
Cyborg System vs Devils of Metal

Julius, an average human, was given the chance to break free of his mortal coil by taking part of an experimental procedure to create a cyborg. That was until the digitasation of his brain started and he murdered every scientist in the room.

FaustusBot · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Dawn of a new era

Julius Smith like all of his collegues had no ambitions in life, well none that are achievable anyway. His day to day life consisted of harsh mediocracy which he only got through thanks to his closest and most trusted friend: whiskey.

Julius like the majority of humans in his time worked a mundane office job he truly despised. A mindless job he felt he would never escape, an endless cycle perpuated his very core: wake up, work, sleep. A life not unlike his collegues but through his resentfull eyes they seemed to enjoy what he would consider a wasted life. His collegues lofty ambitions consisted of getting rich or dating a superstar but to Julius those were not even on his radar. He only had one true desire and this very dull work put him at odds with it, he wanted to go down in history, he wanted to be a role-model others would look up to or school kids would be bored of learning about. Not a desire one could easily achieve when their work consisted of copying data from a peice of paper to his works system, not a very exciting profession for one who has dreams of making history.

He was complacent with this duality of desire vs action until a popular tech company interested in robotics and bio-engineering released an advert. An odd combination but for his time any company that didn't atleast delve into some field of robotics or ai wouldn't last longer than the time it takes for his morning commute. A brisk five hours. The advert consisted of few words and fewer information, all that could be known about this new experiment was hidden behind NDA's and an army of lawyers that would sooner die than let this exciting adventure into the realm of fiction become public knowledge.

All that could be seen of this revolutionary tech was the simple phrase: "We need pioneers". A catchy phrase for a company on the pinaccle of cutting edge and one that partically interested Julius. The more he inquired into this new opportunity the more intrigued yet confused he became. The website simply listed they needed 5 volunteers who would be given food and shelter during the duration of the experiment and would be free to keep the tech afterwards as a reward.

Whilst the idea of free new tech from the conglomarate R-Tech would be a reward people would easily jump for, what particularly excited Julius was being at the fore-front of whatever R-Tech was advancing. His desire come to life, an opportunity that sat waited to be grasped.

Like many of his peers he immediately signed up to be on the mailing list for this unknown revolutionary tech and waited... and waited... and waited some more.