
Cursed By The Moonlight

9TH PLACE WEBNOVEL WEREWOLF WRITING COMPETITION 2022 CURRENTLY REWRITING SOME CHAPTERS [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT!] A hundred years ago, Zion fell in love with a woman who wasn't a werewolf nor a human. She was considered an abomination by the Gods of Heaven and Demons of Hell, a product of a forbidden love. The Gods took her away from him, but before her life ended, she promised that she will come back and Zion promised to search for her. Set in the year 2035, where Terrans, formerly called humans, and other mythical creatures coexist. Amaris died at the hospital due to a tragic accident. But after an hour of being dead, she opened her eyes like nothing happened. She couldn't remember a single thing, not even her name. For five years, she tried to live a normal life with a woman who introduced herself as her aunt and a cousin who was an avid fan of werewolves and vampires. She accidentally met Zion who was considered the most powerful alpha, respected by Terrans and feared by both werewolves and vampires. He was an alpha without a luna, cursed by the Moon Goddess for a thousand years. They felt a sudden connection, something that they have never felt before. An Alpha who never stopped searching for his long lost love and a Terran who keeps on forgetting the feeling of love. Are they fated to have each other? Or are they cursed to meet each other? ***************************** Book cover is mine. Please do not repost. Art by: elkshan (IG) Contact me at skymaiden0319@gmail.com Instagram: authorsky_maiden Facebook: Sky Maiden FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/sky.maiden.121

sky_maiden · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
134 Chs


Amaris blinked twice and let out a deep sigh. She couldn't decide if she would stay with Zion for good. They just met a week ago and everything seems too fast for her.

"How about I stay here three days a week? Like every weekend?" She suggested.

Zion looked at her, thinking. He kissed her gently on the forehead while she stared at him waiting for his answer.

"Alright. But can you stay here tonight? You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the couch. Let's see if tomorrow you will forget me." Zion agreed.

She looked at the time and saw that it was almost eight in the evening. She didn't want to disturb Zion to drive her home and she still wanted to explore the castle.

"Let's sleep on the bed but behave yourself." She answered.

His face lit up when she agreed to stay for the night. He was about to kiss her when they heard a crumbling sound. She laughed while touching her stomach.

"Come on. Let's have dinner. It's perfect timing since the pack eats at eight." He said laughing.

She started to feel nervous. She wasn't ready to meet all the members of the pack. She was still an outsider, a Terran who suddenly became their Alpha's lover.

Zion noticed her reaction. He held her hand, gently putting them to his moistened lips.

"Hey, don't worry. They're not what you think they are. I know they will like you." He said in a reassuring voice.

"B-But Zion, I am not your mate. Isn't this forbidden to your kind? I have a lot of questions in my mind, things that I couldn't understand. I really wanted to know more about you, your kind and the Moon Goddess." She said, looking at him full of confusion.

He took a deep breath, pulling her into a hug.

"And I promise that you will know about us little by little. I don't want to tell you just like that, I want to show you who we really are." He explained.

"Okay. I'm looking forward to that." She answered while hugging her back.

There were a lot of things that she couldn't understand. But she wouldn't question her feelings towards Zion. It was stronger now. She wasn't sure if her feelings would disappear in the morning but for now, she wanted to be with him.

They went back downstairs and walked in a long hallway before reaching the dining hall. She was amazed to see how huge it was. Zion told her that it could accommodate more than a hundred guests. Stretching at a hundred and ten feet, carved with rosewood and lined with silver leather.

When they entered, she saw the members of the pack, dining beneath the ornate chandeliers using gold and platinum cutlery. They were standing in the entrance door while being stared at by the werewolves of the Blue Moon Pack.

Her heart was pounding and beating like a drum, seeing those eyes looking at her like she was a stranger. But she really was. A stranger who was randomly dragged by their Alpha.

She felt Zion's hand holding her and gently pulling her by the end of the table. He pulled out a chair, asking her to sit. Zion sat at the end while she was on his right. Across her was Zoila, Zion's sister, who was again giving her a cold glare.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet Amaris. She is a Terran, yes, to answer your question." Zion introduced her.

She frowned. She didn't understand what he just said. She didn't hear anyone ask Zion about her being a Terran. She looked at him and he understood then pointed at his temple.

"It's called a mind link. An Alpha of the pack can communicate with its members through his mind. I can read everyone's thoughts here."

"Wow. That's really cool. Do you have other superpowers or abilities?" She innocently asked.

He chuckled. Seeing her asking like a little child with eyes wide open amused him. He wanted to see different reactions and expressions from her. But he was actually thinking of her expression in bed.

'You're a pervert.' It was his wolf.

'Shut up! Can't you feel that craving when you smell her scent?' He asked.

The beast inside an Alpha usually has a stronger mating pull. Once they smell their mate, they will feel an increased desire to be close to them.

'Why do you keep on asking me about her? You know the answer to that question.'

Zion sighed. It was frustrating to know that his wolf couldn't even have the ability to find its true mate. It was a curse given by the Moon Goddess.

"Zion?" Amaris called, cutting his thoughts.

"Ah yes! I have. But you have to find out about it yourself." He said in a naughty voice while winking at her.

She rolled her eyes but was giggling. She wasn't paying attention to the cold stares from the creatures around them. She wasn't expecting that they would accept her that easily. She couldn't even say if her relationship with Zion would last longer than her three other boyfriends in the past. But she couldn't just deny the connection between them.

The dinner went smoothly and quietly. No one dared to question their Alpha's decision to have a relationship with a Terran. He hasn't marked her yet and that's one of the reasons they won't say anything about it. They were thinking that she was only a substitute to lessen his loneliness.

After dinner, the members of the pack went to their respective duties. Amaris learned that even though there was peace between werewolves, vampires and other beings, they still had guardians and watchers surrounding the whole territory.

Zion pulled her outside of the dining hall to give her a quick tour when his sister called him.

"Zion, can we talk?"

She nodded when Zion looked at her. She saw the siblings go inside a room a few steps away from the dining hall. She was curious so she followed them and didn't expect that the door was partially opened so she could actually hear their discussion.

"Zion, what are you doing? I understand that you were attracted to her but that's not a mating pull. Remember what happened fifty years ago? To our parents? You swore in their grave that you won't make the same mistakes again."

She heard Zoila ranting. She didn't really know what she meant by those words. But the more information she got, the more she wanted to dig deeper.