
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Nari Vs Doumo

Nari was trembling, but she got herself together, saying, "Rain Dance: form three-."

Demon king Doumo blasted forward and punched Nari in the face.

Nari blasted away, but Doumo grabbed her by the ankle, jumped, and slammed her to the ground, splitting the road.

Blood shot from Nari's mouth, and she thought, 'Don't faint…don't faint..don't lose!'

Nari spun around and she threw a twisting body kick at Doumo's head.

Doumo dodged it, laughing, "Phew! That was close, human-."

Nari's back was turned to him after the kick attempt, and she flung the sword behind her without looking, and it went into Doumo's eye.

Doumo stumbled back, saying, "Tch! A mere human wounded me?! But..that sword…it's mythical…that's gonna be annoying. Unless…"

Nari started to slash bright slashes at Doumo, and Doumo slid under them, and hit Nari in the stomach, but Nari stabbed him through the head at the same time. Both of them took a large blow, and they both blasted backwards, both hitting walls.

Nari was standing up, and as she was standing up, Doumo ran towards her again, and grabbed her by the head, bashing her through multiple buildings. Then he held her up in front of him, saying, "Done yet?"

Nari spit on the Demon king, "Shut..the fuck up, do your worst. I'm never done as long as I have breathing in my body."

"Haha, The longer you go, the quicker you won't have any breath in your body. Forget what your Executive says."

Nari thought, 'It's as I thought..the same feeling when I deal with the monsters here..is the same feeling I'm getting from this demon king. Are they from the same place of origin? And on top of that why does Kwan have the ability to summon this thing? Is he involved with the darkness Cupid mentioned? The darkness that is within the monsters and this demon king?'

Doumo threw Nari far, and she started hitting the ground, rolling over and over.

She sat up coughing, with more blood dripping from her head, face, and body.

She stood up all the way shaking, saying, "It's going to take…more than that..dumbass."

"You're very persistent. Very well."

Doumo charged forward, creating a black pitchfork in his right hand, and he jabbed it Nari.

Nari swung her sword at it, and the weapons banged against each other.

Doumo smirks, "Now…let's compare strength..human. Seeing you fighting toe to toe with me while I'm fighting at 50 percent…impossible for humans."

Doumo then had a long black boned spike come out of his left hand, and he started slashing at Nari while standing still.

Nari was doing the same, slashing her sword really fast, trying to block Doumo's attacks, and trying to land some at the same time.

Both of them were getting cut up, blood splashing everywhere, and loud THUDS and THOOMS going off after each blow.

Behind a boulder, Minjun and Bora were watching.

Minjun said, "What the hell…"

Bora added, "Kwan brought that thing out…so that's his secret power?"

"It feels the same…as when we fight the monsters.."

"THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING! Of course you have to copy me like everyone else does."

"FOOL! NO ONE WAS COPYING YOU! But, I wanna go help Nari, but.."

"No. We can't. Unless we'll get beaten too."


Nari and Demon King Doumo kept going at it, slashing away.

Doumo laughed, "Haha! I'm having so much fun! It's been centuries since I've fought a human who gave me this much joy!"

Nari replied, "Shut up! Ugly ass!"

"Where do you get off calling people ugly?"

"People? You're a demon!"

Nari slashed some more, she placed more of her mana into her sword, and her strikes were faster and stronger. She was spending her own mana to try and win this fight, but something told her it was still one-sided.

'Faster! Faster! Faster! I didn't get stronger to lose! All those times people doubted me and spit on me with their dirty ass insulting saliva, I'll show them! Even if I have to waste my mana for this fight, I'll do it!'

Nari slashed off one leg of Doumo, and then she cut off both of his arms.

Doumo fell on one leg, and Nari slashed towards his head, saying, "You're done!"


Doumo caught Nari's sword with his mouth, and ripped the sword from her hands.

Nari instantly reacted and threw a yellow glowing punch filled with the remainder of her mana at Doumo's face.

The punch landed, and she caved Doumo's head into the ground, cracking the ground and flattening Doumo's head.

Kwan was just standing there, not saying a word.

Nari was bleeding all over, and she looked up at Kwan, saying, "Who's next?"

From the side, Minjun exclaimed, "Yes! I knew she'd win! That's Nari for your ass!"

Bora punched Minjun in the face, replying, "Idiot! You were just doubting her a few seconds ago! Besides, that wasn't even all that impressive! Hmph."

"Jealous much?"

"You're one to talk. Cupid and Nari were alone together. She must have some sort of feelings for my future husband."

"Shut up! Don't remind me!"

