privacy. She passed Mirabelle giving a good pat on the back.

"Well, you heard the chief horsey, better hurry while the waters good and hot.", she said scampering off to the bathroom. Before Caleb closed his door, Mirabelle stopped him and looked him in the eyes despairingly.

"C-Caleb I...", she whimpered out before he silenced her pressing a finger to her lip.

"Moon pie, its OK, you have nothing to worry about.", he said encouragingly petting to top of her head making a smile grow on her face. She felt a surge of new found strength flow through her as she peered into her human's caring brown eyes. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of wolf ears had been peaking around the corner of the bathroom door before receding out of sight.

She gave an excited nod and turned around made way for the bathroom with the sound of Caleb's door closing signaling that there was no turning back.

Ok, time to get to work, Caleb thought putting on some light brown slacks and a grey shirt with his company logo on it. On his way out of his room, he looked down at the bathroom door as faint wisps of steam from the waters came seeping the bottom crack. The faint sound of talking and water splashing could be heard. Caleb gave a content smile before heading off to start breakfast. He felt glad to hear the girls getting along well especially for Mirabelle for giving Lyca a chance. Now then, breakfast. He's got two ladies with monster appetites to feed.


"AHHH, Ms. Kessler please..", Mirabelle exclaimed as the young werewolf continued splashing more warm water at her.

"Hahahahaha come on now, I said to call me Lyca. Also, we're in a bath tub that's a freakin' swimming pool. Where's your child-like wonder?", she chuckled as she splashed another big wave at Mirabelle's face.

"*hack* oh dear gods you made me swallow some of the bath water. ", Mirabelle coughed out as the werewolf took a seat outside the tub edge with a slight smirk wiping the sweat from her forehead. She then let out a deep sigh.

" I was just trying to loosen you up a bit. You know, you sure aren't nearly what I expected when I was told a centaur a was living here too. I heard you guys were supposed to be a noble race of courageous, strong warriors; but I don't get that from you. You're kinda shy, nervous...and a bit skittish. What's up with that?", Lyca finished in a slightly disappointed tone.

"W-Well, y-you see I'm from a centaur subspecies called Nightmares. We...don't believe in fighting or any form of violence.", Mirabelle sheepishly explained adjusting the towel around her large mounds of flesh.

"For real? How does a species like that earn such a badass name then?!", Lyca asked incredulously standing up quickly causing her own towel to fall off completely.

"I-It's mostly because of our...well...unnatural appearance.", she said pointing at her purple furred horse body and almost wispy purple tail.

"Man, talk about judging a book by its cover.", Lyca said examining her paws, "Guess some things never change."

"Y-yeah", said Mirabelle.

"So yeah, I'm gonna have to change up my approach to how we decide who'll be Caleb's alpha female. But it has to still be challenging for both of us otherwise what's the point if it's one sided.", Lyca crossed her arms thinking to herself.

" B-But why do we have to do that? Why do we have to compete? I'm sure he cares about both of us.", Mirabelle asked contentiously.

"That cute but you don't need to sugar coat it. I seen how he looks at you, he adores you. I knew as soon as I stepped through that door you two have an incredibly deep bond. But...what am I here...just someone to get in the way of that? Just some nuisance that was taken in out of pity?", she said looking away sadly clutching her paws together until she shook her head trying to drive out her bad memories, "Ahem, so...that's why I'm challenging you, I'll earn my place here and his affection. A true wolf goes after what they want with all they got."

Mirabelle blinked at her statement feeling a bit more understanding of her. Suddenly Mirabelle remembered Caleb's advice from last nights dream, " T-Then h-how about we play a game? Something to test our mental sharpness and tenacity. A test of wits and the ability to adapt to change."

Lyca's ears perked up attentively as a intrigued smirk grew on her face. "I'm listening."

"W-Well I see that you're also quite proficient with that device called a PS4, so we should do that. The best...4 out of 5 matches is the...um, the alpha.", Mirabelle stated trying hilariously to sound intimidating and failing.

