
Custom Life

“Custom Life” It’s something that Connor has been hearing more frequently in the passing days. Apparently, it was an augmented reality app that went trending due to its ingenious and fun way of managing the user’s personal life; from health, to task management, and the small things in between. Skeptical of its rave reviews, Connor found himself downloading the app on the urging of his friend. Little did he know, a path of blood awaits him once he opens the app.

Owlfie · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Endless Midnight

2 revolution...

This time, he payed attention to what the lottery wheel was offering. It had already changed into a silver color, as it slowed enough for Connor to see some of the prizes. However, he was surprised to see that there was no grand prizes like the lottery ticket, and unlike the previous tickets, the each category of prizes where evenly proportioned on the wheel.

The wheel was split into 7 even portions. Weapon, Armor, Accessories, Consumables, Miscellaneous, Special, and Empty. He thought back to his time at the shop, as he eyed the special category.

3 revolution...

Since he found the tick to be too loud, he muted his phone, as he saw the the triangle on the wheel beginning to drag to a stop. The categories he feared the most was the consumables and the empty. He would be super livid if he got a bottle of water or a bar of granola from this.

Thankfully, his worries were unfounded as the triangle safely stopped at the Weapons section. With another vibrate from his phone, a congratulatory message popped up again.

[Congratulations! You received: Endless Midnight Bow- Unranked!]

Seeing the weapon that he got was a bow, he couldn't help but be curious. He quickly made his way to his inventory and pressed on the slot that contained a pitch black bow. Suddenly the tiny image expanded to full screen, and he could even freely rotate the bow to examine it.

The bow was darkest dark that he had ever seen, there were no other details, and it was as if it was a shadow without a definite form. However, he could tell that it was a recurve bow, and he could tell that it was a finely made bow.

Scrolling down, he found a description of the bow, and gave it a read.

[Endless Midnight Bow

-Legend once sung of a mysterious archer, who struck fear into the hearts of many. He moved like the formless night, with the swiftness of an eagle's shadow, and with the help of his bow, gave those who had wronged him a swift and unsuspecting death. Nobody knew him or what he called himself, but as a testament to his legend, they called him; "Midnight".

(Part 1/? of the Midnight Archer's Set)]

Connor looked in silence, as one word raced through his mind; 'Awesome!'.

Next to the description box was an "Equip" button, and a "Stats" button just below. Tickling his curiosity, he pressed equip, as another prompt showed itself.

[Would you like to bind this item?

-Yes (Pressing yes permanently equips this item, and can only be removed by a spell or the appropriate consumable.)

-No (Pressing no will destroy this-]

[Binding will commence]

Connor looked at the "No" option with spite. He would really dissolve into nothingness if he really did press no. He wasn't crazy!

Suddenly Connor felt a warm sensation on his left wrist, and saw that a tattoo of the bow was slowly being formed. At the same time, the warm feeling spread all over his body, and it felt as if his muscles were popping, but it didn't hurt, instead it was comfortable.

[Binding complete. To equip, simply think of holding the bow with your hand.]

Reading this, Connor was very tempted to "equip" the bow at this moment. However he still had the self control to understand that class was still going on.

Next, he clicked on the stats button for the bow.

[Endless Midnight- Lvl. 1]

20~35 Damage

25% Crit Chance

+50% Crit Damage

+5 STR

+5 DEX


-Creates shadow arrows when bow is drawn.

-Stats increase in the presence of darkness.


-Shadow Control (5 MP Cost): When a shadow arrow is shot into a patch of shadow, the user can freely control the arrow within that patch, and can release that arrow from anywhere within that same shadow patch.

Rank: Unranked (Can be upgraded)]

Although he didn't play too much rpg games, he was smart enough to know that this bow is amazing! Connor was over the clouds!

After taking a few more seconds to admire his treasured bow, he wanted to know how his bow ranked in the shop. Pressing on the weapons tab, he pressed on the "Bows only" sort option, as well as the "most-least expensive". However, he couldn't find Endless midnight within the list. He found it strange, as he tried the search function. But after typing the name of the bow, it only gave a "no results".

'Must be exclusive to the lottery.' He thought as he happily went back to the lottery wheel.

Inserting the Attribute Ticket, the wheel spun like usual as it transformed into a blood red color. There were 8 sections, 4 of which where evenly proportioned and fat. These were the 4 main attributes. However, in between them were 4 slim sections that had combined attributes.

However, Connor couldn't give a care, as he blankly watched the revolving wheel. He was thinking about the special ticket.

The wheel had already stopped by the time Connor had noticed, and it had landed on INT.

[Congratulations! You received: +3 INT]

After claiming his reward, his body was washed with another warm feeling, but it was just briefly. However, he found that his mind was much clearer, and he could clearly even remember what his sister wore to school this morning.

'A polka dot shirt huh?' Connor didn't expect that it would have this effect. He thought that he'd become a super genius with increased intelligence, but this result isn't bad either.

Curious as to what his stats look now, he went over to his stats screen. But he was surprised to see the addition of two bars that wasn't there previously. It was his HP and MP.


HP: 100

MP: 42

STR: 0.9 (5.9)

DEX: 0.8 (5.8)

INT: 4.2


Connor frowned at the sight of his own health bar, it was at this moment that he realized the kind of situation he was in. All of it was real. The effects of the app affect real life. And with the introduction of a health bar, meant the possibility of death. He thought back to the special event.

'What am I doing?' Connor scorned his previous joyful behavior. It wasn't the time for fun and games. Within the next 7 days, a lot of people might die. How could he have forgotten that?

Nothing had happened all this time, however, that never meant the familiar feeling of danger had gone away. It was still there. It was everywhere.

He silently took a long and cool breath, as he inserted his last ticket into the lottery wheel; it was the power ticket. The wheel crazily spun as it turned into a pitch black color. It wasn't as dark as his bow, however, it still captured the essence of darkness.

Connor looked with unmoving eyes, as he stared at the wheel. He couldn't figure out the prizes, it was moving really fast, almost... too fast.

1 revolution...






At the sight of this unexpected turnabout, he was left speechless.

'Is this thing broken?! Just give me my fucking prize!'

The machine had topped off at 500rpm, and just as it looked like it could go faster, sparks of electricity suddenly engulfed the lottery wheel.

Connor was about to cry.