
Curses & Bullets: The Malevolent Arsenal

Renko Ivanovna, a Japanese Guerrilla Reserves, finds herself blasted into bits by a 30mm Gunship mounted cannon. Instead of the hell that she believed awaited her, she opened her eyes as an 18-year-old teenager with parental issues somewhere in Japan... also the year was 2015, almost two centuries before her death. Creeped out of her mind, she decided to settle down into her new environment, maybe follow some rehabilitation tips she had heard a shrink gave to one of her buddies... yeah right as if that would happen. In less than a month she was attacked by something called a cursed spirit and somehow ends up awakening her very own 'Curse Technique' named Malevolent Arsenal. Also, her mandatory second-life cheat just decided to drop by. How does she know that? Well, a white-haired woman who went around calling herself the strongest sorcerer told her everything. Wonder how this one went all Kuku? ******************** "Curses & Bullets: The Cursed Arsenal" is a work of fiction created for entertainment purposes. Any resemblance to actual events, persons, living or dead, or entities is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges the inspiration drawn from various sources, including but not limited to Jujutsu Kaisen and other works within the fantasy and supernatural genres. Readers are advised that the story may contain elements such as violence, supernatural themes, and other mature content. Discretion is advised, and the author assumes no responsibility for any discomfort or offense caused by the content. ******************** Discord: https://discord.gg/efdGMSS2

EchoingDusk · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter:37 Strange Woman(4)

Gojo leaned back, a glint of mischief still in her eyes.

"Well, I'm not one to brag, but I've been dubbed 'The Strongest Sorcerer.'"

Renko gave Gojo a skeptical look.


Gojo chuckled,

"Seriously. Now bask in my greatness and present me some more pies."

Renko looked down to realize that while they were talking, the white-haired woman happened to have munched through ten Choco-pies.

Renko sighed, feeling a mix of exasperation and amusement.

"Alright, then can you do me a favor and take care of a particularly strong curse spirit?"

Gojo grinned, thoroughly enjoying Renko's reactions.

"Hmm, a strong curse spirit, you say? Well, that's for you isn't it? Maybe it's a weakling in front of me. But consider it done! Now why don't you tell me about your curse technique? What can you do?"

Renko sighed, realizing she couldn't avoid this topic even if she wanted to. She took a glance at her stats,

[CP: 122/200]

Seems like she did manage to snag a couple of pies from under this hungry white-hair's paws.

'Guess a bayonet would have to do.'

She decided to show Gojo what she could do, or at least what was the least she could do. She extended her hand, and muttered,

"Malevolent Arsenal: Create Inferior Cursed Bayonet."

Just like always, the curse energy concentrated between her palms and as she extended them, it took the shape of a bayonet.

Gojo's eyes widened in surprise, a genuine expression of interest on her face.

"A cursed tool. Quite a weak one, pretty sure I shattered it before, but it's a curse tool nonetheless. Even has the same curse energy signature. So what can you do with it? Summon it out of your palms? Regenerate its blade? Store it somewhere?"

Renko looked at the bayonet, her own creation manifested through cursed energy. It wasn't the most impressive tool, and she knew its limitations. She decided to provide Gojo with some vague answers.

"Yes. No. Yes."

She handed the blade to Gojo who took it with quite a bit of interest in her eyes.

Renko then repeated the same process thrice more, each time creating an exact replica of the first bayonet.


[Cursed Bayonet: +40EXP]

[Cursed Bayonet (Inferior) -> Cursed Bayonet (Normal)] 

[Cursed Bayonet: Fourth Grade Cursed Tool

Durability: 10/10

- Damage: 20

- Reach: 2m

- Special Feature: Piercing Strike (Consumes an additional 5 CP per strike)

 - Damage+20

 - Critical Strike Chance: +1% 

Stat requirement: Strength(6), Dexterity(6)]

'Hmm, this should be my first 'Normal' grade weapon. Pretty neat.'

"You still haven't told me what your curse ability is."

Gojo's voice made Renko snap out of her stupor as she turned towards her, the stunning white-haired woman seemed to have taken the liberty of almost leaning into her face.

"Personal space is a thing."

Renko reminded her as she leaned back to get away from the blindfolded woman. 

Gojo chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Renko's comment about personal space.

"Alright, personal space duly noted. Now, about your curse ability, you've shown me these bayonets, but what else can you do? Every jujutsu sorcerer has a unique ability or technique. What's yours?"

Renko sighed and decided to share only what she deemed necessary for now.

"I can create cursed objects, cursed weapons to be exact. The quantity and quality of these weapons depend on my mastery of the technique and my curse energy reserve. Right now, I can only create bayonets, but with more training, I might be able to manifest more useful tools."

Gojo's eyes sparkled with genuine interest as she examined the cursed bayonets. Either running her finger across the edges or juggling them like a circus clown.

"Quit it!"

Renko shouted in anger when one of the bayonets slipped and pierced into the coffee table.

Gojo chuckled,

"Sorry about that. Anyway, Cursed weapons, huh? That's a useful skill. So how does it work exactly? You create cursed weapons and they siphon a bit of your energy?"

