
Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System

"Terranoids, malicious malware and viruses with mechanical bodies made of metals and steel, created by a violent AI known as Omni-cast. During the year 2079, Terranoids ran rampant through out the world and war between cybernetic humans and Terranoids broken out. Wuth the insane combat cyberwares and skill wares and mods, the Terranoids were almost wiped out by humans. But they learned, they evolved, the war was quickly reversed as the Terranoids managed to learn Quick hacks, disabling the very cyberware the humans relied on and turned them against each other. Humans were almost wiped out, that is until they figured out a way to mix technology with the body, inserting nanobots to assist in reshaping and evolving the genes beyond the gjven limit, creating the Altered ones. The war was once more put under control and in a stale mate. Under the slightly peaceful era, corporate enterprises rose up once more and greed enveloped thw world with these new knowledge of power. Another path to evolution was hence created, they are called Mechanoids! Mechanoids, humans who are made up of pure steel! Their cells, genes, flesh and organs are all pure nano machines! Their strength even stronger than Altered ones but their minds became corrupted and with power, comes greed. Hence, another war between The altered Ones and Mechanoids broke out eventually dividing the entire planet into two continents ; Origin Continent and Cyborgenic Continent. On Origin Continent, Michael, a young teenager, lives in a slum, where he makes a living by producing and selling illegal substances. Despite his hard work, he struggles to make ends meet and dreams of a better life. Michael hears about a rare and powerful gene-editing nanobot being sold on the black market, which can grant incredible physical abilities to its host. Hopeful about becoming a Spliggen and escape the cruelty of the slums and the oppression from the High-born, Michael used his earnings of ten years, finally purchasing the gene-modifying nanobot, the trader gifting him a useless assistant nanobot. However, before he can use it, the nanobot is stolen by a rival gang in a violent confrontation!

RagingArtPunk · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
82 Chs


Dust filled the air following the Captain's aggressive stomp, the entire 1 metre of tile flooring had been smashed inwards and surrounding floors cracked and spread out wide, five meters.

At the crucial moment, Michael managed to roll to the left, dodging the stomp, however the broken tiles fragments pierced his skin forming many bloodied scars.

The Captain retracted his feet from the chaotic mess he just created, swinging around to face Michael once again.

However, Michael immediately noticed that beneath his spine, where his Sandevistan was located, the synthetic flesh covering the Sandevistan sparkled with flashes of electricity jolting out of it.

His heart was stirred, but he continued rolling away, he picked himself up and started sprinting off. Yet he noticed, that the Captain's reaction speed was slower by about 30%!

He immediately saw hope…. Michael took in a deep breath and stopped retreating. Picking up a steel chair with his uninjured arm, he rushed against the Captain!

The angle at which he rushed forward was ingeniously abnormal, charging straight up to the Captain's waist injury.

Roaring, he swung the small steel chair down onto the Captain's waist. The iron collapsed splintered into two sections.

However he could clearly see, the wound on the Captain's back was emitting more jolts of electricity.

A chuckle escaped Ron's lips. His sandevistan fired up and a loud whirring sound echoed as time dilated around him. Easily ignoring the slam, he clenched his fist and punched forwards.

Simultaneously, Michael had once again been struck by the Captain's left fist on his chest, and thrown for a full 2-3 metres! He curled up his body in mid air, as he smashed to the ground side-first, his body twitching in agony.

"Insolent vermin from the gutters, no matter where you try to go, I will find you as long as I wish. To almost escape from my hands requires the extermination of your entire bloodline. Lucky for you, you have no relations nor family but lucky for me, you are SINless."

The walls got closer and the surrounding space tighter as Michael's back touched the wall.

There was no where else to go.

The captain continued as he inched even closer. "Which means I can do what I want with you. They said brain dance is meant for pleasure, but I disagree. You will beg for death."

Michael felt chill run down his spine as he could imagine being tortured over and over again in BD in an endless cycle. There was no hope of escaping and one could only beg, pray and hope for death.

Michael rolled over as he kneeled on the ground, clutching his chest. Gritting his bloodied teeth and heavily panting, his gaze flashed an intense viciousness and madness.

According to his calculations, the Captain should have been affected by now. Even Sandevistan's has weaknesses.

Although this blow was still largely threatening, after his physique boost, his endurance had also increased, making him more durable to take attacks like this casually, even with his other injuries, it was definitely tolerable.

Michael then picked up a sharp iron rod from the nearby wall, and started circling around the Captain, always maintaining his position on the left of the Captain.

Suddenly, he frenziedly charged forward, but instantaneously retreated again! The Captain's actions maintained a certain cunningness, flashing a red light from his eyes a he swung his fist to attack, it landed a heavy blow onto the nearby pillar.

The flesh on his fist split open, spilling much blood and exposing a shiny metallic bone beneath. The entire room shook, as dust floated down slowly as though the room was going to collapse any second.

Grasping this rare opportunity, Michael's gaze shifted as he immediately pounced forward with great ferocity. Summoning his remaining strength in his body, he heavily struck down furiously on the wounded hole where thew Sandevistan was located in the waist of the Captain with the iron rod.

"Chi Chi Chi.." An electrifying sound filled the air. Michael could feel a strong resistive force against his hands, as he started trembling uncontrollably from head to toe.

His eyes had currently been blinded by the glaring burst of electricity, screaming out loud, his body was suddenly hurled across the sky smashing back first onto a wall 3 metres away. The impact smashed the wall, creating a human shaped dent as, metal parts, dust and gears fell to the ground.

Looking at the metal rod, it had already been distorted into a z shaped object, piercing into the shoulder of the Captain's waist. Electrifying blue currents were flashing from within and out of the waist.

As the Captain collapsed, one knee to the ground, his face contorted and his entire body was shaking violently and the wound had already expanded to the size of a bowl.

The surrounding flesh had been wildly ripped apart, and was burnt black as if it had just been barbequed. There was strange pungent odour coming out of it.

"You little sh*t!" The man swore.

The synthetic flesh primary function was to protect and prevent the cyber ware from being consumed by the space-time convergence. It seem to possess no other function apart from that.

If it were a higher grade of synthetic flesh, it wouldn't be so easy to tear and would definitely contain some sort of high level insulating plates to insulate the electric field from Cyber ware.

Michael forced himself up from the ground, restraining that numbing and fainting feeling he felt in his body.

The Captain slowly picked himself up as well, as a clear and crisp "chi chi chi chi" sound could be heard from within his body.

Although he had sustained heavy injuries, the Captain showed no hint of anger, pain or fear. In contrast, he smiled and began taking one step at a time towards Michael.

"In the face of true power, your struggles are meaningless "

[Machine-cells have suffered electrocution damage, sustaining numbing abnormalities. Movement speed has been reduced by 50%. Effects will wear off by 15% every 2 seconds, amounting to a total of 8 seconds.]