
CRYWOLF: The Wakening

A young, nomadic warrior seeks to find his long-lost sister in the aftermath of a horrible war, while in doing so he tries to find the key answer of what it means to live - and battling his inner demons. Will the young warrior save his sister from her jailers? Will he do so in the flames of his hatred or with conquering his thirst for vengeance? Unbeknownst to him, a terrifying being of darkness glooms over the land he walks upon, nearing to swallow the world in its darkness. Prepare yourself for a journey of a thousand wars, a journey of prophecies coming unfold. If you are reading this far, I thank you! This story has been rebooted many times, but I am back at it- with a a storyline that I think is much more mature and well-done. However at the end of the day, it is you, my beloved readers, who have the last say on it. I have uploaded the first chapter as it is - in a book scale I expect it to be no more than 15 Chapters, I am ALWAYS open for criticism and feedback, so if you think itll be much better to shorten the sequences and make them mini chapters for themselves or anything else that would be for the better- -PLEASE- give me your opinions- they mean everything to me.

CorvusCorvidae · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter I - An Honourable Cause

War, for some it is something that worth killing and dying for, be it glory, honour or perhaps mere the thrill of the bloodshed... Yet for some, it is but an obligation. Some fight not because they revel partaking in it, but to preserve what is theirs, to protect others who cannot war. Yet as swords and arrows dash above the bloodied battlefield, what reasoning is there? With noble intentions or not, do they not spill the blood-- take the lives of others, shatter families in the process-- all the same?

There was nothing but tragedy, tragedy especially, as an unspeakable bloodshed was nigh upon the once-serene lands of the Southern Steppes. the skies above the land was all but a pallid gray, it was to rain soonish... upon this ensorcelling valley, such weather heralded nothing but serenity of solitude... a reticent peace. Yet today... skies heralded no serenity above and below.

Amidst an unforgiving battlefield, there howled the voice of a man, a voice so rapturous, so bravely, the howl of his shout alone, as if had the power to shake the skies themselves.


Shouted the man, a man that could be considered almost a colossus, a colossus that bore a twin of greataxes that were as nearly gigantic as he, his silverly hair, that reminisced the mane of a gray wolf, all struck against his war-torn face, as blood and sweat was all but covering that gauntly face of his.

He was in the heart of the battlefield, surrounded by savage-seeming warriors, their heads, were of lions, yet their fur-covered bodies, they seemed as if each one of them were forged by the hands of a great sculpturer. - Half-Lion Half-Man they were, their clawed hands were grasping from halberds to axes... and their beastial eyes were all but set upon this silver-maned man.

The colossal man, setting his amber eyes upon theirs in turn, his bore the same hatred just as theirs- perhaps even furtherly. His gigantical hands gripping onto his axes tightly, assuming himself a defensive stance, yet willing to lash himself at any of them who dared to challenge him.

"Come on, come at me, you lion-faced craven! These lands will NEVER be yours- not before you step onto my very corpse!" Once again, he shouted, this time to taunt them, and from the looks of he, he was far eager to take them on - all at once.

Aggravated by the taunts of this berserker-seeming man, the Lionmen would charge onforth, snarling with nothing but ferocity from their vile throats as they sought to wound the colossal man, all attacking in unison.

The silver-maned one however, repelled right back at them, with warcries howling from his tongue, neither his voice nor his body had held any manner of fear. Bravely he retaliated, the fangs of his mighty twin axes, scattering all those lionmen apart. His sheer strength and agility at arms, unmatched, thus those animalistic savages had little chance of opposing him.

Yet as he slaughtered them one by one, he was not unscarred, he felt the stinging feeling of axes slashing throughout his chest. Yet pain, he cared little for. There was more that he was concerned for than the wounds that he faced. These beautiful, enthralling valleys that belonged to his people... and all those innocents that he fought to protect.

As the band of lion-headed savages around him, fell down one by one, the colossal man reveled in their blood, shouting once again to the skies, as his hands... never loosening their grips upon his twin axes.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, FURYN?! SHOULD YOU NOT COME ANY SOONER, I'LL TAKE ALL THE FUN FOR MYSELF!" Cackled he, as the zeal of the war pumped deep in his veins, his body was as if a machine of war, and no matter how he was assuring himself that he was fighting only to protect those who he cannot- he knew too well that the bloodshed he ensues... far too thrilling.

He was like a storm that could never be stopped, no matter how many lionmen tried to challenge him, none of them stood a chance.

Yet until... the sound of a warhorn echoes all throughout the vicinity of the battlefield, the battlefield that was once the mystical, grassed lands of these steppes... now those vibrant grasses, all covered but in warm blood.

The sound of that warhorn... it was as if a heralding call of the apocalypse itself, an apocalypse that was as unforgiving as it was savagely... a feral scream as if it was, so shrieking, it almost had the strength to make those who all heard the horn to drop their blades onto the ground... terrorful it was.


Another warrior, that fought bravely upon the battlefield shouted, mortally wounded he was, as several spears struck deep into his abdomen, the least he could do... was to look upon the hill before his eyes. - Yet just upon the moment he was prompted to do so... he wished he never did.

A legion it was, their numbers... appeared to know no end, as more and more of those lionmen appeared on forth... behind them banners, fearsome banners that were 'tailored' by the hides of the animals and the men that they hunted. - Upon the middle of it, a symbol... the skull of a lion.

This was the banner of the Fir'fahn Imperium. - An unforgiving empire of savagery... yet they owed their strength to their savagery the most, ruled by nothing but the laws of the wilds... and their primality.

Upon the head of this ferocious army, there was but another lion yet this one... was far different than the rest of them. ashen-furred he was, and he seemed far more imposing and glorious than the mere soldiers and brutes. A golden mask he bore, a mask that was exactly in the shape of his very face.. notably with samely-golden antlers rising from the said faceplate and with a claymore... that was so large, it could tear a band of bravely warriors in half with little to no effort.

"SHOW NO OUNCE OF MERCY TO ANY OF THEM! SLAY THEM ALL, CHAIN ANY WHO STILL ABLE TO HOLD A BLADE! - BLOOD AND HUNT!" Roared, the golden-masked one and as soon as he raised his giantly claymore onto the skies, the armies behind him... as zealous and primal as this ashen-furred one, charged into the battlefield. - Their charge into the fray, so terrifiying and trembling, it was as if the Steppes themselves were being wreckaged in a violent earthquake.

Terrified as they were, those noble warriors of the Steppes... had no choice but to retaliate against the oncoming armies of the wilds, for they could not retreat... they could not simply betray to the very lands that raised them like a mother, she was to be protected, and even if a single drop of blood that soils the land shall ensure her safety... they all would spill every bit of their own blood gladly.

"IS THIS ALL OF THE PATHETIC ARMY YOU CAN MUSTER, YOU LION BASTARDS?!" The silver-maned man cackled, his axes grasped once more... yet just as when he was about to charge into the fray...

"Kellthir." Hushed his name a man, his tone dominated by stillness, yet an evident fury, shrouded behind this stillness. A one-eyed man he was, his chestnut hair tied from the back of his head and the roughly beard that he bore... aswell as his one remaining eye, no doubt this man was nothing if not experienced... perhaps the reason why, he had preserved his stillness.

Patted his shoulder he, the shoulder of the man named Kellthir, thus as soon as the silver-maned one turned his back to see who hushed his name, his roughly face.. briefly contorted by happiness, perhaps even relief...

"Furyn! - You old bastard, where in the bloody hell were you? If you were mere furtherly late, all those savages were to be my hunt!" chuckled Kellthir.

Furyn would smile merely, offering his hand to clasp the hand of the colossally one, these two bore a brotherly-like no doubt. - Brothers-in-arms they were, and they were to withstand this invasion... one way or another.

"I couldn't just sit there, and let you have all the fun here, could I?" Furyn smirked smugly, yet his one-eye... trained upon the armies that were pouring in no matter.

"Yet they seem endless as if..."

"Hah!" Kellthir baffled proudly.

"These foolish animals think that we too shall be trampled down just like the other tribes... but it's about damn time we show 'em how wrong they are." He added, looking upon Furyn.

"Words never spoken so truly before." Furyn nodded smilingly, and before the two brotherly-men would charge into the battlefield, they would smack the back of their hands towards each other for one last time... thusby, they faced the army of the Lions head on... with behind them, the bravely soliders of the Steppes, warcries they sung, their hearts be rekindled... there was a battle to be won today.

The flames of battle spread on, the armies of the Steppefolk and the Lionmen clashing... while Kellthir faced such savages with nothing but sheer ferocity, Furyn was an agile swordsmaster, agile and careful, contrary to raw strength. His speed in blade, so unmatched, none of the Fir'fahn could go toe-to-toe with him... yet the hearts of those lionmen were as resolute as the Steppefolk themselves- for they too, knew nothing of fear, they were the proudest creatures after all, and this resistance that those humans that shown... to them it was nothing but made the 'Hunt' only exciting furtherly.

It seemed as if the Steppefolk, the Forestians, were gaining the upper hand finally, at last were they able to push back the armies of those wild men, at last they were not forced to defend only, but to be able to fight back.

