
Daily Life of Monster Girls in Alabama

It's time for a monster girl story that takes place in Sweet Home Alabama, nuff said.

GoatmanofAnime · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Howlin Good Time

Writer's Notes

What's good Fam? Ok, you've all voted and here it is. Our new homestay will be *Dramatic Pause* …a… *Dramatic Pause again* WEREWOLF. AHWOOOOOO, that was a close match. Thank you all for voting. Alright this chapter may involve a couple of lemonish bits. But hey, if life gives you lemons you make sure to have plenty of tissue nearby to clean up the spilled `juices. I'm making this chapter a bit more comical and light-hearted, stepping out of the grittiness for a little harmless fun. As usual, I own none of the rights to Monster Musume, please support the official release, and please don't sue my ass. I live in a cave bro *tear*. Now that I'm done dallying your dillies, let's get started.

Two and a half weeks had passed since Mirabelle first arrived to live with Caleb for the durations of the Exchange program. There had been some noticeable changes in the once quiet and humdrum household. For one, Caleb's work schedule became a bit more flexible. After informing his supervisors about his participation in the Exchange program, they agreed to allow him to come into the office two days a week but work primarily on new project designs from home. The beauty of it is he was paid roughly the same but frequently needed to update on his progress through video chats and the occasional in-home visit from his supervisor.

The extra free time he had meant he could help Mirabelle adjust more to living in human society. It was little things like frequenting public grocery stores to get her used to shopping amongst other people or explaining and demonstrating the use of public amenities like the post office. Caleb would explain certain aspects and social constraints pertaining to each place they visited. The two even came across a new shop—Kami House—that had opened in town. It was an anime store with plenty of merchandise to make any hardcore enthusiast drool from happiness. The two made it one of their frequent hangouts almost immediately. It was quite difficult getting Mirabelle to leave once she started reading Sailor Moon manga; Caleb, of course, buy would them for her just to coax her into moving. Every now and again, they would still encounter the occasional disapproving whispers and stares from strangers. A few times they came across an establishment that refused them service because of her species. Caleb made sure to report these places to Sterling. In these instances, Mirabelle would stay huddled closely Caleb—almost trying to hide in his shadow—to this Caleb would always pull her aside and whisper to her 'We'll face it together'. It always seemed to still her mind and calm her a bit.

During one of their excursions, they visited a local farmer's market. Mirabelle was quite jubilant to see the many assortments of fruit and vegetables, even excitedly pointing out gardening facts about each produce. Caleb remembered she told him one of her hobbies was gardening and has read dozens of books on plants. After leaving, Caleb came up with the idea to ask his landlord if Mirabelle could make her own garden in the backyard. He agreed, as long it was kept small. Mirabelle was so happy she rose up on her hindlegs in the house squealing joyfully. Subsequently, destroying the coffee table in the living room on her way down. She didn't stop apologizing for the two days.

Indeed, their days were filled with many trials but also an abundance of happiness.

Today was a blissful, Wednesday morning and Caleb was lying in his bed slowly waking up as the morning sunrays shined through the lite blue curtains with tiny assorted water pokemon lining the hem. The alarm on his phone played AC/DC's 'Shoot to Thrill' at a startling high volume making the young man mentally curse the device for interrupting his slumber. He turned over to silence the small, noisy fiend on the nightstand, when he felt something…squishy and warm in his palm and fingers. He gave a light curious squeeze and a short squeak followed by a low moan came with it.

Why am I getting a weird sense of Déjà vu?, he thought before his eyes suddenly shot open and they were met with Mirabelle's flustered face and glazed over eyes. He looked down to see that his left hand was lightly holding her right breast through the open section of her striped lavender button-down pajama shirt.

"Gah, Mirabelle?", Caleb exclaimed ripping his hand away and adjusting his position so that he was sitting with his back against the wall near the curtains.

"Ah! Uh, good morning Caleb.", the startled and flustered centaur replied trying her hardest not to fumble her words.

Caleb let out a weary sigh rubbing his eyes lazily. He then noticed the collection of blankets and pillows on the side of his bed. "Mirabelle, we've been over this. If you want to sleep together please ask me first. I wouldn't mind the company.", he said as she started to compose herself.

"I'm sorry Caleb. I just got little cold... and a bit lonely and I thought you felt the same so...", she trailed off feeling unsure of herself.

Ok the lonely thing I get, but cold? Come on girl, it was 80 degrees last night, he thought incredulously. He then looked at her adorable sheepish expression and decided to let it

" Look it's no big deal. I appreciate the concern. Plus, you're like the perfect cuddle buddy. I haven't slept this well in the last few years.", he said giving her a sweet smile as he stretched his body. He moved towards the edge and stood in front of where she stood.

"Thank you", She replied tilting her head endearingly, "I'm just happy to see my dear isn't bothered by any troublesome nightmares. No pun intended."

He lightly scratched her horse-like ears warranting a blissful mewl from Mirabelle as she rested head to his hand. "The only nightmares I'm happy to have is this one right here. Pun definitely intended", he said gently furrowing his eyebrows causing her to blush heavily staring into his eyes lovingly. She leaned into laying her head to his chest. He massaged the small of her back as her breasts pushed into his lap. The smooth sensation made his legs feel like jelly. That is until he felt a familiar hardness in his groin area growing slowly. uh-oh, he thought. He then lightly moved her off his lap and moved with his legs crossed to her side hoping she didn't notice. She gave him confused and... slightly disappointed look.

