
Chapter 50: Hunter in the Wind


As the vision ends and the world returns to the way it was, I know that I successfully transmitted all that I had seen. Marcey lets go of me, no longer channeling my power into her to help broadcast the vision.

The two wolves in front of us shudder back to the present, their faces cast with the haunting images of the past they forgot they ever had. They look at each other, silver eyes meeting silver eyes, and then something happens I never could have predicted.

John’s eyes transition from a gleaming silver to a bright gold.

I stare in shock and wonder as John carefully gets to his feet, his legs shaking with the effort. He looks into his brother’s eyes and slowly lowers his head.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says, and I know I can only understand him through my connection to Jake. ‘I didn’t know. I hadn’t realized. Our mother never wanted to leave, did she? My father pushed her away, refusing to let her see me.