Lyca got up and walked over to Mirabelle, much to latter's concern, and stood in front with her arms crossed with her tail swaying penitently. " heh good enough for me, besides wolves are known for our cunning. I'm not gonna lose but you better try your hardest.", Lyca finished tucking her towel to her cleavage with a wide smile staring Mirabelle down.

"S-so you're fine with that? I thought you would have requested something more...combative.", Mirabelle said weakly.

"Well, technically yeah, they're usually a combo of brawn and cleverness but in this case I can settle for just the later. As long as we can play some games like the one last night.", Lyca said.

Mirabelle gulped slightly at the one she meant. She really didn't like how vividly detailed the fighting was, "S-s-sure, that's fair. B-But let's play something we're both new to, that way we'll be on equal ground."

"Heh, I like the way you think, unfamiliar territory is always full of potential. Very well then, let's shake on it.", Lyca said extending her hand.

Mirabelle reluctantly shook Lyca's hand. Challenge accepted. Mirabelle stood holding her competitors hand repeating Caleb's words in her head, its a bonding experience, a bonding experience, a bunny experiment, a bombing asparagus, a bbrrregguh essprrrredf. Mirabelle suddenly felt very light headed and looked at her arm to find that skin had turned bright pink. She looked at Lyca who had a vacant expression and looked to be on the verge of collapse.

"H-hey, howsa long we bent in here?", Lyca slurred trying not to fall over.

" I...don't... know. But...we should... get out.", Mirabelle slurred.

"Good idea", Lyca said lumbering out of the tub towards the exit. Mirabelle did the same nearly tripping on her own towel.

Back in the dining room, Caleb had finished setting up breakfast and was sitting at the table on his phone waiting for his homestays. He looked at the stack of pancakes, sausage and bacon, avocado toast, and home style grits. He then noticed he forgot orange juice and make his way back into the kitchen grabbing some cups from the cabinet and jug from the fridge.

"Man, where are those two?", he questioned pouring the juice thinking it was strange they'd be late for breakfast. Mirabelle especially since she can't seem to get enough of his pancakes and Lyca was at the table so fast last night he swore she teleported.

" Hello dear." "Hey Chief", two voice uttered coming down from the hallway to the entryway of between the kitchen and living room.

"Yeesh, where were you guys? The food was starting to get c-", he began until his eyes grew wide in shock and a blush spread across his face. The girls were standing there sloppily dressed with steam radiating from their bright pink faces. Lyca's jean shorts were unbuttoned leaving her black panties exposed. The straps on her tank top hung limply off her shoulders as the rest of the shirt allowed her braless chest to drift freely. Mirabelle attire was worse. The cloak for her bottom half left her back legs and rear without cover while the entire thing hung lazily to the floor at her front legs. Her lavender blouse was unevenly buttoned giving full view of her stomach as her breasts breasts casually poked through her violet silk bra. Both of them deliriously swayed and staggered like a couple of drunk sorority girls.

Caleb covered his eyes trying to give them some privacy. Suddenly he felt a wetness on his upper lip, he wiped it away to see that it was blood. He had got a nosebleed. Seriously, is this anime cliché day or something?, he thought rolling his eyes.

"Soddy we're late dear. We were just had girl talk.", Mirabelle slurred straggling to keep focus.

"Goddamn, how long were guys in the tub? I can feel y'all body heat from here.", Caleb inquired setting the full glasses next to the jug then going to attend to his house guests.

"I don't know I lost track but it's good, we're all good now let's eat together chief.", Lyca muttered as she stumbled over towards him but tripped over herself. Luckily, Caleb managed to catch her then pick her up bridal style lying her on the couch. Suddenly he felt Mirabelle's slender arms drape around his neck and her hot breath hit his ear which somehow gave him a sudden chill down his spine. Well this is a familiar situation, he thought dryly.

