
A failing kingdom

Back to princess's P.O.V

Father had passed away... Father why... why have you disappeared without telling me anything? I have always worked hard to earn your praise. With you gone, what should I do now? Noticing my sorrow, Britinia brought me back to my room and I stayed in there for the rest of the day.


Late at night, the door of my room was smashed open. It was my youngest brother. He was a few years older than me.

I have heard countless rumours about his behaviour in the country. According to those rumours, he was an immoral man. He picks beautiful girls off the streets like cabbage. No matter if she is married or not, he abused his status as a prince and forced them to serve him in bed.

I scolded him angrily thinking that he would not treat his sister the same way he treats those girls, "Don't you know it isn't right to enter a woman's room at night? Just because I am your sister does not give you the privilege to do so!!" My face heated with anger.

"Wait wh-at are you do-oing?"My face started to pale as I looked at his actions.

Hearing my screams, Britinia rushed into my room only discovering a shocking scene...

I was hiding behind a pillow while the third prince looks towards me with lust in his eyes.

"HAHAha, with father gone there is no one to protect you now. How bout staying under my protection? You just need to wear a slave collar~"My brother spoke while removing his clothes...

I let my guard down. Before Britinia managed to push my brother off me, he pinned me onto the bed. Despite his looks, he was a tier 4 being. Although I was a tier higher than him, I was unable to get out of his grasp. He must have drugged me, as I felt myself weakening. Luckily Britinia pushed him off and grab my arm and we left for the knight barracks.

When we arrived at the knight barracks, she ordered our knights to escort us to the princess's castle. With the royal decree, the knights ready equipped themselves and rushed us out of the capital of the kingdom of Dusk. Just as we were about to exit the gates, we were surrounded by 100 knights. With Britinia included we only had 50 knights, we were outnumbered by 2 times.

The atmosphere was heavy, the morale of our knights was low. Among the enemy knights, a familiar face could be seen. My brother the third prince of Dusk was leading the opposing knights. "Give up and come with me. If you do so I will let Britinia and those knights off alive." He looked down on me and smiled with that chubby face of his, those eyes were burning with lust.

As if mocking us, a low pitch horn sounded through the capital city. This time the royal guards were activated. Just when I was about to submit myself to fate, sounds of screams could be heard. The bright red blood could be seen flowing on the ground. My brother's knights were attacked by the royal guards. Are they possibly helping me? No, they must have their own plans for me, I thought to myself.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Britinia led us out of the capital and headed straight for Entropy. While I realize the heaviness of the situation I can't help but be excited as this was my first time outside of the capital. I chose to believe that from here on onwards, things will get better. Contrary to my expectations, after travelling for 4 days and when we were about to enter Entropy, we were ambushed by another 2 group. According to Britinia, they were the followers of the temple of Dusk and the underlings of the guild master of Entropy.

At first, I thought that the guild master had sent the troops to protect me in Entropy. Another expectation was yet again broken. Instead of guarding me during the fight against the followers of the temple of Dusk, they tried to capture. Luckily Britinia quick wits saved me again. Once she noticed the intentions of the guild master's underlings, she quickly led the Knights to surround me.

Just when we were about to be victorious against these assailants, their reinforcements arrived. Slowly and painfully I saw my knights slaughtered by them, and at last, there were only three knights left including Britinia. The four of us managed to escape into a dungeon located near Entropy. In the dungeon, we were lost. After hours of searching for an escape route, we encountered a goblin king, a tier 6 being. Even with the Martial Arts I learned, we barely managed to escape the goblin king. This was however with a loss of another 2 knights. During the escape, I was separated from Britinia. After wondering for a short while I saw a room with a large door as an entrance. From the stories I was told by Britinia, I learned that boss rooms were with large entrance and doors. So I avoided the room and went straight. Finally, I entered a room I deem safe and hid there.

There was a chest at the centre of the room, in order to avoid detection from an enemy if they enter the room I went behind the chest and sat down. It was during this time that I remember my blissful life and I started sobbing quietly in the room alone. After another few minutes, the door to my room opened...


Third prince's P.O.V.

I am the third prince of Dusk, Slaine Dusk Ellusia. From the very day I was born, I was deemed a failure by my parents. Initially, my father wanted to dispose of me as I was born as a tier 1 being which was said to be a disgrace to the royal family, luckily my mother came to plead for me causing my father the king to soften up. He often suspected me of not having his blood and treated me with scorn. I was also bullied by my blood brothers the first and second prince of Dusk. They were born superior to me, they were a tier 3 being when they were born causing most of the resources to be spent nurturing them. All I was given was a mansion with 10 knights and a few maids. Although I was of royal blood, I was unofficially banished from the royal castle when I was 12 years old. Desperate for my father's attention I began training extremely hard ever since I was young. I finally became tier 4 after all my hard work when I was 13 years old. Eventually, I returned to the royal castle one day for my 14th birthday. I thought the father and mother would praise me for my hard work.

