
Cursed Liberator

A passion burns inside the heart of everyone. It's spark may have bloomed during the most unlikely of times for strange and even the most unappealing of things till it kindled into a raging fire that you have long lost control of, but we must all thank the flame that helped shape our very essence. In a strange new world filled with marvellous works crafted from iron and powered by steam there lived a changed man. For his desire of knowledge about a history long buried he discovered secrets that shattered a well crafted illusion forcing him into a new life on the high seas. Where the danger isn't just from his previous king, but also from the navy, pirates, monsters from the ocean depths, and uncharted lands that he has to cross to liberate his world. Announcement: Books can also be found and read on a website called royal road. Under the username Blackguardnovels. This is an alternative account.

Loyalscum · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Hello And Goodbye

After a while Gregory left to prepare my food or at least have someone else to do it for him. Left alone in the room once more I took a much needed shower. I made sure the water was nice and warm not to hot and definitely not too cold just warm. If it was too cold then I knew it would dredge up of the times I've been hosed down in a corner naked. Like when Gregory placed his hands on me and I had a flashback of Zephyr. If the water was too hot then I knew would have brought up the worst of those memories because those were the ones of zephyr attending to me personally.

After the first month of torture with Zephyr he found that conventional means would not break me. So he did something I did not expect to ever happen.

Zephyr severed my tendons and instead of continuing the torture in normal methods. Zephyr instead cared for me, he fed me, and he bathed me. Zephyrs care was a general as it was cruel, when he fed me it was old bread and maggots, and when he bathed me it was with boiling oil.

I knew that what he did was in no way conventional love but, it worked. He made me crawl into his arms and beg. He made me desperate for his return, desperate to receive his love. Even as he scrub my skin clean with steel wool I felt his love and I loved him back in return. The only thing I have left of my dignity is my resilience because through it all I never gave Zephyr the one thing he wanted. Even as Zephyr skinned me alive and made me his I never screamed. Though I begged I do not beg for the pain to stop nor did I beg for my life.

These are the memories I have of zephyr. I say this with a pain that comes deep from my soul Zephyr broke me. I could not endear but in the end, I think I broke something in Zephyr as well.

After a while of reliving those painful memories that I swear to never tell anyone about. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, and through on a bathrobe. I walked out of the room just like that. I did not have to impress anyone in this house nor did I care to. So I walked around as is enjoying what was probably the last time I whatever get to experience anything fancy again.

Zephyrs home has immaculate everything here was top-class. A lot of its would seem like a waste of money to an average person but when you have a lot of it why not flaunt it. I walked towards my right down the marble hallway. Where I saw Gregory sitting at the table filled with food that the chef had just repaired.

The chef was still placing food around down on the table when I walked past him and accidentally bumped his shoulder. This caused the chef to stumble and drop a bottle of wine. I did not see this happen though I was walking past him the wine falling was out of my peripheral view. Yet, still my body acted on its own. My leg extended backwards kicking the wine back into the air before it broke onto the ground. As wine spun in the air it could have possibly landed anywhere, but it landed perfectly in my hand without effort.

Gregory and the chef were surprised by this, but a lot less than I because to me my body didn't just move on its own it knew where the bottle was going to fall and even without me processing it acted accordingly. There was almost no lag because of thought it was just pure movement.

The chef apologized to me and Gregory. Gregory dismissed the accident entirely while I didn't really get a chance to say anything because the chef was scared of my glare and buggered off.

"Well that was interesting I didn't know I could do that I wonder what else I can do?".

"How did you do that anyway". Gregory ask.

"I just instinctively knew where it was. It was also kind of like I could see it without seeing it".

Nathaniel's lack of knowledge with his own abilities was like cryptic riddles to Gregory. He kind of didn't want to get too deep into it but he was also curious as well.

"So, was it just luck or can you do it again".

"I'm not sure if I can do it again I'm not even sure what I did. I just did it that's as deep as I know it goes".

Gregory unsatisfied with that answer picked up an apple from the table and threw it at Nathaniel's face. Nathaniel deflected the apple away. It soared in an arc across the room before hitting a wall.

"So, it wasn't a fluke".

Angrily Nathaniel said, " wasn't a fluke I saw you throwing that Apple clearly I didn't need any special abilities to see that".

"Oh, really then I guess you would … think fast".

Gregory said quickly as a threw a knife at Nathaniel just as fast. Nathaniel ducked out of the way as a knife came soaring at him.

"What the fuck man. That was a fucking knife are you trying to kill me. I already have a whole bunch of other people attempting to do that now. I don't need you to be added on to that list.".

Gregory paid little mind to Nathaniel's words as he said in reply, " the last thing you need to worry about it is a tiny knife wound. Now be a good sport and pick up that knife for me. I need it to spread butter on my this toast".