"I…presume you slept well. Did you have any good dreams?", She said cheerfully perking her ears up.

"I think you already know the answer to that.", He said with an imperious smirk.

"Hehe right.", she said with a slight giggle

Caleb then extended his arm toward her with his pinky outstretched expectantly; getting her attention, Mirabelle did the same interlocking their pinkies.

"Lali-Ho!", They chanted in unison while pumping their interlocked fingers then shooting their hands up to the ceiling at the end.

They shared a hearty laugh before they heard the familiar rumbling sound of a starving centaur. "Alright Moon pie, I'm going to take a quick shower then I'll start on breakfast. How's that sound?", he picked up his phone and looked at the time and day. 7:45 a.m. on a Wednesday. Apricot Waffles Day.

"That sounds wonderful dear, I'll put up my bed.", she said picking up a large pillow.

"You know, I may as well get you a mattress in here. ", he said grabbing a green collared shirt that had a strange symbol on it and black jeans.

"I'll take you up on that offer", she replied with a smirk.


Now as the reader, you are probably asking yourself a few questions. Well to do that we'll have to go back a couple weeks.

Comedic rewinding to the past

It was at that Sunday night after Sterling's visit. Caleb was beginning to turn in for the night after finishing the dishes to a lovely dinner with his homestay. After turning off the television and gaming system, he shortly ruminated over the many losses he had to the surprisingly skilled centaur. He straightened up the couch, adjusting the pillows and cushions in the appropriate order and began to make his way to his room. He opened the door but was not prepared for what he saw.

Mirabelle was kneeling on the floor facing the door to his room. She was wearing her purple buttoned up pajamas same beige cape from earlier. He turned on the light and immediately felt an odd tension in the atmosphere. She looked up at him momentarily before nervously looking down to her front legs.

"Mirabelle, ya do know your room is on the other side of the hallway, right?", he said nonchalantly attempting to break the tension.

"Y-yes, of course.", she said softly avoiding eye contact. She then rose up and began to walk out of the room as Caleb maneuvered past her.

"Okay, goodnig-", he started to say before Mirabelle stopped suddenly half-way out the door. She was fidgeting as if she was trying to contain something. "hey, you alright?", he asked growing concerned.

"Caleb", She started, "I heard you and Sterling talking earlier."

She thought back to when she hid around the corner of the hallway after leaving the bathroom. She stood there listening to the two men talk.

Caleb froze thinking of possible reason why she's upset. Suddenly it hit him, she was upset about him casually talking about her traumatic experience with the coordinator behind her back AND telling him, likely, personal information about her people without permission. Ah you stupid insensitive piece of shit, He thought mentally berating himself for not respecting her privacy.

"O-oh, yeah. Look Mirabelle, I'm so sorry, I should have asked you first if it was okay to—?", he said remorsefully before she stopped him.

"Caleb, did you mean it?! When you said I was beautiful?", she asked turning around quivering slightly and hugging her chest with a light blush on her face still avoiding his gaze.

…Wait, What!? That's what she's thinking about? Caleb thought shaking himself out of his critical attitude. He decided to drop it and simply answer her question. That'll come later.

"I…well yeah of course I did. And for the record, I was going to say you're gorgeous.", he said plainly causing her to look up in shock with somewhat hopeful eyes. She gave an inquisitive expression and was to about say something before Caleb interrupted.

"And before you even say it, No, it's not just your human-half I find attractive. I love the horse part of you as well.", Caleb said as he walked over to her side then place his hand on her shoulder. Mirabelle looked at him then glanced down to her lower half.

"How can you be attracted something so…unsightly?", she asked finding the nerve to look him in the eyes.

"What do you mean? It a part of who you are. If anything, it only adds to your beauty not detract from it. Anyone who says it's 'unsightly' has clearly been staring at the sun too damn long.", he finished with an accepting smile. He knelt down to her legs and looked up with an out raised. She hesitated for second but gave him an approving nod. He light brushed the smooth, velvet-like fur on her thick but surprisingly light leg inciting a startled squeak from her. " Your perfect, just how you are."

Mirabelle remained silent for a second; her eyes glistening full of joy as she blushed strawberry pink. Finally, she smiled at Caleb looking up at him longingly. " Caleb", she muttered.

"Yeah?", he said rising to his feet to meet her face to face.

" I...have something to give you", she said meekly fidgeting slightly.

"Is it another mark? cuz I don't need any more besides this one.", he said pulling his shirt down exposing the crescent moon hoofprint, " Hey, is it me? Or has this thing gotten darker".

Mirabelle examined it for a second. It was a little darker. Her eyes sparkled in admiration and she felt a sudden jolt of resolve.

"Y-yes it has. And it's not another mark. Now, please close your eyes.", she spoke almost candidly which surprised him. He mentally shrugged and did as she asked. She stepped up closer and leaned down a bit.

This...is all my courage., she thought as she firmly pressed her lips to Caleb's cheek.

Caleb's shot wide open. She stood looking at him longingly as pressed both her hands in between her cleavage and exhaled slowly.

