
Cyborg System vs Devils of Metal

Julius, an average human, was given the chance to break free of his mortal coil by taking part of an experimental procedure to create a cyborg. That was until the digitasation of his brain started and he murdered every scientist in the room.

FaustusBot · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Worth the wait

Julius woke up the following morning, nothing had changed, his life of mediocracy awaited him before his certain eventual demise. Maybe his friends would cry at his funural, that is if anyone showed up to it. He'd likely die before retirement, which for him was a young 90 years old, due to some heart failure or accident beyond his control. Now make no mistake 90 seems old to retire but in the civilasation that focused on bio-hacking their way to increased life span this was barely reaching his peak. He like the 12 billion other humans he shared his dying planet with had nanobots that quickly ate away at any problem but the most his meagre wage could afford was the life expansion and cancer eating bots. For a civilisation in the past that would be considered something akin to nectar from the gods themselves but when considered with the miracles of science others were blessed with it fell nothing short of scraps of dog food left to rot in the scorching sun. Sure it was edible but it just felt disingenuous to call that delicious.

Assuming no accidents or heart failures he should live to 140 which would be considered a childs age to the elites of his world. His boss for instance was already 260 yet healthier than Julius could ever achieve.

Another day passed, no news about R-Tech.

Another day... as days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months Julius had long since given up on his dream. That was a once in a lifetime opportunity afterall and obviously he was pushing his luck to think that of the 12 billion people that roamed these desolate lands hed be one of the chosen.

It had been 12 years. Twelve entire years of hateful mundanity, he had long worked himself up the corporate ladder and sit comfortable as the manager of a bunch of lifeless husks.

Everynow and then he'd join the managers meetings but as a lowly manager in charge of the grunts he held no power, his wage was less than some of the others interns. But he was complacent, never happy, always complacent. Complacent to live his worst life, maybe in the future he could advance a bit more on the corporate tredmill and becomd leader of an entire floor of lifeless husks - that would be the dream.