
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

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191 Chs

Chapter 134

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Arasaka Tower.

33rd floor, Counterintelligence Department.

Tang Yu had just finished a day's work hunched over his desk and leaned back in his office chair, sighing in relief and pinching the bridge of his nose to relax his weary mind.

Nearby, his special assistant Sasha noticed that Tang Yu had wrapped up his work and seemed to want to rest for a while, so she took the initiative to walk over to him.

She picked up the teacup from the desk, refilled it with hot water, and gently set it back on the desk. Then, turning around, she came behind Tang Yu's chair and extended her slender fingers, placing them on his temples and started to gently press them.

Sasha had long been familiar with all of Tang Yu's habits and knew that he disliked sitting in the office dealing with various documents.

Therefore, whenever Tang Yu took a break, she would help him perform some relaxing activities to decompress.

If Tang Yu wanted to chat, she would also seriously listen by his side.

With Sasha's service, Tang Yu felt somewhat relaxed.

He was tired, not because of the workload, but because the work content was truly dull.

Numerous small and large matters within the Counterintelligence Department were awaiting his review and approval for their resolutions.

The reason why this acting department head was so painstakingly laborious was all due to his dutiful and loyal old boss, Arthur Jenkins.

While Arthur Jenkins led the department, he controlled practically everything, both big and small.

Since his deputy was often out on missions and rarely able to help with departmental affairs, Arthur Jenkins became accustomed to taking on everything himself, leading to a centralization of tasks.

Without the head of the Counterintelligence Department, things could hardly proceed, requiring someone decisive to be present.

Now with Arthur Jenkins away on business, this burden naturally fell on Tang Yu.

More troubling was that as an acting department head, he couldn't make decisions on the spot for some matters and had to convey the issues to Arthur Jenkins, awaiting his opinion before responding to others.

This intermediary role was squeezed in the middle, having to run back and forth for inquiries, inevitably causing much friction.

At such moments, Tang Yu would think of another deputy head, Kate.

She was still sitting in the deputy head office, busy with something unknown, spending days doing nothing in a dark and enclosed room, probably suffocating her insides.

Leaning back in the leather chair, resting his eyes, he said in a deep voice, "Do you think Kate is always watching us because she's too idle?"

Hearing Tang Yu mention that old witch, Sasha suddenly also felt quite unfair.

Although both deputy heads, Kate was idling away every day, finding issues with Mr. Tang.

Tang Yu, due to his exceptional abilities, had to act as the department head, incredibly busy, and still had to be wary of Kate's petty actions.

Sasha rarely got angry or disliked anyone, but she felt irritated every time she thought of Kate.

Although she was well-versed in company policies and, as Tang Yu's special assistant, was not allowed to offend any higher-ups openly, Sasha couldn't help but be displeased with Kate, clearly experiencing some deep-rooted internal struggle.

"Yes, Sasha feels the same way."

"According to the materials Sasha has learned about, such behavior could also be related to personality, character, emotional intelligence, and even physiological aspects, which, to some extent, could be considered a condition."

Tang Yu really never took Kate seriously. Regarding her schemes and actions, he could only say that her level was not high enough and such behavior could invite trouble.

The last employee of the Counterintelligence Department who behaved like this, Carter Smith, was already on a path of self-destruction.

Tang Yu had many secrets, but not everyone was qualified to know them.

Whether it be the relic chip, the real purpose behind Arasaka's reliance, Saburo Arasaka's plan to resurrect himself, the infighting within the Arasaka Family, the conspiracy between the Night Corp and AI, or even the AI god behind the Blackwall in cyberspace, Alt Cunningham.

The exposure of any of these issues would engulf all the informed parties in a storm, making it impossible for them to disentangle themselves.

Kate had no clue as to the consequences her foolish actions would bring upon her.

But still, even a grasshopper's persistent hopping in front of you can become annoying after a while.

Tang Yu decided it was time to give Kate something to do to keep her from idling around in front of him.

"Indeed, people sicken from idleness. I think Kate is just too idle. Have her come to the office, and I'll arrange some work for her."

"She seems very keen on tackling Militech; let's put her in charge of counteracting Militech."

Tang Yu thought that an aunt like Kate being put in check by an entity like Militech would suit her well.

After Tang Yu's order, Sasha's cyber eyes whirled as she swiftly relayed a message to the front desk, notifying Deputy Head Kate to come to the office.

Before long, the doors to the head office slid open from the middle to the sides, and Kate stood at the door for an authorization scan, expressionless.