Caleb blinked rapidly processing what happened until he came out with, " uh...heh well someone's pretty audacious all of a sudden. Guess I have two marks treasure now", he said rubbing the cheek she kissed. She stood silently with a smile, tears forming in the corners of her eye. He got closer and cupped her face which she leaned into. He then saw her lips part and her eyes become glazed over with desire. Deciding to keep things from escalating any further, he gently pulled away much to her surprise.

"Haha, well it's uh getting late we should get some rest. I have work tomorrow so I'll ask Sterling to send someone to watch you", he said nervously rubbing his shoulder.

"O-Ok she said softly then turning around, taking extra precaution not to knock over or break anything, "Good night Caleb dear, sweet dreams.", she said quickly rushing out as she closed the door.

'Sigh, not even two days and I already violated the exchange law. That's gotta be a record somewhere. Also, 'Dear,?', he thought before a horrifying realization made itself known.

"Ahhh shit, I forgot I need to email those damn designs to Rodney.", He exclaimed to himself rushing over to his laptop knocking over two mini Star Wars ship models, "Oh please God, let him have gone overboard with the reception wine."

Later that night as Caleb was fast asleep he began to have another dream. Duh.

Caleb was standing in the same grey, foggy room. He was in his pajamas that consisted of a brown t-shirt and grey pajamas bottoms.

"Seriously, again?", he said an annoyed grimace, "HEY, Mirabelle. I know you can hear me."

As soon he said that a glowing crack appeared in front of him. It outstretched itself to form a circular and stepping through it was the same woman from before. She looked at Caleb with cheerful yet bashful expression.

"Hello Caleb dear. There's no need to shout I was close beside you the whole time.", she said lightly rubbing her ears with her fingers.

"Oh, sorry didn't mean to holler at ya—wait, HOLD up. Mirabelle why did you bring me back here?", he asked.

She looked away pensively for a second before muttering, "I…I just really like having you here. You bring this delightful atmosphere to this place, something no one has ever done. Your dreamscape is so serene."

Caleb felt a bit warmed by her word but shifted himself to stay focused. "Ok, I don't really get what half of that means, but…thanks?"

"What I mean to say is…you're the first person who's never rejected me in this world.", she said with a pleasant grin.

Caleb saw how content she was and decided to simply let his slight grievance pass. "Well…I guess I'm fine with it then. So, if this is my dream scape' as you put it why is it so empty in here except for that couch?", he inquired pointing at the couch from last time., "

"We only ever use our ability to weaken a person's mental barriers thus allowing for suppressed feelings to come spilling out at an uncontrollable rate. To ensure it succeeds, we make sure the dreamscape is almost completely bare so they aren't distracted by the environment. The couch is just used to make them more comfortable to further weaken their guard.", she explained.

Caleb thought for a second before pacing around to her left, her eyes following him to whole time. "That makes sense, I guess. So you're like in my head? Like, can you see my memories or whatever?"

"Well, not exactly. I can project myself in your dreams but I can't see memories because they're two completely different plains on the mental barrier. Have you ever had a dream of a memory? No.", she explained

" huh, well can we make other things in this world? The whole endless void of nothingness vibe is started to make me feel isolated", he said looking around.

" I would dear, but that requires some energy. It takes a bit of effort to first project ourselves into others dreams. Plus, I've never really used this space for anything other than interrogation so I don't know where to begin.", she finished with a slight frown.

" Ahhh come on Mirabelle, just try something simple like-", he trailed off pondering as the mark on his chest began to glow. Mirabelle noticed and was awestruck. "Oh, how about a large field of flowers on a sunny day?".

As soon as he said this the whole was filled with a bright warm light and an enormous field of flowers appeared all around them, filling the entire area in a sweet soothing fragrance.

Mirabelle jaw dropped from astonishment as Caleb nodded approvingly. "See, there ya go."

Mirabelle shook herself out of her trance her eyes still wide as dinner plates. "I-I-I-I…C-Caleb, I-I didn't do that. You did.", she uttered still in astonishment.

"Wait, Really? Oh, here imma try somethin'", he said closing his eyes concentrating. A big bucket of caramel popcorn appeared on the ground. He picked it up and tried some, uttering a delighted hum. It tasted great, the right balance of sweet and salty. "Here try some.", he said tilting the bucket towards her. She took some and hummed happily at the taste. She then had a thought to explain how it was possible.

"Caleb, these flowers and this popcorn, you've seen these before correct?", she asked.

"Uhhh, yeah. Those are daffodils, there's some marigolds, oh those are tiger lilies. You know, some of the flowers I saw at the botanical garden. And this just crackerjack popcorn I used to eat when I was a kid.", he said pointing at the flowers and popcorn bucket.

"Ah, now I think I understand why the scents and tastes feel so real. They're products of your experiences.", she said with a smirk.

She then went up to him and placed a hand to the still glowing mark on his chest. Caleb looked down at it surprised that he just noticed. "That's not all, I believe that you may have inherited some of my power of dream control."

"Seriously?!, so can I go into people's dreams now too?", he asked

"I…don't think so. This ability may be limited to this dreamscape between us. From the looks of things, you have a lot of energy dear.", she explained tilting her head pensively.

"Hey, I'm an Otaku, a wild imagination come with the territory. At least we can still, enjoy ourselves . Go ahead, try and create something. Nothing big, just a little somethin' ", He said with enlivened emphasis.