"Everything smells delicious dear, you even made my favorite, blueberry pan...", she trailed off as Caleb could feel her collapsing on top of him; her weight pressing into his back. He turned around ducking under her grabbing her midsection to hold her up. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you look at it, her half exposed breasts were now pressing into Caleb's face. Mirabelle shifted with a light moan holding his head not fully aware of what she was doing. Caleb felt his heart quicken as the tender flesh glided against chest and chin. His brain went cloudy for a minute as his other brain downstairs demanded to take over, he gave himself a good harrrrrd mental slap to get his mind out of the gutter.

ok, OK, OK, Ooook, stay calm. Come on you are not no teenager anymore. they are just boobs. Sweet round supple-NO no no no FOCUS goddammit gotta get these two cool. he thought struggling to keep his himself focused. He used the ottoman as support while he hoisted Mirabelle's upper body and front legs on the couch; lying her on her side and unwrapping her cloak around her legs. He then adjusted the other section of the couch and lifted up her back legs and...rear end. He threw a sheet over be rear to protect her sanctity. So glad she told him not covering the lower half constitutes nudity among centaurs.

"Good grief.", he muttered before going off to kitchen.

...a few minutes later...

"Here you go guys, this should help", Caleb said walking back into the living room with two bottles of cold water. He unscrewed one of them and gently lifted up Mirabelle's head.

"OK, moon pie. Have a drink of this.", he said as she took plaintiff sips before growing into full gulps. When it seemed she could hold it herself, he got the other bottle and did the same procedure for lyca. As soon as she got a few sips, her eyes shot open, swiping the bottle away and guzzling down the refreshing liquid. The two liminals simultaneously let out rejuvenating gasps as Caleb took a couple blue plastic lids from two large bowls to fan them both.

" hahhhh that feels nice, thank you chief. ", Lyca said gratified at the gesture.

" Sigh yes thank you dear.", Mirabelle said contently before noticing where they were. She and Lyca were lying on the couch. She was outstretched on her side lying on the adjacent side of the couch from Lyca.," Wait, weren't we just going to the dining room? What we doing here? She questioned while Lyca looked around realizing she was correct.

"Well it appears a couple of bathing beauties were enjoying this house's personal hot spring a little too much.", Caleb said with a smirk still fanning them.

Both looked at the man with an embarrassed blush thinking of what probably happened in their delirious state. He suddenly stopped fanning and stepped around the couch picking up a serving tray from the kitchen counter. He placed tray on the coffee table and knelt down pulling out two folding TV dinner tables from under the couch.

"Ok, now eat up you two. I'm sure you're both starving.", He said putting a plate of food on each folding tray table in front of each of them. Lyca's plate was full of sausage, bacon, and pancakes and Mirabelle's plate was mostly pancakes with a small side of grits and avocado toast. No soon as he gave Lyca her food her entire demeanor lit up as her tail wagged furiously and her tongue slightly hung out of her wide smile. Caleb then gave them each a tall glass of orange juice.

"Sure am, thanks a whole bunch chief!", she exclaimed before chomping down on the thick juicy meat (wow, that came out wrong).

"Y-yes thank you Caleb... but are you sure it's acceptable to eat here?", Mirabelle asked as Lyca suddenly stopped eating looking up at him then noticing the bit of bacon on the couch cushion and discreetly sweeping them in her palm.

"Eh, don't worry about it, that's what Febreeze and a vacuum are for. You guys just relax I'll be in my office informing my bosses on my progress through video conference. It may last a couple hours but if you need anything just knock.", he said giving each of them a loving pet on the head, " oh and uh, you guys might want to make some...alterations to your attire."

They both tilted their heads at him with their mouths full before looking at each other then down at themselves. Mirabelle was the first to realize by letting out a short yelp.

"EHHHH? O-oh my goodness, how embarrassing and I'm a grown woman.", she whined hugging her chest to cover the open areas and pulling her legs into her body.

