
Chapter 13: The Truth Behind the Lies


I walk down the quiet street, lamp posts flickering eerily in the chilled night. I walk with no purpose other than needing a bit of fresh air.

It feels like the weight of the world sits on my shoulders. I’ve been thrust into power and have already sent the pack spiraling into another war.

It feels like the last one wasn’t so long ago, though it occurred long before I was born. That was an age when two men, practically brothers, warred over territory that should have never been fought over, to begin with.

That was a time before my father had built his empire.

Sometimes, I wish I could go back and meet my father before he became consumed with the pack. He was always a great man, but since he became Alpha, I guess I feel like he wasn’t one hundred percent there.

There was always a part of him stuck in the past, where he had once been friends with Michael Brackon.

But that was a long time ago, too long to make sense of it anymore.