Mirabelle stood fidgeting a bit before saying, "OK, but...D-don't laugh.". She put her hands up and a small purple sphere appeared in front of her. Out of it came a small purple star shaped creature with beady black eyes, it flies around her making squeaking noises before resting on her shoulder.

"A luma?", he said with an incredulous grin

"Y-yeah", she said meekly as the star creature affectionately rubbed against her cheek.

"hahaha, never took you for a fan of Mario. Think I'll get into character too.", he said wiping his hand around his body instantly changing his pajamas into blue overalls, purple shirt, and brown loafers. Finishing it off with white gloves, then snapped his fingers and a squiggly black mustache appeared on his face. "It's-a me, Caluigi", he said with a comical Italian accent.

Mirabelle chuckled happily at his get-up. Suddenly a thought came to Caleb's attention. "Hey, Mirabelle" .

"Yes, dear?", she said snapping herself to his attention.

"You know you don't have to take that form anymore. I prefer the real you, not some image of what you think I want. Ok?", he said.

Her eyes widened with shock before slowly becoming affectionate and teary. "Y-YES!", she exclaimed delightedly reaching behind her and pulling out…a scythe. It looked to be about 5 feet long with a bright silver staff and golden blade at the end and gold crescent moon patterns on the blade surface. She it to her waist and swiftly cut across herself leaving a glowing violet light shine down to her legs. Her entire lower section began morphing into her horse body. Caleb looked onto the whole scene with utter befuddlement.

"Uhhhh, yeah…ok that's one way to do that. What is that exactly? Besides the obvious.", He said staring at the glistening blade.

"Oh. This is my dream scythe, I mostly use it to enter and exit the dreamscape. It can only exist in said dreamscape so it's kind of a part of me.", she explained before making it disappear in a cloud of purple mist.

"Huh, neat", Caleb said plainly, "Well Mirabelle, I think this marks the start of something undeniably kickass."

"Hehe indeed, sweetheart", she said with a giggle.

"Oh, hey. Are you in my room right now in the real world?", he inquired.

"No, I'm in my room. Thanks to this, I can project myself anywhere you are.", she uttered with a toothy smile placing a hand on Caleb's chest.

"Wow, that's pretty cool. By the way, what's with calling me 'Dear' all of a sudden?", he inquiried

" Its because you're so precious. Do you...not like it?", she said with a pout becoming worried.

"No, no, I like it. I was just caught off guard for a second. But I think it's fair I give you nickname too, just give me time I'll think of something.", he finished eating another piece of popcorn.

" oooh, I can't wait", she exclaimed with a delighted blush.

"Oh hey, I'm really sorry about talking to Sterling about...you know and telling him about the mark.", he said sorrowfully.

" Ah, well I kinda figured you were going to ask eventually, you're just protective like that. And the mark thing...I'm not really mad just a bit embarrassed. But I know for this cultural exchange to work we need to learn more about each other's people", she finished

"OK, but I warn you, we have a lot to talk about.", he said winking.

" he he I'm all ears.", she giggled.

And it's from that moment onwards that Caleb and Mirabelle became dream buddies. Every other night they'd create incredible adventures for themselves and in between learn even more about each other.

After a few dream land adventures, Caleb decided on a name for them.

"Dream Masters?", Mirabelle inquired with a confused expression swirling a purple staff controlling a flock of multi-colored lumas.

"Yeah, I think it suits us. We're the masters of this world so why not?", Caleb explained firing a blaster at mini-tai fighters flying overhead.

"Well…it does sound rather enthralling. Ok, dear.", she said with a smile

"ooh, we need a catchphrase too. How about…Lali-Ho?", he asked quickly blowing up three fighters, resulting in small explosions.

"Um, I think that's pushing it Caleb. Where'd you even come up with that?", she replied raising her eyebrow skeptically.

"It's from an anime I saw with these five guys looking for some vampire. Come on, give it a go. Say it with me. LALI-HO!", he finished as he walked over to her first his fist raised triumphantly.

"um…L-Lali-ho?", she said meekly pointing up a raised fist.

Caleb stood next to her shaking his head. "Come on, put your soul into it. LALI-HO!", she giggled at his childish enthusiasm, before pumping her fist up with his. "LALI-HO" Mirabelle exclaimed embracing her new identity alongside Caleb.

Soon enough the two became practically inseparable; both in the real world and the dreams. To the outside observer it would seem they've been best friends for years by how close they were. It wasn't long before Caleb saw another side of Mirabelle, that he didn't expect. Whenever they went out or Caleb's supervisor would come over, she would act more reserved. However, when they were alone, she was doting, a little sassy, astute, and sometimes even flirtatious. She became less soft-spoken and even a bit more…bold at times in the real world. Caleb didn't mind the change, in fact he felt proud of her from coming out of her shell. Even if it was mostly around him, but any progress is good progress. In truth, Caleb happy to have her around, to know he's making a real difference in another person's life. She was like the breath of life in his zombie-like existence. He eventually decided on a nickname for her—Moon pie—because she's mysterious yet warm and sweet.

Comedic fast-forwarding to the present

Well now that we're all squared away let get back to the story.


Caleb and Mirabelle had just finished their breakfast and now in the kitchen cleaning up the mess. Recently, Mirabelle started helping him out with making breakfast. She figured it was the least she could do since they were living together. Plus, it gave her opportunity to learn a few cooking skills. Now she can make pancakes with only a couple being a little burnt. Progress.

