
Cultivation within The Anime World

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


Sora sat on top of the mountain, sitting with closed eyes, he began his breakthrough into Nascent soul. with this breakthrough, Sora had to face a heart demon tribulation, Sora was a unique person who was not to be held back by his past, sure his past life was not smooth, but he had an easy time letting go given the time. at most a month.

but he had one thing this caused them some trouble. you see, Sora didn't through himself into dreaming of another world for no reason, gaining all types of knowledge just in case he was to reappear in another world.

he started wishing for something like this after his mother died, and his father remarried. Like him, his father although hurt by his mother's death, they managed to cover pretty quickly. of course, there were times when they would greatly miss her. but overall, they recovered after a few weeks after her funeral.

but after some time, his father brought a new woman over, and she hated him. his father being the hard worker he was, and in a state of love or whatever, he didn't notice Sora. because of her, the beatings, harassment, and humiliation were too much. so, he hid in his room.

Sora soon stumbled upon other worlds and stuff, this was where his young man birthed hope of running away from home... well in this case simply being reborn if that mad woman ended up killing him. so he gathered a bunch of knowledge, he had to be ready.

he soon troubles on a full dive headset, which allowed one to send their mind into a virtual reality world. Sora went on to play many games until he stumbled upon a cultivation game. it was still in development, but Sora took interest in this game and went on to use its glitches to the fullest.

he soon found out that the game was quite popular, so he went on to start playing the games reaching the peak and selling the account to others. like this, Sora found out pretty much every glitch within the game.

sadly, went it was time for him to move, his stepmother seemed to have killed him. he had gotten over 20k from this, she would have been dumbing not to kill him for it... but this led to Sora hating her, this woman, he has dreams of making her suffer. he wanted to kill her, just to bring her back to life, and kill her aim, and bring her back, and repeat

the hatred he had toward her was something he found hard to ignore or forget, and before Sora she stood before him, smiling coldly at Sora. this was the only heart demon Sora held within him, his unimaginable hatred towards this woman was sky-high,

the two looked at each other for some time, before Sora simply ignored her. why he ignored her because although she was something he hated, she was not worth his time at this moment. if there was a way for him to enter this world, then there was a way for him to leave. he will return to earth.

if she is dead, then he would bring this woman back to life and lash out at every suffering a person could lash out upon a person. but right now, she was only something at the least, a mortal before Sora, therefore not worthy of his attention any longer.

not giving any attention to the woman, Sora easily passed his tribulations, and with that, he successfully relocated his nascent soul, allowing him to finally set into the nascent soul realm.

in the past few realms, there have only been 10 levels, but in the nascent soul realm, things are more complicated than that. each level is split into early, mid, and late. because of this, one can say nascent soul has 30 levels,

each level brings an increase of 17 to one's power level, being in the nascent soul realm also comes with a lot of unique abilities. the short-range teleportation known as the flash step in the game allows a person to instantly appear anywhere within their field of sight

the other was the spiritual sense, a kind of 6th sense that allows a person to sense the world around them, it was better than all of the 5-sense put together. the range and quality of this sense only grow the stronger the soul is.

lastly, was the ability to sense the world, unrivaled knowledge, and use it to increase your power level. in another world, the ability to comprehend Dao. of course, people of this world did something like this, but theirs was not as refined, his other search for The Essence of Magic was in a way searching for Dao.

to say the least, Sora would have an easier time than her doing it, but it could take thousands of or longer to truly comprehend what he senses. of course, Sora had his guesses on what the essence of magic was,

Sora spread his senses out to see the world around him, before looking at his station window.

{Name- Sora

Age- 3/ immortal

Bloodline: {Titan- Prometheus Bloodline}, {Inshou Bloodline

Cultivation Level- level 1 Nascent Soul

Power level- 210


Cultivation Arts:

Tier 1- [The Health Tree Cultivation Art {level 10], [The Grand Moutain Lion Cultivation Art (LVL10], [The Mighty Tiger Cultivation Art (lvl10)}

Tier Two- [The Sword King Cultivation Art (LV10], [the Mind out of Body Cultivation art (LV10]

Tier three- {Sealing Heaven Cultivation art (level10)

Tier 4- [Soul Devouring Cultivation art(level1)

Unique abilities- [Sword Body (complete)], [Sword Affinity], [Health Tree Physique (complete)], [Protected Life-force], [Extremely Fast Recovery], [Grand Moutain Lion Physique (complete)], [Stealth Movement], [Extreme Senses], [Vibration Sense], [Mighty Tiger Physique], [Sound Attack], [sword flight], [sword king], [sword will], [Sword King sword style], [Heavenly Chains], [Chain Fusing], [Chain Shaping], [World is Chain], {immortal], [Telekinesis], [Telepathy], [body reformation], [body take over], [Flash Step], [spiritual sense]

'I'm pretty much immortal, if my body is destroyed, I will recover, only my soul is my weakness, but since I'm a titan, my soul will recover from even the worst of injures.' Sora thought as he stepped forward and teleported a few meters away.

