
Being Found

I stumbled down an alley, desperate to escape them. I rock flew past my shoulder and another grazed my ear.

"Shit." I muttered, coming across a dead end.

I turned around to face the bullies I've been trying to shake for the past three weeks.

"Jesus fucking christ, why the hell do you keep bothering me?" I asked breathing hard.

One of the kids smirked at me.

"Our boss asked you out on a date, and you refused. No one refuses the boss. So you have to be punished. It's that simple, not really hard to comprehend." He chucked another rock at me that clipped my neck.

"Fuck!" I hiss at the intense stinging in my neck.

I swiftly climbed the walls, hoping to escape, but one of them decided it was time to use his quirk.

Now I was screwed.

"You're fucking college students! Don't you have something better to do than torture me, stalk me, corner me in a goddamn alley at night because I didn't want to go on a date with your friend?"

"Yeah, we could be studying. But once we did a little digging on you. Turns out, your applying for a hero course at a nearby high school. First year aren't you?" One asked advancing on me.

"And we can't let you be a hero. Do you not see how weak you are? Are you quirkless? You never fight us with your quirk. Now that I think about it. I'm interested."

I narrowed my eyes.

"If I was quirkless, would I be applying?" I asked.

He stopped short and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll give you that. But you have no chance. Just give up and come to our boss." He said.

"Sure, give me a minute to kick your ass and you'll know your answer." I snarked slipping away.

I squeezed between a narrow alley wall, escaping since their bulky figures couldn't fit through.

"Are you sure your not chasing me cuz I'm cute?" I shouted, running away.

"FUCK YOU (Y/N)!" I heard one shout.

I laughed as I ran, only yo turn an alley corner and slam into a hard body.

"I swear to fucking god, how the hell do you guys keep appearing. I almost killed one of you and you keep coming back." I said looking up, expecting to see another college student.

Instead, I was met with a man with black hair, blue eyes, and really bad scars all over his body.

"Oh." I said looking him up and down. "My apologies. I wasn't paying attention."

I quickly stood up, did a 360 around to make sure they weren't following me until I heard the footsteps.

"Dammit." I hissed.

The man I had run into was staring at me with the grumpiest look in his eyes.

"The hell you looking for?" He said shoving past me.

"None of your business." I said walking away.

I felt a hand grab my shirt and tug me back. I was pulled into a dark space, smushed in with another body that held me close.

"Wha-" I was cut of my the person squeezing me to their chest, keeping me from talking. I was about to struggle when I heard the voices.

"Sorry Damien. She's gone." One said.

"Argh. We'll find her again tomorrow." I heard another say. "She needs to pay for what she did to Core. He still hasn't woken up."

"Yeah, but it was kinda his fault too." Another voice said.

Their footsteps receded and I waited for the person to let me go. They didn't. I started pushing against them and I pulled back to see the man.

"THE HELL?" I said.

"You looked like you needed help. Consider yourself lucky, I usually don't help people." He said looking down at me.

"But you intrigue me. Earlier you said I almost killed one of you. You said it so casually, I wonder how violent you can be."

I shoved him away from me and walked out of the alley. I checked my phone and the clock said 10:27. I needed to get home.

"Shame that you found me tonight of all nights, but I gotta scram." I said conversationally, I approached the boxes in the alleyway that I recognized and revealed my motorcycle.

"Ooh." The man said peering at it.

"Later stranger. Hope you die before I see you again. I like your scars." I hopped on my bike and took off down the alley, begging I got home in time.

~Dabi's Point of View~

ARGH! Damn Shigaraki and his needs for candy.

I had just gotten into a nearby alley from the store, buying candy for the stick up my ass I call Shigaraki.

Someone slammed into me. Great, Shigaraki's candy, AND a dead body.

"I swear to fucking god, how the hell do you guys keep appearing. I almost killed one of you and you keep coming back." A voice said.

I looked down to see a girl.

She had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She was wearing tight-ish jeans and a gym t-shirt. She looked up with me with such coldness in her eyes it made me flinch. But when she assessed who was in front of her, they softened and melted like honey.

"Oh." She said looking me up and down. "My apologies. I wasn't paying attention."

She stood up and turned in an entire circle, checking out her surroundings. She relaxed for a second until I heard footsteps and she tensed up all over again.

"Dammit." She hissed.

I looked at her suspiciously when she set her eyes on me.

"The hell you looking for?" I asked shoving past her. I needed to get back before Shigaraki started yelling about how inefficient I am.