Caleb was wiping off the powdery mix from the counter while Mirabelle hummed blissfully rinsing the plates. He couldn't help but think how she looked like a stereotypical house wife.

After he had finished he went into the living and sat on the couch watching a morning news special. The newsman in navy blue suit and tie and white button-down underneath but his most prominent feature was his receding brown hairline. Next to him was a lamia woman with long green hair, bright emerald eyes, and green-yellow scales on the sides of her face. She had a curvy figure and prominent breasts. It was hard not to notice her entire bottom half was curled up in on herself behind the desk acting as her chair while tail poked through the top.

"In other news, local police and MON forces have arrested the suspects of an underground liminal fighting ring.", said the lamia woman as pictures of the suspects. A man who looked like that one creepy inmate in prison; completes with hokey tattoos and an Orc with golden rings on each ear and bright orange mohawk. She continued, "Both have been taken into custody and are awaiting their trial. The victims of these brutal and inhumane spectacles, many of whom are of the canine liminal breed, have been taken into Interspecies Affairs for medical treatment and psychological evaluation."

Caleb flipped the channel to a movie with a man in a red and black dodging bullets in slow-motion. "Yeesh, the things these bastards won't do these days to earn a quick buck", he muffled with trace of disdain. Suddenly he felt two slender arms wrap around his neck resting on his chest and something big and soft rest against his upper back. He turned around to be met with a snarky grin on Mirabelle's face. He smiled back slightly flushed cupping her cheek with his hand.

"Well, someone's awfully touchy-feely today", he said playfully.

"This coming from the early morning groper?", she said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Touché, Moon pie, touché.", he replied with a wink.

She pushed her breasts into his back a bit harder with a content hum as she lay her chin to at the nape of his neck.

Oh boy, here we go again., he thought hiding his blush. Ever since the two dawned their personas as Dream Master's, Mirabelle became much more direct with her feelings. In the dreams, she was quite adventurous, energetic, and even possessive towards Caleb. Sometimes she'd create more suggestive dream scenarios. A private nudist beach, a co-ed Japanese hot spring, a winter snow lodge where they needed to snuggle closely for warmth. All these times she would always attempt to grind on him; speaking with a sultry voice all the while. At first Caleb wanted to talk to her about it but chalked it up to her taking his advice seriously. Eventually he decided to simply let her have her fun. They were just dreams. They weren't breaking the law or anything.

However, he noticed that Mirabelle began to act progressively more flirtatious in the real world. The displays were relatively harmless with the occasional hugs and platonic kisses but have since become more...audacious. Caleb really didn't mind it too much but was still cautious to not be seen by Sterling in any compromising positions. And no not THAT kind of position.

She shifted a bit pressing her breasts further into his back, " what are you watching dear? It looks rather violent.", she said wincing at the man shooting three guys with one bullet".

Caleb reached up and lightly caressed her cheek " Well it is deadpool after all, the guy isn't exactly known for his negotiation skills.". He noticed that she was growing more uncomfortable until he took her hand into his getting her attention. " hey, I can turn it if you want. I know you get queasy over bloodshed ".

She giggled slightly poking his cheek, " hehe, nah I can handle it if it's just a movie. Besides it gives an excuse to cuddle with my dear.", she said pushing herself a bit more and nibbling his ear. Caleb froze for a second as her warm lips touched his earlobe.

Ok, this is an experience. Can't say I don't like it though, but I should stop her in case-, his thought was then interrupted by a knock on his front door. Getting up from his position, much to Mirabelle's dismay-putting on her signature Moon pie pout.

Caleb opened the front door and stand on the other side was an older man, about a few years older than him. He had pale skin, green eyes, and wore thin framed glass. He was fairly taller than Caleb at least a foot and had a skinny but slightly muscular frame. He wore black khakis with black leather shoes and a green collared shirt with a symbol on side like Caleb's-solid yellow triangle made of arrow with atom model in the middle.

"Good morning, Rodney", Caleb politely greeted the man as he welcomed him in.

" Mornin' Caleb, how you doing?", he said with a gruff Southern accent.

"Fine. So, shall we get started? I spent yesterday in the office finishing up the data analysis for the blades toughness and airflow and created a short CAD simulation for the support lines approximate tensile strength.", he explained casually while oblivious to Mirabelle confused expression.

" That's great Caleb, I'll just need to collect the draft and save a copy of the simulation for the development team ", he said.

" Alright, let's go to my office.", he said showing the man into his home. The man walked through the living room shooting a smile at Mirabelle causing her to tense up nervously.

"Ah, Good mornin' Ma'am, how you doing?", he asked as she lightly jumped from addressing her suddenly.

" I-I'm, fine", she said meekly avoiding eye contact.

Suddenly Caleb came up from behind and spoke to her, "we'll be done in a little bit Mirabelle. Later I'll show you a few American classics on Netflix, k?", he inquired giving her the 'it's alright' face.

She felt her entire body loosen from hearing his voice as a smile grew on her face.

" Ok dear. I'll be out in the garden tending to the violet. They're already sprouting.", she said coolly.

She went out of the sliding doors as the two men made they're way into Caleb's office. It was filled with large drafting schematics hanging in different places. A desk with designing and measuring utensils on it and droors filled with other supplies. There was an adjustable swivel chair at another desk where his Apple desktop computer sat.