Furyn continued on his war, with determination and precision did he fight. - Unlike Kellthir he was unscathed even... he was not a swordsmaster for nothing after all. Yet suddenly, there shrieked a scream, a scream that echoed from the eastern front of the battlefield... the shriek of a woman it was. - A woman that Furyn knew, in fact of the woman that he loved...

Such cry for help distracted Furyn greatly, a distraction that he was to pay direly for.

"VENDARRA-" He howled out, within a tone of concern and anxiety.

Whence the one-eyed man, turning his gaze east, a blood-hungering spear it was, that pierced through his back, bursting outforth, just beneath his chest As painful as it may undoubtedly be, Furyn was far too determined to succumb into the mortally wound that pierced him, he had no time to die when it was his beloved needed him the most.

Gritting his teeth and caring not for the sweat that stung his eye, Furyn turned back wheresoever the spear came from, precisely-- and with fury-- he would behead the lionman that sought to be his slayer.

The unbearable pain of the spear, delivering the grief as if to every inch of his veins, coughing out a concerning pool of blood from his mouth, yet he was not to give in to the embrace of death, the Reaper had to wait.

Kellthir, his brother-in-arms, naturally rushed to his aid, Furyn however, merely urged him to leave him be with the waving of his hand.

"Keep on... fighting." Furyn said.

"Brother..." Kellthir could say merely, the very same man, who reveled in the bloodshed of war, now overwhelmed by the sight of his greatest comrade, soon as if to be taken by the Reaper.

"Bastards they are... I will not surrender so easily, not when they dare to lay their filthy hands upon my mate-- my beloved." Furyn assured him, saying that it was not yet his time, one thing that relieved the silver-maned giant.

"Do not concern yourself for me, Kellthir. - Our brothers and sisters need your bravery still, just as my family needs me." He added.

"I understand... Furyn." Kellthir said, smiling.

"Father-Nature be with you." He added.

"He is with us all, surely." Furyn smiled, staggeringly he rose up, clasping hands with Kellthir for one last time.

"But I must go now." Gritting his teeth once more, Furyn had no more time left to waste, with a warcry so furious; it very much contradicted his perceptive and careful nature-- for it was the lives of his family that was at stake. Hence he charged on, slaying any savage that sought to stop him, unrelenting.

Upon the edge of the eastern frontier of war, there fought a woman; with her sun-like golden beautiful hair, stacked and hidden behind the steel helmet that she protected her beauty with. Yet with her sword and shield, it was not herself she was defending only - a little boy was there behind her, so little that this innocent one had never seen the ferocity of war, yet there he beheld, brave men and women giving their lives-- and taking lives-- for reasons the boy was far too young to understand, he only knew the sight of bloodshed before his eyes feared him greatly.

Yet his mother... she was persistent and unrelenting just as Furyn himself was, she too was a warrioress of unmatched skills no doubt, she was holding her ferocity back merely- for her son's safety was her priority, albeit the scar of a sabre that extended across her abdomen was bringing her to her limits.

"You... will NOT have him!"

The sun-haired woman, or Vendarra, said growlingly, like a matriarch wolf surrendering herself not in the face of enemy, her blade was engulfed in the blood of her foes already, yet she knew- should she keep on doing this, she will not stand for much longer.

Just as when a pack of bloodthirsting lionmen was about to lunge at the woman--and the boy alike-- to deal the finishing blow, Furyn stepped into the fray, his agility served him well once again, as his blade pierced across the heart of one of the lionmen, giving him the chance of dashing by the side of his beloved.

They had no luxury of having a moment of rejoice, yet briefly they looked upon each other and smiled.

"My young wolf." Furyn looked down upon the little boy, and gave him a nod with an assuring face. His nod merely, relieved the little one greatly, for his father and his mother- both equally heroes to him, and one day he wished to be as strong as them... it was natural, that the presence of his parents gave him great comfort, even amidst this... hellscape. If only his sister was there with them too... yet she was at another frontier of war, hoping that she is unscathed.

"About time you showed up, you big oaf." Vendarra smugly smirked upon Furyn, she hesitated not to banter with her beloved, as they kept on battling- it seemed as if their presences gave them the courage and the energy to battle on.

"I could not leave the light of my life alone now, could I?" Furyn said smilingly, being able to look upon her briefly- as he kicked one of the savages away.

Yet they had no further time to spend with banter - or reunion and they had to hold their ground, until reinforces arrive and finally they can bid their son to safety, until then... they had to fight, until then... they had to persist.

They fought on, while the warriorly lovers were an unstoppable force not to be reckoned with- human body had its limits, their scars... and their outrunning stamina was soon to bring its toll upon them.

One of the lionmen sought to be vile- to distract Furyn and Vendarra alike, it lunged its barbaric knives against neither one of them- but to the little boy instead. Naturally... the young wolf instinctly did naught, but to cower in fear in stead. If it wasn't for his mother's protective and perceptive nature, he would've gone a victim to those bloodlusting knives, yet she casted her shield towards the beast's attack to protect her son from harm. - Her skyblue eyes stared at the savage with nothing but sheer hatred. - A matron wolf that would do anything to protect her pack-- that's what she was.

While she repelled, and beheaded the beast in a single, quick blow, her retaliation of hatred made her blind to one of the spearsman that heinously struck her from her left, maiming and piercing through her forearm, causing her to drop her vigilant shield - that dropped before little Kaghan- its thudding noise echoed, just along with his mother's painful scream.

Kaghan's little innocent eyes focused upon the shield, it was of a craftsmanship of beauty, with steel surrounding its wedge shape, the interior of it, crafted marvelously by the strongest trees of the Steppes. - Elderwood, the Steppesfolk called such trees, and upon the middle of it, was the painting of a mystical-seeming tree... Kaghan was captivated by it, a tool not for spilling blood, but a tool for protecting.

"I have to be as strong as them..."

The little boy wondered in his mind, as his parents fought on, this was far beyond a childish dream, this was the thoughts of a young wolf that wanted to prove himself... and he wanted to be able to protect himself, the very least he could do in his power.

He reached to pick the shield from the cold ground, and even though it was heavy for someone that is his size - he was determined to carry it, his instincts prompted him to do so.

There he managed it, although the burdensome heaviness of it alone felt like as if Kaghan is trying to pick up the entire world in his little grasps, to him it was the first step into becoming the wolf he wanted to be as his parents are.

And as soon as he did... his focus returned to the surroundings around him... most of all his mother.


Furyn growled, quickly rushing to the aid of his wife, he strangled the spearsman and broke his neck, while doing so clashing blades with one another lion savage.

"I'm... alright, I can still fight..." Weakly said Vendarra, though she sweated immensely, gritting the pain... and trying to keep up her breath.

"NO!" Protested Furyn, with a certain concern and fear in his tone.

"I am going to escort you both to safety, I don't think reinforcements are to arrive... we've to pave our own--"

Yet once again, the one-eyed unrelenting warrior was distracted... the concern for his loved ones, as honourable and noble it was, mattered not to their bloodseeking invaders, for suddenly, a rain of arrows hailed upon the back of the man, a hail of arrows, that not even a legendary warrior such as him... could not withstand.


"PAPA!" Both Vendarra and their little son alike -- screamed out.

Furyn was one breath away from collapsing, yet he had to brave the pain... and heed not the bells of death that called unto him.

"Go... GO!" Furyn could speak hardly.

"My love..."

Vendarra was on the brink of tears, though her heart ached to remain with her beloved- and even die with him, she knew she could not do so... she still had their son, she needed to protect him, even if she was not so far from the grim grasp of death herself, she knew what she had to do no matter, she gave him a firm nod- just as Furyn did, smiling barely... for one last time.

To save time for his son and his love. - Furyn turned back, he was counting on his final breaths, he knew he was done for no matter, the least he could do... was to do his duty as a father and a husband for one last time. - Henceforth, he screamed on, his eyes bloodstruck, and his voice cracking as he was bearing an unimaginable pain, yet this was the scream of a man who died not for himself, or any meaningless bloodshed, it was the scream of a man who was to sacrifice his life, so that others can live. He charged into the pack of lions, knowing that he cannot fight them back - walking into his very demise.

The vile beasts recognised him as an exhausted prey, they met him not with their blades... but by their fangs and teeth. - A once-fierce warrior such as him was going to be a worthy feast... his flesh shall grant them power.

Furyn was brought down, with no power left to retaliate, he helplessly succumbed, as those lionmen devoured his flesh at every turn, an unforgiving death, so to speak...

After all, Death was equal to everyone, from a highly-revered warrior to a lowly pariah, all were equal between the teeth of the Fir'fahn, all but hunt to be fed upon... and Furyn too, was a hunt in the end.

Vendarra could not bring upon herself to watch as her husband being eaten... she did not want to look back, she wanted to remember her husband with his stern face that she thought to herself as the most beautiful face she ever gazed upon, a part of her heart perished away as Furyn did... and if it wasn't for their beloved children, she would gladly take his place, but she was no fool - she knew Furyn threw himself into the mouth of those beasts so that she can live another day... she had to leave, for his and their children's sake.

One last spark of determination illuminated within her, she had to persevere, for there was no luxury to give into despair. Her near-torn left arm propelled her surely, yet her instinct as a proud mother prompted her to overcome the pain. With her other arm, she held onto her little wolf, sought to bring him into safety.