"But since the fight is over, do you think we should interfere?"

"Eh. I don't know. I really don't want the A.H.A on my back."

"Got that right."

Kwan said to Nari, "Sloppy. Wasting all of your mana in one single blow. Now you have to wait 30 minutes for all your mana to be restored again. Foolish."

Nari answered, "WHO'S NEXT?!"

Suddenly, Doumo's body began to turn to snakes, and they started covering Nari all over.

Nari thinks 'What the hell?!'

Doumo's voice was within the snakes, and he said, "You think you've won? Haha! I just made you waste all of your mana on purpose so you wouldn't fight back!"

Kwan said, "What are you doi-."

"Silence, human. You may be able to summon from the 9 gates, but that doesn't give you the crown over darkness."

Nari thought, '9 gates…darkness…Kwan..monsters…demon king…they're all related!'

Doumo then chanted: "Hehe. Paradox."

In the blink of an eye, Kwan, Nari, and Doumo teleported to a domain.

They were in a red area, the sky was dark red and black with eyes in the sky, and Nari was chained up with black chains, and she couldn't move. And since all of her mana was gone temporarily, she didn't have enough power to break free.

Kwan stood there, and he said, "Oi. This wasn't the deal. You drug us in front of the 4th gate to the entrance of hell itself.

Doumo was fully replenished, and he was standing in front of them, saying, "You basically said teach her a lesson, right? Well here I am. We can teach her a lesson by taking her mythic sword, and if she doesn't, we'll mutilate and violate her young body as we see fit."


Coming up from the ground were demon soldiers, they all had on red steel armor cowe're in red and black flames, and they all had disfigured and human-like faces with different types of black horns on their heads.

They were savages, snarling and snorting.

Kwan said, "You.."

"Aw come on. You got this far with summoning demon kings, right? You used us in the real world to defeat bad guys and all that, but we were invisible, people thought you won fights with your hands in your pockets, but it was us all along. You wasted years of your life by summoning us, you don't have much left."

Nari asked Kwan, "What the fuck…is he talking about, Kwan?"

Kwan said, "I only made a contract with them because I never awakened. I wanted power I admit, and I was about your age. That's why I barely fought to the max. I only summoned them when I faced enemies who I couldn't win with just the dark mana I had alone to enhance my strength and speed. And it was easy for me to conceal it anyway."

"So you were just like me. So why the hell are you trying to discipline me for taking an interest in Cupid?"

"You're doing it the foolish way. Cupid is a god, a dangerous one. I promised your parents to look after you, not let you go riding with a psycho."

"But I'm an Apostle of an Executive who made a contract with demon kings? Gimme a break, will you?"

Doumo said, "Cupid, heh? His name rings through hell like an annoying song that goes viral on the internet. We heard he's still alive after that battle many years ago against the gods and the immortals. He's been dealing with our subordinates who've been terrorizing people's feelings-."

A lightning and thunder strike went off at the same time, and Nari was gone.

Kwan and Doumo gasped, and then turned around.

Cupid was behind all of the demons, and he was holding Nari on his back.

Nari had a hard time staying awake, but she felt Cupid, and she said, "Cupid…why.."

Nari looked to the right, and she saw Yin, looking ready and prepared to fight.

Nari said, "The ugly monster…"

Yin exclaimed, "OOOO! THIS GONNA BE FUNNNN!"

Cupid said to Nari, "I can't believe I came back for you."

"Go home then."

"Alright," Cupid said, ready to put Nari down.

Nari held on tight to Cupid, saying, "No! No! Don't take it literally, fool! T-T-Thanks.."

Cupid looked at Doumo, and said, "Paradox, huh. You seem to have the same skill as me. But kinda different. This feeling I'm getting..it's the same feeling when I'm dealing with those shadow dark figures that disrupt the love of my customers."

Doumo replied while sweating, "Ohh? None other than Cupid himself dealing with our kind."

"Demons. Kinda figured that. They're so fucking weak."

"Of course they are weak to you, but not the humans whom they manipulate-."

"Shut up. Talking about my customers like they're some sort of pawns is just crazy to me, ya know? I have a lot of questions as it is; a love god named Anteros wants to talk to me, my entire backstory, past life, and existence is a question, the existence of powers is a question, and another question I have..is why you demons do what you do? Why do you manipulate the feelings of humans? Causing their emotions to be enhanced negatively?"

"That's none of your concern. You should be dead. I know Anteros and the Erotes are out for you."

"Yeah, I get that a lot, dude. Some other guy told me about Anteros and these Erotes. Whoever the hell they are. What's your connection to them? Got information you can spill?"