"Heh, man she still isn't used to me huh?", Rodney questioned

" Yeah, she's just really shy around most people. Give it more time she'll get used to you.", Caleb said opening the CAD files on his computer.

"Well, she ain't having any trouble being around you. Huh, dear?", he jeered with a chuckle.

" You're one to talk. I'm surprised your homestay even let you out of the house", Caleb retorted raising an eyebrow.

" Hey, even Lamia need their space. Plus, it helps she's a heavy sleeper. ", he rumenated with a grin.

" ha yeah, anyway he's where the cross section allows for the airflow to pass ", Caleb said showing the design on the computer.

*******1 hour later******

After finishing up their work Caleb saw Rodney off with the designs to take to the development team. Caleb was in the kitchen making a pitcher of lemonade as Mirabelle walked in from outside fanning herself with her purple sunhat.

"Hot enough for ya, Moon pie?", he said jokingly handing her a glass full.

"Haha very funny", she teasingly before gulping down the drink. She let out a rejuvenated gasp after finishing it, " so good."

Caleb giggled about to pour himself a glass before his phone rang. He answered it putting the glass down.

"Hello? Yeah...uh-huh...yeah OK...Thanks for the heads up, yeah.", he finished hanging up the phone.

" who was that?", Mirabelle asked

"Agent Sterling. He says he's coming by for something important. It must be if he's calling first, usually he just breaks in.", he explained.

" what do you think he wants?", she asked ignoring the last part.

"Not sure, probably just checking to make sure we're not up to anything illegal? You know, the usual.", his finished in a humdrum tone moving over to the couch and taking a seat as Mirabelle adjusted a part of the couch and did the same.

Caleb changed the channel to another movie of a man and a woman holding each other in freezing waters. Mirabelle sat looking down pensively in silence for a solid minute. He soon noticed something was up and asked her, " Mirabelle, you alright?".

She shifted a bit as she took occasional glances at Caleb.

He moved closer to her and repeated rocked side to side playfully nudging her shoulder with his.

"Come on, moon pie, what's on your mind?", he said with a goofy expression. Mirabelle looked up at him with glazed eyes before a light blush came on her cheek. He felt his heart race and face became more serious.

" Caleb, are...those laws really that important?", she said pressing her chest to his arm inciting a blush from him. ",is it really illegal to love someone?", she finished guiding his hand to her inner front legs. On reflex he gave a light squeeze causing her to quietly moan.

Caleb mentally backhanded himself before slowly pulling his arm free. She gave him a worried expression before he cupped he face forcing her to look at him.

"Moon pie, believe me, I know how you feel.", he said brushing her violet strands, "But you know why we can't do this and you know what will happen to both of us if we're caught. I refuse to lose you."

She lay her head to his shoulder and clutched her hand to his. She looked up at the movie playing a scene where the woman let's go of her dead lover as he sinks into the ocean. A tear came to eye as she clutched his hand tighter.

"Yes...I do, dear. But, it gets frustrating sometimes. I just...want to do...more, show how much you mean to me. Not just in our dreams.", she said with a slight melancholy.

Caleb ruminated thinking of their quality time they spent in their world. He understood what she meant. Despite how real it all seems, they're still only dreams. They can't compare to real intimacy.

"I know Mirabelle, but one moment of heated, unrestrained passion isn't worth losing you. God, I wish they'd amend that section in the bill already. Why is America so fuckin' obstinate?", he said with clear irritation.

Mirabelle placed her other hand into his getting his attention as he saw the trust in her eyes.

" Dear, it's alright. I will never leave you. I'll just keep letting my feelings out in your dreams, they can't take that from us. Plus...the wait is definitely worth it.", she reassured him finishing with wink.

Caleb chuckled before placing a kiss to her forehead. She responded by applying her own to his cheek.

What he did to earn the affection of someone like he'll never know.

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door startling them both to jump out of each other's embrace-giving each other flustered glances before Caleb stood up.

"Coming!", he called out heading to the door.

He opened it revealing Agent Sterling on the front porch. He looked behind him and saw a black van and two men in uniforms similar to Sterling's.

" Good Afternoon, Mr. Baizzel", he stated

"Ugghh, it's Bizzell", Caleb said through his gritted teeth.

"Haha, I know. I just never get tired of that face you always make. Like this.", he said distorting his face.

Caleb let out an exasperated sigh, " Please tell me what this is about Sterling".

"Right, well it involves your status as a host. You've been doing so well for the program, that we're entrusting you with the care of another student.", he finished as he pointed to opening back door of the van.

Before Caleb could voice his opinion the van doors opened with loud clang. A figure leapt out and to Sterling's side. Standing beside him was a young fair-skinned woman of average height a petite but somewhat muscular figure, messy grey-black hair, and kind but critical golden irises. Her arms and legs were covered in grey-black fur and ended in clawed canine-like paws with pads in her palms. She still had five digits. Her fluffy erect canine ears stood on the top of her head with small silver earrings in them. She wore a pair of denim shorts that formed nicely around her tight round rear with hole in the back to allow her bushy tail to poke through. She wore a dark blue sleeveless cut top with a white full moon design that curved around her breasts, which were just a few sizes smaller than Mirabelle's. She had silver brace rings on her wrists. She stood with a proud but playful stature placing her hands to her hips and narrowing her eyes at Caleb.

"This is-", Sterling was then cut off by the young woman.