Oh but the poor little wolf... he could not help but to stare at his father, as his mother was urging him to escape. - they had to leave him back there... for should they not, they would share the same fate as his father; to be devoured cruelly by those knife-sharp teeth of those horrifying beastmen.

"PAPA!" The boy screamed until as if his lungs were to burst forth, tears swelling from those little eyes of his... as he helplessly watched his father... his skin flaying from his muscles, flesh being fed upon as the legendary swordsman's blood bursting all through those vile faces of theirs... countless emotions whirlpooled within Kaghan, so many feelings that a child at his age was certainly not supposed to experience just yet.

Fear... hatred, despair... denial.

And rage.

Yet powerless was he, a meek boy such as him could never rush on forth and save his father from those monsters, as much as he so desperately wanted.

In his adolescent rage- sorrow and hatred, the painful feeling of burden of carrying his mother's shield had dispersed, or rather... the pain of watching his father being eaten alive proved far heavier.

Abandoning all hope, Vendarra sought to escape with little Kaghan by her side, tears streamed from her beautiful eyes, yet her lament had to wait.

"Papa..." Weakly could speak the young one, his green eyes, now lost the wonderful spark of youth, filled with nothing but hopelessness.

"Will he not come with us, ma? We left him back there.. he'll come back, will he? He is the strongest, he'll come back to us, I'm sure of it..." He said weakly, even he did not believe his own words, yet still a meek hope of a child kindled in his little heart.

Her son's words pained Vendarra greatly, for she knew the truth, Furyn was not coming back. But she too, a matured woman, wanted to believe in such a childish hope.

"He..." She sighed.

"He will... come back, my young pup..." She said, painfully so. - Her sorrowful eyes, now catching the glimpse of fire not too afar, but far from the battlefield still.

This must be it, she thought to herself. This fire must be of the others who were prompted to flee, to live another day. Yes... she was going to take her little son there, and then...

Her thoughts, interrupted suddenly, as a hunting band of the lionmen surrounded her and the boy, another prey for the slaughter.

"Hah! Look, what have we got here?" Said one of the beastmen, licking his crudely shaped hunting knife menacingly.

"A doe, trying to flee her hunters! - With her little boy behind. A worthy feast, indeed!" Cackled the another one.

Now the young boy stared at those beasts directly in the eye, this time his forest green eyes held nothing but rage. - Not fear, not even in the slightest.

His little fingers, gripping onto the handle of the shield like as if he's clinging on for his very life. Thereafter followed a shout from the boy, a shout that surprised -- and impressed both his mother, and the beastmen alike.

"I HATE YOU ALL!" Screamed the little boy, with all the fury that his meek throat could muster, tears were swelling from those little eyes of his indeed, yet the pupils of his... held nothing but hatred in its purest form. How could he not hate them? They brought ruination and bloodshed at every corner he could behold. - They have devoured his beloved father... right before his eyes.

The images of seeing such a strong man, having his flesh and blood to be shed and feasted upon by those mongrels... yes, he felt nothing but sheer hatred. - Hence he continued, as the Beastmen were impressed briefly, to an extent they even paused. - Perhaps letting the little boy to scream out all the hatred he had to offer.


Screamed he, frowning his brows, as he clung onto her shield tightly, what he held was no tool to kill, but Kaghan felt as if he was compelled to use whatsoever at hand to protect his mother. Vendarra on the other hand stared upon her boy, she did recognise her young pup's courage. - He was the son of she, and Furyn after all... and for but a brief moment, the determination in the boy's eyes reminded her of her beloved... yet she knew too well, that his courage meant nothing to the beasts that were before them.

The unbearable feeling of the pain stinging into her left arm intensified, as she prompted herself to assume a defensive position, yet she had no choice.

"Hooo." One of the lionmen whistled in impression.

"You sure got some heart, little doe." He grinned.

"I wonder how it tastes..." The other one added, others were as if trying to hold their laughter back.

A protective mother still, despite her scars and her pain- Vendarra stood sternly, in front of the vile beasts, she was ready to give her life there and there, should it be what it takes to preserve her little one.

The Fir'fahn held no hesitation nor mercy, they would lunge at them both without a warning, there was a battle to follow up after all, they wanted to end it quickly -- delightfully so.

Yet whence the blades were to clash, another pair of blades stepped into the fray-- no, they were no blades in fact, it was so fast, as if faster than the wind itself, it's sharpened claws seemed as if they were of the sharpest steel.

Its strike, so agile and powerful, tearing apart the three of these beasts like as if they were grasses to weed out. Its strike was perhaps as powerful as the wrath of the nature.

While neither Kaghan or Vendarra could not comprehend what just happened or what it was that saved them - they soon realised it was another beast... A half-wolf half-man it was. No in fact... a She-Wolf.

The Wolf stared upon the boy and the woman with its golden eyes, yet the stare the Wolf had, was nothing alike of the Fir'fahn, she stared at them not with bloodlust or with the intent to kill them, deeply she stared; until she would speak...

"MOTHER!" Shouted the beast, albeit it was of a monstrous nature, the voice of a strong woman, something recognisable to Vendarra and Kaghan alike.

"Dokebi!" Said Vendarra, in a brief spark of happiness, at the very least her daughter was in safety... she reached to hug her, even in this animalistic form of hers.

"Sister!" Kaghan too said, joining in their warm-hearted cuddling, a moment of reunion... even in the middle of hell, they still had their family... albeit Furyn could not be with them.

"Little brother... mother." Smiled Dokebi, she tried her best not to unintentionally hurt any of them with her knife-sharp claws.

"I had to come back to check on you." Dokebi continued there was a prominent sorrow in her tone.

"The situation is escalating terribly... I cannot bring myself to say this but... father's gone... I dare not to speak of how his dead body seemed... and to make matters worse... we're losing, Kellthir is prompting others to retreat, as much as he wants the death of a warrior, the Fir'fahn have overwhelmed us, at the very least... he was not deaf to my counsel." She added, gritting her teeth.

"I... know." Vendarra said painfully, yet she desired not to pry how her beloved passed away, she heard the screams of his.. screams that she did not want to remember.

"I would've return to the battlefield if not for Kaghan... yet my husband, your father, is to be avenged..." She added, tears contiuned to swell along, as she bowed her head down, biting onto her own lips- painfully so to at least retract herself from weeping furtherly.

"Mama..." Kaghan said, his sudden outburst of rage has dispersed- rather it was Dokebi whom indirectly prevented it to be furthered. He was still far too young to experience such emotions... to kill someone with your very hands, to take their life away, be the reason why they are nothing but a cold, lifeless body.

"It's... not your fault." He whimpered, cuddling onto her legs, in an attempt to comfort her pained heart, as best as he can.

"Little brother's right, mother..." Dokebi agreed.

"What they did is nothing but vile, I know. Yet father would've wanted for us to thrive and let go of hatred... we should at least...-"

"Yes, we should not have his sacrifice be in vain..." Vendarra finished Dokebi's sentence.

Dokebi nodded heartbrokenly, a sigh followed thereafter.

"At any rate... we should keep moving, Zira is gathering the survivors and planning to flee, as soon as we can gather all we can... we're going there."

Dokebi said, her grizzly fur, surrounded by the blood of her enemies, yet her expressions, clearly not of someone who revels in the bloodshed she caused.

Both Vendarra and Kaghan nodded, this could be it - the light at the end of the tunnel, if thy could arrive where the survivors were... perhaps they could leave behind all this... bloodshed, following after the She-Wolf, they did, as she led them onforth.

So many brave heroes fell mercilessly on their right and left. - This was a losing battle for them indeed, as Fir'fahn had no mercy... and took no prisoners. All was but a grand feast to them perhaps, painting the ground below them with the blood of the Steppefolk, claiming the lands as theirs.

Though neither the She-Wolf or Vendarra was no stranger to the sight of the bloodshed... to the true face of war - Kaghan was but a little child, to see so many corpses around him... some of them half eaten even, and to behold the passing moments of others who had not died yet.

Least to say, to him it was like a nightmare he could never wake up from... and the more he saw the deaths around him, the more his anger and hatred for the lionmen furthered...

They were at least, closing in, the bonfire afar, seemed to be closing in as they fled, Kaghan hoped when they arrive at that fire, he could wake up from the nightmare... yet unfortunately for him, the nightmare did not end... not just yet.

Their hopes were so easily and so suddenly shattered, as the unimaginable just came to pass. Their path was blocked by a group of lionmen once again... yet this time, these beasts were far different than the ones they've fought so far. - Clad in glorious armours they were, and they all assumed a guarding pose.

These were the elites of the Fir'fahn no doubt... or even worse, the Royal Guard themselves.

"No... no..." Dokebi said in disbelief, though she prepared herself instinctly, this was one thing that she did not want to encounter, as she knew very well... what it meant.

Inbetween the Royal Guard that remained sternly, there remained two Fir'fahn that was notably different than the rest... one among them was a near-colossal one that had a coal-coloured one, one that observed the commotion... quietly so. Yet came onforth another beastman. - One that was different, even than the coal-furred one.

That golden mask... and his ashen fur...

"Aur-Kaal, you bastard..." Dokebi gritted her teeth, prompting her mother and his brother alike to stand behind her.

"We've finally caught your trail, Wulfencine."