She walked into the office, her red cybernetic eyes betraying no emotion, and came to stand opposite of Tang Yu's desk, asking coldly, "What's the matter?"

Kate saw Tang Yu leaning back comfortably in his office chair, with special assistant Sasha standing behind him, helping him relax at the temples.

In such a relaxed pose, he didn't seem like he had important matters to discuss.

Tang Yu continued to rest with his eyes closed, showing no intention of acknowledging her presence.

He himself was a lone wolf in the Arasaka Tower, and even Susan Abernathy's pleas held no sway over him.

As for Kate, who had parachuted into the department through connections, he was even less concerned.

From the start to the end, it was Kate's own choice to be here, so he might as well give her a stage to perform.

After enjoying a brief moment of relaxation, Tang Yu signaled Sasha to step back.

Only then did he open his eyes, resting one hand on the desktop, lightly tapping with his index finger, feigning thought for a moment, before asking, "Is the report on the restarted investigation finished?"

Kate's expression darkened, and the frustration she had been holding back flared, with several veins popping out on her forehead.

She responded coldly, "The investigation no longer needs to continue. I already know the truth, and further inquiry is pointless."

Kate wanted to see if Tang Yu actually had the confidence he portrayed, and while she lacked evidence at the moment, it did not stop her from applying pressure.

Tang Yu frowned slightly and said with a touch of regret, "That's not ideal, the report on the restarted investigation was not a request for your opinion but an assignment for you to complete."

"I think you've made some valid points. You suspect there's more to uncover, and this kind of determination fits nicely with the needs of the Counterintelligence Department."

"I expect the report in my inbox by midnight tonight, and I hope it will be there in its entirety when I open it tomorrow morning. Understood?"

Kate clenched her teeth, her complexion turning somewhat green as she felt involuntary spasms on her forehead.

Seeing her looking unwell and as though she might lash out, Sasha's eyes grew colder, her leopard's diamond claws silently revealing a sharp blade glinting with a hint of chill.

Kate suppressed her frustration and replied sternly, "Understood."

She now realized why Susan Abernathy had lost her composure in the lobby of the Arasaka Tower.

This man's arrogant and insufferable demeanor was enough to drive anyone mad with rage.

She forced down her boiling anger and the intense hatred of wanting him dead.

Tang Yu noticed that Kate's face was patchy with rage and assumed she was having a hard time, so he kindly said, "You've joined the Counterintelligence Department recently, and Mr. Jenkins has been away on business and hasn't had the time to guide you in some of the department's work."

"Now that I'm free, let's discuss the department's situation and I'll arrange your workload."

Tang Yu paused, seeing that Kate still had a sullen look, and continued to emphasize, "While new here and without assigned duties, working here with plenty of free time, I can understand that."

"Reviewing past cases to understand recent departmental affairs can indeed help you integrate into the Counterintelligence Department and adapt to the role of deputy head."

"However, you still need to focus on the future and strive to accomplish a few major affairs so that your colleagues can genuinely admire your abilities."

"Not to mention that during my time here, I've already received feedback from several subordinates."

"They are concerned about your capabilities and experience since this is not the R&D department, and you lack experience in higher management positions."

"Of course, don't take these words to heart. These are just your colleagues showing their care and concern for you."

Kate felt as if she was about to explode. This wasn't a conversation but a direct insult to her face.

She now understood that Tang Yu must be seeking to assert his power during his tenure as acting department head, seeking to take revenge.

Arthur Jenkins must be in cahoots with him, or else he would not have let Tang Yu run wild in the department.

However, Kate could tolerate what many could not. The head office was Tang Yu's territory, and if she made a mistake here, even if she died on the spot, there would be nowhere to seek justice.

All she could do was stand there, listening to Tang Yu finish speaking, planning her revenge after leaving.

Tang Yu found that Kate and Susan Abernathy's lot were cut from the same cloth.

They pretended to be calculating, maintaining composure, and acting for the greater good when confronted, and once away, they secretly schemed stabbings from the shadows.

He spoke a few words and felt no interest as Kate hardly matched up to Susan Abernathy. He then commenced the conclusion, "I've thought about it, and since you're writing a report on a restarted investigation, why not take the lead on counteracting Militech?"

"Have the Surveillance and Tactics departments share some of the intelligence the department has with you."

"The Counterintelligence Department agents and informants embedded in the military tech are currently in a confidential cultivation phase."

