
Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System

"Terranoids, malicious malware and viruses with mechanical bodies made of metals and steel, created by a violent AI known as Omni-cast. During the year 2079, Terranoids ran rampant through out the world and war between cybernetic humans and Terranoids broken out. Wuth the insane combat cyberwares and skill wares and mods, the Terranoids were almost wiped out by humans. But they learned, they evolved, the war was quickly reversed as the Terranoids managed to learn Quick hacks, disabling the very cyberware the humans relied on and turned them against each other. Humans were almost wiped out, that is until they figured out a way to mix technology with the body, inserting nanobots to assist in reshaping and evolving the genes beyond the gjven limit, creating the Altered ones. The war was once more put under control and in a stale mate. Under the slightly peaceful era, corporate enterprises rose up once more and greed enveloped thw world with these new knowledge of power. Another path to evolution was hence created, they are called Mechanoids! Mechanoids, humans who are made up of pure steel! Their cells, genes, flesh and organs are all pure nano machines! Their strength even stronger than Altered ones but their minds became corrupted and with power, comes greed. Hence, another war between The altered Ones and Mechanoids broke out eventually dividing the entire planet into two continents ; Origin Continent and Cyborgenic Continent. On Origin Continent, Michael, a young teenager, lives in a slum, where he makes a living by producing and selling illegal substances. Despite his hard work, he struggles to make ends meet and dreams of a better life. Michael hears about a rare and powerful gene-editing nanobot being sold on the black market, which can grant incredible physical abilities to its host. Hopeful about becoming a Spliggen and escape the cruelty of the slums and the oppression from the High-born, Michael used his earnings of ten years, finally purchasing the gene-modifying nanobot, the trader gifting him a useless assistant nanobot. However, before he can use it, the nanobot is stolen by a rival gang in a violent confrontation!

RagingArtPunk · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Imitate Sandevistan! Absorb Metal Essence!

Michael had already planned his escape route before knocking the pillar down. It took roughly 3 seconds for the building to entirely collapse which was enough time for him to leap out of the window.

The Captain's cyber wares were malfunctioning and rebooting at that moment which meant that it would take at least 30 seconds for him to regain his mobility.

He wanted to chase after Michael but he was just too slow and the time taken for them to reboot was too lomg, then got buried beneath the rumbling and rolling concrete, dust and iron.

The interior battle did not cause much of a ruckus to the surrounding neighbors, yet such a big scale event like the building collapsing could not elude attention.

After escaping out of the window, Michael did not pause as he ran to the road, towards a biker who had stopped to watch the collapsed building.

With a face full of blood and dirt, Michael coughed violently. Immediately reaching for the bike, he pushed the owner away, he immediately hopped into the seat!

"Hey! That's my bike, what the hell are you trying to do!?"

The biker fumed and immediately threw a punch at Michael's way.

Michael sneered coldly. Although he was currently in a weakened state, he was still stronger than a regular person even if they had low grade cyberware arm.

Michael grabbed at his fist effortlessly and twisted it. The driver screamed as a resounding crunch sounded out.

Kicking him away, he held the bike's handle, reeving as he lowered his head, he turned around and remained in position, his eyes locked onto the collapsed building.

In the distant building ruins, a shimmering mechanical hand with lumps of bloodied synthetic flesh, reached out from within the debris.

With a pull, the hand started pushing against the debris around it. Finally the captain's upper body surfaced in Michael's view.

The captain exhibited numerous flesh wounds, and his cyberware were revealed through them.

Sparks jolted out from the wounded flesh, burning and frying them.

The only unchanged part was his red glaring eyes, blazing with intense fury and an everlasting maliciousness!

On the bike Michael coldly observed as the tires of the bike spun rapidly in place, the potential energy mad kinetic energy tilting the bike side to side.

He suddenly released the brakes.

"Whoosh!" The bike jolted forward like a lose arrow as it sped with immense speed. Headed straight for the ruins.


The bike collided head on straight into the body of the captain.

The Captain couldn't resist such great collision force, as he flew upon impact along with the surrounding debris and dirt. He flew a great 20 plus metres before landing on the ground and slid against the road.

At this moment, the captain actually still tried to stabilize its body, using his left hand which revealed pure steel to forcefully grab the concrete pavement, forming a trail of sparks due to the friction.

The captain's left hand had been ripped apart, as his hand was previously caught by something within the ruins and had torn apart upon collision.

Beneath his forearm were several fibre electro muscles and wirings which were were arteries and veins, shooting sparks.

The present Michael wasn't going to stop just yet, he reversed back to face the captain.

With a murderous look, he pressed the gas as the bike roared forward. In a matter of a 2 seconds, the bike climbed to a speed of 100 km/h, as the wheels produced a trail of thick smoke, once again heavily colliding onto the captain!

However this time, Michael jumped out of the vehicle before its collision. Making a landing roll, he witnessed the vehicle charging forward like a raging bull, smashing into the captain as it dragged it all they way, finally colliding into a nearby multi-storey building!

In that moment, during the collision, Michael could clearly see the front of the bike had compressed to about half it's size, as it further distorted, and folded up.

Following it was a ferocious explosion, as the raging flames and thick fumes gobbled the vehicle up.

"Phew…" Michael heaved a sigh of relief.

In such an intense battle, he had clenched his teeth and strenuously persisted. Yet once the adrenaline wore off, he felt a wave of pain and fatigue coming over his body.

He could feel several broken bones within him, and all he wanted to do was lie down and do nothing. However there were still a few minutes before Anti-tec force would arrive.

Michael didn't dare to be complacent even after killing the captain, he gazed at his surroundings and started to hurry towards a particular direction.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement within the burning ruins, as something climbed out of the raging flames.

It was actually the remaining half of the captain!

He actually crawled himself from the explosion! Clearly, after receiving such damage, his cybernetic implants should have stop functioning but it seems the cybernetic arm in his right was a tad bit above standards.

Yet he still used his metallic hand, which was still in working condition, to crawl one inch at a time, as he lifted his head and revealed a sinister look.

His glaring red eyes were still focused on Michael as if he still wished to torture and kill Michael even after been in his current condition.


Michael understood once he saw the strange expression on the bald man's face.

Usually, the Enforcer's Corp would measure the amount of resistance an individual has against Cyberpsychosis before accepting them but it seems Ron had surpassed the limit by installing the Sandevistan.

But he didn't show any mercy in the least as his face formed a crazy and ruthless expression.

With big steps he charged forward, pouncing onto the captain's back. He then extended his muscular arms, holding the captains neck.

The captain had just crawled out from a raging fire, therefore its mechanical body was burning hot.

A foul smell of burnt flesh filled the atmosphere, yet Michael was oblivious or he simply could not feel it.