Arrogantly said Aur-Kaal, ordering his men to steady their positions still, as he stepped on forth, facing the She-Wolf... face to face.

"To abandon the battlefield, turning away from fighting braveheartedly, tearing your enemies apart and drinking their blood... abandoning all this, just for the sake of a woman that is near her demise... and a boy who can barely lift a mere shield... how unfitting to the Wolf Avatar." Said the Fir'fahn Emperor, grinning behind his golden mask.

"And I've just prepared a battlefield - a glorious feast, fitting to you, Wulfencine. I had expected better of you, yet it seems... your little, pitiful priorities are holding you back from your true potential." Grimly he added, raising his left arm and clenched his fist, signalling his men.

"Don't you dare..." As Dokebi snarled, she and her family was surrounded already by the royal guard - the shape as if, an arena.

"I desire to see you unleash your potential at its best nevertheless. - So to push you to your limits..." Aur-Kaal said, thus with a grin he shouted:


Upon the call of their Emperor, the Royal Guard would lunge immediately, they were far more skillful and advanced... compared to all the beastmen they've yet encountered, Vendarra was overwhelmed easily... if only her left arm was not near-torn.

"Let... GO!" Kaghan tried to fight them back. Yet that too... was in vain, he blindly waved and pushed his mother's shield in an act to protect himself, yet he too, was naturally overpowered, he had no way to resisting them... he looked on his mother.

"You bastards! What more do you want?! Are you not fed up with your carnage already?!" She howled, the least she could do, was to spit right onto the face of her captor, which that prompted the guard to give a slap across her face.

"Stand down, you foolish woman!" Said the beastman.

"The sole reason you're not beheaded still, is that our Emperor wants you to stay alive... for now." He grinned.

"MOTHER!" Dokebi said, though she was to rush to their aid, Aur-Kaal stopped her.

"No, no, no Wulfencine. - One wrong move, and we'll kill the child, and the woman alike. - You've other things to attend to, after all."

Aur-Kaal was right, as far as Dokebi can tell, his guards would murder her family in cold blood should their Emperor allow them to. - She was left with no choice, The She-Wolf had to face down the Emperor whether she wanted or not, she had to play his game... for it was the lives of her mother and her brother that were at stake.

"Hurt any of them in the slightest, and I'll see that you're to pay for it, you vile fiend." She said, her eyes glimmering with a crimson shade of rage, her sharp fangs... aching for vengeance.

Satisfied with the She-Wolf's reaction, Aur-Kaal stepped onforth.

"That is the answer I was yearning for, Wulfencine. Face me, show me the true strength of the Wolf Avatar, and I may be a merciful emperor and let your ... loved ones to leave with no harm." He said.

"You better stay true to your word, you mongrel." She replied in turn.

"Oh but I am nothing - if not compassionate." Smugly, the Emperor said, thereafter turning back to his men.

"NONE of you will interfere. This is between me and her, try to ruin our beloved duel, and I shan't show any mercy." He grimly ordered, staring into the eyes of his men deeply, and for good reason... even the royal guard feared the presence of their golden-masked leader.

They were prompted to be true to his orders, they nodded. - while they kept Kaghan and Vendarra hostages still.

"You can do it, sister!" Kaghan shouted, in an effort to motivate her.

"Smash that ugly face of him! I BELIEVE IN YOU!"

Looking back at Kaghan, Dokebi smiled briefly, he didn't ask for any of this... and he was never meant to be here, yet here her little brother was, doing his best to keep his heart full of courage and trying to share his courage with her. - She loved him deeply, as she did love her mother.

She was going to face that mongrel of an emperor, she prayed that her father was watching her from the skies and lent his strength to her.

Thereafter, the Emperor drew his largely sword onforth, that thing was too crude and primitive to be called a sword properly. - Chaotically curved and shaped, yet it held a sense of savage strength - just as the Fir'fahn were. From the looks of it, the Emperor was far too excited for this, for reasons only he knew, yet he was thrilled no matter.

Growling challengingly, Dokebi would assume her position, her knife-sharp, thick claws ready to lash themselves onforth against the golden-masked mongrel before her.

The tension was high, as every one of the beastmen, especially the coal-furred one, stared at the two intensely, waiting for one of them to commence the fierce fight, Kaghan too, he had high hopes that his sister would prevail, looking onto his mother briefly... she too was praying for her daughter to be the victor, not for herself... but that she did not want to lose her daughter as well.

The tension remained the very same for but a moment - a moment that as if seemed to last an eternity. Impatient by Dokebi's defensiveness, it would be Aur-Kaal whom would begin his assault, roaring as he charges onforth, with his crude blade eagerly rushing to slash down the She-Wolf, yet as he expected, she was agile... far too agile than any of his soldiers, an attack that she evaded easily.

Thereafter she sought to impact a strike upon the back of his head with her elbow, yet Aur-Kaal too, was a perceptive and agile one, he wasn't the Emperor of the Fir'fahn for nothing after all, another attack that was evaded, his was but a swift pirouette that turned into a counter strike, one that Dokebi blocked with her claws themselves.

Now that she had his blade to be locked briefly, an opportunity has arisen for her, she would cast a strong kick - aimed right for the ashen emperor's abdomen. - A kick so powerful, it was enough to push him backwards, and even managed to catch a groan out of him.

"You're strong, Wulfencine!" The Emperor cackled in his impression, rushing onforth once again, yet this time he would leap, with his blade sought to be brought down like a thunder coming from the heavens.

Dokebi chose to fight fire with fire, instead of evading this merely, she too would leap, roaring like a berserked beast, she would headbutt the emperor, before he could cleave her down with his unforgiving blade. - A retaliation that proved to be reckless, even if bold.

As one unstoppable force met another. - The impact of their clash had casted away them both. - Dokebi and Aur-Kaal alike, falling down on the cold ground. Just as when Aur-Kaal was about to get up and continue his assault, he would behold the She-Wolf acted far before him. - Jumping right ontop of him, she kept her in a lock, beginning to pummel his face unforgivingly.


Roaring enragedly, Dokebi would keep pummeling Aur-Kaal's face with punches one after another. - Her strikes, so fierce, his golden mask was about to be broken... shattered into pieces, as she dealt her final strike, the ashen emperor's mask was shattered. Revealing the war-scarred, fierce face of his.

His eyes, glimmering with nothing but rage -- yet impression at the same time, answering all her words with nothing but a savage roar, as with an immense power, he would slam his head against hers, she was far too blinded with rage to be able to deflect him, finding herself to be disoriented briefly, even. - Giving Aur-Kaal the opportunity to retaliate.

Gripping firmly his savagely blade, he would charge relentessly, slashing recklessly, laying fierce scars all across the She-Wolf's body, she howled in pain, yet doing her best to stand firm no matter.

As he lunged for the finishing blow, once again Dokebi acted steadfast, now lunging her sharp fangs rapturously right against his neck - biting down, sought to take away the flesh of his, her eyes staring into his with sheer contempt and hatred - as she wanted to finish this once and for all.

Aur-Kaal roared in pain of course, as her grip was too tight, he could not be free of it, yet at the same time... she unintentionally gave him an opportunity once again.

His sword, he did not drop down, even when he faced the immense pain of having his neck to be nearly torn apart by the sharp teeth of the She-Wolf, her torso was open... for him to repel.

Thereafter, with a cackle, he would pierce her abdomen deep - with the savagely blade of his, impaling her as if. Thus Dokebi was compelled to retract herself from the Emperor's neck, to make matter worse... it seemed that the Emperor has won. - Kicking her backward, his blade leaving her body, bloodied from the tip to the hilt, thus Dokebi fell down.


"DOKEBI!" Vendarra and Kaghan alike... screamed out.

Cleaning the blood from his mouth, and placing his foot onto Dokebi's widely-slashed scar, Aur-Kaal bursted out a laughter of triumph, looking down upon her.

"Even the mighty Wulfencine could not face the might of an Emperor, after all!" He said, pointing his bloodied blade upon her.

"Yet you haven't proved me wrong, Wulfencine. Your powers truly are mighty as the legends have foretold, of all my life... no worthy hunt has ever scarred me this fiercely. For that, I applaud your strength." He said, as he grinned.

"B-Bastard... let go of my... family..." She said weakly, as she was panting for her life, though she did her best to resist, the scar that pierced her abdomen so deep, she has run out of all her energy. Even losing the control over her Wolf Avatar. - Shortly after, she would transform back... to who she is truly.

Before Aur-Kaal, was a tall woman that was shaped and muscled as even his finest soldiers. Her dark brown hair braided like a proper warrior, and the tattoos all across her face proved her truly as a warrior not to be reckoned with... a warrior that Aur-Kaal had beaten.

"Look at you!" Aur-Kaal laughed in mockery, as she was transformed back into her human visage.

"A sheep under the wolf's skin, yet a worthy opponent you were. - You wanted me to let go of your family, yes?" He said, now his smug, cruel face was all thee for her to stare upon.

"Bastard... - d-don't you dar-"

"KILL THE WOMAN!" The Emperor commanded, and as he did so, his soldiers complied to his orders with utmost loyalty.

"MOTHER!" Kaghan and Dokebi screamed in unison. - As Vendarra did her best to fight back, neither of the siblings were prepared for what they've seen next...

