
episode 4

(The episode opens with Kanisha and Victor riding a red car)

Victor: Kanisha, what does your radar tell you?

Kanisha: The big city!

Victor: perfect

(The screen switches to the red car parked by a building)

Kanisha: Tell us which lovely apartment of yours is perfect for us

A woman: Well, you want a lovely room for two, Apartment B would be great, if you want separate Apartment C would be fantastic; and if you are wondering about food, we have a list of restaurants that are close by, for three days you can get free.

Victor: Well that's great

Kanisha: We'll take Apartment C.

Victor: Well, that's great

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Victor eating breakfast in a restaurant)

(Victor is wearing a red hoodie and blue

Kanisha (eyes widen): Victor!

(Victor turns around and sees a person who has short blonde hair, grey skin with six hands: three on the right and left, wearing a red suit and red shoes attacking a bunch of people by shooting them)

The person (looking at Kanisha and Victor): Human warriors! I knew I smelled some.

Kanisha: Human warriors

(Kanisha takes Victor's hand and speeds off)

The person: They will not escape

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Victor in the middle of Jump City)

Victor: What do we do now?

Kanisha: Hope that we can find a high falculaty that is alien free.

Victor: Like where?

(Kanisha's eyes glow and sees a building shaped like a T)

Victor: Kanisha, are you okay?

Kanisha (eyes stop glowing): Yeah, and I know a perfect place

(The screen switches to Kanisha as a griffin flying, while Victor is on her back)

Victor: Are you okay?

Kanisha: Of course, you aren't heavy.

Victor: No, I mean with changing your life from being a cheerleader to a mutant running away from an alien

(The person appears)

Victor: Who is following us?

(Kanisha turns around and sees The person)

(Kanisha flies faster towards the building)

(The person shoots Kanisha in the back)

(Kanisha fell to the ground by the building, Victor fell off her back)

The person: Alien warriors, you will not get away.

Victor: Kanisha, are you okay?

Kanisha (looks at her body and sees no blood): Yeah, I'm fine

Victor: Good, let's go

(Kanisha and Victor tries to run away, but something ties them up, which reveals the person's arms)

Kanisha: Let us go!

The person: Not until I get you two aboard my ship

(The screen switches to a spaceship flying throughout the galaxy)

(Victor is in a frozen state)

(Kanisha is unconscious in a tube filled with green liquid)

The person (on a phone): It's me, XXXZ I'm bringing the human warriors given the earth name Mutants, how was your research YTHN

(The screen shows a woman who has six arms wearing glasses, a red jumpsuit and has a cat tail in an office)

YTHN: Excellent, it seems these mutants will be perfect for our Earth domination

XXXZ: Captain Txcu will be happy to hear that

YTHN: So, how many did you get with the little time they gave you?

XXXZ: Oh, a few, say want to get some lunch?

YTHN: Of course, let me just put the info I have gathered and I'll meet you at Planet Taetania, like we always do.

XXXZ: That would be swell

(The screen switches to XXXZ with an army of clones of Kanisha, Victor, Jinx, and some from H.I.V.E.)

XXXZ: Well, with the cloning complete I can eliminate the original.

(XXXZ walks to the tube that is holding the original Kanisha pushes a red button)

(Kanisha opens her eyes, looks around and sees she is in a tube)

(XXXZ pushes a black button)

(THe green liquid is replaced by red liquid)

(Kanisha's eyes get blurry and sees Victor)

(Victor is freed from his frozen state)

XXXZ (looking shocked): That's impossible (looks at Kanisha) you

Victor (looks at Kanisha): Kanisha (blasts the tube)

(Kanisha lands on the floor)

(XXXZ starts shooting Victor, while Kanisha is lying on the floor trying to get up)

(Victor picks up Kanisha and runs)

(XXXZ runs after them)

(Victor is running with Kanisha on his back)

(Kanisha wakes uo)

Kanisha: Are we dead yet?

Victor: Nope, good to see you are better than now.

Kanisha: You too

(Kanisha jumps off Victor's back)

Victor (red eyes): Up ahead, there's an escape pod.

Kanisha: Great (snake goes up) I sense something (eyes glow and sees a door with the words 'Wormhole' by it)

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Victor running and pass the door Kanisha saw)

(Kanisha stops)

Victor: Why are you stopping?

Kanisha: I have an idea, you go find the escape pod, I'll be right behind you

Victor: No way! I can't leave you.

Kanisha: I promise, I'll be fine, trust me

(Victor nods and runs ahead)

(XXXZ and the clones stops to see Kanisha)

XXXZ: You won't be getting away

Kanisha: You're right (presses a red button)

XXXZ: What have you done?

(The Wormhole sucks all the clones in and they disappear)

XXXZ: You idiot, you will get sucked in too.

(XXXZ gets sucked in)

(Kanisha pushes the button)

(The door almost closes, then XXXZ's hand and drags Kanisha in)

(The door closes)

(The screen switches to Victor making it to the escape pod)

Victor: Where's Kanisha?

(Victor uses his red eyes and sees 'Person not locked')

Victor (tears come down): Kanisha

(The episode ends with the spaceship heading to Earth)