Renko began explaining some more details,

"Not really, no. I materialize my curse energy into a weapon and after that, it's no longer related to me in any way. I can keep on creating weapons as long as I have cursed energy." 

Gojo nodded, her playful demeanor shifting to a more serious one.

"So you are basically a mobile weapons factory."

Renko noticed that she had cracked a small smile, and he followed suit with a smirk,

"In a way yes, I can create more powerful weapons as I increase my control over the curse technique and expand my curse energy reserve."

This seemed to interest Gojo immensely as she turned to stare at Renko with an open mouth. Well, stare as in, her gaze bore into Renko through the black blindfold.

"You say you can increase your curse energy reserve, is that true?"

Renko nodded, feeling a bit confused at the strange reaction,

"Yeah, it's not a fixed amount. I can expand my reserves by exorcising cursed spirits."

Gojo leaned back, crossing her arms, a calculating expression on the visible part of her face.

"That's fascinating. I've never encountered someone who can expand their curse energy reserves and your technique is strange too. Usually, it's elemental manipulation, enhanced physical abilities, or some unique combat technique. But a cursed weapons manufacturer? That's a first, even for me."

Renko nodded,

'So curse energy reserves can't be increased. That's gotta suck doesn't it.'

Gojo didn't continue speaking, instead, she now had a rather serious look on her face. The silence persisted for a couple of minutes and Renko took the opportunity to bring another serving of pies and refill her coffee mug.

Renko couldn't shake off the feeling that Gojo was silently assessing her, not just as a potential recruit but as someone with a unique and possibly powerful ability.

"So, what now?"

Renko broke the silence, meeting Gojo's gaze.

"You know, Renko-chan, I was quite interested in you from the moment I saw you stuff all those bags into thin air without using curse energy. But it seems you have even more surprises in store for me."

'Hmm, so she saw me when I went shopping. Guess I should've made sure no one was looking before using the inventory.'

Renko shrugged, nibbling on a pie as she listened to Gojo's words,

"How about this? I alter your contract a bit in your favor..."



'Those dumbasses took half an hour to open a half-broken apartment lock.'

"Hmm. Is that what I think it is?"

Gojo raised her head, glancing at the front door.

'So she knows about the dragon too?'

"Anyway, what do you mean by altering the contract?"

Gojo turned back to face Renko and leaned forward, a serious look in her eyes,

"Well, you see, we Jujutsu Sorcerers have a contract with the government, right? Part of that contract includes the benefits I mentioned earlier. However, since you're joining mid-way, and, if I am not wrong, then you can barely even defeat a Semi-Third Grade Curse Spirits. Therefore, can barely expect the same treatment as a Grade Four Sorcerer of even lower."

Renko frowned at the mention of her combat capabilities, feeling a mix of annoyance and agreement. She wasn't delusional about her current strength, and Gojo seemed to have a knack for pointing it out.

"So, what's the alteration in my favor?"

Gojo grinned mischievously.

"How about I put in a good word for you? That way we can skip the usual probation period and give you immediate access to the benefits of a Grade Four Sorcerer. You'll get a higher monthly income, better access to resources, and a few other perks. Consider it a special arrangement, given your unique abilities. Of course, you'll have to prove your worth over time, but I have a feeling you'll rise through the ranks faster than you think."

Renko raised an eyebrow, a bit suspicious of this sudden generosity.

"What's the catch?"

Gojo chuckled.

"A small one really. You see, not all sorcerers are united in their cause, least of all those who are officially registered with our community. I just want your help with a couple of things."

'I knew it!'

Renko grumbled in her mind, considering Gojo's proposal carefully. The idea of skipping the probation period and enjoying the benefits of a higher-ranking sorcerer was somewhat tempting. However, she was no stranger to being a sacrificial pawn or a scapegoat,

"What things?"

Renko asked, narrowing her eyes at Gojo.

Gojo leaned back, her grin never fading.

"Nothing too complicated. You just need to join up from the Kyoto side of the community, and I might need your assistance on certain missions that are off the record, you know?"

Her smile faded slightly.

"And I need to know what's going through those old coots' heads."

Renko raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident.

"So you're the newer faction of the two? And you want me to be your mole in the traditional faction? Do you know the meaning of the word 'Discretion?'" 

Gojo's grin widened at Renko's response.

"Well, I'd call it a newer perspective rather than faction. I believe in adapting to times, being more flexible, and embracing change. Those old coots as you put it, have their way of doing things, and sometimes they cross a line that I don't particularly want to be crossed. That's why I need someone to keep me informed about their movements."

Renko sighed yet again, getting increasingly annoyed with the barrage of surprises.

"And so you asked me, a high-school student with no prior knowledge of your supernatural affairs to act as your mole. I can't imagine what made you think it was a good idea to talk to me about stuff you could get in trouble for"

Gojo chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Renko's skepticism.

"Well, Renko-chan, you've got a unique set of skills, exactly the kind that those oldies want to keep close to themselves, and I have the feeling you're not the type to easily bow down to authority or traditions. Plus, you've got a knack for adapting, or you would have thrown me out as a madwoman rather than hear what I have to say."

Renko crossed her arms,

"Now I am wondering if that was a mistake."