Contrary to my expectations, he only looked at me coldly and introduced me to my younger sister which I didn't know exists until now. She was the daughter of the previous Queen of Dusk before my mother the current Queen came into power. I was entranced by her beauty, I thought that finally having a younger sister would be a blessing to me. I approached her and greeted her kindly like how a gentleman would. Her eyes were shining with curiosity when she looked at me, just when she was about to speak to me, father sent her back to her room. What I thought to be a blessing was actually a dreadful news in disguise. I was told that since I was 14-year-old this year, I was to move to the north of the kingdom of Dusk and rule over the city of Latium to build up my experience of being a prince. I knew that this was just an excuse to chase me out of the royal capital. Though I speak my, my little sister, a few times, she was almost totally clueless on how the world outside the gates was like.

I enjoy spending time with her, each time we speak I became more and more jealous of her fortunes. Luckily I managed to suppress my desires, my dark desires burn more intensively every time we had a conversation. So after a while, I stopped talking to her.

Resigned to my fate, I journeyed with my small group of ten knights and maids to the city of Latium. What I saw was astonishing, I saw a city stricken with extreme poverty. The citizens looked at me with dead eyes, the city lord's lodging was desolate and covered in plants, rats could be seen crawling about the city lord's manor. This was the place I am supposed to stay in? I am of royal blood why do I have to go through such treatments? Why is father so bias to them?

Back in the capital city of Dusk, I saw the lodging of my siblings, their manor was at least clean and tidy. Yet I am subjected to this? The hatred and jealousy started to boil in my heart. Ever since then I have given up on gaining my parents' recognition. Instead, I indulge in carnal pleasures, months passed by and the healthy and muscular figure turned into an obese one. Often in the royal capital or my city, I started dragging beautiful ladies into my room. Rumours of myself got worse and worse but I did not care, instead, I was worried about my current funds, to keep up my lifestyle, I even participated in shady dealings, slave trading and selling drugs.

I funded drugs dealers and even signed several contracts with other greedy nobles. One day I returned to the royal castle to celebrate my little sister, Allysium 14th birthday. All the influential nobles were invited, even I was invited due to me being her older brother. There, I saw my older brothers, they were chatting with several other nobles. Though they were in charge of larger cities, they did not spend much time managing them, only spending their time partying with other nobles.

If only I was in charge of their cities... I thought while the flames of jealousy in my heart burns. Then finally I saw my Allysium. She had become much more beautiful than before. Though she has a petite figure, her blonde hair and golden eyes were mesmerizing. I started having sexual thoughts about her. If only I can have her to myself, with those eyes in tears and begging me to stop, I grinned, fantasying about her. But I knew father would surely take action if I lay my hands on her. So I decided that I would 'eat' her up one day once father is gone. Father has aged a lot since the last time I saw him, and my mother had not made an appearance since I was sent to the Latium.

I laughingly thought that the throne could be mine once father dies. Caught up in my fantasy, with my connections I began raising an army. My jealousy could not be held in any longer, so I started to plant spies in my brother's cities and flooded the underground markets with drugs and slaves. I tried many methods to sabotage them. But each of my relentless attacks was thrown off by the nobles supporting them. Soon my jealousy turned to my little sister after I discovered the amount of resource dedicated to her. She had the best teachers, best knights and was doted on by father. Why can't I be the one who received such treatments?

A few more months past and I was summoned along with my brothers to the throne room of the royal capital. A shocking news was revealed, finally, I can take action. Father had passed away and no heir to the throne was decided. I took a look at Allysium and my crotch got excited. She was sobbing from the news and returned to her room.

Eventually, I gave in to my lust and forced myself into her room. She is really naive, does she still think of me as her brother? She would have never expected that I would ever do this to her. I pinned her down while stripping myself. Unluckily for me, that damn female knight of hers pushed me of her and escape together with Allysium.

I roared in anger after they left me, "Arghh, I will not let you escape my grasp! YOU BELONG TO ME!". I gathered my knights ambushed her before she exits the city gates.

The ambush was effective at first, looking at her shivering appearance, I grinned to myself and gave her a condition to give herself in or I would kill all her knights. I wanted to see her fall into the abyss of despair. Just imagining that turns me on greatly hahaha. Though I proposed this condition, I would not hesitate to taste that knight of hers and do her in front of Allysium's eyes. This would be perfect.

However, my plans were foiled by the royal guards. Why are they helping her? This makes no sense... unless father wanted her to rule over this kingdom and appoint her as the new ruler... I will not allow this. Enraged I pull back all my knights and retreated. Later on I the day, I together with my knights and proceed to Entropy.

When I reached my destination, I was informed by the guild master that she has escaped again. Then I decided to search the front lines as she may have escaped there. On the way to the front lines, I spotted a bunch of fleeing citizens. One of the females had caught my eye. She has beautiful brown hair and an astonishing curvy figure. Due to my fantasy of Allysium I wanted to vent my frustrations. And just nice, there is something good here. Maybe I should visit the villages next time to look for 'goods' I ordered my man to drag her into my carriage and we continued our journey while I was having 'fun'...

i will introduce some nobles later on, they played a significant role in corrupting the kingdom.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts