
Cupid, The Strongest Love Counselor

Abandoned and killed by the “gods” of love hundreds of years ago, Cupid is reborn in the modern world of Seoul Korea, with no memory of what happened before. But knowing what his abilities and purpose is, he runs a small love counseling business to help regular couples or married couples fix their relationship and rekindle the love. But, there’s a twist. He does it in a fashion where it involves a lot of brutality and fighting, literally defeating the core issue within the relationship. And at the same time, Cupid wants to feel love as well, jealous of everyone who has it.

TheRedRedHoodie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Kwan’s Gate

Cupid said, "Heh? Are you stupid? I don't work with those tattoo people."

Yin raised his hand, saying, "Oooh! Ooh! I did! I used to!"

Cupid said to Yin, "Oi, beast, that's not helping our case."

Yin whispered to himself, "Murder is the only option."

The A.H.A Apostles and the Executives gasped:

"We all heard that, right?!"

"He said murder is the only option!"

"They both plan to kill us?!"

"Assault, drive in first!"

"Armor drive in second!"

Nari excliamed, "Stop for a fucking second! Cupid is not with them! Someone higher up in the Raven family sent two of them to kill or capture Cupid!"

An Executive asked, "Oh yeah? And how do you know this? Are you secretly working with the Raven family as well? And where's your Executive?!"

"BRO! NO!"

Nari thought, 'Dammit! Where's Executive Kwan when I need him?'

Minjun said, "This Cupid guy had probably used necromancy to sway our Nari into his lustful trap! He knew he couldn't get her without it! I think Nari is innocent!"

Cupid responded, "Can I kill you? You're annoying the hell outta me."


"Blah blah blah."

Bora said, "Cupid…"

Cupid answered, "Yo."

"If you used necromancy to sway Nari, WHY DIDN'T YOU CHOOSE ME FIRST?!"

Everyone looked at her, saying:



Bora replied, "No! Fools! I wanted him to choose me over that skank Nari! I'm clearly better!"

Nari said to Bora, "Drown!"

Cupid was eating chips, saying, "Uh, I don't use necromancy. And I don't make people like me. If I did, I wouldn't be lonely as hell. Ya' feel me?"

Minjun wasn't convinced, he continued, "Liar! Nari is pretty lonely too, so you saw that as a way to snatch her up!"

"Whatever cracks your pipe."

"I'm not on drugs!"

"My bad, I said the wording wrong."

An Executive said, "Apostle Nari, student of Executive Kwan. This is an embarrassment on your end. Executive Kwan represents loyalty and sometimes asshole tactics, but at the same time, he knows what side he is on. If he was here right now-."

At that moment, Executive Kwan appeared with Executives Joon and Bruiser.

Kwan was smoking a cigarette, saying, "Tch. Why the hell is it raining all of a sudden? Yeah I know Nari used Rain Dance."

Nari said, "Executive Kwan…"

Minjun said, "Executive Joon?!"

Bora exclaimed, "Bruiser!"

Bruiser smacked his fists together, "Well well well, is this the prophesied god we've been hearing about? The god destroyer?"

Everyone was confused, and then they realized he was looking at Cupid.

Cupid didn't say anything, he just stared while eating his chips.

Kwan added, "The seer we went to, she's a part of the same tribe as the head of the A.H.A. Everytime she sees into the future, it drains her life force. But we handled it with care. We wanted to know what the future holds for the next month, we didn't wanna go overboard for the sake of the seer. We saw glimpses and small snippets of what's to come, and we saw the important details."

Joon pointed at Cupid, saying, "He..is a threat to humanity. A god killer, a world destroyer, he must be dealt with."

Cupid said, "Huh? You want a piece of me?"

Yin spun his staff around, saying, "Ooooooh! Looks like we're about to fight!"

Bora said, "Threat to humanity?"

Minjun says, "God killer?"

He thought, 'What exactly did those three see from the seer?'

Nari stood there, still standing in front of Cupid and Yin, saying, "I…don't give a shit…I just want..to know why he is what he is..so that maybe.."

Kwan finished her sentence, "-Maybe you can get stronger? Are you kidding? That brat is lunatic. The seer showed us the extent of his power, and it showed the world being destroyed along with it. In the process, gods and goddesses and humanity were destroyed. He himself…is a god. Do you think you can measure up to that kind of power just by finding out how he got so strong?"


"Bullshit. That shitty brat has many mysteries to him, and we were only shown the extent of his power, and the threat he causes to humanity by being alive. You think your parents would want you to be entangled with this bastard?"

"Shut up! You don't know what they would want! They were Executives for the A.H.A for only two months, they always wanted the right things, they always looked for power. You think they would hate me for wanting the same thing? Plus, you call this idiot a threat to humanity and a lunatic, maybe he is, but he's not as bad as you all see him. I was with him alone-."