" Ah man, knew I was feeling oddly unconstrained.", she with an annoyed grimace standing up shaking her hips to adjust her shorts, "hey chief could you help-"

Caleb then cleared his throat, "Ahem welp, I'll give you guys your privacy. Imma be in my office, later", he said leaving quickly out of the room before Lyca could finish her statement. A door closing could be heard down the hall.

As Mirabelle rebuttoned her shirt and realigned her bra, she gave Lyca a rather dry look. To which the young werewolf simply shrugged with a conceding grin..


An hour had passed and the girls finished breakfast and regained much of their senses, they finally began Lyca's challenge to determine the 'Alpha female'. They've decided to play a game they found hidden among Caleb's collection called 'Tekken 7'. After the opening cinematic finished playing with both liminals in different degrees of astonishment, they went through the process of navigating the menu, choosing controller settings, setting the number of rounds( they chose five per match), and selecting their characters. Mirabelle was at least pleased that the game wasn't as gory as the other fighting game.

The first match was somewhat one-sided; Mirabelle as Kuma and Lyca as Paul Pheonix. Though the two were mainly just button mashing, Lyca came at Mirabelle with ruthless strikes putting the panicking centaur in the corner every time. Eventually it ending with Lyca winning 3 to nothing. Mirabelle was disheartened but remained steadfast in her goal.

However, the following matches was where the momentum started to pick up exponentially. Each of the girls learning and memorizing each others attack patterns and tactically exploiting whatever openings they could find. Every second the television screen was lit ablaze with a flurry of special combos and finishing moves. Both girls hardly even blinking the flames of determination engulfing their pupils. They didn't want to miss a solitary second, neither wished to give their opponent opportunity to land another blow. Character after character each of them went through the roster going through match after match with a few ending in draws. Mirabelle was at least able to keep up with Lyca to the point that they were at a stalemate much to the latter's enjoyment and slight annoyance.

A solid hour and a half passed and Caleb was just coming out of his office after another long design update with his bosses. He walked down to his bedroom stretching the stiffness out of his arms and back from sitting for so long. He took off his company uniform shirt that he wore only during video conferences to make it feel more like he's at their office and replaced it with the T-shirt from earlier. "Hoooookay, hope carbon fiber plating will make durable enough blades to withstand the changing wind gradients.", he said checking his phone to see it was noon. As if on cue his stomach gave a low animalistic growl; lunch time. I wonder how those two little dingalings are getting along, I bet they're hungry too. Wonder what they want to eat, he thought airily walking the hall to the living room.

" Hey guys", he said, "sorry that took so long, they pushed the deadline back to run further tests."

"Uh-huh", they both said in unison furiously mashing the buttons on their controllers.

Caleb stood behind the couch looking down at the two before looking at the TV screen. They were playing Tekken 7, a series he recently got back in to. He looked back down at the girls who wore some of the most intense expressions he had seen on anyone in awhile. Both of them had this aura around that could only be described as unrelenting determination. They were totally in the zone.

" OK, so you guys hun-", he started but then Mirabelle suddenly cut him off.

"Can't talk Caleb. Final match. Must beat Lyca.", Mirabelle uttered quickly still clearly focused. It looked like she was controlling Kazumi Mishimi.

" In your dreams Seabiscuit", Lyca practically growled continuing her button assault. She was controlling Katarina Alves.

Caleb observed them play for a couple minutes. It looks this were in their third round; Lyca and Mirabelle each have a point on under thief health bars. He subconsciously gripped the cushion in anticipation as both their characters had a red glowing aura appear around them; they had entered rage mode. His eyes widened as they camera turned to slow motion as they just nearly landed a deciding blow three times in a row, both barely missing. After the fourth slowmo shot, they finally connected, ending the round in a double K.O. Lyca then let out an audible snarl as Mirabelle held her controller close with eyes narrowed on the screen. This round decides the winner.