"You tried to stab me and now you want me to arm you again are you insane".

"That's what people say but I think I'm just quirky is all".

"Oh, my God my brother is a lunatic. You know what if you want that knife pick it up yourself.".

"Well I don't want to that's why I asked you".

"Well I'm not going to get it for you".

Lackadaisical Gregory replied, "Nathaniel how do you expect me to butter my toast without a knife.".

"That's not my problem you should have done that before trying to stab me with it".

"What you say is true just as true as saving you was not my problem yet, I did it anyway. Now look I'll rectify my mistake next time so just get me my knife".

"Next time, what so that means you're planning to stab me again".

"Of course I was after I butter my toast this time, but essentially yes. You have to figure out all of your abilities and I have to eat. This is as a win-win for both of us".

"But I'm the one getting stabbed I feel like you're not listening to me on that part. I do not want to get stabbed".

"Look I know you've been through some things but you're going to have to man up and potentially being stabbed is just a part of it".

A thick vein popped on Nathaniel's forehead from his rising anger. "Fuck you no it doesn't why does that have to be a part of anything".

As Nathaniel and Gregory were arguing the main door to the home was opened up then slammed shut without care. The sudden and forceful closure of the door garnered both men's attention. The tapping of shoes sounded through the home.

It didn't take long for the source of the noise to come and view. The person who walked into the house from Nathaniel's view was a man. He was a bit petite for his size but nothing uncommon. He wore spotted Jaguar leather pants. Tied down to him a with a unique snake belt fashioned out of metal. He was draped in animal fur that he took off and threw to the floor. The man was stripping off his clothes as he walked. He started with the fur coats, then move to his shoes, before he's suddenly paused pulled out a gun he apparently carried on him, and pointed it straight at Nathaniel's head.

"Who the fuck are you? Dad, who the fuck is this this pervert. I just get home yet he's already over here stripping me with his eyes. I already got half my clothes off before I notice him."

The man proceeded to cocked his gun ready to fire at any moment, "Hey you listening to me I ain't no cheap hooker and this ain't no brothel. I'll put a bullet in both of your eyes if you keep looking at me like that".

Needless to say I was weirded out by this sudden turn of events. I waited for Gregory to reply and solve this situation for me. Unsurprisingly enough he didn't.

After a sip of coffee Gregory said," Natalie this man has insulted me and our family show him who he's dealing with".

I wanted to smack Gregory in the face at this very moment but I didn't even have the time to turn around before Natalie open fire at me. My muscles tensed as Natalie pulled down on the trigger aiming at my head. This man who's apparently a woman was in fact my brother's daughter making her my niece. Since she did not know this she was most certainly going for the kill. I ducked to the side onto the floor the moments Natalie open fire.

Her first bullet tore through the chair and into a plate of food. Wood chips and other things splattered everywhere as I buried under the large dining room table to hide from her aim. Natalie open fire regardless. In only a short while almost a dozen bullet holes were left in the table. I was still cowering under it as Natalie ran up to the table, jump on top of it spilling a bunch of food on the floor. She reloaded her gun expertly and in quick succession, she fired down at the table. Her bullets rip through everything in her way as I was forced to crawl forward towards the end of the long dining table. Natalie walked forward on the table guiding my every move.

When I reach the end of the table my hand reached out towards the lights and Natalie shot it. The bullet burrowed a hole straight through the middle of my palm. I crumpled up onto the floor from the sudden pain while in that moment Natalie jumped up on top of me from above. She flipped me over and pinned my arms down with her knees. I could have easily pushed her off and done a whole lot more when she was this close but I didn't because I did not want to hurt my brother's Kid.

Natalie pressed her custom long barrel steam pistol into my forehead. She looked pissed as she said, "you come here and disrespect me, my father, and our family in our home. You got some real big balls, mister. So, how about I blow one-off and lighten the load for you that way you wouldn't be so cocky in the future. Oops, my bad I meant your next life, cuz you're not going to be alive after today".

This whole situation was unsettling and I had had enough of it pissed off I shouted angrily at Greg, " Get your daughter off of me Greg I don't want to hurt my niece".

Greg rolled his eyes as he lazily agreed," get off of him now Natalie I was just joking that man is your uncle so don't kill him".

"This pervert is my uncle". With those words, Natalie looked at me. She did so with a child-like curiosity as she dropped her gun and hugged me tightly as my hand bled on the floor. Her ability to shift gears on a dime like that was almost as impressive as her aim.

" I can't believe it you're my uncle I never knew I had an uncle. Why have I never saw you before?".

Gregory a bit annoyed said," yes you have you met him when you were little but I bet any memory of that was destroyed long ago going by how much you drink".