It was the beautiful face of their mother that was falling down on the cold ground, as her blood bursted onforth - staining the soldier... and little Kaghan aswell.

"...And chain down Wulfencine too." Aur-Kaal commanded, as he would forward himself to the little boy.

"NO-- MAMA- MAMA..." Kaghan trembled... first his father, now his beloved mother... not to mention Dokebi...

As a pair of the guardsmen collared and chained down the fierce woman, Kaghan once again let out a shout - until his throat was almost about to be torn apart.

"YOU FIENDS! FIENDS - FIENDS - FIENDS! I'LL KILL YOU, KILL YOU - KILL YOU- KILL YOU!" Managing to crawl away from his captor's grasp, with a sudden burst of courage -- and immense hatred -- Kaghan charged against the Emperor, he had no weapon to attack, yet the boy was far too frenzied to care.

Yet to his fury, Aur-Kaal replied solely with a laughter.

"You foolish pup!" He said mockingly, landing a slamming kick against the boy's chest, but he was not done with him yet. - As Kaghan dropped on the ground, and begun crying... not just by the sorrow, but by the immense pain he felt, Aur-Kaal groped him from his hair, staring into his little, young eyes with his cruel, nightmarish ones.

"You want to take revenge from me, is that it? Oh but you are not a -proper- hunt yet! You are but a small boy, you see. Yet your rage... I want to see it at its finest, pup. I want you to thrive, survive - grow up enough and be a worthy prey for me to slaughter. Live with that stupid grudge of yours, suffer as I take all of your lands until there is nothing left for you - but hatred."

He said, staring down upon the boy's vengeful eyes for one last time, before he would recklessly throw him down on the ground again, perhaps breaking a few bones of his already in the process.

As the soldiers have brought Dokebi to chains, her scar, exhausting her so tremendously, she did not even have the strength to scream out for her brother.

"Kaghan... Kaghan..." She said, tears soonish followed from her eyes, to not be able to repel and resist... is what broken her the most.

As Aur-Kaal cleaned the blood from his blade and sheathed it back, it was the coal-furred soldier of him that suddenly encountered the emperor, his golden eyes held nothing but anger. - Anger at his emperor himself.

"He was but a CHILD! Where's honour in this, Aur-Kaal?! I had expected this to be a proper, HONOURABLE duel! Yet you've been nothing but a spineless deceiver!"

The way he spoke, made every soldier to stare at him in shock... none of them had ever been able to speak so openly to their Emperor. Yet he was different... from the looks of it, he was far more ranked than the rest - to have te audacity to speak to Aur-Kaal in such manner.

"Has your old age driven you senile now, Ebonmane?" Said Aur-Kaal with a grim expression.

"A hunt so little such as him would be nothing but worthless. He shall live, so that one day, I can see those vengeful eyes of his have grown him into his true potential." He added.

"What happened to our old ways, Aur-Kaal?! This has been no hunt - but solely CARNAGE." Ebonmane protested.

"The Old Ways could only lead us for so little, Ebonmane. They are to be left behind. - I -am- the Emperor, if you care so much about your honour then compel yourself into being true and loyal to your rightful ruler." He said, dismissing him.

Ebonmane gritted his teeth and looked down, not before giving a last glance behind Aur-Kaal has walked away. Sighing, he stared upon the boy for one last time, before following the rest, as they dragged Dokebi away, and leaving Kaghan there... all by himself.

The little boy was about to lose his conciousness, yet he still tried to scream out for his sister.

"SISTER - GIVE HER BACK- SISTER-- SISTER!" He cried in pain, watching as she was being dragged away... as his conciousness was about to fade away.. the last images that he had seen were that of his sister being departed forcefully... thus the little boy's eyes were wide shut, abandoned and left stranded upon the reaches of the unforgiving battlefield that was now surrounded with nothing but dead men.

All was as if a dream, yet it was but a display of the cruelty of this war: of this world itself.

Thereafter, naught but darkness.


Disquietly, and with a great dreadness, a man gasped - raising his head from his not-so comfortable pillow.

He tried to regain his composure with one breath after another - cold sweat swelling from his face as he now sat upon his bed.

"That... nightmare again." He assured to himself, though terrified no doubt, at the very least 'twas no reality, mere a play of the dream lord, belonging to no reality or whatsoever.

'Twas the final minutes of the night's reign. The Moon was soonish to surrender his throne to his beloved The Sun, as the collision of such lovers were neigh to unify in Twilight - perhaps that final hour was the only time these lovers were being brought together- only to be seperated for the rest of the passing again.

In such hours, the warmth, the quietness - even the air itself felt almost divinely - at least for the young man that had waken from his nightmare. It was the reticence of the Twilight that soothened him and brought him from the visions of a bloody battlefield to a quiet, near-ending night.

The man would soon after raise himself from the bedroll, snatching his flask of water and taking a graceful gulp from it, as he shushed the curtains of his tent aside, looking upon the camp around him.

Of course... what he had seen in fact, was of the reality, it was the reality of the yesterday- of the past.

Though the memory of losing his family in such a tragedy- aswell as watching many brave people to die in the savagest ways possible, there was... solace. At the very least some survived the catastrophe- those who did sought to rebuild their legacy from the ashes- the legacy of the Forestians.

Whilst he stared deep into the twilight sky - and the settlement of his people around him he found himself on the ground suddenly as something trampled him down.

"Whoa- whoa!"

The man said, as he would realise the one who brought him down was no one than Arlio- a largely wolf that ever smilingly staring upon him, even licking his face all over- the wolf seemed to miss the young man no doubt.

The young man smirked jovially, patting the fur of the wolf in turn - though he tried to release himself and get up, Arlio stubbornly kept playing with the man, until another one came into the fray, he joined the commotion chuckingly.

"It seems Arlio's been aching to spend some time with you, Kaghan!"

Said a young boy of honey-like hued, curly hair. The freckles around his dimpled face only furthered his innocent-seeming prominence.

"Here, Arlio!" The young one clasped his hands, which prompted the wolf to let go of Kaghan finally and turn its attention to the boy as it sat on its rear, looking upon him with great obedience.

"Iatrin." Kaghan said, finally managing to get up - patting away the dust on his attire. Kaghan was moreso older than this Iatrin aswell as rather taller than him. His slightly tanned skin colour contrasted his vivid pink shade. His forest-green eyes gazed down upon the boy as he tied his long hair that reached down on his shoulders- now knotted back.

"Earlier than usual, does your father need me, or was it just Arlio waking you up and running around the settlement until she's wakened everyone?" He said gigglingly.

"Well... both!" Said Iatrin.

"Pa said that I am to wake you up so that you two can continue with your training and..."


"And that I can duel with -you- finally!" Excitement surrounded the boy's jovial tone, his brief uprising made almost Arlio to get up.

"I was planning to wake you up but by the time I arrived, you were already awake..." He added.

"Yeah..." Kaghan said with a huff, looking down.

"Having those... nightmares again?" The boy asked curiously.

"Yeah..." Kaghan repeated, seemed as if he had not neither the energy nor the mood to elevate into it.

"I... I see.." Said the young boy, bowing his head down- as if he had shared the pain of the wolf, whereas he hadn't faced the horrors of the war himself and his family would not speak of him such tragedy - for he was too young to know of such. Unlike Kaghan, who had been amidst the hellish warfare, younger even than the little Iatrin.

"It's nothing to worry about, I'll manage..." Said Kaghan shortly again, he kept saying almost the same sentences to himself to comfort himself, the fact that he's hearing them from someone else did nearly nothing to cheer him up, but if there was one thing that mattered truly was to move on. - And that, he was now prompted to do so.

"Either way... your father must be expecting us both before breakfast is ready, yes?" He said, smiling even for a mere ounce - he smiled not for himself, but to comfort the boy, he wanted not for him to be burdened by the same pains as he has. - Patting his hair.

Iatrin smiled- nodding ecstatically.

Before long, the little boy would be leading the wolf and Kaghan- where his family's tent remained.

The savory smell of something cooking would cause all three of their stomachs to rumble, which all of them looked upon each other with a silly, meek smile.

Upon that moment, Kaghan found respite from all his troubles - his thoughts interrupted by the thundering voice of a largely man, that waved his arm- calling for them all.


"WE'RE COMING, PA!" Iatrin said, looking upon his Arlio, he brought a devious grin.

"The first one to be there gets the food first!" He chuckled at his pup, and the two would be seen dashing. - Kaghan watched them both happily, before following them along.

The largely man would be seen embracing his son aswell as the wolf lovingly. - Patting both of their heads, a loving father he seemed indeed.

"Your Ma is still needing some help with the breakfast, why don't you go ahead and help her?" He said, though his voice deep and raucous, there was a sense of sweetness- a giant trying to be his kindest.

"Yes, Pa!" Iatrin said happily, leaving immediately for helping his mother, which as soon as the man was left alone, he would be greeting Kaghan with open arms.

"Morning, my boy." He said, reaching to pat him on the shoulder as the young one sauntered.

Kaghan had the utmost respect for the man before him- he was after all... one among the closest to his long-gone father, one that had been taking care of him ever since.

Though Kaghan lived alone, and mostly found himself surrounded with his own thoughts, this man tried his best to be by his side, give him the family that he needs, whenever the need arises.

