
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 24, Xiao Yang Secret

The matchmaker was dumbfounded by the children's expressions. Didn't they say that their father likes men, why are they all looking at her hopelessly now? but on second thought, it wasn't her problem. she had a duty to do this job and to uphold it. She couldn't be blamed if she failed. 

"What is going on here?" Li Jain had just returned from the mountain when he saw the little ones staring blankly at the unknown guest. Could this person be the reason why the little ones have been behaving so strangely? Li Jain thought with his brows frown.

The matchmaker didn't think anything bad when she first met Li Jain. He looked rather handsome and friendly with an air of mystery about him, although that could have been because of those piercing black eyes.   When she heard the news regarding the marriage proposal from the Bai family's precious young master, she was shocked! 

After all, she thought for sure that no women would dare to approach Li Jain, especially after hearing about his infamous reputation in his village and the fact of him having seven children. But since the Bai family was willing to give their son out,  she could only hope that the match would work, because if not then there really will be no chance of getting close to the Bai family.

When the children heard their father's voice, they were frightened and immediately straightened their backs. Meanwhile, the matchmaker was excited. Finally, the person she has been waiting for has arrived. 

She stepped forward  and bowed to him politely,    "Young master Li, The Bai family son from the neighboring village is willing to marry into your household.  His per..."

Li Jain cut her short as soon as he felt something amiss,"You are saying he is willing to marry into our house?"

"Yes, Young master."

Li Jain frowned  slightly, thinking: 'Why would someone suddenly want to marry him?'  His eyes narrowed a bit as he stared at the children. It was difficult to read his expression even with his sharp eyesight. "Thanks for the trouble, but I'm not yet ready for marriage. my children don't need a second present at the moment. I'll have to trouble you to tell young master Bai not to be offended." Li Jain put five gold coins in the matchmaker's hands.

The matchmaker was a little startled by Li Jain's words. But when she saw the money, her eyes lit up and found Li Jain to be more pleasing to the eyes. "Don't worry young master Li.I'm sure the Bai should be able to understand. No worries, no worries."

And with another bow she left them alone. She will be a fool not to accept. Not to mention that this amount of money will take her about ten matchmaking to earn. 

As soon as she left, Li Jain turned towards the children who were still staring blankly, "Now then, what's wrong?" He asked with a gentle tone of voice which made the little ones shrink back unconsciously. "What's with that look on your face?"

Li Jain saw that the children were looking at him with an unreadable expression. He frowned "Do you guys want a second parent?" Although he asked this, Li Jain felt a little uneasy. He'd never had any romantic relationship in his previous life. If the children really want their mother, what is he going to do?

While the others were still processing in a daze, Jing Sheng stood up and responded: "No, We are happy as long as we are with our father."

Li Cheng also added, "That's right."

Li Jain breathe a sigh of relief upon hearing these responses and nodded approvingly:"I can assure you that I'll always love you guys." Li Jain looked genuinely concerned and touched. "OK, get back to your training. Lunch will be ready in a while."

 After Li Jain said that, he went over to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Li Jain response stunned all of them. It was obvious that they've all expected some kind of questions from him. However, he didn't touch the topic, making the children feel relieved.  Well, this was the ending they didn't expect. But everything was for their good. They finally relaxed, except for one person who still has curiosity written all over his face.

Looking at Juanxin's eyes that were full with curiosity, Li Zhang felt that he didn't settle things with him now, he might uncover their little secret in the near future. He went to Juanxin and whisper: "A man liking another man is not a bad thing."

"I knew it." Juanxin's eyes shone as though he had won an argument.

Li Zhang sighs with relief. Next time, he had to let Li Cheng due with things like this. It's so exhausting. 

After lunch, Li Jain went to town to inspect the workers. He wanted things to go faster as time wasn't on his side. School will be accepting new students next month and he hasn't brought the older two back yet. Li Jain felt that he was doing things too slowly and had to pick up the pest. 


It was a beautiful afternoon in Bai Yunnan Village. The sun was shining brightly on the fields of flowers, the birds were singing cheerfully and the air smelled like fresh green grass, making everyone relax as soon as possible. It was indeed a perfect day to have tea, play games.  Even the children were playing around, chasing each other and making all kinds of sounds. They were truly happy.

"Xiao Yang and his brother will be here in a while." Jing Xuan said to Li Zhang excitedly. 

"Are they coming to play?" Li Zhang was surprised, not expecting Xiao Yang to show up today.

" Yes. Xiao Yang's brother Shen Yuan has a lot of games. I ask him to bring some with him."

Jing Xuan replied enthusiastically.  

"Good." Li Zhang smiled at Jing Xuan. He liked Jing Xuan a lot, as much as he liked Jing Sheng.  "I can't wait to see what they'll bring." 

"Really?!" Jing Xuan widened his eyes, feeling very pleased about the Li Zhang acceptance.

Jing Sheng and Li Cheng was sitting on the opposite side listening go the other conversation.

"Xiao Yang?" Jing Sheng asked curiously, trying to remember where he heard that name before.

"Xuan new friend he has been hanging around with these days." Li Cheng answered nonchalantly.

"What's wrong?"  Jing Xiu asked, sensing the change in Li Cheng expression

"I met him the other day and there is something strange about him." Li Cheng paused and continued, "He is different from normal humans."

"Different how?" Jing Sheng asked, concerned. He had read and heard that there are more races other than humans in the world.  What could possibly be different in this Xiao Yang character?

"I don't know. when you meet him, you will find out for yourself." Li Cheng's expression was serious.

"Oh, okay." Jing Sheng nodded. Apart from Li Cheng's nose that has a unique sense of smell, he also has a high instinct. Jing Sheng wouldn't be surprised if Li Cheng's theory was right. 

Jing Sheng felt that as the oldest of the triplets, it was his duty to protect the young ones. Therefore, he has to meet this Xiao Yang person, if he is dangerous, then he won't allow Jing Xuan to get close to him.