
Curse of the Legend

For Centuries, forces of the dark have been put in a deep slumber without anything to wake them up but the birth of the one who is fated to bring them back in the filthy slums of death--The Legend. Now that the dark forces starting to rise up in multitude again, how long will the world wait in order to be saved? How long will the world suffer in fear and tragedies amidst the chaos of the unknown?

zaecy02 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Split-second

"Those fancy red rose illuminates the darkest aura a devil can possess."

Searching for a soul did not go as planned. Failed.

Levi haven't imagine herself being this weak--and helpless. She was known to be a dangerous warrior rather than a princess, a warrior that seeks for greatness and victory. Right now, in this era, she is weak. There's a little bit of power within her but she cannot use it for now, not when she still can't manipulate the current situation. For the moment she uses her remaining powers, she will definitely meet her end. Everything is still new to her. She feels like a lost child wandering in an unfamiliar world.

"No suitable soul found in this place," Sashal declares as she throws herself on the sofa bed.

Morgan and Olivius sigh exhaustedly. Their awakening after 2 centuries made them feel human again.

They feel tired.

They feel weak

They feel hopeless.

And they experience what it feels like to be a mere human.

"Why do we need a human, again?" Morgan asks.

"We need a human slave, Morgan. A human that can do whatever we tell him to. A spy," Sashal answers.

Levi remains silent in the whole conversation. She listens but never speak of anything. She listens but no words spilled from her mouth. One soul has caught her attention earlier, but surely he is not the right one. When their eyes met, there was a hint of perplexed emotions in there. And the only one she can name is cowardice, which is the total opposite of the quality they are looking for. He looked like a total mess, a man who shoulders unknown massive burdens. One thing is for sure, that man will never be of great help for them. That man is one of the weakest man she ever met in the entirety of her existence, for he has a heart that beats with love. Levi lives with her one golden rule: Don't Love. For when you cannot feel love, you are not obliged to protect anyone. And that means, it will never make a difference when you lose people. And it will never hurt you in any way. People who are capable to love are weak. Tears are for weak. That, for Levi, is certainly sure.

Levi needs to find the Legend. She has this strong desire to be the one who will steal its life away. She has to be the one to kill the Legend.

Demons are fed with human souls. Demons are fed with human's most darkest desires; greed, envy, adultery, violence. Those darkest desires are forces that drive the humans to commit an unimaginable heinous crimes history has ever recorded. Humanity's wickedness fuels the flame of evilness.


"This crappy mansion needs renovation!" Sashal says in "as a matter of fact" tone.

"Maybe, we could see the ocean again!" Morgan suggests, excitedly, in which Olivius seconded with a grimace on his pale lips.

Their past obsessions are still intact. Sashal still has a thing for "beauty" which she used to love so much. Morgan and Olivius, both of them, still want to be on trips and journeys that used to excite their core. The thing is, Levi doesn't care about anything. At all.

Sashal, Morgan, and Olivius were once human. And Levi was born with her blood and veins that are of demons. She was born a princess of demons, a neglected one.


Money isn't that hard to find.

Levi has gold.

Levi has possessions.

Levi has riches.

Levi has glory.

Levi can have anything.

Yet, she's still a slave before her brother eyes. Before King Frister's eyes.

In just one snap of her finger, she can have whatever she needs. But that has consequence. Using her powers, open the door of her location to King Frister, little by little.

And they will track her.

And look for her.

And kill her.

She's a threat to the throne. King Frister doesn't want to give up the throne. King Frister protects the throne. At all cost. Even if it means killing his sister.


"You know that you can always command the wind, right?" Sahal reminded Levi as if the latter forgets.

"I can't. Frister will find me," she answers.

Levi knows exactly that she has this very small chance of winning against King Frister. He has all the authority.

"I lost my jade necklace," Levi added.

When Levi was little, she used to wear a jade necklace that sparkles each night. It was a gift from her mother. It was one of the things she treasures so much for it belonged to her mother. It was a cursed jewel, but serves as Levi's protector. It hides her location from the King's reach. Soon enough, the jewel was gone and so her mother.

Levi didn't weep. Levi didn't shed a single tear. Levi didn't let anyone see her troubled face. Levi succeeded in masking her true emotion. And Levi succeeded in hiding her her sorrow and grief.

She doesn't want to feel weak. She doesn't want to expose that she has a weak side. For it will be used against her. Not now but she knows, someday. She cannot trust her father's family. After all, the people that wishes for her to be crushed are the ones she's related by blood.

She has seen more than enough as a child may it be in demon or human's realm.

Pretentious family that pretends to care but secretly dragging each other down to the swamp.

Men hitting two women at a single time with sugar-coated lies and fake promises of loyalty.

Envious people that covet whatever their neighbor has and even steal.

Aggressive physical violence committed by once a "perfect boyfriend material" after years of being together with his "one great true love".

Booze, liquors and drugs drive people to lose their sanity, making them dance endlessly in the burning field of hopelessness.

Older men lusts over children that equates to be their own sons and daughters.

Levi is so sick of this drama yet her soul lives because these evilness exist. And as the evilness continue to dominate the heart of the people, Levi becomes stronger and stronger.


"We need to blend in with these humans,"

"That is why we need to find the human slave as soon as possible,"

"Come on, Levi. Just a little power to make this place better,"

"It's so frustrating to be weak,"

"We need to fix this place and be comfortable,"

"We have nothing!"


Levi screams. Followed by a deafening silence. Sashal, Olivius, and Morgan gazes fixated at Levi. They are taken aback by the unexpected scream. Even blinking is so hard to do at that moment.

Levi heaves a sigh.

"Will you please stop fidgeting?! I am thinking of a way to answer all your rants. You talk too much," Levi said, annoyed as her red eyes brightens.

The three of them looked at each other. Then back to Levi.

They are used to Levi being so silent. So, whenever she reaches the limit of her patience, they stop whatever they are doing.

Levi has a stoic pale face with coffee-brown hair and red fiery eyes, opposite to the orange hair and smiling face of Sashal. Olivius and Morgan has the same shade of black hair.

To their big surprise, the whole mansion started to move itself and put things into order. The ceiling and lights are already fixed. Everything is now clean and fixed. It becomes a grand mansion once again. There are also piles of money and golds carefully placed on Levi's feet--and a bloody red rose.

Sashal's startled face realizes what happened and she screams with joy. Their fear vanished into thin air and all that left on their faces are smiles--except on Levi, of course.

At last, they are starting to steal back the time they spent in their deepest slumber.