
Dabi X reader

One afternoon I woke up with a big headache so I got out of bed to go to my night stand to grave my tablet's and water bottle.

*Gulp gulp*

After I finished taking my tablet's I was getting hungry and teleported down stairs I looked around and spotted a note on the fridge it read

*Sorry hun dad can't come home tonight I got late shifts again. PS I left your favourite pizza in the fridge and don't stay up to late ok*

I smiled and said to myself "dad as usual such a worry wart"

I sat on the couch with a box of pizza i reached to my pocket to get my phone out but realised I left it up stairs

I tried to teleport to my room but instead I found myself in a vintage bar full of terrifying people I tried to apologize for the intrusion but they didn't listen and said I saw to much and took me into custody.

I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise I was welcomed by a dark room with a lamp above my head I looked down to find my hands and angkel's were tied to a chair

I struggled to get it off but it was in vain then I heard a voice speak up from the dark

"Do you know where you are?"

I answered *sarcastically* "oh great not only did they kidnapped me but stuck me with a emotionallness robot"

Hmmmmm...last I remember I was in a vintage bar with the freak shows I must of teleported far because I have a massive migraine...I put my head down because the light was irritating my eyes. The side effect of my quirk is the farther I teleport the bigger the migraine I'd never intentionally go this far.

"So teleportation is it your quirk or did someone help you?"

"It's mine I took some tabl-"

"Just answer my questions no need for all that extra chit chat"

"...Geez they couldn't get a more cheery person to interrogate me?"

"Shut it!... Now how did you get our location?"

"..." I look the opposite way that the voice is coming from to pout

"Don't make me repeat myself" he mutters

"I want someone else!." I stick my tongue out

Childish? yes but worth it

He is silent for a second. A hand came out of the darkness I flinched, but he just reaches past my head to turn off the lamp

I blinked a few times until my eyes adjusted. The monotoned voice belonged to a tall slim boy figure about in his twenty's he had black hair gorgeous turquoise eyes and had servere scarrying's all over his jaw, neck and eyelids.

He pulled up his chair to where one of his knees were inbetween my legs.

What the?!...Is he trying to seduce me?

"Now I'm gonna ask,one more time."he smile, leaning even closer.

Oh god!, his sent was intoxicating. His lips where inches from mine. I felt his unhitched breath go past my cheek to my ear

"I...I uh was on some meds and it messed with my quirk and really I didn't mean to kis-teleport to this place and ahh I'll say whatever you want if you kiss me. "I swoon He smiles. To my disappoint he backs up and starts taking off my restraints.

"Teasing a girl like that is worse torture then waking up in restaints ..." I whine

"I'm sure you're still glad you got me though."

He says I shrug

"Tch. So did you get in a fight with a bear or something?" I asked, genuinely impressed by his scars. He holds back a chuckle

"You should've seen the other guy" he says...

Was he joking?

This guy is the best!

A knock on the door.

"Dabi did you get some information?" The voice asks. So his name is Dabi.

"Nope. Shes clean." He says kneeling down to untie my angkel's.

"Ok. kill her." He says. Me and Dabi both froze

"Whatever you say, boss." He says, looking up at me with cold eyes. My eyebrows furrowed. I hear the footsteps walk away.

My heart starts beating faster

".....You aren't a,..a,..actual-"

"Relax, kid. I'm not going to kill you. No point in bloodshed, you didn't do nothin." He says. shoulders relaxing as he continues to undo my restrains. I take a deep breath in and smile after my hands were free I stood up to wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a warm embrace. He was stiff at first but eventually melted into my embrace. I released him

"Do that again and I will kill you." He says almost smiling. I nodded

"So if I accidentally teleported back here will you be my interrogator again? ; )"

Pfft"You're hopeless, you know that?"

"A hopeless romantic. Take pitty on me." I beg

He shakes his head, not being able to hold back the smile anymore. At that moment we locked eyes He gently put his hands around my waist and pulls me in I close my eyes and accept his tender kiss. I had to stop myself from sighing in pleasure. We separated at the same time.

"Holy shit this is the best thing that has ever happened to me." I say.

"Now get out of here before I get forced to kill you

"May we get to meet again, Dabi." I say

Teleporting off. He shakes his head smiling. "What a complete idiot." Still, he secretly hoped we would meet again...