Deciding to let them finish up, Caleb went into the kitchen and began making them quick snacks. He diced a couple apples sprinkling some cinnamon sugar into lidded container and put a plate of Johnsonville meatballs in the microwave. He then went back into the living room lightly shaking the closed container of apple cinnamon mixture. He was greeted with the sight of Lyca standing up on the couch legs spread in a crouch position as she wore an annoyed scowl gritting her teeth and furiously mashing her controller. Mirabelle appeared focused but slightly unnerved evident by her slumped posture.

"That's what I'm talking bout! Woo, put them toes on ya girl", Lyca wooed finishing Katarinas rage art delivering a flurry of powerful kicks before sending Mirabelle flying to the corner with one last flying kick to the torso. Mirabelle's health was now in the the red.

"N-Not yet!", Mirabelle proclaimed as she parried Lyca's blows before doing a sweeping kick knocking her down then following up with a few sharp blows now putting Lyca in the red.

Both girls eyes grew sharp with determination. The next hit will decide this challenge. They rushed each other exchanging hit in slow motion just barely missing each other. Lyca tried performing a rising kick but Mirabelle managed to back up in the knick of time.

Seeing her chance Mirabelle sat up straight ears erect. "Now!", Mirabelle exclaimed as Kazumi executed her rage art sending a barrage of strikes at her opponent and finishing with a devastating powered up right hook sending her opponent flying. The screen showed an image a Kazumi doing her signature victory pose.

Mirabelle eyes widened in surprise as smile grew on her face. Lyca's jaw dropped with her arms hanging limply the controller slipping out of her clawed fingers before plopping down on the couch in defeat. She then pushed the button sending the game back to the menu.

" Yay, I won, ow!", Mirabelle chirped happily clapping her fingers before wincing at the sharp pain in her hands.

"Heh, wow you guys really good at this game. But...how's about you guys chill for a bit? Carpal tunnel's no laughing matter.", he chuckled opening up the bowl of homemade apple bites placing them on the coffee table. Mirabelle thanked him massaging her hands as he did. He looked over at Lyca who slumped over staring at the ceiling looking kinda bummed out. He guessed she must have been on a losing streak. A loud dinging sound could be heard from the kitchen. "Oh, that's the meatballs be right back", he said walking off before being stopped by what happened next.

" Mirabelle! Chief!", Lyca exclaimed standing up to straight to attention getting Caleb and Mirabelle's attention ears pointed down, "I...accept my position in the pack. As the omega I follow you both and relinquish myself to you."

"Um, L-Lyca you d-", Mirabelle started but interrupted.

"No. I lost and you fair and square. Plain and simple. So, you are the Alpha female.", she said with a clearly forced smile.

Mirabelle and Caleb stared at each other questioningly then back to Lyca with worried expressions.

Caleb was the first to say something, " Lyca what are you talking about? Relinquish yourself? What do you mean about being the omega?"

"Y- yeah, we're a small pack so their has to be an Alpha pair and one Omega. It's common for the weakest member of the pack to be subservient to superiors", Lyca explained point to herself, "Well now at least I know my place here. It's one I'm quite familiar with."

Caleb stood in confusion for a second before remembering the what he read about werewolves and their hierarchy system.

"W-what do you mean to say?", Mirabelle asked a bit nervous she may strike a nerve.

" Yeah, why would you talk about yourself like that?", Caleb asked

Lyca looked up with despairing eyes, " In my old pack, I was always at the bottom. The others were always so much stronger, faster, and smarter than me. I couldn't keep up so I could never move beyond my position. They treated me like crap for it and I was always hungry from whatever scraps were left from a hunt. You can't do anything without their say so, I was like a living punching bag to them."

Caleb and Mirabelle looked at her with utter shock at how her demeanor has taken a drastic change from earlier. The once chipper and energetic young wolf girl now looked like a wounded puppy. Caleb felt something in the pit of his stomach. Something he hadn't felt since...That day.

"When I heard about the exchange program, I saw my chance to get out of that. Maybe find myself a good enough human to be my Alpha male.", Lyca said with a light blush.

