
Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System

"Terranoids, malicious malware and viruses with mechanical bodies made of metals and steel, created by a violent AI known as Omni-cast. During the year 2079, Terranoids ran rampant through out the world and war between cybernetic humans and Terranoids broken out. Wuth the insane combat cyberwares and skill wares and mods, the Terranoids were almost wiped out by humans. But they learned, they evolved, the war was quickly reversed as the Terranoids managed to learn Quick hacks, disabling the very cyberware the humans relied on and turned them against each other. Humans were almost wiped out, that is until they figured out a way to mix technology with the body, inserting nanobots to assist in reshaping and evolving the genes beyond the gjven limit, creating the Altered ones. The war was once more put under control and in a stale mate. Under the slightly peaceful era, corporate enterprises rose up once more and greed enveloped thw world with these new knowledge of power. Another path to evolution was hence created, they are called Mechanoids! Mechanoids, humans who are made up of pure steel! Their cells, genes, flesh and organs are all pure nano machines! Their strength even stronger than Altered ones but their minds became corrupted and with power, comes greed. Hence, another war between The altered Ones and Mechanoids broke out eventually dividing the entire planet into two continents ; Origin Continent and Cyborgenic Continent. On Origin Continent, Michael, a young teenager, lives in a slum, where he makes a living by producing and selling illegal substances. Despite his hard work, he struggles to make ends meet and dreams of a better life. Michael hears about a rare and powerful gene-editing nanobot being sold on the black market, which can grant incredible physical abilities to its host. Hopeful about becoming a Spliggen and escape the cruelty of the slums and the oppression from the High-born, Michael used his earnings of ten years, finally purchasing the gene-modifying nanobot, the trader gifting him a useless assistant nanobot. However, before he can use it, the nanobot is stolen by a rival gang in a violent confrontation!

RagingArtPunk · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Battle Technique: Blue; Sterling Flames!!!


Michael grunted as he rolled in the pavement floor.

Twisting his waist, he successfully utilize the kinetic energy, rising to a half-horse stance with his hands on the ground as he drifted backwards two meters before he stopped.

His eyes locked coldly at the man whose back was facing him five meters away like a viper, muscles tightened and teeth clenched.

It was as though with the slightest threat from the man, he would immediately attack with full force.

At this moment, his injured right arm had completely healed.

Suddenly a gruff voice rang out in his ears, containing mockery, loathe and arrogance.

"Don't pull that facade with me, I can hear your heart beating like a frightened chicken a mile away."

Michael remained silent, his hands left the ground and he regained his stance but his muscles were still tightly clenched, ready to erupt in full strength at any moment.

The man tilted his head and a sneer appeared in his face. "Not a bad trick. Calming yourself so quickly."

"What do you want?" Michael spoke slowly.

The young man's eyes turned cold and he turned half his face towards Michael, revealing half his face.

Instantly, Michael's face changed and his pupils constricted.

"He-he." Hearing Michael's heart racing once more, the young man let out a mocking laugh as he inhaled the smoke deeply.

"Lady Yvonne sends her greeting."

This time Michael was incredibly stunned and his heart immediately skipped a beat.

'Yvonne is actually alive!?'

An incomprehensible sense of excitement overwhelmed him and he urgently demanded.

"How's Yvonne doing and where is she!?"

In that split second, a silence descended and a never before seen chill overtook the surroundings like a Tsunami.

"Don't you dare speak her name."

Michael's hair stood on end an goosebumps appeared on his skin.

A feeling of certain death, one that could not be avoided, nor counter immediately overwhelmed Michael like a tide.

Pupils constricted, he instantly activated [Overclock], overloading his entire cells, squeezing out every bit of power they could muster as he burst out with his full power.

His reflex, physique, strength and intelligence instantly burst forth by one attribute.

Intelligence to increase his brain activity, reflex to react quickly and in coordination to his brain, physique for explosive stamina while strength for more attack power.

All his attributes exploded at will and time slowed down incredibly before Michael.


Michael felt as though a door had been unlocked in his mind as a sense of incomparable clarity enveloped him. To him, everything appeared in slow motion, even the flickering neon light bursting with florescent rays could be vividly seen by him.

However, even under this state...

He was only able to see a blur appear before him!

The pavement below exploded to smithereens as Michael's right foot dug deep into it.

The debris from the blast moved in slow motion and one could see pavement fragments spreading out slowly from underneath his feet like a blossoming flower.

In split second, he immediately sidestep with an acceleration force rivaling that of supercar!


A sharp metallic claw brushed past his face, carrying with it an explosive shriek as invincible sonic waves surrounded them. Tearing four light marks across Michael's face.

They claws had actually surpassed the speed of sound!

It was then the piercing sound of the claw and the blast from the pavement spread out.

"Sssssss!" "BANG!"

It was then the piercing sound of the claw and the blast from the pavement spread out


A surprised sound echoed from behind Michael.

Before Michael could turn around to react, a cold voice echoed by his ears.

"Blue Sterling Flames."


The temperature of the surrounding instantly rose by a few hundred degrees as an enormous blue flame enveloped the entire surrounding of twenty meters.

Instantly, the air vaporised as everything within a meter radius was evaporated to ashes.

Michael face paled and an inexplicable feeling if death chilled from his heart all the way to his spine. [Overclock ] overloaded his entire cells and genes.

The pavement within a radius of 2 meters cracked, spreading destructions around lik an earthquake as Michael screamed at his body to move faster.

He had only just turned half way, only to see fist sized blue flames two inches from him.

At this rate, with the intensity of the flames as well as the his slow reaction speed, he would immediately be burnt to crisp.

'Dammit! Dammit!! Dammit all!!! I am not willing to die here! Not ever again! Move dammit!' Michael cursed furiously.


Suddenly, Michael's heart suddenly thumped and his eyes widened.

His mind suddenly appeared even clearer and body released a 'Dang' sound as though a chain weighing down his body had been broken.

All of a sudden, the time which had slowed down instantly slowed down even more, up to 70 percent!

His right fist clenched and a clanging sound of metals squeezing into each other sounded out as his fist suddenly turned silver.

Instantly, the air howled as he punched out explosively at the fist-sized blue flame.



The entire area of thirty meter radius instantly exploded in a blue light as the flames engulfed all corners of the dump-site!

The mountains of trash metals within the thirty meter radius was reduced to liquid as more than half of the mountains turned into fiery hot molten.

Even the pavement had a ten meter wide hole within as smoke bellowed in the air, engulfing the surroundings, preventing it from sight.

The scavengers working with the area were frightened. Although they didn't witness the fight, the intensity of the explosion scared them listless. They didn't dare to move any closer, choosing directly to call go call their boss!

The smoke finally faded, revealing the figure of a black-clad man with a new ciger in mouth.

The man's mouth puff out an enormous amount of smoke to the surroundings and he actually chuckled.

"Uhn? I didn't think you were able to avoid certain death." Then he shrugged.

"I guess its your luck. She might get annoyed at me if you had died."