"Kellthir..." He said, smiling.

Everytime Kaghan referred to his name in -that- manner, it reminisced him of the very last time his father, Furyn spoke to him.

"You're seeming doleful today. Something happened? Hadn't the rest you needed?" He asked, with his largely palm resting upon his shoulder still.

"It's..." Kaghan's brows frown, his eyes closing.

"Those nightmares again, they've been haunting me nastily for a while." He said, Kellthir was one that he felt comfortable opening up his thoughts onto- knowing that the man had been trying his best to help him out.

"I keep seeing the last minutes of my father. - How my mother was beheaded just next to me, how my sister was dragged away in chains by those... monsters... I-"

Kellthir would place his forefinger upon the young man's lips - as if urging him to say no more.

"I've spent years from my childhood to my adulthood with your father together, Kaghan. He was... a wonderful man. Though the fact that he was your -father- overshadows my years with you, know that I share almost the same pain, even though... you've had it far worse, my boy." He said.

"Well, either way you'll get to vent all out your feelings in our training today- but better eat up first! So keep that chin up!" Smilingly he added.

"Right, sir!" Kaghan accepted the old man's words into his heart. Thusby following him in, greeting the lady that had been cooking a beautiful meal of rabbit stew, it was Kaghan and Iatrin's favourite after all.

"Come, come- you two are done chatting just in time." She said smilingly, gently handing the bowls over to Iatrin, so that he would place them down.

Kellthir would sit down along with Kaghan, the Steppefolk tend to eat their food right upon the ground, served upon a beautifully tailored carpet- they believe to touch on the ground as they eat the savory meal is but another way of being close to nature.

Iatrin would join them along after he's done helping his mother, not before placing Arlio's special bowl for her to eat aside of course.

The old lady would join them all finally- a warm smile was prominent upon her wrinkled yet joyful features. Before she would eat, she enjoyed the brief moment of watching her family- brought all together, eating a savory meal by her hands.

The feeling was... blissful and even the gloomy Kaghan would embrace it, not long after the thoughts of his nightmares haunting him did disperse.

His forest-green eyes shimmered as soon as he tasted the stew, the old lady sure knew too well what she's doing - this was no mere food to him, this was art.

Looking upon Iatrin, Kaghan thought to himself how lucky this young boy was, he had a loving family that is by his side perhaps forevermore, a wonderful little wolf that has yet to see the other faces of this world perhaps if lucky enough- he would experience a merry and content childhood, unlike him...

But it was not all sorrow and gloom for him, these people accepted him no matter. - Ever since the day that bloody war happened... and for that, he thanked them graciously.

"K-Kellthir, Zira..." He said hesitantly, as soon as he is done eating. Which would take their attention instantly.

"I... thank you both!" He added, now with a smile forming, rejoice triumphing over the sorrow, like a warm, cozy bonfire melting the thickest of ice.

Zira snickered lightly at his sudden rehearsal, sighing even.

"Ah, Kaghan... you never changed ever since you were but a little pup. - Gentle as ever and we keep saying there is no need for such words of gratitude. - You're one of us." She said, smiling.

"I know... but I still wanted to appreciate your kindness." He replied, though suddenly he found the colossal silver fox that is Kellthir to be patting his shoulder.

"Come now! Better not get too soft right before our training! Give me that damn, harsh face, not the one that's just about to sob." Smugly said he, urging him to get up.

"But Paaaaa!" Iatrin interrupted within a tone of whining.

"What about my duel with him? I promised Kaghan to beat him this time!"

"That, you'll earn Iatrin- if you keep being a good boy and help your Ma, I promise you'll get to fight him as much as you'd like." Kellthir said.

"Fiiiineee..." Iatrin rolled his eyes, complaining no doubt.

"Well, at any rate we're going for the training grounds now, I'll be back in a couple hours or so, Zira."

"Don't be too harsh on Kaghan, won't you?" She smiled.

"We'll see 'bout that." Kellthir grinned, wrapping his one arm around Kaghan's shoulders and dragging him outside.

Soon after, the two would leave, heading for the further east of their settlement- where the training grounds remained.

The Forestians tended to hone their skills and precision almost always- even if they despise war and violence, they had to do so for they had to be prepared always, lest they face the wrath of the Fir'fahn once more and found wanted.

From one of the weapon racks, Kellthir snatched an elegantly shaped saber, one that he would toss at Kaghan, which that he would catch instantly. He himself would reach for his mighty-seeming battleaxe.

"Well, my boy..." He begun his words, as he stretched his largely arms one after another, warming himself up.

"To this day, I've trained you in the ways of the blade, though I could never be on the same level as Furyn, I did my best to teach you all that I know- besides... it would only be fitting, for the Son of the Windslayer to follow the same path his father followed."

Kaghan too, would begin to warm himself up, as his ears were attentive on the man's words still.

"Although there has been one thing that you were never able to learn..."

"And... that is?"

"That you rely on your fury and your thirst for revenge alone." He said.

The words of the old man caused the young wolf to grit his teeth - it was an insult to him, to his need for vengeance. Although there was a part of him withim that knew his words to be true. Could such be called a weakness, though? The question was brought onto himself.

This anger, this resentment- these were his weapons, weapons that he had been keeping honed and polished ever since.

No, he accepted not the old wolf's words at heart, his strength came from his fury and his thirst for revenge indeed. For he needed to avenge all that he lost. - Is that not the reason he so eagerly accepted Kellthir's teachings, after all?

"Try me, Kellthir." Kaghan said, assuming himself an offensive stance, grasping his blade tightly.

This was but a test, Kellthir knew his words would strike deep into the young wolf's heart like a roaring spear, surprising of Kellthir, he would bear himself a guarding pose, knowing too well that it was a matter of time before Kaghan would take the initative.

"You know nothing..." Kaghan thought to himself, as his eyes were piercing into Kellthir's.

"You know nothing of my pain - of my heart howling for vengeance..." With these last thoughts, roared the young wolf, dashing himself towards Kellthir to deliver a fierce slash.

A slash that Kellthir blocked so easily - he was right after all, Kaghan acted solely upon his rage, far too impulsive - pushing the young wolf aback.

"YOU STILL DON'T GET IT, DO YOU?!" Shouted the colossal man, his waraxe coming down onto the young wolf, a strike meant not to deal him a fatal blow, but one that Kellthir hoped that would make him understand.

Kaghan evaded with agile feet, as impulsive and one-centered his strikes may be, his agility has lost nothing, performing a quick slash, this time targeted directly at one of Kellthir's wrists that held onto his largely waraxe.

Yet Kellthir was no fool, an old wolf knew a trick when he sees one, he knew too well what Kaghan was aiming for - so that he deflected with the blunt side of his axe.

"Clever! But still you're not through!" He taunted.

"DAMN YOU!" Kaghan howled once again, no wonder -enraged- he needed to be stronger, better. How is he going to avenge his family when he cannot beat his mentor? No, it was not over yet.

Blood-like crimson surrounded the forest green eyes of the young man, now engulfed completely by hatred - rage. Hatred not for Kellthir, yet for those who had seperated him from the ones that he valued the most.

The thoughts of his father, mother... and his sister.

How had they taken her by chains, dragging her away... the breaking poing was it, the point that shattered the glass between protecting his composure and releasing the insatiable rage that lied within.


A near sky-shattering roar the young wolf howled, upon that moment he had forgotten all the wits of the swordsmastering Kellthir had taught him, the blade that he held was the tool - the tool to bring back his loved ones, to avenge them. Whether it was Kellthir or Aur-Kaal himself before him, it mattered not to him.

His blade retracted, Kaghan, with an utmost haste and precision, struck his blade deep into the collosal man's abdomen - with a painful scream he let out, his blood now staining Kaghan's hands - his blade.

Only when Kaghan was about to pierce further into the man's lethal reaches, was he on the brink of realisation - it was the words of the old man that followed thereafter- words that wakened him.

"Today's lesson... Kaghan." He said, gritting his teeth.

"Do you realise it now, or must I die for you to see?" He added.

Looking upon his bloodied hands, and the sword that pierced Kellthir, all the hatred that clouded his mind - dispersing, only realisation of what he's just done.

"KELLTHIR -" He said in panic, just as when he was about to pull the sword out - it was Kellthir that grasped the sword from its blade and pulled it out, though his hand now bled aswell, Kaghan would unintentionally pierce his wound worse, so he had done it, before making his sudden act of rage bring worse results, throwing it away without a care, looking upon the young man, as he held onto his wound, with his eyes looking down upon him.

"I'm... I'm so sorry..." Kaghan said, collapsing onto his knees suddenly, looking down.

Kellthir shook his freehand dismissingly, a weakened smile was upon his lips.

"Hah! As if a wound such as this is going to be the end of me!" He cackled lightly, letting out deep sigh thereafter, as he would seat onto the tree stump that served as a stool.

"Look at me, Kaghan." He said, beckoning him over, and Kaghan listened.

"Sit." He added.

As soon as he's done so, Kellthir would continue his words, this was to be his greatest lesson - greatest lesson that he'd ever teach to the young wolf.

"I was like you once, boy. The Bulwark of the Steppes - legendary warrior that has never tasted defeat. See these hands? They've slain many, too many that I will never be able to count. What was the reasoning, Kaghan? Have I slain them all - all these enemies solely for the sake of protecting my loved ones, or perhaps... avenging someone? No." He shook his head.

