
Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!

My name is Tang Yu. I'm a transmigrator from Earth. I thought I died nuking Arasaka alongside Rogue and Johnny Silverhand, giving them a final f*ck you. Instead, I'm reborn in the year 2076? Well, time for round 2. "Welcome to Night City, where your dreams come true" Translated from: https://www.yawen.cc/book/221389/ Please leave comments and bookmark! Also for my old readers from Warhammer and One Piece, please comment if you want me to update those stories. I had to take a big hiatus because of my exams RIP PLEASE report any name or formatting mistakes too. I will attempt to patch future grammar mistakes.

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 133

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A black Delamain business taxi was slowly driving down the empty road.

In the leather-upholstered cabin, the bald Delamain on the electronic screen asked mechanically, "Mr. Tang, are you planning to head to Night City's Dock No. 4?"

Tang Yu leaned back in the rear seat and said in a deep voice, "Let's head out directly."

As the Delamain set the navigation for the destination and started the vehicle, it offered considerately, "Mr. Tang, it's a light rain today with low temperatures outside, and there's a cool breeze at the dock. Delamain can provide you with a raincoat jacket."

Tang Yu declined Delamain's 'kindness' and reminded it instead, "Del, just focus on driving."

The Delamain prudently silenced itself.

Sitting in the warm and comfortable cabin, Tang Yu gazed through the window. Fine rain began to fall, with droplets on the window blurring into a layer of mist.

He was heading to Night City's Dock No. 4 today at the insistent invitation of Kerry, who said there were some things he wanted to discuss in person. For this, Kerry had even chartered a yacht and was waiting for him at the bay.

Tang Yu and Kerry used to hang out quite often. He knew Kerry was very open-minded and couldn't stop thinking about his big brother Johnny. With this in mind, he did wonder about the nature of Kerry's relationship with Michiko Arasaka—perhaps it was similarly open?

After all, they both enjoyed eating late-night snacks, shared a love for rock music, and probably spent a lot of time discussing Silverhand. They definitely had similar tastes.

However, these were all conjectures and couldn't be taken as facts.

Tang Yu had no intention of using Kerry to connect with Michiko Arasaka. He held enough aces up his sleeve to convince Michiko without the need to involve Kerry in the inner struggles of the Arasaka Family.

He was just a rocker kid, and there was no benefit for him to be involved in power plays.

Perhaps this was also why Johnny chose not to take Kerry with him when he detonated the bomb at the Arasaka Tower. Johnny had always been sensible about which friends to involve in what kind of business.

Additionally, the riot at the corporation plaza would not have reached the effect he wanted without Kerry's agreement to hold the nostalgia rock concert.

Despite convincing Kerry to help by impersonating Johnny, thereby successfully reviving his popularity, Tang Yu still 'deceived' Kerry—his big brother Johnny Silverhand had not truly returned.

Facing Kerry's invitation, Tang Yu had to attend, and there were some things that needed to be clarified.

At Kerry's request, Tang Yu went alone, not bringing Sasha with him.

He leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes to rest, and his mind started to calculate recent events.

The riot at the corporation plaza particularly gave Tang Yu a lot to think about.

Even though the riot succeeded in torching half of a biotech building, the corporation's foundation remained unshaken.

The deep roots of a megacorporation were not something a riot could easily destroy.

Moreover, there were many who benefited from the chaos.

Globally, the impact of the riot was quite limited.

But as far as Tang Yu was concerned, the entire event and plan were successful because it achieved its underlying purpose. It not only unraveled Sasha's past mystery and fulfilled her past wish but also torched half of the biotech building, giving everyone a taste of vengeance.

Most importantly, the people involved in this event, unknowingly, started to align themselves together, gradually uniting as one.

From the beginning, Tang Yu's goal was not to destroy the biotech company but to rally people through this event.

And to send a signal to more people that the corporation was not invincible; at least united, there was still a possibility to resist them.

Still, such power was too weak, even if Tang Yu had amassed various forces and instigated the riot, it remained a 'small fish in a big pond.'

To hold a concert, stir up a frenzy riot, and burn down a corporate building were perhaps enough to be remembered for a lifetime for Kerry, Gloria, Sasha, and Maine.

But for Tang Yu, they hardly counted as achievements.

In the past, he had joined forces with Michiko Arasaka to launch the Fifth Corporate War, pulling half the world into the chaos.

But the might of the corporation was beyond imagination, and the backlash was unprecedented.

When the cold-blooded eyes of capital opened, revealing their sharp claws, the suffocating oppression was inescapable.

Time was running out, and the journey had to be taken step by step. Everyone still needed time to grow.