"... it uses a lot of energy, I should be able to use this about 10 times before I'm too tired, even less for longer distances. but once I master it, I could evolve it.' Sora thought as he jumped into the sky, and flew off while using his telekinesis.

telekinesis was a useful ability, if mastered, it allowed one to take hold of space and time, rearrange atoms, and so on. in the game, Sora remembered facing someone in a PvP who had built his character around telekinesis, he had reached the peak of what telekinesis was within the game. allowing him to grab hold of reality and rewrite reality to his wishes

the battle had come to a draw, of course, Sora was overpowered as well within the game, he always built a well-rounded player. as he saw himself as the MC when playing, so how could he focus on simply one thing? he had to be the best in everything, although he was not always the beast, his well-rounded build allowed him to be ready for anything and everything,

Sora went on to sneak back into the city. but while he was heading home, guards suddenly surrounded him. since Sora was not allowed to leave the castle under normal means, he of course was in trouble for suddenly appearing outside of the kingdom.

for the next few days, Sora was locked away in his room, he was only allowed out when his father had something important to tell him.

"The king of Sparta and the princess will be arriving in a few days, this is an ally we are forming to take down the Dark Sky along with their allies Athens." His father said making Sora's eyebrow raised slightly, but he nodded slightly.

the king of Sparta and the princess will be arriving in 4 days, so his father had the castle prepare for their arrival, 3 days quickly passed, and they arrived. since Sora was to marry the princess, he went to greet them and welcome them to the kingdom.

"What weird clothing, could you even fight in them?" the king of Sparta asked calmly while looking at the suit Sora was wearing, Sora smiled slightly,

"Yes, I was enchanted to not only enhance my overall power in battle but to act as a shield," Sora said with a smile, the king of Sparta, Leonidas sized Sora up and down for a moment, he had to admit the suit looked nice on Sora.

"Before we arrive at the castle, might I treat you both to one of our most famous sweets within the kingdom," Sora asked softly, Leonidas was in his carriage, hearing Sora's words, and he turned to look at someone behind him, before nodding slightly.

Sora couldn't see who was within, but through the vibration and his spiritual sense, he guessed it was princesses. with that, Sora hit his house and had it, lad, the carriage, and spartan soldiers towards his restaurant, the street was cleared after all an important guest was visiting.

they quickly arrived at a fancy restaurant that he owned; Sora had the workers quickly bring out treats for the guest. Leonidas took a cake that a maid respectfully handed to him, he blankly looked at it for a moment, before he took a bite.

His eyeball could be seen to widen and shake for a moment, but it returned to normal the next moment as he nodded and passed the cake to the person next to him. Sora had him taste all of the treats, which he simply took a bite off and passed to the person next to him.

"It's not bad, and you were the one to create this?" He asked in his deep voice, Sora nodded slightly, it would be good if he spread his business to other kingdoms. Leonidas went quiet for a moment before he said nothing else.

Sora after seeing the soldiers had finished to treats, he head them to the castle. with that, Leonidas finally stepped out of the carriage. as Sora got off his house, he turned to look at him and was shocked to see the guy's height. standing at a shocking 6.8 feet, the guy was a height with a body full of muscles.

Sora was not short, he was already over 6 feet, yet he was to the guy's shoulders. with his golden armor, and golden cap, he indeed looked like the perfect image of a warrior.

Leonidas just calmly looked at Sora, before ignoring him, and helping the person within come out. from the carriage, a little bold-haired girl jumped out. she was about 10 years old, and already had a warrior's aura about her. with a power level of 219, one could tell this little girl trained hard, and was talented.

"... he looks old." these were the first words she said upon seeing Sora, Sora stretched his head awkwardly upon hearing her words. he was only 3, sure he looks older and stuff, but he was still 3 and his body thought it was 3.

Sora didn't say anything and simply led them to the castle, where his father along with a few people was gathered. His father greeted Leonidas. the allies between them would have been slow or might have taken years, but with the Dark Sky allying with Sparta worst energy, the allies were quickened as.