"Deep down I knew I was enjoying what I was doing - I enjoyed the thrill of the battle, to watch heads rolling, heads of my enemies. - By my hands they've died, by my hands have I slaughtered them. And even when I was covered in their blood, I shouted my triumph." Kellthir sighed, as memories returned to him briefly, he paused for but a moment.

"After I... have heard of Furyn's death. - After we were driven back from our lands... by those beasts, after I've seen so many to die, too many to be eaten by those vile beasts... I've realised, was I just like those beasts that I hated from the bottom of my heart? Oh but that defeat undoubtedly had broken my pride. Yet just as it did, I knew I've attained a realisation... a lesson, perhaps too harsh." He placed his freehand upon Kaghan's shoulder - to lightly shake him up, to have his eyes meet his, as the words followed what mattered the most.

"But this is not about me, Kaghan. I've moved on, I had learned the lesson of life: that I must never ask for more, one must always be content with what they have, not to chase after revenge and bloodshed." He said, though his words... Kaghan did not fare well.

"Why... Kellthir? Are you asking me to give up my anger? Be content with what, be content with all those nightmares, all those nights I've missed the embrace of my parents?" He asked so, within a tone of passive aggressiveness.

"No." With a stern tone, answered the colossal one.

"Your pain, I understand deeply, boy. I know your heart bleeds of sorrow to this day still, ever since you've lost them. But look at what your blind rage has done." He had shown his bloodied palm, the same blood dropped onto the ground, and on Kaghan's shoulders.

"It was the same rage that was soonish to take my life, Kaghan. I matter not maybe, I am getting old anyhow... but think of Iatrin, think of Zira. What would they do, in my absence? And whose fault would that be?" He pointed his bloodied finger upon Kaghan.

"Yours." He said.

"Now you understand, don't you? Revenge is as if a two-sided axe, boy. You will hurt yourself, your loved ones in your burning path- even if you murder them, the satisfaction you were to feel would not matter at all- after all you've sacrificed more lives to attain this." Kellthir smiled, patting the man's shoulder, as he got up, he prompted Kaghan to do so too.

"Well, this is all the wisdom an old man such as I could give to you for now." He smiled.

Kaghan remained quiet and unspeaking for but a moment - he dwelled upon contemplating the words the old man has said to him and by the damn gods was he right, had if he let his anger to overtake him any further- even for but an ounce, he could've murdered his mentor, the one that had been looking over him for so long, the one that was the closest thing to a father for him...

Therefore followed guilt, through guilt followed understanding yet with guilt... came a dilemma.

He did understand the lesson Kellthir gave him, he would swear he did, but still there remained a desire, a desire he cannot let go yet at the same time... insistence upon such bloodlusting feelings would truly destroy the ones that are around him, one thing that he would never want to be burdened with.

"Kellthir..." Said Kaghan, putting an end to his silence thereafter, his forest-green eyes rose up.

"I'm... sorry, truly I am. I acted so recklessly and foolishly so. Yet even then..."

The young man took a deep breath, wavering his arms around, and gently lunged for a loving hug, where his long-gone father couldn't, Kellthir embraced the young wolf like as if his own son, patting his head.

"I am grateful..." He added, before retracting himself aback.

"Well, are you coming with me for dinner or not?" Said back Kellthir, with a rather warmhearted grin to lighten their mood.

"Actually..." Kaghan looked down, sighing.

"Your words I appreciate truly, I think I needed to hear them indeed but..." His gaze now looking away.

"I think... there are things that I must see with my own eyes still- I've to ponder... on your words." He added.

"Of that no doubt." smiled Kellthir.

"You earned your rest anyhow, boy."

Kaghan nodded, thereafter bowing his head down as a sign of respect, now turning back.

"Father-Nature be with you, Kellthir." He said, as he would be departing, troubled he seemed yet his mentor's words did definitely brought a sense of comfort into him - at the same time bringing further questions however.

As the old wolf glanced upon Kaghan whilst he drifted away, he thought of how he was reminiscent of his old friend so much. - He was just like him, Furyn, he prayed only that he did put the young wolf onto the correct road.

Leaving the settlement behind, Kaghan found himself upon a hill that was not so afar from his home- he did however, needed some time alone.. to think of what occured today- what has he learned, what is he pondering upon... the dilemma.

With a sigh, the young one rested himself behind a tree, arms crossed upon his knees, his forest-green eyes gazing upon the sky. The Sun was mere to reach upon her fall, yet the sky... oh how beautiful it looked.

No stars were there for him to stare upon, yet it was the soothing breeze of the wind that carressed his face did relieve him.

"This beautiful sky..."

"This glamorous valley..."

"To be content... with what I have at hand?"

Kaghan contemplated...

Yes, still were there things that he could endear and cherish, he still had his life, he still had people that he could rely upon, but what of their absence... what of his sister? Can he rest truly, when he knows not of her fate? Perhaps one day, he could leave behind the sorrow of losing his father and his mother, yet Dokebi... he needed to find her still, vengeance or not.

Yet then again, the old wolf's words echoed in his mind. - Could he truly let go of all of it, abandon the foremost reason for him to live?

"The serenity of this valley... of the sky above me, so tempting yet I... - how can I ever rest, without at least knowing what fate was brought upon Dokebi? Is she even... alive? She must be... and I cannot rest truly, lest I can reach her."

Said to himself, yet the duality... the dilemma, it perplexed the young wolf so painfully.

Now resting his head upon his knees - Kaghan closed himself against the rest of the world... for but a moment.

Tears soon after streamed down, soaking the grass beneath him, his heart that was burdened, burdened by the same chains that has once seperated him from his only remaining family. - For he missed her truly, for he was... the crying wolf.

Either these inescapable chains were to be the end of him, or he would be finding counsel... counsel to find the answer to his question.

That was it.

A counsel.

There was but one person that could guide him towards what he must do truly - albeit Kellthir opened him a new perspective, there were things that didn't sit with the young wolf still. - Hence his standing up was as immediate as his sudden change of thoughts. - He was going to see her, the Shaman of Old.

Troubling thoughts dreading his mind still, he sauntered into the settlement no matter.

The Sun was setting - since ever the beginning of the time itself, she could not reach her lover, The Moon truly, yet her time of handing her throne to him had come. - Thus borne a beautiful sky, of her warmth shading the sky, just as the Moon's reticent beauty tried to reach her warmth.

Looking upon his right and left, he saw his people eagerly sauntering towards the great bonfire, where a beautiful, serene dinner would be having, though he loved deeply joining them every night, tonight he needed to see someone, for should he not, this burden... was to suffocate him.

He smiled upon them, children playing the last game of the evening, people carrying their crops home eagerly, so they may be at the bonfire as soon as they're able to.

And those who did, talking to each other gleefully, embracing the coziness of the fire into their heart, yet it wasn't the warmth of the fire that relieved them truly - it was the fact that they were still there no matter the atrocities they faced, no matter how were they stuck upon a near-forgotten valley upon the eastern reaches of the Souther Steppes, and cannot go any further, they were able to ensure such traditions... carried on.

Their Enclave was their cage, yet regardless... hope never dies.

Letting them be, Kaghan finally made it to the Shaman of Old's lodge, hers was different than the rest, it was not accustomed for accomodation surely, yet it was regardless a modest sanctuary, for her to demonstrate her connection to the nature.

Taking a deep breath, Kaghan would saunter into the sanctuary, leaving the beaded curtains behind, Kaghan tried his best not to be as intrusive as possible, yet her concerns were lifted away, as the hoarse voice of the woman rang throughout the lodge.

"I knew it was a matter of time you'd come to me, child." She said, she would be seen ensconced herself upon the wolven-fur carpet beneath her knees, her hands resting ontop of eachother upon her lap. It was a darken-brown robe that surrounded her lithe frame, her visage surrounded by the skull masque of a moose. - The Shamans of the Steppefolk after all, favoured wearing the skulls of the sacred-known animals of nature, believing that those skulls possess the remnants of the animal's never-dying spirit still, they called such spirits... Tin. Doing so, to them, meant they are closer to the aspects of nature than the rest of the tribe.

"Lady Kraya." Said Kaghan, immediately resting his one knee upon the ground aswell as the palm of his right hand, head laid down. - This was the utmost sign of respect among the Steppefolk- meaning: "My body one with the nature, my mind graces those who closer to the Father-Nature than I."

"I am here... to be graced with your wisdom... for I believe it is what I need, to bring answers to some of the questions I am burdened with." He said.

Kraya snickered monotonously, her words following thereafter:

"You honour me, crying wolf, yet I am not one to pass on the answers you need; I can only give you the torch you yearn to find them yourself- to find the road that you must be heading to, should aspiration is what you need."

"Yes... I am aware, my lady. Yet I am so dreaded, so troubled. I've told you of the nightmare that has been haunting me for as long as I can remember. And how everytime I witness it- my sorrow turns into a burning desire for vengeance. The same vengeance... almost costed Kellthir's life today. And I've come to reali-"

"That your blinded fury may burn those who love you the most as you thrive to avenge those who you've lost." Sharply interrupted Kraya. Her words were not of judgement, they were of understanding.