"…Hell hath no connection to Anteros and the Erotes."

"But your ass probably knows more about them than I do. So spill. I kinda figured they're all on the same level as me, probably the same type of species as me. Ya know..a god."

"….It is taboo to tell you anything, since we heard you had survived the battle, anything that triggers a memory is fatal to all life and existence, deity or not."

Nari asked Doumo, "Why did you want my sword?"

"Eh? Anyone would want a mythic sword to use to make themselves stronger. What other reason?"

Nari then looked at Kwan, asking, "Don't you have anything to say?"

Kwan sighed, "Sucks that I can't light a cigarette in here. I never awakened, and I was impatient. These bastards came to me for a contract when I was your age, and I quickly took it without considering the risk and consequences. Because I also looked up to your parents, Nari."

Nari gasped, and Cupid sighed, saying, "Oh brother, more dialogue. Can we hurry this shit up? I have a customer waiting for my love rekindling services."

Kwan continued, "As a kid, I was the one who bullied those who had weak awakened abilities, when I myself didn't have any. Kids would say they can't sense any power from me, but I told them I'm concealing it because top secret bad guys were after me. And those dumbasses believed me. On TV, I watched your parents save lives with their amazing power, and I got envious. They defeated level 1 monsters of darkness without breaking a sweat, it was insane. Then one day, I got into a fight at school, kids were pressuring me to go against a bully with our awakened abilities. Haha, the other kids were so hung up on me having strong powers, and I looked like a fool when I had none to use during the fight. It was embarrassing after I got my ass clobbered into a pretzel. On the way home with bruises all over my face, I cried and cried until some shadow figure appeared and he also beat the shit out of me, wanting to see how tough I was. He was impressed, and offered me a contract to summon demon kings from the 9 gates of hell. I took it without hesitation-."

Doumo interrupted, "So you're just gonna tell them all of your business? Snitch."

Cupid agreed with Doumo, "You are kinda snitching."

Nari exclaimed, "Shhhh! Shhh! Shush! Fools! Keep going, Kwan."

Kwan continued, "Before I was rudely interrupted, I had intense mana levels, I didn't even need to summon demon kings to beat people. I was strong, fast, tough, and smart. Until I was facing three level 1 monsters, I was forced to summon from the hell gates. People watched and thought I was fighting by just standing there, they couldn't see the demon kings or the gates. And that's when they told me that everytime I summon, years from my life are taken. Now that I think about it, it was stupid, huh?"

Cupid watched Kwan, thinking, 'I can sense darkness within him like I do my customers, but the source of his darkness is coming from 9 different locations. Must be those stupid 9 gates he mentioned. If I am able to defeat it, I have to destroy all 9 gates, and everyone in it. But how? I can't travel through domains willingly without a source to get to where I need to be, my Paradox ability allows me to dwell in the domain of my target's soul. I was only able to come in this domain, because I was around. If I'm able to go to the other gates, then I need to use Paradox on this Kwan guy. But I can't use Paradox inside of an already structured domain. Also…I have so many questions. Demons…gods….goddesses…Anteros…the Erotes…a big battle that supposedly destroyed me…the immortals…they're all linked to each other, and linked to me as well. How?'

Cupid asked Doumo, "Oi, asshole. Where are we?"

"The fourth gate of hell."

"Do all of the gates lead to the main area of hell? The big bad place or something?"

Doumo didn't respond.

Cupid smirked, and he said to Nari and Yin, "Well then. Ready?"


Yin got his staff ready, and he was smothered in a pink, red, and white aura.

The hundreds of demons in the 4th gate started to sprawl out of nowhere, and they charged at Cupid.

Doumo said, "Sorry, but you're a nuisance. Kwan, go kill him too-."

Kwan punched Doumo in the face with red mana all over his fists, and Doumo went flying, saying, "Haha..I knew you'd do this. You're making a big mistake, breaking the contract. You won't have long to live."

"Ahh. Seeing how hard Nari fights for strength, and seeing how she resembles her parents..I think my discipline has gone far enough. The guilt I feel is scary."

Kwan and Doumo dashed towards each other and began to fight.

Cupid went into his Valentines Day form, smirking, "Alright, Yin, ready to kill?"


"Good, but don't kill the human guy."

"But that's booooring."

"Get over it!"

Cupid said to Nari, "Hang on tight, and don't fall off. Ya did good I guess."

Nari and Cupid's face were close together, both blushing, and Nari replied, "Mhm.."

Cupid and Yin dashed forward, completely slaughtering the demons with ease.