
Custom Life

“Custom Life” It’s something that Connor has been hearing more frequently in the passing days. Apparently, it was an augmented reality app that went trending due to its ingenious and fun way of managing the user’s personal life; from health, to task management, and the small things in between. Skeptical of its rave reviews, Connor found himself downloading the app on the urging of his friend. Little did he know, a path of blood awaits him once he opens the app.

Owlfie · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Hidden from the teacher's sight, Connor silently fiddled with his phone. He explored all the things that the shop had to offer, as well as keeping a close eye on the various news outlets. However, despite his worries, nothing had happened yet, and his 3rd period class was about to end.

Before the bell rung, he made mental notes of his findings from the shop. There were many categories on the shop, however, the ones that made the most impression was the weapons, armor, accessories, consumables, and special. The weapon and armor categories was self explanatory, however it still made a lasting impact on Connor as he sorted it from the most expensive to the least. The most expensive weapon was a sword, it was called "Chaos & Order", and he couldn't even begin to wrap his head around it's price, it had so much zeros that he felt dizzy.

'Why is this so expensive?!' There wasn't any item description so Connor could only keep scrolling down. The top 50 items were all either swords, daggers, bows, or spears. Only when he scrolled further down that he encountered the 'hot' weapons.

There were ray guns, nuclear type weapons, and futuristic looking guns that made Connor speechless. He finally hit the bottom when he encountered the cheapest weapon at 100 DP. It was a normal looking military type dagger. Above that was a handgun with a price of 250 DP. He couldn't help but laugh angrily at this; 'So f*cking stingy!'

The armors category was more or less the same, the lowest armor being a Kevlar vest at a price of 500 DP.

Accessories category was just filled with... accessories.

Consumables category offered health items, ammo, food, water, etc. the cheapest item being a bottle of water for 10 DP.

The special category only had 50 items, and all of them were different colored gems. The cheapest one being 10,000 DP, however, what interested Connor was the red line of words at the bottom of each gem; "Must have the required attributes to purchase". Besides that, there were no other information.

As his train of thought finished, the bell had finally rung, and in no time, he had arrived in his 4th period class.

Just as he was settling down at his desk, Jacob rushed to his side and sat down. It wasn't his assigned seat but it looked like he was eager to tell Connor something. He leaned close and in a low whisper, he mumbled in quick succession.

"Dude, Connor, you got the update right??? The shop is so sick! And have you already used your tickets, man it's so cool! It's real! I can actually-"

"Ok, calm down, tell it to me, but slowly. What about the tickets?" Connor said as he looked at Jacob with a tired look.

"You haven't used the tickets yet?! What're you even doing??? Oh, speaking of which, you look really pale dude, what happened?"

"I haven't used them yet, I was busy collecting information. And don't ask about it, I just threw up in the bathroom." Connor whispered in a voice that was almost silent.

"Hope you feel better, but seriously, use the tickets now! I mean look!" Jacob looked around them to see if anyone was staring, and he quietly put a pencil on the desk. Opening his palms in the air, he faced them towards the pencil.

Connor just stared at him in silence, as he tried not to laugh at his friend's constipated face. However, the next moment had left him gawking. Without any interference, the pencil had slowly started to roll to his side of the desk. After it stopped in front of him, it made a 180 degree turn as it slowly made its way back to Jacob. Grabbing the pencil, Jacob panted heavily as he planted his face on the desk to rest. His back was drench with a waterfall of sweat, and looked as if he had just ran a marathon.

"H-How? What? Did you?" Connor stuttered as he tried to process what had just happened. Jacob gave a big grin as he stuffed the pencil in Connor's hand.

"No tricks. Use your tickets man, tell me what you get later!" Jacob said enthusiastically as he went back to his desk.

Connor stared blankly at the pencil in his hands, at this moment, he wasn't even bothered that the pencil was covered in Jacob's hand sweat. All that he had in mind, was the lottery!

He quickly wiped the sweat on his hand, as he went to the lottery in the shop. It was then that a blank lottery wheel showed itself, along with a green button with the words "Insert Ticket". Pressing on it, he found out that he could choose which tickets he could insert first. Looking at his options, he had 5 whole tickets. One of which, he has never heard of, called the "Power Ticket".

'This Must be what Jacob's so excited about.' He thought as the scene of the pencil rolling kept playing in his mind.

He wanted to save the best for last, so he chose to insert the Lottery Ticket first. As soon as he pressed on the confirm button, the wheel began to spin really fast, as it slowly changed from a blank white, to a golden color. When it started to slow down to the point where Connor could see some of the prizes, did it affirm what he had in mind about this ticket. It was for DP!

His eyes focused on a red slot that took up about 1% of the wheel, and noticed that it offered a sum of 100,000 DP. However, the second biggest prize was only 10,000 DP, and it only took up about 5% of the wheel. The most common and lowest prize was 100 DP, taking up about 40%, as well as the "Empty" slot that took up to 30% of the wheel.

1 revolution...

2 revolution...

After the 3rd revolution, the wheel began to slow down significantly, as the triangle pointing to the prize ticked loudly with each slot that it passed.

Seeing that the grand prize was on the other side of the wheel, Connor felt a bit disappointed, however, when the wheel came to a stop, he almost lept with joy. 1,000 DP! As he claimed the prize, he couldn't help but admire his DP amount that was previously a measly 253, to the present 1,253 DP! He's thriving!

However, Connor didn't stop there, as he inserted another ticket to the lottery wheel like a drugged out addict. This time he inserted the Skill Ticket, and the wheel began to spin once more.

The wheel transform to a metallic blue color, but he didn't really pay attention, because he only cared about the next prize he's gonna get.

1 revolution...

'Ohh! I think I just saw the word combat!'

2 revolution...

'Movement skill? Am I supposed to run with the grace of a ballerina?'

3 revolution...

As the wheel slowly came to a stop, Connor looked to see what the triangle was pointing to. It had stopped at "Tactical Skills". Left feeling confused, his phone vibrated and a congratulatory message popped up.

[Congratulations! You've obtained: Scouting Skill-Advanced!]

Staring at the words "scouting" and "skill", Connor felt exasperated.

'A fucking scouting skill?! What the?! Is this thing joking?! Anyone with eyes knows how to fucking scout!!!' Connor silently raged, as he massaged his forehead.

However, in his rage, he had failed to notice that his vision had become much clearer. And he could even see the minute specks of dusts that floated in the air across the classroom.

His mood had turned sour as he inserted his next ticket, this time he contemplated between choosing the attribute ticket first or the item ticket. However, in the end he inserted the item ticket, and the wheel started to spin.

1 revolution...