"None of your business." She said walking away when the footsteps were right near us. I made a snap decision and pulled her with me into a crook in the alley that hid us both.

"Wha-" I cut her off, squeezing her to my chest, trying to silence her peaceful voice.

"Sorry Damien, she's gone." I heard a voice say.

I didn't try to peer out of the alleyway, and held the girl to me while the conversation continued.

"Argh. We'll find her again tomorrow." I heard another say. "She needs to pay for what she did to Core. He still hasn't woken up."

"Yeah, but it was kinda his fault too." Another voice said.

Their footsteps receded and I waited for them to be completely silent. I began to feel the girl push against me and I let her go.

"THE HELL?" She said looking up at me with irritated eyes.

"You looked like you needed help. Consider yourself lucky, I usually don't help people." I said looking down at her.

"But you intrigue me. Earlier you said I almost killed one of you. You said it so casually, I wonder how violent you can be."

She shoved me away from her and walked out of the alley. She checked her phone and I cringed, remembering my own mission.

"Shame that you found me tonight of all nights, but I gotta scram." She said conversationally as she approached the boxes in the alleyway.

She pulled a tarp that was hanging casually by and revealed a black sleek motorcycle.

"Ooh." I said peering at it.

"Later stranger. Hope you die before I see you again. I like your scars." She hopped on her bike and took off down the alley.

I stood there shocked. She liked my scars?

I shook my head, knowing that in this city, the chances of me running into her again were low. I quickly jogged down a few alleys and across town to the hideout. I walked into the bar to see Shigaraki sitting impatiently, tapping his fingers.

"Twenty minutes and 7 seconds. Your slipping." He said snatching the bag from me.

"Soooo sorry Shigaraki. If you weren't up my ass all the time, I would be faster. Here Toga. Kurogiri, they ran out of the chocolate ones so I just got one of each flavor." I said passing out the small amount of candy that wasn't Tomura's.

"Thank you Dabi." Kurogiri said sliding his selection over to him. Toga wordlessly grabbed her sour candy and retreated to Twice's side while they joked around about something.

I sighed and slumped down onto a bar stool.

"I'm looking for someone." Shigaraki said. "Father said she has great power. Power that sometimes kills. He said she would be a great recruit, if she saw reason. She's applying to hero schools and that needs to change."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"Shigaraki, I know your father finds her important but . . . if she gets the chance to rat us out, we can't take that risk." Kurogiri said.

I snorted and sat up.

"I'll happily look for her as long as I get out of shopping duty."

"Deal. Spinner will rotate with Toga." Shigaraki said.

"Isn't it a bit too late to apply to hero schools?" Spinner asked.

"Yes, are they allowed to admit students after the school year starts?" Compress asked.

Shigaraki shrugged.

"I dunno know. But what I do know is that girl may be our one way ticket to taking down All Might." Everyone's ears perked up at that.

I whistled.

"That impressive is she?" I asked.

Shigaraki shrugged again and I sighed.

"Remember that Stain is the one you have to thank for this. Toga, Twice, Spinner and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. So I suggest you fill us in on some things." I pointed out.

Shigaraki looked at me. Well not really, with the hand covering his face, but you get the idea.

"If I don't know, then I don't know. Find the girl, and your questions might be answered." He said swiping his bag of candy and walking out of the room.

I scoffed and sighed.

My thoughts eventually floated back to that girl in the alleyway.

"I like your scars."

I snorted and stood up.

She must have been crazy to like this broken and abused body.

~(Y/N)'s Point of View~

I arrived home only to be whacked upside the head with a dough roller.

"You idiot." Shojiki said.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time and took a wrong turn at a shortcut." I lied, refusing to tell him about the college boys. He eyed me but ignored it and handed me a plate of cookies under a protective wrap.

"Take these to the neighbors and leave it on their porch."

I sighed and got the job done, only to be given job after job after job. I knew he was upset that I was out so late, but it was even later at night so HOW WAS THIS PUNISHMENT REASONABLE!?!?!

I growled as I took another candy cake order across town. It was a delicious looking cake that I almost took a bite out of.

Now I'd have to get one when I got home.

I walked up to the address on the paper and was sure that Shojiki had gotten it wrong. It was an old bar that looked abandoned.

For a second I thought he was right because I heard voices, but that made me even more unsure because this bar had been closed for years.

I knocked at the door and heard all motion freeze.

"Hello?" I asked, trying to peer into the windows.

"I have a order for a candy cake for a Mr. Tomura?" I said.