

I peered through a window, hoping to spot someone when the door started to open. A girl stepped out, her hair in messy buns and she was wearing a school uniform. She had yellow eyes and small smile.

"Cake? I don't think we ordered a cake." She said kindly.

I looked over her shoulder to see no one.

"We? I don't think your Tomura Warui . . . " I said seeing someone appear behind her. He looked like a mess. Tired with some scars on his face. He had baby blue hair and pale skin. His garnet eyes looked at me while he peeked slightly out the door.

"Oh. Are you Mr. Tomura?" I asked. The girl turned with wide eyes to see the man and sighed.

"He's a little shy of the way he looks." She said. "Did you order a cake Tomura?" She asked.

He nodded and his eyes darted to the cake. I looked at him kindly.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I don't bite. You shouldn't be afraid of a world where everyone looks different. I saw a man with really bad scars today. But you gotta see the great in that. He looked pretty badass." I smiled at him.

"And you look like someone who could use a friend." His eyes eyes widened and he nodded at the girl who smiled at me.

"That's his way of saying thank you." She reached out for the cake and I handed it to her.

"Be careful, it's slightly heavy, there's a lot of candy topped on here." I warned the girl as she took it.

I guess she didn't take my warning seriously because she tried to take it with on hand and dropped it.

I could see the fear in the man's eyes when he saw the cake topple. I quickly used my quirk and caught it with air.

They both snapped their heads to me as I held a hand out and the cake returned to me.

"Two hands." I said handing it back to her with a grin.

She took it with two hands this time and smiled.

"Thank you so much! Have a nice day." She said waving and shutting the door.

I turned around and hopped down the steps to the sidewalk. I sat on my bike, thinking for a moment before I pulled my helmet on and took off back to the shop.

~Shigaraki's Point of View~

Toga shut the door and someone burst out laughing. I turned to see Dabi holding his stomach.

"You ordered a cake using your real name?! A CAKE!?" He howled with laughter.

"That doesn't matter." I snarled, gaining his attention. "She said someone with bad scars." I frowned at him. "You run into someone today."

Recognition flitted across Dabi's face and he narrowed his eyes.

"Did she have (H/C) hair? (E/C) eyes? Curvy?" He asked.

I bit my lip while Toga nodded.

"So curvy . . . " Toga said dreamily. "I think I might have a thing for her!"

"That poor girl . . ." I heard Kurogiri said. I felt a smirk cross my face and leave just as fast.

"What a corny bitch. 'You shouldn't be afraid of a world where everyone looks different'. Yeah, but that doesn't apply to a broken society." I snorted.

Toga looked at Dabi who nodded.

"She kinda had a point though. There are some weird looking people in the world." She said, setting the cake at the bar.

"You risked our cover . . . .for a cake." Kurogiri said coming over to look at it.

I growled at him.

"I get to have somethings for me sometimes." I defended myself.

"You literally sent me out for candy today. That's when I ran into that girl." I looked at him.

"What happened?"

"She was being chased by a bunch of college students, from what I got, she almost killed one of their friends, and they want payback. I helped her hide and she left afterwards." He shrugged and stood up.

"Said she liked my scars. Crazy bitch." Dabi laughed.

Kurogiri swatted him.

"Don't speak down on people who compliment you. She didn't do anything, after all. You involved yourself with her."

Dabi frowned realizing that was true and left.

I sighed and motioned to Kurogiri.

"Give me a fork, I need to eat this."

~(Y/N)'s Point of View~

I arrived at home and flopped into my bed, beggin for myself to pass out. Those two . . . . . . something was off.

There was a knock at my door and I yelled into my pillow.

"Ugh you asshole! Leave me alone!" I shouted.

"Oh. Then I guess you don't want to see if you got into the school I guess . . . . " I heard Shojiki walk away.


My door opened and I jumped off my bed. I zoomed to Shojiki who was holding a package, inside was a hologram video. All Might was standing there, he quickly explained somethings about my application.

"Welcome to UA, (Y/N) (L/N)." I heard him finish.

I squealed and jump into Shojiki's arms as he danced around with me.


~Dabi's Point of View~

I snarled as I heard her shout.


I jumped off the roof of a nearby house and made my way back to the hideout. I walked inside to find everyone waiting for me with anticipation.

"Who would have thought she got in?" I said. The other frowned and growled.

"Where is she going?" Shigaraki asked.

"UA." I hissed, kicking a bar stool over. "She actually got in. We need to grab her Tomura. We need to capture he before she gets there."

"We will. In fact, we're going right now." He said standing up. "Kurogiri, warp us."

Kurogiri nodded and made a portal for us to step through. We all walked through and I was back where I had left. She was still celebrating, but in the kitchen while she pulled out a couple of boxes out of the fridge.