Tang Yu exhaled slowly, trying to bring his thoughts back on track.

Michiko Arasaka had entrusted him with a task—to clean up the Tiger Claw Gang so they would truly serve her.

Tang Yu was all too familiar with the Tiger Claw Gang; they often did Arasaka's dirty work as the corporation's claws.

The Tiger Claw Gang did indeed back Arasaka, but within the leadership controlling the gang, there were factions.

According to Michiko, most of the gang's recruits came from Kyoto and had close ties to the Arasaka Family. She could command the Tiger Claw Gang to do her bidding, but she didn't fully trust the people inside.

She didn't state her intentions clearly but tasked Tang Yu with giving the gang a 'cleansing.'

Tang Yu surmised that the gang members probably didn't respect Michiko much, or they might even be inclined to oppose her.

Most members hailed from Kyoto, upholding the traditional hierarchical spirit, and they would only obey the legitimate Arasaka line.

Although Michiko presided over the Night City Arasaka Tower, she wasn't sincerely recognized by the high echelons of the Tiger Claw Gang.

But she knew well that all she wanted was a compliant Night City Tiger Claw Gang, not the entire gang's fealty.

The Night City Tiger Claw Gang, after all, was just one of many branches.

However, this branch was a significant force to reckon with in Night City, with a reach that spanned multiple areas and brashly dominant behavior.

Typically associated with the street racing gangs of Kyoto, they were bitter enemies of the Moxes gang.

Most Tiger Claw proceeds came from the black industry, eyeing the street girls eagerly.

There was a time when Tang Yu and Judy stormed the Tiger Claw base to handle those tattoo-faced thugs. But it wasn't long before new Tiger Claw leaders rose to prominence, leaving the gang's activities unchanged.

So, to make the Tiger Claw Gang obedient wasn't as simple as a massacre; they needed chains around their necks to bite on command.

He could almost foresee that Michiko's rush to consolidate power was probably in preparation for the arrival of Michiko Arasaka, whose coming to Night City was a done deal.

After all, a caged fierce tiger, once free, is likely to hunt.

Given Michiko's temperament, once she found the chance to escape Kyoto and come to Night City, she would come fully prepared, ready to openly defy Saburo Arasaka in a showdown.

Although just the North American branch, the Night City Arasaka Tower's position and power were strong enough to rival the Kyoto Arasaka headquarters.

The tower hid many secrets.

And the city harbored the power to resist Arasaka.

The Delamain finally arrived at Dock No. 4, coming to a stop at the curb, announcing,

"Mr. Tang, we have reached your specified destination."

Tang Yu then opened his eyes, instructed Delamain to wait there for his return, and stepped out of the vehicle.

He stood on the dock, met with the salty and cool breeze mingled with rain. Looking out over the vast sea, its surface unsettled under a sky heavy with dark clouds.

Multiple luxurious yachts were docked along the expansive pier.

Possibly due to the weather, and the absence of the sun, far fewer people were going out to sea on their yachts.

Tang Yu headed toward Dock No. 4 and soon spotted a private yacht waiting by the shore.

Kerry stood on the yacht's deck with one foot on the railing, and upon seeing Tang Yu approaching, waved and smiled,

"Tang, over here!"

Tang Yu saw that Kerry had his signature silver short hair, wearing a black denim jacket with several gold chains around his neck, and clutching his favorite battle-ax guitar on the deck of a white private yacht, waving at him.

He walked over to the edge of the pier, stepped up the ladder onto the yacht's deck.

Once aboard, Kerry invited Tang Yu to the bow of the yacht, chatting as they walked.

"Tang, I appreciate you coming. Let's take a spin out on the bay today."

While saying this, Kerry sat back against a leather couch on the deck and then cradled his battle-ax guitar.

Tang Yu took a seat on the opposite end of the couch and said, "There's no need for formalities; you seem in a good mood today."

He remembered this luxurious yacht likely belonged to Kerry's manager, and those guys had made quite a bit of money by exploiting Kerry.

At the time, Johnny insisted on messing with the little brother Kerry, and on a whim, they burned the yacht. It was surprising that they were again onboard the yacht, but it was just him and Kerry, with no sign of Johnny or V.

Kerry, with both legs on the couch and leaning back against it, said with a smile, "Indeed, I'm in a great mood. Ever since you schooled those bloodsuckers, my days have been much more relaxed."

Tang Yu knew that MSM Records wouldn't let go of their cash cow easily, but at least they'd behave better for the time being.

Once a fallen rock star, Kerry had signed with MSM Records, and everything from production, promotion, to sales was in the record company's hands.

