
Curse Of the Dragon

Kate Brown, 23 is a famous lawyer. From setting examples to always having the best she had found herself at the top. And, having the best wedding with her boyfriend Tom Windsor was her obsession. But the moment her life starts going downhill she came across the reality of her life. Everything until now in her life was nothing but a curse. Her doom is inevitable. Accepting this fact was as hard as choosing to grab the only solution she was presented with. But she is ready to do anything even if it takes her ten thousand years back to marry the last dragon.

The_AshlehQueen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I am Groom

Ten thousand years ago…

"Dogan…Dogan...!" I jolted out of my dream. I could recall my brother calling out for me. Every day I had to wake up realizing what sacrifice was made to save me.

Usually, I go out to have a flight in the skies at this time but for the last four days, work at my place was insane. Many nobles of my empire were gathering for today. Today was the day when we were leaving for the tribe called Saka, to bring a bride for me. We had tension build upon our northern borders. A war was on the horizon and this time it was going to be very long given how three other states had joined their hands together. My mother and other elders refuse to let me leave before tying my knot this time.

I got out of my bed and walked to the large terrace to have a look at my vast city. My palace was huge and my city was walled. This place has to be secure all the time for the peace of my mind. So, whenever I go out I know my mother and grandmother are safe.

I had seen the woman I was going to marry but only once. She belonged to the tribe, called Saka. The tribe is always famous for its beautiful women. My mother and grandmother didn't belong to that tribe. They were from the tribe present in the north region. My father and grandfather both fell in love with the fierce women tribe Taseen had to offer. The people there are known for their bravery. I on the other side was never moved by any women. It was always about how I am going to keep my people safe.

No matter how much time I had spent in the Taseen tribe I never fell for anyone. And, how I spent the last ten years to avenge the blood of my brothers I didn't let anyone force me into this bond. But now when I have killed the man who killed my brothers I was left with only one responsibility to save my country, Kalph. But I have never considered this job any less important. I can't let the misfortune event repeat itself. I had fought for years letting my nation worry about how I was the last dragon.

But this time I have decided to marry so when I leave to protect my borders they have my son and know I am not the only dragon. Much aware that I don't have any woman who I want to marry, my mother and grandmother decided to choose a woman from the tribe Saka. It was always the Saka tribe to choose the woman for my ancestors and we decided to observe this tradition. When we went there a week ago I was presented with forty women, and I chose the one my grandmother liked most.

"Dogan…your mother has called for you." I heard my friend Jaha calling me.

I look at my people shopping in the bazaar. But today every other corner of the street had a red flag. It is the way of our people to express their excitement. And, just for today, I want to bathe myself in this peace. While making my way out of my room I stopped to look at my bed for a moment. I haven't spent a lot of time here in my room but now it was going to have a permanent resident who will pray for me and look for my return.

Tomorrow when I will reach here with my bride, my people will try to look their best. I don't know about me but the woman who was going to be my wife was sure lucky. She was going to be loved by my people of Kalph dearly.

I went to my mother's chamber to find her ready for the departure already. "You are way too excited," I said giving her a hug.

"Blessings on you," The two women who were serving my mother greeted me.

"Good day," I replied before looking at my mother.

She was handing me the iron gloves. "I have waited for this day the moment you came into my arms. And, you are not going to wear your armour today. I have stitched a beautiful gown for you." She smiled and I know I can't refuse her today. And, though she showed me her best smile I could see the sadness. She had lost her husband, three sons and losing me too had worried her for years. But she was the woman of the Taseen tribe. Bravery runs in her blood. She would do all of this again for what matters most and that was our people.

"You sure had a lot of time to stitch this one. Well, you will be busy from now on considering we are bringing my woman from the Saka tribe. She doesn't even know how to hold a sword,"

"This is the reason that I don't want Taseen tribe's woman for you. Your grandmother and I were stronger and nature made us see our husbands dying. I am sure the Saka tribe will bring us a lot of fortune and heirs."

I didn't try to make her understand. Nothing mattered as long as these two women had their hearts at rest. But knowing she is from the Saka tribe I somehow knew she was going to be a liability. I hope I don't have these feelings for her when I meet her tonight for now she hasn't done anything to earn this judgement. And, I trust the ritual. I knew it will make us trust each other. Or who knows seeing my mother and grandmother can change her a little?

At around midday, we left with six hundred nobles nestled over six hundred elephants. And twenty-four hundred people were from my state. Everyone who had a horse in their home was coming along. It was told that going to bring dragon's bride promise fortunate days. I, on the other hand, was happy seeing my people merry. My mother and grandmother were living for this day.

I had my mother and grandmother in the middle while I was at the front. I donned the gown my mother stitched for me. It was now when I actually give her the thought. It was magical how from I don't know her to she is the woman I care most was going to happen. The wedding ritual for dragons was very unique. Dragons never bring an heir out of this bond. Because only the ritual makes sure that our heir will be a son and those sons will not be human as our bride. Though my mother always believed that I have postponed my wedding a lot I don't consider it this way.

When we reached the uphill I noticed all the camps of the Saka tribe but the one that was built for me to spend the night with my bride was different from all and was adorned with red cloth.

"They have really built a beautiful camp. It suits your personality given you are a red dragon too. Very thoughtful…" I heard one of my friends Loca say. I move forward knowing everything was going to change from now on.

It was after the evening when we reached the entrance. Many people from the Saka tribe got us when we were still many yards away. My tribe was welcomed with garlands. And, many people from the Saka tribe started showing them to the place they have prepared to serve us. I was shown a throne that this tribe had made to welcome grooms. My family wasn't the only one that shows interest in the Saka tribe's women. Almost every chieftains, king and rich traders chose this tribe to find the wife.

My people were seated over the stone tables and were served water and fruits for the starter. My mother, grandmother and their servants were given the table most close to me at my right side. When all of my people were settled the chief of the Saka tribe stood to give a welcoming speech. We all raised our glass with him and he left with the promise to bring my betrothed.

"Do you want more drink?" My friend Jaha came to ask. I accepted the offer and stood when I found my grandmother walking to me.

"Your mother has asked me to perform the ritual." I smiled and looked at her blue gown to compliment her. "You have already bewitched everyone with your looks. No one is going to look at my bride."

"Aren't you worried about her too early? I haven't even performed the ritual yet."

Somehow my thoughts were tainted with worry. I hope that things can sort out on the north border without any causality. And, for that reason alone we refuse to attack until my enemies don't.

The chief of the tribe appeared again. With him, he had two men too as he supposed to but there was no bride behind them. The voices in the air got dim before an uproar of whispers erupted. I could sense there was something wrong.

"What's wrong?" My grandmother asked. Her voice was like a roar.

"The bride eloped with her lover,"

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