Caleb blinked rapidly at that last comment processing what she said.

"Lyca, yesterday you told me it was part of werewolf tradition to share a mate, so no one is left out. Tell me, is that completely true?", Mirabelle asked standing up as Caleb raised an eyebrow looking at her questioningly before turning his attention back to Lyca.

Lyca paused for a second before taking a seat fiddling her claw, " Well...it's what I think it should be. The truth is unless you prove yourself stronger, you'll never have any chance with the higher ups especially if you're an omega. I've known members who straight up abandoned their previous partner to be with one of higher rank."

Mirabelle and Caleb listened with feelings of remorse for her as she pulled her knees into her looking at Caleb.

"I wanted to be apart of your pack but I knew I needed to prove myself worthy. I wanted at least a shot at being on top just once.", she then looked over at Mirabelle who slightly jumped in surprise, " Guess I was asking for too much. What kind of wolf am if I couldn't even win against you, horsey, someone so timid and frightful?"

Caleb felt a tinge of annoyance from what her insult towards Mirabelle before letting it pass, for now. Mirabelle appeared to ignore it completely still worried about her.

"I know it's not my place to make requests but please...", Lyca whimpered before being interrupted.

" THAT'S ENOUGH.", he exclaimed loudly causing the two liminals to freeze solid in fear at the irate human. He just couldn't hold it in, her words, and feelings were all too familiar to him.

Caleb then walked over to Lyca laying his palm on the top of her head. This caught her attention and she looked up at him in surprise expecting to be reprimanded. Mirabelle was also surprised by this looking at him intently.

"Lyca, I understand the feeling of needing to get out of a bad situation and being treated harshly by others around you, I really do. But you gotta understand, we are not a pack, that's not a thing in human society. You didn't have to earn our acceptance, you were welcome the second you walked through that door.", he said plainly.

" What? Then...what are we? Where do I even belong?", Lyca asked

"We are a family, all of us, and in a family everyone is an equal. We take care of each other. You belong here Lyca, I'm y'alls host so it's my job to take care of you guys. Plain and simple." , He finished as he lightly pet her head.

Lyca sat in a long pause for a minute letting what he said sink in.

"So no more talk about Alphas, Omegas, epsilon, betas, deltas whatever. You are Lyca Kessler and that's good enough for me. Besides, I really can't see myself as an Alpha anything. In this house, we operate in a democracy. Majority rule dictates everything baby.", He said reassuringly.

"But...she beat me...", Lyca started before she was quickly cut off.

"E-Even so you had a lot of fun, right? I certainly did, Halfway through I forgot we were having a serious match. You're quite the compelling and determined person Lyca just watching you motivated me as well.", Mirabelle finished feeling a bit more confident with a bashful smile. Caleb nodded at Mirabelle with a proud smile.

" This is you're home now Lyca. Don't every feel like you have to prove yourself to be here", Caleb finished with a gentle smile.

Lyca looked back and forth between the two. Her tail wagging energetically and tears of joy forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Ohhh, come here guys let's bring it in, family hug time.", Caleb said leaning over the couch arms widely extended inviting them into his embrace. Both girls wrapped themselves around him enjoying their tender and sandwiching his face in between each of their cheeks. They stayed like that for a minute before Caleb decided to turn the mood around.

"So Lyca imma get your meatballs real quick, Mirabelle you should take care of the apples.", he said pointing to the open bowl of chopped up apples before going off to the kitchen.

Lyca looked as he left with a small grin and light blush. She looked at Mirabelle who was blissfully enjoying the cinnamon apples.

" He's a keeper.", Lyca stated as Mirabelle stopped eating and looked at the werewolf next to her.

"Y-yeah.", Mirabelle said with a small smile

" Look, hors- er, Mirabelle. I'm not too good with apologies, but I'm sorry for putting you through this.", Lyca said with her ears tucked toward in shame. Mirabelle surprised at first but decided to just accept it.

