
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

Several street hooligans could never have imagined that so many unexpected events would occur during a simple robbery, all arriving so swiftly.

Initially, they planned to rob a middle-aged cripple but were thwarted by a young man out for a nighttime run, who promptly sent them on their way.

Annoyed, they quickly shifted their attention to the young man, intending to teach him a lesson for meddling.

Just as they drew their weapons for a standoff, thinking the young man was outnumbered and about to be easily subdued,

a streak of icy blue light, fast as a meteor, glided from above the slope, passing through.

In the blink of an eye,

before their very eyes, their target was whisked away.

The little black kid with dreadlocks, hand holding a knife, found his arm entwined by a silent golden monomolecular wire, which instantly sliced it into several pieces that scattered on the ground, not even having time to cry out in pain.

They were stunned by the sudden arrival of a speeding vehicle, taking a moment to snap back to reality, befuddled for a few seconds before hastily looking down the slope.

What they saw was

a silver-haired girl in sports attire, with one hand on a shopping cart and feet on the skateboard, racing down the slope at high speed.

And Tang Yu was loaded into the shopping cart, swept away by the momentum!

The sweeper wearing a special mask took aim with his gun at the direction the silver-haired girl slid towards and fired several shots.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But as the distance widened, the bullets seemed to have no effect; the silver-haired girl, pushing the shopping cart, almost vanished from sight.

The hooligans cursed in frustration, "Motherfucker, to rob someone right in front of me? Looking for death?!"

"Boss, what do we do now? Do we chase after them?"

"Yeah, boss, that kid looked really fit. His organs could fetch a good price!"

"Ah, ah, it hurts so much, boss, my hand!"

The masked sweeper packed away his gun and ignored the small-time thugs.

He walked straight to a nearby modified pickup and started the engine. The remaining four street hooligans jumped into the backseat like pros.

With a slam of the gas pedal and a puff of exhaust smoke, they started chasing down the hill.

At that moment,

Tang Yu was completely disoriented.

He was crammed into the shopping cart, staring up at the sky, gripping the sides of the cart with both hands, his legs dangling in the air.

He had no idea what had happened.

One second he was being threatened by the sweeper and a few hoodlums.

The next, he was stuffed into a shopping cart and yanked away.

The last time he experienced such a mode of travel was probably in his childhood.

The thin wheels of the shopping cart rolled rapidly on the ground, vibrating so much that Tang Yu's scalp tingled.

All he could hear was the rattling of the iron basket, seemingly on the verge of falling apart, followed by a few gunshots from behind.

Vehicles buzzed past on the road, lifting gusts of wind, which caused the shopping cart to weave left and right to avoid them.

Tang Yu felt as if he was lying on a roller coaster without any safety measures, plunging straight downward.

It was thrilling.


Streetlights and electronic billboards on either side spilled soft yellow and deep blue lights, flashing across his eyes, now bright, now dim.

But what really filled Tang Yu's entire field of vision was a face that was both familiar and strange.

Familiar was

the girl's short hair blowing in the wind, with the changing neon light accompanied by flickering lamps, revealing an underlying pale pink and slicing through with icy blue streaks.

Strange was

her wildly unrestrained, almost crazed laughter, as if she found unprecedented freedom in this life-or-death speed.

Her neon eyes sparkled with intensity, fearless against the wind.The silver-haired girl was 'driving' a shopping cart, carrying Tang Yu, and sprinting down the road in the wrong direction, causing the passing cars to honk loudly.



The shopping cart ran over a pebble, and the front wheel bounced up violently.

Under the force of inertia, Tang Yu was about to be flipped out of the cart.

Even though he had been through countless gunfights, the sensation of being tossed out of a roller coaster mid-air was something he was experiencing for the first time.

The silver-haired girl used one hand to steady the cart while forcefully pressing her other hand onto Tang Yu's chest, shoving him back into the metal basket.

Once the cart landed on all four wheels again, it sparked a few flashes of fire.

The cart trembled and swayed for a bit but ultimately stabilized.

Tang Yu nestled back into the basket, still shaken, only to hear the silver-haired girl laugh wildly.

"Ha, that was awesome!"

The silver-haired girl's smile was reckless and carefree, clearly enjoying the thrill of high-speed cart racing.

Tang Yu was sure she did it on purpose; the grin seemed mischievous and vengeful.

He remembered.

Could it be because of the incident in the carriage that day when he caught her red-handed?

That must be why she remembered this grudge and seized this opportunity to stage a shopping cart chase while he was being robbed by the street cleaners.

What happened to calling it even? Why did you keep a secret score?

Of course.

These were just Tang Yu's wild speculations.

Mainly because he now lay in the basket, not daring to move.

If the cart really flipped, his mortal body might not be able to take it.

Although the high-speed cart had stabilized, the silver-haired girl showed no intention of slowing down, instead, her lips curled into a victorious smile.

This smile.

It made Tang Yu incredibly nervous.

'What are you planning to do now?'

The silver-haired girl performed a nimble and challenging flip, clutching the cart's handles tightly with both hands, while her long legs split and propped against the corners of the basket.

She went from pushing the cart to lying prone on top of it, driving it upside down.

"Ah, this..."

Tang Yu was dumbfounded by her action, struggling to suppress his urge to speak.

'Hello, may I get off first?'

This was too wild, like driving with their lives on the line— and in a shopping cart meant for groceries, no less!

Tang Yu was extremely concerned that the weight of two people could easily cause the cart to collapse.

The two were crammed in the cart, one lying sprawled across the frame, the other lying prone.

Tang Yu's nose could already sense the fragrance of the girl's silver hair wafting through the air.

Her wild laughter drowned out all surrounding noise.

Laughing unrestrainedly, the silver-haired girl occasionally glanced back from the corner of her eye, jerking the cart decisively to the left and right to dodge the speeding traffic.

At such high speeds, any mishap, Tang Yu gravely suspected, could call for a do-over in the next life.

"Ha ha ha..."

The pupils of the silver-haired girl shone brilliantly due to her excitement, and as she turned her head, her gaze collided with Tang Yu's.

The sight of her evoked a torrent of thoughts in Tang Yu's mind.

Was this the same proud and aloof girl?

How could she be so wildly unrestrained?

Can this cart ever come to a stop? 

Yet, the silver-haired girl showed no concern for Tang Yu's feelings as if she was the master of this metal basket cart, racing through a moment that was entirely her own.

Before Tang Yu could even suggest stopping, a sound like a bullet scraping past ignited near his ear.

Tang Yu: "???"