Minjun gasped, holding his heart, dropping to his knees, screaming, "SHE WAS ALONE WITH THIS BRAT! KILL HIM NOW!"

Joon said to Minjun, "Calm down, Apostle."

Nari continued, "I haven't sensed anything hostile from him. His only goal is to rekindle love, or mend it. He doesn't do anything out of the way, and he saved our lives from this ugly ass beast behind me."

Yin said, "Oi! Not nice! Anteros made me handsome!"

Kwan interrupted while looking at Yin, "Yeah, what the fuck is even that?"

Nari said, "In my eyes, Cupid hasn't done anything wrong. You all are worried about the future when it hasn't even happened yet, there's a possible way to change the future, perhaps."

Kwan sighed, saying, "Ew. This is hurting my ears. He needs to be dealt with. Nari, the A.H.A has already set their sights on killing him instantly. If you ride with him and his pet, you'll be taken in immediately for tyranny."

Nari said, "I don't give a shit! I don't care! I'm against taking down anyone who hasn't done anything wrong, you bastards are looking at the future, not the here and now."

"Hehh? Do you have feelings for this brat?"

Nari blushed a little, replying, "N-No! I don't have feelings for this lazy bum! But, he understands me, and he saved my life, and I just got interested. I won't let any of you stop me. I finally found someone interesting to me, and who actually understands me, and who could possibly show me the way of true strength that I always longed for. So, fuck all of you."

The A.H.A members gossiped:

"Fuck us?"

"Is she being serious right now?"

Kwan smoked his cigarette more, and thought, 'What's gotten into her…? Nari..a young but naive girl who favors getting stronger for the sake of her dead parents. Ever since she was a child, she always dealt with bullies, getting beat up, and being weak. Until she awakened. That's when her power impressed the entire world, and many men fell at her feet. And those creepy bastards still do. She never got close to anyone, nor showed interest in anyone ever. She respects her parents ideals, so there's no doubt that she'll be doing this. Her parents, once two very strong awakened humans, believed in getting stronger and just treatment in society. Hell, those two rowdy bastards beat the shit out of Apostles and Executives whenever they abused their power. But at the same time, what Nari is doing is siding with one who has the power to destroy existence itself. And if that isn't abusing your power, what is it? This brat needs to learn the hard way…'

Kwan said, "Nari, are you sure you want this?"

Nari spit to the right, and said, "Bring it."

Minjun said to Bora, "She's going to fight her own Executive?! That's suicide!"

Bora added, "Especially if she's fighting Executive Kwan, the third stronger Executive in the A.H.A. This is going to get ugly, unlike me."

"Of course you'd say that."

Cupid said to Nari, "Oi…you know I can just get us outta here-."

"Forget that. I used to be called weak before I awakened, If I run, they'll call me chicken shit. Ya know, I wouldn't be so nervous if I was as strong as you."

"…Strength is a mindset, Nari. Even someone as crappy as me knows that. The mentally of being strong will keep your ass standing on your own two feet. But being reckless as hell isn't strength. You don't have to do this for me though."

"I can do whatever I want. Shut up."


"Leave while you can. I'll catch up with you soon."


"You have a rekindling job to fulfill, don't you?"

Cupid's cheeks flustered, and he said, "You are right. Chow!"

Cupid and Yin started jogging away, and Nari exclaimed, "WAIT HE LEFT WITHOUT HESITATION?!"

Nari thought, 'Him and that monster are just jogging when they can go full speed..why?'

Kwan said to all the Executives and Apostles, "After them. Leave me with Nari alone."

Bruiser said to Kwan, "Heh? Let me go deal with that brat alone!

"No. You'll die. Send everyone."

"Damn you!"

Joon says, "Go. We must move forward."

Everyone started to rush towards Cupid, leaving Nari and Kwan alone.

Kwan and Nari stared at each other, and Kwan said, "Sucks to have to discipline my Apostle. You sure are troublesome. Literally taking the side of a god who will eventually destroy this world-."

"Bring it, dipshit."

Kwan closed his eyes and sighed, and when he opened his eyes, they were pitch black.

He chanted:

"4th gate, open."

Black and red smoke flowed from the back of Kwan's back, and it formed into a red and black gate hovering above him, and the gate opened, and a 9 foot tall reddish brown humanoid came out with black horns, black wings, long black hair, black tattoos all over his body, red eyes and no mouth, and his clothing was made out of chains.

Kwan said, "Defeat, but do not kill, Demon king Doumo."

"Hehe, this will cost you 2 years of your life, summoning us."


Nari gasped in fear, her heart pounded, and she thought, 'Kwan's secret power…a power that no one has ever known…is to summon…demon kings?! Everyone calls him the third strongest due to his toughness and strength without power..that's all he ever used…he never showed his abilities in front of anyone. Why is he doing this now?"

Nari pointed her sword at the demon king, saying, "…B-Bring it…"