"It's fine, like I said, it was actually really fun.", she said with a smile before her face turned serious, "But I must know, What are your intentions with my Caleb?"

Lyca sat crossing her legs into her body looking up at the ceiling pensively, "I don't know, I really like him. He's a great guy and I want to be with him but I know he doesn't see me that way. For now, I guess I'll back off and let you have him to yourself. But don't think I'm giving up on him, I've still got a few tricks."

Mirabelle felt a combination of respect and worry bubble up inside her before saying, "Well, I'm glad you see that way but that doesn't mean I'll sit by and let you take him."

"Heh, you know what, I like you Mirabelle. You may be shy but you got some spunk in you", Lyca said with a smile.

The two shared a pleasant laugh together as Caleb walked with a bowl of meatball covered in a layer of barbecue sauce and a turkey club on a plate for himself.

" Haha what's so funny you two?", he said taking a seat on the couch in between them handing the bowl of meatballs to Lyca as he stomach growled then placing his sandwich on the table.

"Nothing dear just a little girl talk", Mirabelle said jokingly as he rolled his eyes.

Suddenly they heard a short yelping sound like an injured puppy. They looked over at Lyca who having difficult time picking up the meatball. He heard her wince in pain again swearing under her breath.

" Need some help there Lyca", he asked

"No no, it's good Chief, I j-fuck!", she swore as the meatball fellow through her aching claws on onto the floor.

Caleb let out a sigh, " OK, give it here ", he said getting the bowl from much to her chagrin then picking up a meatball with a fork and offering it to her. She gave him a surprised as did Mirabelle.

"I told ya carpel tunnel don't play", he said as Lyca took the meatball in her mouth happily wiggling her body and wagging her tail.

" Thanks Chief, you're so sweet.", Lyca said as he continued to feed her. Mirabelle looked on with disbelief and jealousy before snapping out of it when Lyca gave her a wink while Caleb wasn't looking. Mirabelle gave her an angry moon pie pout.

"O-Ow", Mirabelle exclaimed getting Caleb's and Lyca's attention as she shakily picked up an apple with her fork only to drop it back to the bowl. She then gave Caleb a pleading expression melting her way into his heart. God, those soulful eyes.

" Moon pie, you need some help too? ", he asked plainly to which she meekly nodded. Lyca shot her a narrow eyed scowl to which Mirabelle gave her a somewhat devious smirk while Caleb wasn't looking.


A couple minutes Caleb and the girls were sitting in the living room watching a movie on Netflix, Lego Movie, while toilsomely feeding his hosts with each hand. While the two seemed to enjoy the quality time, he couldn't help but frown sadly at his poor lonely sandwich and his empty stomach eager to have it take up residence. He looked between the two girls sitting closely to him as they seemed to be enjoying the movie.

These girls needed him and in many ways he needed them. But then the starving jackal that was his stomach reminded him of how overly polite he was.

Geez, the things I do for love, He thought mentally shrugging.

Annnnnd done, hoowee. Yeah so, sorry for the late update, this was supposed to be up like two weeks ago. I've just been really occupied. My mom just got back from the hospital, they found some swelling in the glands in her neck that could be a growth but also found spots in her lungs. We have another appointment scheduled to see what that is to see if their connected and if they're not cancerous. Add that to one of my best friends getting killed in a fatal car accident and what do you get? Sadness, depression, and a realization of how fleeting life truly is. I ask for prayer her that's about all I can do now.

So about lyca's past, I honestly didn't know what direction to go in. I had life three different ideas for her and I couldn't decide which one to settle on. After a little too much hieneken one night while working on it, I woke up next morning( with a wicked hangover of course) to find the 'Drunk me' had somehow combined all three ideas into one go. I cleaned up some spelling errors and baddabing new chapter.

Now I'm not 100% sure about how this turned out and I may decide to rewrite Lyca's backstory because you guys deserve me at my best.

So with all that in the open, I say thank you for reading. Make sure, to favorite, follow, and comment. Peace Fam.