Leonidas was not a man of many words, he was a prideful warrior who only respected strength. things like how royals speak hiding behind a mask and stuff disgusted him, his killing intent even came out when a royal with a smile tried to talk to him.

everyone says they as barbarians, their education system was not as developed as most kingdoms, and the way they pick the next king was through a battle, the winner is a ruler and the lower isn't, that was all. they only respected strength.

"I greatly look up the spartan and their strength, to have the stronger army known to man, I'm sure you must be wondering if my little brother is worthy of marrying your daughter." a red-haired man said with a smile as he wrapped his hand around Sora, Sora instantly frowns feeling his hands on him. the already quiet awkward hair within the throne room after Leonidas showed his killing only grew from this man words

"Why are you touching me with those disgust hands of yours and that fake smile?" Sora asked coldly as he looked at his elder brother, the king first born. Dena. Dena's smile suddenly froze, he didn't expect Sora to say something like this,

Sora suddenly slapped his hands away, removed the suit, and gave it to a maid to throw away. Dena's face darkened at this sight, this was his chance to knock Sora down a few levels, the past few months Sora was on a rocket getting famous all over the king. many nobles were trying to lick his feet, many of which were once supporting him.

"My apologies for this buffoon rudeness, for a prince to go around embarrassing the royal family. It's something that shouldn't be shown to guests. taking such a moment to carry out personal schemes..." Sora said calmly with a shake of his head, the throne room was quiet, what a powerful counter this was.

Dena had nothing to say, he could only stand there while hiding his killing intent from showing, but something happened that caught everyone's attention.

"Why not you two spars, you're only 3 years old, so she would hold back, I don't have the final say in the marriage, she does," Leonidas said calmly while looking deeply into Sora's eyes. Leonidas was powerful... stronger than his father, with a simple gaze, Sora felt he was butt naked before someone like this.

"Sure, but she need not hold back, I have heard the might of the princess of Sparta, it would be an honor to face her at full strength," Sora said with a smile, but Leonidas shook his head, he knew his daughter strength, he didn't was Sora to go up and die, the trouble this case would be troublesome.

"don't worry about my son, although 3 years old, he can face some weaker soldiers in battle." The king said with a smile stunning everyone in the meeting room. Leonidas looked deeply at Sora, before nodding slightly, and stepping backward.

"Why right here, let's fight in the arena tomorrow. you rest up, I want to face you at your peak, not 99% but 100%" Sora said with a smile, the princess who was about to step forward slightly, hesitated before looking towards her father, who nodded at her.

"Fine, tomorrow we shall face each other." She said in an adorable voice which she tried making sound tough, but it only sounded more adorable. Sora nodded slightly, if he defeat the famous princess, would he not be famous?

this princess was more famous than Sora, she was considered a prodigy, capable of using 6 types of magic, Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Air, and Light. normally one would pick one magic and stay with it, but she chose 6,

as they went to rest, Sora got a death glare from Dena, but Sora just looked at him and ignored him, causing Dena to grit his teeth as he walked away. Sora went on to go have his maid rent the arena for tomorrow before spreading the news of the battle that would take place at the arena tomorrow,

with the area his, he was going to make some good money from this battle, plus, he had his maids get ready to sell snakes at a higher price than normal so that they would enjoy the battle. the next day quickly came, an announcer stood in the middle of the arena while looking at the full arena, and outside the arena, people were looking at screens to see the match as well.

after giving his speech, the announcer went on to introduce the two fighters.

"He may look old but believe it or not he is only 3 years old. a child whose talent can't be described, and the creator of your favorite sneaks... Sora Dragnof, the 7th prince of the Dragnof kingdom." the Announcer yelled causing the whole crowd to cheer for the prince, even though they knew he would most likely lose.

Sora stepped out into the opening while looking at the huge crowd, this would be the first time the whole kingdom truly saw him. he had on normal armor, and two swords on his back. as he stepped onto the arena, the announcer nodded towards him before he spoke again

"Coming from Sparta, it's their little princess, a prodigy known throughout the lands, Cynisca." He yelled as, from the other side, a girl in golden armor slowly walked out, she had on Sparta's famous armor, she could have looked scary if she was not so small.

the two went on to have a standoff, Cynisca looked up at Sora, while Sora looked down, it was a funny sight. one would think a grown man was facing a little girl, when in fact the little girl was holder than the seemly older man.

