
Chapter 12: The Witches of Cumberland


Yup. I’m screwed. Big fat f*cked.

Not in a really bad way. More like in a, “everything I used to think I know is very, very wrong.”

The warehouse completely transforms when we enter, becoming a massive mansion with white and gold pillars shooting toward a ceiling I can barely see. Its domed appearance gives it the illusion of being outside.

The room is as long and wide as a football field, with several hallways leading to various destinations. People are milling about, chatting, dancing, twirling, and…what?

In the center of the room, a stage is lit with bright yellow fire, real fire, and standing in the center of the flames is a woman. And, of course, the woman is completely naked.

“That’s Indiana,” Marcey says. “She’s our spiritual leader. Fire is kind of her thing.”

A group of people holding floating candle sticks walks past us, and I nearly faint when one of them flicks out a snake-like tongue.