She opened them to reveal all kinds of sweets. Cookies, cup cakes, slices of cake, candy-

I turned to see Tomura's mouth water at the sight of all the sugar and sighed.

"We can take it with us, focus." I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

He blinked and shook his head.

"Make it quick."

I slid down the hill and to the back door. I jiggled the doorknob and twisted. Locked. I looked over at Kurogiri who sighed and started a warp. I jumped through it with Twice and we landed in the kitchen.

My thud shocked them, not giving them anytime to react before Twice tackled the male. The girl's eyes darted to me with surprise that slowly morphed with understanding.

Next thing I knew, I had been thrown out of her house. I landed at Shigaraki's feet who started hooting with laughter.

"You clearly underestimated her." He said as Twice landed on me.

"Get off two-face!" I growled, trying to get up.

"Screw you! Sorry Dabi." Twice said getting off.

I turned to see the girl fly up to us, clearly in a defensive position.

"So it's you. I knew something was shady about you. Get lost. I don't want to see any of you around here again."

"Oh getting cocky? Compress." Shigaraki said.

Compress flicked a bead at her which she dodged but it stopped in mid air. She peered at it before turning to us.

"The hell is the bead for?" She asked.

I looked at Shigaraki in surprise as she wasn't captured. Next thing I knew, Toga had snuck up and grabbed her ankle, dragging her to the ground where Kurogiri had set a warp. She fought hard, I guess her quirk could use the elements because she had blasted fire at Toga and warded Twice of with a large wall of dirt.

I quickly jumped in and shoved her into the portal, jumping I right after her, I was quickly followed by the rest.

"That wasn't too bad." I said standing up.

I turned only yo be slammed into the wall of the bar. Twice and Toga were trapped in a large block of ice. Compress was thrown in a wall and Shigaraki was facing her in a defensive position.

"Well. This is nice." Kurogiri muttered looking at the mess. I walked over to the block of ice and started to melt it, only to have the melted ice rise as water and watched as it turned to oce, making spikes stabbing out in any direction.

"Where are we?" She asked, her voice holding no fear or anger.

"You're strangely calm." Shigaraki said.

"Tell me about it. She bumped into me and didn't even look scared. I was a bit offended." I chuckled.

The girl wasted not time and smashed me into a wall again. It took me a second to realize I was being hit by WIND.

"Amazing." Shigaraki muttered. It took me a second to realize he was holding something.


"Are you shitting me right now Shigaraki?!" I shouted.

"I have my own priorities." He defended himself.

I saw Spinner move out of the corner of my eye. He quickly jumped on the girl, sitting on her back and holding her down as he clamped the quirk suppressing cuffs on her.

She snarled, bucking Spinner off of her and jumping to her feet.

"Agile, strong, smart, powerful quirk, she's the real deal." Twice said in a deep voice. "She's amazing!!" He said in a cheerful voice.

She faced us and she was clearly concentrating on something really hard. We all watched in shock as her arms tensed and her fist clenched as she tried to break out of the cuffs.

They were made out of solid metal, so she couldn't but she still tried. We all heard the snap and the harsh snarl that came out of her lips. She had crack the cuffs.

She cracked metal cuffs.

She was quickly tackled by Spinner who didn't get bucked off a second time and held her from breaking the cuffs.

"Damn." I said, speechless.

I helped Spinner tie her to a chair and sighed, knowing we had one more UA student to catch.

"We'll need all hands on the attack at the trip. Who'll watch her?" Compress asked.

"I will." Shigaraki said.

I turned to him. "Your not going?"

"I need to discuss some things with the boss while you're all gone." He said. He motioned to the attentive girl.

"We'll see what we can do about her for now. We attack tomorrow night, so she will need a few things before then. We just need to work around the obstacles, such as bathroom," He looked at Toga, "Showers too. Food, Kurogiri. Shopping Spinner. And night duty is Dabi." He finished.

"Wait, why do I got night duty!? Why can't she sleep with Toga?" I complained.

"Toga is doing the more difficult parts if you understand, you more than welcome to switch with her.

I snorted at the thought of having to undress her, take her to the bathroom, wash her and change her . . . .

I felt a slight blush cross my face and slapped myself. Shigaraki and Toga looked at me funny, but Kurogiri seemed to know what was going on.

He turned his yellow eyes on me and if he had a face, I could have sworn her was smirking. I glared at him and walked out.

"Nah. Toga can keep that job. She's not going to like to sleep in the same bed as a villain, so I'm not sleeping with her. I'll stay awake at night and sleep during the day." I grumped.

Shigaraki shrugged.

"I don't care who does what as long as it get done. Now go to your rooms, I need to have a small chat with Miss (Y/N) here."

He turned to the girl who was emitting fury in every direction.