Cynisca was quickly annoyed with how Sora was looking at her, it was like he was looking at a little girl. She stepped forward and shot toward Sora with her spear, Sora dodged, seemly knowing the attack was coming beforehand.

Cynisca's eyes narrowed, and her attack flew faster and faster, while Sora dodged them quite easily, seeing this, Cynisca's eyes widened slightly, Sora was indeed around her level of power, and with this, she went all out.

"So, you're taking me seriously?" Sora asked with a smile as he pulled out his sword swords, a silver magic circle appeared under Sora's feet, Sora swung a sword forward and clashed with Cynisca, sending the two stumbling backward from the impact.

Cynisca quickly recovers, and shot towards Sora, entering a kind of lightning mode, her speed skyrocketing. Sora's eyes narrowed slightly seeing this, Cynisca flashed before him, and he quickly blocked her attacks. but it was clear to everyone as he was losing, as Cynisca was pushing him backward.

"you're not half bad, but don't think this is my limit," Sora said as red markings slowly appeared on his body, his red hair turned black as if these red markings stoke its color. a mark appeared on Sora's forehead, but it seemed to float off and turn into a flame that floated around Sora's head.

with but a thought, chains exploded from behind Sora and shot toward Cynisca, Cynisca quickly jumped backward, dodging the 4 chains which suddenly appeared. She frowned slightly, before looking at Sora who seemed to be going all out before she smiled.

the lightning mode she was in disappeared before her headpiece exploded with flames, lightning covered the spear, while her body slowly glowed with a bright light. the two looked at each other for a moment, before Cynisca shot toward Sora like a beam.

She dodged the chains while she and Sora neared each other, Sora's sword clashed with her, while Cynisca reacted quickly, dodging the chains, while also dealing with Sora's attacks. it was like fighting with 6 people, which was extremely hard to deal with.

Sora also began using the sword King sword Style, a sword style which was so king like, it made everyone watching speechless and ashamed of their swordsmanship. Sora's sword will be also shown, increasing his sword-cutting power, along with turning his very well into a word.

with a look, a sword would be shot from his eyes, with a thought, Sora could take control of other swords, and as he wishes. his sword cuts what he wants to cut. this was sword will.

and it gave Cynisca a hard time, but what made her more speechless was that every time she managed to hit Sora, he didn't bleed, it was like she only cut the outer part of the skin, which annoyed her deeply.

"you're curious as to why I'm not bleeding?" Sora asked with a smile seeing her annoyed look, Cynisca didn't say anything and simply waited for Sora to explain.

"It's magic I created to help protect my lifeforce, so bleed is hard for you to make me do... and by the looks of it, you're tired, let's call it to tie," Sora said with a smile seeing how she was breathing heavily. he could fight for days and even weeks without rest, but she couldn't.

"... you're not going all out." She said softly to which Sora nodded. he of course was not going all out, he had to make this fight look interesting,

"Show me your full strength." She said with burning determination, Sora looked at her for a moment before he nodded. Sora threw one of the swords to the ground and grabbed one with two hands.

"I haven't mastered dual wielding, so I couldn't show my strength to its fullest," Sora said as the sword in his hands slowly began glowing.

"This is my strongest attack... I call it the Sword King." Sora said as he raised his sword to the sky, as he charged the attack, Cynisca got ready to face it. but she froze as she saw the avatar of a sword king holding a giant sword appearing behind Sora.

as Sora brought the sword down, she felt as if this sword was cutting apart the world, she looked on in horror as the giant sword neared her. she quickly snapped out of her shock and tried blocking. the next moment, the world went quiet,

the attack didn't make many explosions or anything of the kind, Cynisca just stood there, in a blocking motion for some time, before looking to the side. her heart dropped when she saw the huge sword slash at the ground, she turned around and saw that a middle-aged man had moved, blocking Sora's attack from hitting the crowd.

there was a barrier around them, but that attack had cleanly cut through it, this level of power was something she didn't expect.

"My bad, I haven't mastered the attack after I created it," Sora said with an awkward smile, the sword king was the ultimate move of the sword king's cultivation art. capable of allowing one to show the power 5 times their own, simply gather the power into the sword, channel the power of the sword king.

this would summon the avatar of the sword king allowing one to cut down all their enemies, it was only a tier 2 move, and its usefulness would drop by more than half at core formations, and even more once at the nascent soul.

that attack only sword power twice above Sora power, which is considered trash while in the nascent soul, as other moves could show 500% of power level, with those personally mastered and evolved capable of showing even more up to 10 times one power level.