
Cursed By The Moonlight

9TH PLACE WEBNOVEL WEREWOLF WRITING COMPETITION 2022 CURRENTLY REWRITING SOME CHAPTERS [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT!] A hundred years ago, Zion fell in love with a woman who wasn't a werewolf nor a human. She was considered an abomination by the Gods of Heaven and Demons of Hell, a product of a forbidden love. The Gods took her away from him, but before her life ended, she promised that she will come back and Zion promised to search for her. Set in the year 2035, where Terrans, formerly called humans, and other mythical creatures coexist. Amaris died at the hospital due to a tragic accident. But after an hour of being dead, she opened her eyes like nothing happened. She couldn't remember a single thing, not even her name. For five years, she tried to live a normal life with a woman who introduced herself as her aunt and a cousin who was an avid fan of werewolves and vampires. She accidentally met Zion who was considered the most powerful alpha, respected by Terrans and feared by both werewolves and vampires. He was an alpha without a luna, cursed by the Moon Goddess for a thousand years. They felt a sudden connection, something that they have never felt before. An Alpha who never stopped searching for his long lost love and a Terran who keeps on forgetting the feeling of love. Are they fated to have each other? Or are they cursed to meet each other? ***************************** Book cover is mine. Please do not repost. Art by: elkshan (IG) Contact me at skymaiden0319@gmail.com Instagram: authorsky_maiden Facebook: Sky Maiden FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/sky.maiden.121

sky_maiden · Fantasy
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134 Chs

Deja Vu

Amaris walked closer to the door but she was startled when someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. When she turned to see who it was, there was no one there.

She frowned. She was sure that someone touched her shoulder. She suddenly felt goosebumps on her nape and her whole body shivers, getting an abrupt feeling of coldness.


She gasped for air when she heard a muffled whisper in her ear. She looked around again but she was alone in a seemingly endless long hallway.

She didn't notice it earlier but looking at it, the hall was full of old paintings on the wall and a full window on the other side. You could see the full moon outside looking like a huge silver disc illuminating in the night sky.

When she took a step on the red carpeted floor, a sudden chill swept through her bones. In every exhale, she could see her breath forming a small cloud. It was cold but she didn't know it was that cold.

Shrugging off the coldness of the hallway, she continued to walk forward to look for the one who called her. She glanced from side to side looking in some form of person or figure.


Her heart started pounding when she heard the voice again. She wandered down the hallway and began to feel a sort of deja vu, she felt like she had been there before or at least a particular part of it.

She continued to stroll, feeling a bit of anticipation, like something would happen or already had happened. She stopped and turned her eyes to an old painting of a woman.

She has long straight golden hair with a pair of silver eyes and lips red as blood. On her head was a crown with a symbol of the crescent moon. She was sitting on a golden throne and the moon was shining brightly in her background.

"She's Selene, the Moon Goddess."

She was startled once more when someone spoke in her ear.

"Zion!" She was relieved to see who it was.

She looked around to check if there were other people aside from them. But still, she didn't see anyone and the feeling of coldness she had earlier was gone.

"Is there something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Zion asked, looking at her worried.

She shook her head and just ignored the feeling she had.

"I'm fine." She answered then turned to the woman on the painting again.

For some reason, there was something on the painting that she couldn't explain. She stared at the woman for a few minutes, wondering why she was drawn to her.

"She's beautiful. I've never seen her photo in books, all I could find was a description of her." She mumbled.

"That's because no one has seen her for decades. She was known to be a loving and selfless goddess until she herself fell in love with a demon." Zion sounded dejected.

She glanced at Zion who was looking at the Moon Goddess with longing yet disappointed eyes.

"What happened to her?" She asked, curiously.

Zion took a deep breath, reached out his hand to touch the painting.

"Selene is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia. They are one of the twelve Titans and the first original Gods. She resided on the moon and became the Moon Goddess. She was believed to be our creator so we worship her as a God. She was also the one responsible for our mating and shifting. But she fell in love with Phelan, a Demon Prince. The Gods were against them so they forced Phelan to join in a competition between all the Demon Princes." He paused, sighing deeply while looking at the painting.

"Orcus, the Demon God, ordered Asmodeus, the current Demon King that time and the father of Phelan, to send his sons and daughters to the human world. Their duty was to spread fear and darkness. And there's one rule given to them, to not fall in love with your kind. If they do, they will lose their powers and become mortals. They can never go back to their home as well. But the Gods had other plans, they made Phelan fall in love with a mortal."

Amaris was just listening to Zion. The story he told her was not written in books given to them in school. It was just said that Phelan cheated on Selene. It was never mentioned that the Gods actually did something to make him fall for another woman.

"Selene was furious with Phelan, not knowing the truth and blinded by hatred, she decided to curse him and his descendants. She cursed them that if they ever find their mate, one of them will die." Zion continued.

Amaris bit her lips and mustered the courage to ask Zion.

"A-Are you a descendant of Phelan?" She asked.

He knew she would ask her about it. He openly told her that he was cursed by the Goddess, giving her a hint of his situation.

"No. I am not. Or the answer is I am not sure. No one really knows who Phelan's descendants are. Only the high priestess of the witches knew who they were."

She was confused. He said he was cursed. If he wasn't Phelan's descendant, then why did the Moon Goddess curse him?

"Like I said, I was cursed for a thousand years. What happened to Selene and Phelan was just a few decades back and I was cursed two hundred years ago."

He answered her confusion but he didn't actually tell her in detail. He still wasn't sure if he would tell her about it now. He was afraid that if she found out everything about him, she would be disgusted.

Amaris felt that Zion was still hesitating to tell her everything. She respected his decision and decided to wait further. She held his hand and smiled at him.

"Let's go to sleep. I suddenly felt exhausted." She said to change the topic.

He nodded and they started walking away from the painting. Amaris took a last glance at Selene's painting. There it was again, the feeling of deja vu. From where or from who? She wasn't sure.