"So, you need to find ways to recruit new informants or train a few agents to infiltrate the military tech insiders."

"Just a heads up, the executive in charge of the military tech team that night was Meredith Stoute."

"If you acquire any intelligence, remember to report to me at any time."

"Is there anything unclear?"

Without delay, Kate replied in a firm voice, "Understood, if there's nothing else, I'll head back to my office now."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, indicating she could leave.

Once Kate received Tang Yu's approval, she turned and headed straight for the office door, not looking back as she left.

With assertive strides, Kate's high heels thudded on the plush carpet, emanating a dull, imposing sound.

She knew Tang Yu was purposely putting pressure on her, the so-called assigned tasks were just passing the trouble onto her.

Sabotaging military tech was akin to extracting chestnuts from the fire; a slight mistake could draw unwanted attention.

Especially since she had no personnel at her disposal, neither agents nor informants to rely on—if she wanted to gather intelligence on military tech, she'd have to arrange her own investigation.

Absurd, she thought.

But for Kate, this came as a pretext to legitimately investigate the military tech.

She had long wanted to send someone to look into who was behind the scenes on the night of the deal.

Meredith Stoute.

Kate was well-acquainted with this name provided by Tang Yu—a manager at Militech's special operations department, a bona fide member of the company's upper echelons.

Moreover, she was a staunch opponent of the Arasaka within Militech.

She suspected Tang Yu of deceiving her, tangling with Meredith would gain her no advantage.

She would have to start the investigation from the lower ranks; finding just one witness could solve all issues.

Pondering this, Kate's gloomy expression turned to an impassive mask as she continued towards her office.

As she passed, the staff of the counterintelligence department made room for her, their expressions wary of incurring her ire.

In the minister's office, after Kate's departure, Tang Yu stood and stretched his stiff shoulders.

Sasha hurried to his side, reaching out to help straighten his suit jacket and softly asking him.

"Mr. Tang, your work is done for today. Shall I prepare the Delamain for you?"

Sasha knew that Tang Yu usually took the public metro home after work, but he opted for the Delamain service when he had errands.

After consideration, Tang Yu replied, "No need for the Delamain tonight; I have some personal matters to attend to. The company's car will do."

Once his attire was in order, Tang Yu noticed Sasha gazing at him with a hint of anticipation—clearly wanting to accompany him out.

He patted her head gently, somewhat helplessly saying, "It's personal today, and it wouldn't be convenient for you to join."

The place Tang Yu was headed to was indeed unsuitable for Sasha—it used to be the *strip club.

Lizzie's Bar.

Even though it was now called Lizzie's Bar, its essence still belonged to an off-limits industry.

Sasha was inexperienced; exposing her too early to such things was unwise, best not fill her head with bizarre and peculiar knowledge.

Disappointment flashed in Sasha's eyes, but she quickly recovered and replied earnestly, "Understood, Mr. Tang. I'll finish organizing the office before heading home."

Tang Yu gave a small nod: "Thank you for the hard work, Sasha."

With that, he walked straight out from the office door, vanishing behind the gates.

The reason Tang Yu was going to Lizzie's Bar was because he had agreed to meet Jackie for a drink—a plan that had been postponed due to various circumstances, but with Jackie's keen invitation today, Tang Yu decided to take the opportunity to visit.

Entering the Arasaka Tower's public elevator, he headed straight for the Arasaka Tower lobby, where a black Arasaka luxury sedan awaited outside.

He strode out of Arasaka Tower and into the sedan, which navigated directly to Watson's Kabuki district and Lizzie's Bar.

No sooner had the car set off than Jackie called.

Tang Yu couldn't help but chuckle—Jackie was really looking forward to this.

Picking up the phone, an excited Jackie asked on the other end, "Tang, have you left work yet? I'm waiting outside Lizzie's for you. Honestly, ever since you started working at the corporation, you've been busy constantly. Arasaka won't fall apart without you. Hurry up, drinks are on me."

Jackie's image appeared clearly in Tang Yu's mind—standing outside Lizzie's, barely containing his excitement, his large hands rubbing together comically.

"Jackie, that's a bit much, isn't it? Weren't those intimate times with Misty enough satisfaction for you?"

This made Jackie awkward, prompting a few stammered laughs in response.

"Ah ha, ah ha ha ha, ha ha ha..."

"Which time you talking about? Misty and I's tarot sessions are purely for spiritual communication."

"And yeah, we hang out in the garage sometimes, but my mom's right behind the shop – kills the mood, you know?"

Tang Yu: "..."

"Enough, Jackie, let's not make a fuss. I'll grant you permanent suite access at Konpeki Plaza—put it on my tab."

"Don't worry about you and Misty; I trust you guys, but don't get carried away."

Jackie seemed even more embarrassed, laughing awkwardly again.

"Ah ha, ah ha ha ha, ha ha ha..."

Resigned, Tang Yu said, "Go inside first, I'll be there soon."

Ending the call.

Soon after.

A black Arasaka sedan slowly arrived and parked in front of Lizzie's Bar.

Tang Yu stepped out and surveyed the area.

Once again surrounded by the familiar setting—the Lizzie's sign, the Mox.

The neon signage on either side of Lizzie's front door lit up—on the left, a purple neon line outlined an ax-wielding, curvaceous figure, and on the right, bright white neon sketched a cool silhouette with a baseball bat.

The giant sign atop the entrance cast a glowing aura, softly illuminating the area beneath it.



A scattered crowd mingled in the plaza, chatting and bantering with a mix of men and women.

Watching the Arasaka car enter the plaza and seeing Tang Yu approaching, they cast unfriendly glances his way.

Tang Yu was aware that Arasaka wasn't exactly popular in Lizzie's domain, but the bar didn't prohibit Arasaka employees from entering.

Lizzie's was indeed Mox territory, with a component of power, yet remained business-focused.

Tang Yu remembered that the big boss of Lizzie's was Susie Q, a business-savvy woman who had made the bar a notable success in just a few years.

Now, Lizzie's Bar was a leading nightspot in Night City, boasting high quality girls and braindances, ranking among the best.

After all, Lizzie's employed Judy Alvarez, the highly talented braindance editor and tech expert of Night City.

Tang Yu's acquaintance with Judy was not shallow; in his view, Judy was always a girl who simply loved braindances.

But the city wasn't kind to her. Everyone around was obsessed with fame and gains, no one truly cared for emotions—and yet, she did.

Apart from having drinks with Jackie, part of Tang Yu's intention to visit Lizzie's was the desire to see Judy.

Back then, his first woman wasn't V—a companion through thick and thin, nor Panam—the wild desert girl, but Judy—the girl submerged in her world of braindance editing in the basement.

Post-event, Tang Yu had contemplated this—these things were often about fate.

V was indeed the first girl he fell for and spent the most and longest time with.

They had their secluded moments together, but due to V's delayed realization, they maintained a 'brotherly' relationship for a long time.

His relationship with Judy wasn't smooth-sailing either. Initially, he always felt she had a certain natural distaste for him or men in general.

It was later on that he vaguely sensed something was off—Judy's orientation nearly nullified any chance he had.

However, orientation isn't as rigid as mechanical programming.

Even with programming set rigidly, there are still chances to covertly modify it.

Tang Yu indeed captured Judy's heart, albeit the means by which he turned the cooked rice were somewhat less than honorable.

For that matter, Judy had a falling out with him for quite some time.

Shaking off his thoughts, Tang Yu approached the entrance of Lizzie's.

The Mox bouncers were firmly guarding the door, radiating an unwelcoming vibe.

The leading bouncer, with two blue-tinted pigtails and a baseball bat over her shoulder, her upper body clad in a T-shirt beneath a short coat region revealing a hint of white, both arms sporting high-end cyberware with flesh-like finishes shining under the neon lights, cheekily remarked upon seeing Tang Yu's sophisticated look.

"Looking pretty sharp there. Interested in trying the latest braindance?"

To Tang Yu, Lizzie's new releases were essentially old news, given his frequent past visits, where he had experienced all of the braindance offerings.

"If you mean 'Emerald City,' there's nothing worth recommending," he replied.

"Please relay the message to Judy."

"There's no need to compromise for market tastes."

"I have an appointment."

"Keep the car safe."

The bouncer gave Tang Yu a curious look, having no memory of him. She was indeed intending to recommend the new braindance 'Emerald City,' a dance through the greenery to the rhythms of the White Deer Plain.

Observing some folks across the plaza with mischievous intent, it was clear that the street thugs harbored ill-feelings toward Arasaka—while they wouldn't dare murder, slashing tires or scratching paintworks were fair game as a form of amusement.

The bouncer stepped aside, the entrance gate sliding open as she continued, "I'll pass on your advice to Judy, but bear in mind, she is one of the Mox. Don't get any ideas."

Without a word, Tang Yu stepped into Lizzie's Bar.