As an artist, he could only comply unconditionally, even though he knew Michiko Arasaka; their relationship was only personal.

Located far in Kyoto, Michiko wouldn't be able to look after Kerry.

Tang Yu casually remarked, "It's better if they're honest. Even MSM Record's bosses made the journey to my former boss to seek intervention."

"Now, with Arasaka Entertainment advancing aggressively, their star-making capability is no less than those established record companies."

Kerry played a gentle chord on his guitar, a departure from his usual flamboyant and aggressive style, showing a more gentle and mellow side.

Before, such talk would have probably agitated Kerry again, but today he seemed quite indifferent, saying teasingly, "I'm really relaxed now, especially since you showed those vampires where to stand. Since then, my days have been much easier."

"Yeah, the hottest group right now, some super idol girl group that came from Kyoto, their songs are simply unheard of to me."

"Then someone told me, those three kids even covered my songs; it almost made me sick."

"My cowardly agent didn't even dare to fart, knowing they were entertainers under Arasaka Corporation."

"But speaking of which, this concert hasn't affected your work, has it?"

Tang Yu thought of the fiery trio of sisters when Kerry mentioned the idol group. These three Sakura girls were once hardcore fans of Kerry. Later, Tang Yu helped resolve the trouble between Kerry and them. 

It seemed there was some agreement between two record companies, which, without informing their respective artists, planned a joint concert.

Upon learning that he would collaborate with them, Kerry nearly exploded, considering the Fiery Trio musical thieves who became famous by covering his songs and being promoted by capital without any real musical literacy.

However, after meeting the Fiery Trio, Kerry was utterly charmed by their respectful address of "Kerry-san."

The joint concert ended up being a success, and Tang Yu got to meet the three sisters, even having a brief encounter with the singer called Blue Moon.

Of course, V knew about this, but back then, they were still 'brothers,' goofing around together, never expecting the turns their lives would later take.

Regarding the events at Arasaka Tower, Tang Yu had no intention of hiding anything from Kerry, an outsider, and he spoke directly, "To some extent, there is an impact. That building is full of shrewd people; any little disturbance gets blown way out of proportion."

After hearing this, Kerry laughed heartily, "I bet after that concert and the riot ended, who knows how many people thought we had something going on. News, entertainment, gossip headlines – I dominated them for days."

"Before, I thought making a comeback would bring happiness or give me more security."

"Now I realize I got everything wrong. Honestly, those so-called headlines and traffic have no meaning for me anymore."

The concert and subsequent riot at the company plaza had indeed elevated Kerry to the pantheon of music.

Many entertainment media praised the once young rock star who awakened people's long-dormant passion and cries with his music.

With the current mayor Lucius Rhyne's endorsement, Kerry had become a symbol of Night City's resistance against corporations and authority.

Wherever he went, he was warmly welcomed, and countless spotlights refocused on him.

Tang Yu knew that what healed Kerry's heart wasn't fame and fortune but his beloved rock and the Samurai band he missed.

"Don't say it like that; after the comeback, at least you don't have to pretend to be depressed for publicity anymore."

"However, I still advise you to consider collaborating with the Fiery Trio."

"After all, what star wouldn't want to be more famous? Don't regret it if you cool off later."

Kerry, unable to help himself, laughed again, "Ha ha, the more famous you are, the more trouble you get. If it cools, let it cool. Enough of these annoying matters."

"Tang, don't wreck my vibe; I wanted to invite you over for a chat today, let's head out, off to the bay."

With that said,

Kerry's cyber eye rotated, controlling the yacht to leave the harbor, heading towards the bay.

"Err... just let me find the ignition switch there, ah, found it."

"Wizard, let's set off!"

As soon as he finished speaking,

The luxurious yacht slowly left shore, heading out to sea.

The two rode on the luxurious yacht, cruising on the gently undulating waves.

Kerry lightly played his priceless battle-ax guitar, humming a tune.

"I've never had such a burst of inspiration like today; my head is full of endless melodies, hum anything and it could be turned into a song."

"Honestly, Tang, I really have to thank you for that concert – at least it helped me find myself again."

"After nearly fifty years, I've come to understand the cycle of life and have returned to today."

As he observed Kerry's carefree demeanor, Tang Yu realized he had come to terms with a lot. That concert had deep significance for Kerry, helping him rediscover the young man who loved rock five decades ago, returning to the days of performing concerts with Johnny.

The over fifty-year-old Kerry could rightfully say, "Youth has returned."

Kerry, with a profound look in his eyes, gazing into the horizon, said a bit wistfully, "I used to live with Johnny for a long time. I watched him become more dazzling every day and can responsibly say, no one embodied rock and roll like Johnny."

"Johnny saved rock and roll and also saved me. Without him, I might not have survived a day."

"We were close to the point, and don't laugh, I even tried on Johnny's jacket once."

"So, when Johnny left, he was permanently etched in my mind. I wanted to pull him out, but I couldn't."

"What I really fear isn't losing fame or being misunderstood or needing to rely on an idol group for popularity."

"You might not understand, but what I really fear is living in Johnny's shadow, where everything I sing or do has his mark."

Tang Yu felt that Johnny's personality certainly was too irresponsible for Kerry.

Johnny was inherently cutthroat and unemotional, never considering others' feelings, doing whatever it took to achieve his goals.

For Kerry, who was at his most impressionable, encountering the confident and masculine rock star uncle was perfectly normal adoration.

In Night City, no one taught Kerry how to behave; everything was based on instinct.

Back then, Johnny only saw Kerry as a little brother, obsessed with toppling Arasaka Tower.

Johnny probably fixated on the Arasaka name more than his former girlfriends Rogue and Alt combined, leaving no room to consider Kerry's sensitive emotions.

"Don't be so downcast; at least you're doing pretty well without Johnny."

Hearing Tang Yu's nonchalant comfort, Kerry could only utter a resigned thanks.

"Right, I've become a household name in Night City on my own; released albums, bought mansions, and fancy cars."

"And now, I'm making a comeback again..."

With that, Kerry's emotions started stirring.

"I feel inspired to write songs and release albums again. You should know, my first song was composed at sea."

"That song became Samurai's smash hit, something even Johnny couldn't write..."

Kerry paused when he realized his words were circling back to Johnny again.

After a moment of silence, he stopped playing, leaning toward Tang Yu to ask, "Johnny isn't really back, is he?"


Kerry had suspected that Tang Yu was impersonating Johnny, but he was so convincing that Kerry preferred to believe the truth of Johnny's return.

But now,

Kerry was determined to step out of Johnny's shadow and embrace life in a new way.

Tang Yu extended his hand, gesturing for Kerry to hand over the guitar.

Kerry looked at the guitar in his hand then passed it to Tang Yu, adding, "It's a custom Lancaster, one of a kind. I've got one, and the military tech giant has another."

Tang Yu took the guitar and casually strummed, letting out waves of electric sound.

"I know."

He found the tune and started playing freely, with flexible and varied fingering – Johnny's favorite rhythm.

Kerry's eyes sparkled with surprise, and he asked, smiling, "Sure enough, you play so well, you even fooled me."

Tang Yu, while playing, said, "Johnny will come back. The day Samurai truly reunites, you will see."

Kerry suddenly became silent, just looking at Tang Yu wordlessly.

He knew Tang Yu wasn't one to make empty promises; if he personally said Johnny could come back, he must know something.


Tang Yu wasn't from the same era as him and Johnny.

To master Johnny's playing technique to a tee, even Johnny himself would be astonished.

Kerry felt that Tang Yu must have a close connection to Johnny to know him so well.

In reality,

When Kerry came to his realization and guessed that Tang Yu was impersonating Johnny, there was still a bit of loneliness deep down.

He desperately wanted to see Johnny, so he chose to believe Tang Yu and agreed to do the risky concert.

In the concert, Kerry found himself again, reigniting the rock passion in his heart.

Kerry indeed didn't need Johnny anymore, but when he heard Tang Yu say Johnny could return, he couldn't suppress his emotions.

Kerry suddenly rose from the deck sofa and extended his hand for the guitar, laughing heartily, "Today, I want to say goodbye to the past. Give me the guitar, let's smash it to smithereens, and then we'll burn this broken boat together."

Tang Yu, holding the priceless guitar, asked puzzled, "Why smash the guitar and burn the yacht to say goodbye to the past?"

Kerry, excitedly explaining said, "Like fire and alcohol, like riots, like burning company buildings, we need to have a similar event – that's how you give the past a proper farewell!"

He spoke with excitement, but seeing Tang Yu's indifferent reaction, became puzzled and thought Tang Yu was worried about the guitar and yacht, so he added,

"Don't worry about it – we've burned companies, what's a yacht? This yacht belongs to my manager, and the guitar is an old antique. If you want it, I'll give you a few from my collection when we're back, any limited editions you like."

"Don't you want to smash everything?"

"I don't."

Tang Yu coolly said, "Just give me the guitar, and as for this yacht, it's mine now. Your manager won't have any issue with that, right?"

Kerry: "..."