" HEY, grandpa, I can introduce myself ", she barked at him surprising him and Caleb. Sterling grimaced a bit at her. She circled Caleb sniffing him from head to toe before stopping in front of him.

" Uh, howdy ma'am, I'm Caleb Bizzell.", Caleb said extending his hand slowly.

"Sup, Caleb? I'm Lyca Kessler. You smell good, way better than the last human. Guy was huge smoker.", she said before taking Caleb's hand in a vicelike grip.

After releasing he casually rubbed his hand with an embarrassed grin, "hooooooo child, little lady big handshake". Lyca rubbed the back of her head smugly with a giggle. ," hehe, your kinda tough yourself. You're alright." , she finished wrapping and arm around his neck as her tail wagged energetically.

Suddenly a thought came to Caleb's attention. "Alright Sterling what's the catch? You wouldn't have called about this being important if there wasn't additional information you needed to tell us.", he said with a skeptical tone.

" heh, perceptive as usual kid. Shall we continue this inside, it's hotter than Lucifer's loins out here. ", he said fanning himself with a manila document.

" Of course, I've got a pitcher of lemonade in the freezer. I'll fix y'all some", he said.

They all walked in as Lyca clung to Caleb giving him a noogie and Sterling took a seat a the kitchen counter. Mirabelle then came in after leaving the bathroom.

"Dear, is Sterling here? Did he tell you...what was...so...important", Mirabelle uttered as she saw the man she loved being hugged by another woman. A look of horror came on her face and her mind began to play scenario after scenario; none of them good.

" Oh hey, Mirabelle. Yeah we're actually about to discuss some things. Oh, this is Lyca. Lyca Kessler, she's gonna be staying with us. She's a werewolf. ", Caleb explained.

" Wassup . Guess we're roomies.",she chuckled still holding Caleb.

"W-W-W-W-Wha-", she was then interrupted as Sterling caught their attention.

" If we're done with introduction, we need to get down to business. Ms. Kessler please take a seat.", he said as Lyca emitted a low growl and sat at the counter.


"So, let me get this straight.", Caleb began adjusting his glasses, "You brought Lyca here from her previous host because he was involved with..."

"An underground liminal fighting ring, yes. We were lucky that we found out before he could enter her into one of them.", Sterling interjected taking a drink of lemonade.

Mirabelle stood near the couch sipping her drink taking occasional glances at Lyca. Who sat crossed armed brooding in irritation at Sterling before Caleb placed some lemonade and a plate full of Tyson chicken tenders in front of her catching her attention. She thanked him and happily gobbled up the food

" Apparently, he had signed up for the Exchange specifically to find strong, obedient fighters. That changed as soon as the ring leaders were arrested along with anyone else involved.", he said with a hint of disgust.

Caleb looked at Mirabelle who had and expression on her face that could only be described as shocked. He saw Lyca was still eating but had her ears perked up listening to their every word.

"How did you not find this out sooner?", Caleb asked incredulously.

" Look I wasn't directly in charge of placing her there, that was another agent who botched up the background check on the guy. Even the neighborhood he lived was not a safe environment for exchange students. The higher ups were not pleased, I'll tell you what. He's been put probation. I'm just glad we got to her before the worst happened. ", he explained.

Caleb wanted to berate him further but held himself back. Instead he gave a content smile. " Yeah, I'm glad she's safe too. That's all that really matters.", he finished as Lyca looked at him with surprise. Mirabelle looked from Caleb to Lyca simultaneously feeling glad and concerned.

"We wanted to put her in a more stable home but unfortunately most of the host families in the area have filled their vacancies. This was the only other place with extra room. So, Mr. Bizzell will please watch over Ms. Kessler for the duration of the program?", Sterling asked

Caleb glanced over at Mirabelle who was stiff with anticipation then at Lyca who gave him an almost pleading expression but still trying the keep up a proud stature.

" Sure, there's plenty of room for all of us in Casa dé Caleb. Plus, it's kinda my policy to help anyone if I'm well within means to do so.", he said

Lyca's eyes grew wide joy as her pearly white fangs gleamed through her big smile. In a flash, she put Caleb in a back breaking hug nuzzling his chest. " Thank you, thank you, thank you, oh you will not regret. Feels so good to have a new pack.".

"Pack?", Caleb asked.

" Well yeah, we're a pack now. You, me, and the quivering horse lady. Seriously, is she sick or somethin'", she questioned pointing a claw at Mirabelle who's entire form was shaking wildly as she blushed brightly and her eyes had little cartoonish spirals in them.

"Hey, Moon pie, you alright. Do you need to lie down? Hang on, I'll make ya something to perk you right up", he said getting out of Lyca's grip heading for the kitchen.

" T-That's alright dear. Thanks anyway.", she muttered feeling more at ease from his concern for her.

"Moon pie? Dear? What's this all about", Sterling asked with suspicion to which Lyca pulled back look between Caleb and Mirabelle.

Caleb pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh, " look don't get the wrong idea, it's natural for friends to give each other nicknames. ", Sterling was about to give a retort before Caleb continued, " and yes, we know. Sexual relations are illegal, prison for me, deportation for them. We got it." He finished as Sterling raised an eyebrow before shrugging off his suspicion. Both the girls blinked comically at Caleb before Lyca started chuckling silently.