Natalie pushed me onto the ground as she straddled me to look up at her father. "If that's true then that means". Natalie paused seeming to have been piecing together a complex puzzle in her mind one that she apparently succeeded in solving as see loudly explained, " presents ".

"You haven't come to see me in years that means you owe me presents and a lot of them, Bub".

Natalie seemed to be making herself comfortable on top of Nathaniel because she started rolling around like a lazy cat while thinking about what she wanted on top of him.

"Now let's see what do I want.". It took Natalie a second to find what she wanted when she finally said what was on her mind I was appalled. "I know what I want. My dad's been a real stick-in-the-mud lately. He won't let me get what I want. So I want a new daddy. Do you want to be my daddy?".

Natalie walked her slender fingers on my chest as she seductively tried to persuade me while dressed as a charming young man. During this she pressed her chest up against mine. She apparently did have breast they were either small or very well hidden. The softness of either could not be underestimated. I did not know how to act in the situation nor did I know where to place my hands on my niece to get her off of me while her father was only a few feet away. She had completely disarmed and robbed me of my will to fight.

"All right that's enough of that Natalie get off of him now". Gregory's word left no room for discussion. But Natalie still tried to have her way.

"But dad I just met him come on let me have a bit more fun".

"No, you can either eat with us or go to your room".

Natalie sucked her lip in displeasure but when presented with these two options she decided to stay. Natalie lifted herself off of Nathaniel's crotch and took a chair without any bullet holes in it to sit down. She took something to eat as she placed her feet on the table. Changing her mannerisms on a dime and becoming just like any other guy you would see on the street.

On the floor I rolled myself over, my blood Stained the floor but I still felt a connection to it. I knew that it was alive and that it was brimming with vitality. The wound in my hand was emitting copious amounts of steam as is healed itself as a startlingly quick pace. The way it healed wasn't instantaneous but it was fast enough to Marvel at. By going just off of feeling I believe that this bullet sized hole wound would completely heal in a matter of hours.

Curious about my blood I touched it and it danced with a pulsating rhythm. I found this quite cool to watch especially as I made my blood float in the air beside me. Gregory and Natalie saw as my blood twirled around my body shimmering with the light. I made my blood leave my side and fly all the way to the end of the room and called it back. I felt the difficulty grow as the bed distance increase between me and my blood but I was far from the maximum range of what I could achieve.

With a thought I altered the shape of the blood again turning them into rings and swirled them around my fingers like hula hoops. I was fascinated at how the blood hardened and liquefied again just as quickly.

The small size compared to the actual weight of the blood brought even more questions into my mind about how any of this was possible. It made me wonder if it was just my blood making me heavy have the density of my bones increase as well along with the rest of my body. If any of that was true that means my Constitution would have spiked considerably.

As I played with my blood I found that I could change it's properties currently ranging from a boiling inferno to a deadly acid. I also believed I could do more than just that perhaps even turn my blood poisonous for others then myself. But that was an experiment for another time now what I wanted was revenge.

Unhesitant I aimed my finger at Gregory within a second a blood bullet formed at my fingertip and I fired it at him. The bullet missed but that was only because I deemed it so. The bullet ran past Gregory's ear and struck the wall behind them. A small indent formed when the bullet struck then smoke Rose as the sound of hissing escaped from the wall. A liquid used from the wall and it dripped onto the floor creating more hissing noises as the interior was being eaten away.

Gregory didn't Flinch when Nathaniel shot the blood bullet at him. But he did frown when he saw the damage done to is home.

"Must you really take your anger out on the furnishings".

"Did those words actually just come out of the mouth of the asshole who sicked their daughter on me just because I didn't pick up a utensil".

"Yes they did and I do find my actions Justified considering the results. If not for me throwing you into the fire how long would it be to have taking you to discover those abilities?".

"Umm, I don't know five minutes considering you told me that what's with the abilities revolved around the use of blood".

"Yeah well, this way was more fun than that".

Appalled by this and too tired to go on Nathaniel stated, " you know what I'm hungry and I'm bone tired right now so this is what's going to happen. I'm going to take this food into my room, eat it, then go back to sleep. Okay!?, okay good to see everyone agrees.

Greg, it was nice reuniting with you I'll keep you informed of my travels when I set off. Natalie lovely to see you again my child but honestly, I'll just be praying for your soul. Bye to both of you".

With that said Nathaniel kept true to his word. He took the food and left Natalie and Gregory at the dining room table.

As if it weren't obvious Natalie ask, " what's his problem, got a stick up his ass or something".

"If I had to guess what's the problem could have been I wood guess it would be you grinding on your uncle and calling him daddy".

Natalie threw her arms up and said, "what, I was just making family memories and a few that he can think about in the shower when I'm not around".

Gregory rolled his eyes then left the dining room leaving Natalie alone to her own devices.