"Alright, Mr. Bazzle on behalf of the entire program I thank you for your continued participation. I'll just go get Ms. Kessler's care package on everything you need about her. The movers will be here shortly with her things. I'll let you decide which vacant room she'll occupy.", he finished taking out a flask from his shirt pocket then walking to his car.

"Got it, and for God sake it's BIZZELL.", Caleb finished in an annoyed tone.

"Hahahahaha, man gramps wasn't kidding when he said you were funny. Im'ma love it here.", she laughed clutching her stomach.

Caleb shook his head as Mirabelle gave her a disapproving glare.

Sterling came back in with a large manila folder and Lyca's care package, following him were two men carrying two large camp duffle bags, a punching bag, and a training dummy littered with claw marks. Caleb guided them to the vacant room next to his.

After moving in Lyca's belongings and signing all the transfer forms, Sterling did a brief assessment on Mirabelle's adjustment before leaving the Bizzell household. Caleb gave Lyca a tour of the house all the while Mirabelle kept a close eye on them.

A couple hours had passed, and Lyca was finished getting settled in. The two liminals were sitting in living room-Lyca playing Mortal Kombat XL and Mirabelle reading 'The Great Gatsby'-while Caleb was in the kitchen.

" Yeah, get some ya punk ass ghost rider lookin' bastard. Yeahhhhhh, I'm alpha chick up in this muddafucka. ", Lyca exclaims doing a little victory dance as the announcer says "Eron Black wins". Mirabelle occasionally looked up at the ecstatic wolf girl cautiously.

" Hey Moon pie, do you want cheddar or mozzarella", he asked finishing her zucchini casserole.

"Oh, um, either is fine dear", she said snapping out of her thoughts. Lyca looked at the kitchen then at Mirabelle who quickly went back to reading avoiding eye contact. A smirk grew on Lyca's face. She then slid down the couch to be closer to Mirabelle.

" So you two seem real close. And I mean reallll close", she said wiggling her eyebrows.

Mirabelle froze for a second before mentally shaking off her fear and composing herself enough to answer, "I-I don't know what you are insinuating, but yes I do care for him and much as he does me."

"I didn't mean anything by it, I just noticed how you two look at each other. Like two best friends who've known each other all your lives. It's sweet. You two are a good pair.", she said with a smile.

Mirabelle was surprised by her candid statement but simply accepted the compliment. "A-ah, well thank you Ms. Kessler."

"Oh, come on, just call me Lyca. Formalities are for important events and old people", Lyca said with a toothy grin., " OK then, Lyca".

"There we go. But uh, there is one thing, kind of a request really.", Lyca said

" oh, of course, what is it?", said Mirabelle.

"I want in on it too.", Lyca said plainly as Mirabelle blinked comically at the statement, " um, I beg your parden?"

" I want to be Caleb's girl too. He's kind, smart, pretty strong, and really funny." She said plainly.

"W-W-What!? What are you talking about?", Mirabelle asked incredulously

"Its tradition among werewolves to share a single mate. That way no one is left out in the cold broken hearted and everyone gets to be with the person they love. However, in every pack there exists a single alpha pair. An alpha male and the alpha female. The others are simply betas and are like subordinates to the alphas.", she explained wrapping arm around Mirabelle's shoulder who tensed from the wolf girl's strength.

" B-B-But what does-", Mirabelle was about to ask before Lyca silenced her with free clawed finger. " What I'm getting at horsey is that I'm challenging you for position as alpha female. Come at me with everything you got. But be warned, I won't back down easy."

Mirabelle sat in utter shock at what she was hearing. This woman just openly declared that she was going after Caleb yet simultaneously encouraged her to try her hardest to make Caleb hers. Before Mirabelle could say anything further, they were both interrupted by Caleb.

"Girls, suppertime. Come and get it while it's hot." , he exclaimed from the dining room.

As soon as her said this, Lyca went sprinting, tongue hanging out, to the table as Mirabelle sat still on the couch dumbfounded.

"Oh boy, tenderloin!", Lyca exclaimed before happily tearing at her steak.

" Hey, don't forget them veggies now. That some perfectly good broccoli. ", he said patting her head as her tail wagged wildly.

" Got it, Chief ", she said her mouth full of meat.

" Moon pie, come on before you food gets cold", he called out to the other room.

I...I can't lose him. I won't lose him. To anyone. I'll be brave, I'll protect us, my dear. , Mirabelle thought motivating herself as her resolve made purple aura of determination flare around her.

"...uh...Mirabelle?...", Caleb inquired causing her to squeal in surprise., " Dinner's ready, Moon pie. Let's eat before big bad wolf gobbles up our goodies."

"Y-Yes, of course dear. She said with a smile.







WOW, that was wayyyyyy longer than I originally intended, but hey more material for you guys am I right? Heh. So, I like how Lyca's character is looking so far. I wanted to go for a bit of a tomboyish, honest, and straight-forward thinking personality with a dash of perversion. I really like how Caleb and Mirabelle are developing and hope to utilize their dream sequence adventures in mini-series I like to call 'DreamMasterz' *distant voice echoes the name*. Somewhere, down the line I plan to include more monster girls. Some will be a surprise, others will be selected by poll. Next girl will be one I really want to do, and I won't spoil the surprise but I will say, she's a real charmer. Alright, as always thank you for reading. Please comment, fav, and all that stuff. Til' next time, Fam.