"Yes..." Confirmed Kaghan, though even such a simple word came so painfully out of him.

"Be that as it may, your heart is not content with the resolution you've seen- you've heard, and you're still remaining with uncertainties within." Kraya spoke once again, it was as if she was reading into his mind like she's looking upon a book. - Shamans after all, could see through the troubles of a soul - of a Tin - far more than any other.

"Yes..." Kaghan said once again.

"And that is why I've come to you, what I am in need of is your counsel - to tell me what must I do." He added.

"A counsel is what you seek, yes. Yet I know no matter how many words I spill for you, there will be uncertainties laid within. Know that one can never be indubitable truly, there shall forevermore be cracks upon your path, always will there be misdirections - this you have to recognise... and embrace." She answered.

"Yet again, words will never be enough for you, will they? - Perhaps we may have to follow a different route. - Gaze upon the fire, Kaghan." She added, pointing her gauntly, and long nailed finger upon the fire pit that was in the middle of them, seperating them as they were sitting oppositely.

Kaghan would naturally do as he's told- trusting utmost at the Shaman of Old's wisdom, he stared deeply into the fire.

Oh how warm was it, it enshrouded him from the cold wind that chilled outside, how it would help him to sleep in comfort - yet the way the flames twirled, charring the firewood... and turning it into ash.

It reminisced of him perhaps far too much... yet before he knew it, he was enthralled to the sight, his mind slowly dispersed the dreading thoughts that had been a pain for him... now his mind, set free and prepared for the words of she, that was to be brought soonish.

Kraya closed her eyes, followed thereafter was a deep sigh of longing. - Thus as she opened her eyes, hidden behind the skull that she wore, the fire before her sight gave her a premonition of the future - what it could have been- what it may or may not will be.

As she stared deeply into the fire - she saw what Kaghan would not - would never able to see.

A window to the future - to the possibilities had she beheld, many of them could be truth and many of them could be nothing but misdirections - it was her judgement that would deem which one to be truest- which one that will take the wolf.

Among them all... there was but one that terrified her suddenly. Many were there, that she had gazed into their fates before, yet this... this that she had never beheld.

"The Wolf's hatred will be his downfall. - His flames of vengeance will burn away all that he was and he would be. In this berserk, shall follow the wakening of an ancient evil. An ancient evil that will be the doom of the realm."

The flames whispered to her. - And the more the whispers furthered, far more terrifying had they become.

"The Wolf will be taken - The Wolf will end it all - The Wolf- AE XIR'SHU NAZJ'REH ELRIUM'AAXI PANTHIA WRYJX'N YOG'DRAAL- YOG'DRAAL AE KHROGEN!"

The whispers shaped into eldritch - beyond comprehension words of madness - this she could bear, yet as the mirror before the fires turned into the face of an aberration - an eyeless beast with many mouths, eyeless yet with many eyes, with distorted maniacal cackles it lunged its horrifying jaws upon the Shaman - yet she casted the flames away with swift judgement, lest she be taken into the mouth of madness.

The fire that brightened the hall, now dispersed. It was but dim brightness. Kraya collapsed on her palms and her knees - she sweated, gasping for breath.

"MY LADY- WHAT'S WRONG?" Kaghan rushed immediately to her aid, holding her.

As soon as she did regain her breath, she dismissed him, standing up not long after, yet she spoke nothing.

"Wh...- What troubled you, Lady Kraya? What have you seen?" Asked Kaghan... both in concern and curiousity.

"Wolf... let me tell you this." said she.

"Seek not the cure for the longing of your heart among mere revenge. Bloodshed shall only further your pain. For revenge shall birth revenge. Ceaseless, shall be the cycle of hatred. Alas, -it- will be feeding upon your hate, upon their hate - upon the hate of all. Yours will fuel its wakening, just as others' shall."

"...It?" Kaghan could ask barely, weakly so.

"Its name, I cannot speak of. No, yet you must not... succumb into its whispers." She said, gazing straight at him.

"I... I see..." Kaghan said, was it a force beyond his understanding? Was it mere an iterating description of what his hatred is?

That, he could not tell... yet from the way she refuses to speak of what is it, it is something that is beyond called terrifying.

Kaghan had taken a deep breath, closing his eyes... he has made his verdiction. - His questions, that are answered. - Answered by himself.

"I know... what I must do now." said he.

"And that is?"

Kaghan turned away, gripping his palm into a fist, bowing his head down.

"...Thank you, Lady Kraya. You were of aid far more than you'd think." He has now... spoken with certainty.

"Take my words into heart if you will, wolf. I believe in you... follow the path of righteousness. - It will be your greatest trial, to follow the truest one, among the many roads that you will find yourself upon."

"Yes, that... I shall do. - I know of it. - Again, I thank you."

"...And farewell." He added.

Leaving the Shaman's lodge, outside did the young wolf stare upon the night sky. What has occured, be that it may beyond his understanding, he now realised it will be his rage that will be end of his folk. - And for their sake... must he leave them behind.

"I will drift far, far away... my people."

"I will follow a path where I can learn know not to hate. - But forgive."

"I must leave you all behind - for that I apologise deeply..."

"I now know the meaning of your words, Kellthir... - and for that, I must leave."

Tomorrow, shall it be. - One last night with his people and Kaghan will be gone. To face that 'it' - to be the protector of his people that they need.

He looked above the skies once more, and thought to himself if this was the fate that Father-Nature intented him to set upon.

For now however... he deemed that to savor the final night with his people would be the wistest choice, even if he is adamant on his idea of self-exile.

One last sigh of a deep breath followed and he would close the book of his deep-dwelling thoughts and before long, he would make his way through the great bonfire.

The fire shone brightly and cozily warmed all those around it. - Some danced even though there was nothing to celebrate and dance for yet such struggling times managed little to nothing to break the hearts of the Steppefolk.

Drums rang, some sang graciously, some drank happily.

Looking upon them one by one, Kaghan couldn't help but smile savoringly. - The smiles of his people, the cherishment of them, how they persevere, these were that touched his heart, as if the comforting touch of a mother.

There was no peace yes and who knows when the Fir'fahn will press on their assault, but did such matter, even?

For as long as their hearts remain adamant and stalwart, no force in this world could erase the legacy of the Steppefolk, the Forestians, and the sight before Kaghan assured him such.

Perhaps leaving them behind won't be so bad after all, they needed not his watchful, vigilant eye for the moment... and that convinced Kaghan that his thoughts and his heart would not remain with them in his forthcoming journey - even if it is an admittable truth that he will miss them... greatly so.

As he relieved his troubles with the hospitality of his people, he let himself be ensorcelled by one song that had been sung - altogetherly so.

"O, The Great Valleys,

O, The Beautiful Steppe,

O, The Father-Nature,

Our hearts that sing,

We embrace the spring,

The wilds we adore,

Our people, we restore,

The Great Deer, we follow,

Before the Nature, we bow."

Oh this serenity, the serenity that Kaghan would be willing to give away anything - for this.

For him, there was no truly comfort if not by the side of his people and each word that he sang along with them, the more he realised how much he shall be missing them. - Yet he knew, as soon as he returns... shall they sing this song again.

Alas, time passes as if in a heartbeat and the folk would soon retreat to their tents aswell as the wolf, this was likely going to be the last time he'll sleep in his bedroll again.

Looking upon right and left, he looked onto his 'room' - especially the pendant that was given to him by his sister... long ago that tragedy came to pass.

It was covered beautifully with the fangs of the wild animals that she hunted - when Kaghan was surrounded by wild saberfangs, the ferocious predators of the Steppes, and it was her that saved him from their hungering fangs.

Looking upon each one of them, Kaghan did remember those moments... he was a misbehaving runt at the time.

Though naturally Dokebi did scold him, as he retreated so deep into the wilds and found to be surrounded by those saberfangs, she was so glad he was left unscathed yet so scared, she cuddled him so firmly like never before.

He felt her embracement around him and couldn't help but surround his chest with his arms - just as Dokebi embraced him.

Looking upon the wolf-skull shaped medallion, he remembered how she said:

"That wolf shall be you, little brother - and with love have I forged this for you, know that I will be watching you... wherever I may go."

Though once again, has he reached to the brink of tears... perhaps it's best to sleep for now... lest he succumbs into his tears once again.

"I hope you're watching me still, sister... I will find you, no matter where you are." He mumbled, before he would close his eyes... drifting into his dreams. - Hoping not to face the same nightmare again.


The Sun ascended above, once again gracing the land with her beautiful, glamouring bright - it was not Arlio's barkings that awakened Kaghan this time.

The wolf had arisen from his bedroll - by not terror this time no, it was the determination that wakened him, and as far as he can remember... the nightmares has not troubled him this time.

Whatever he has seen, he knew that brought him the motivation he so needed - was it even the dreams? Or was it the resolution of his will?

Such mattered not, Kaghan knew what he had to do now, it was time for his departure, to find the truest path that the Shaman of Old told him.

Looking upon his armour that rested by a simple rack. - A studded chainmail it was, lightened enough for him to make best use of his agility, and reinforced enough to brave any harm the world had to offer.

A modest forging it was, one that Kellthir forged for him, he was the one that where Kaghan's skills where came at best. - He was after all... an agile warrior, just as the Legendary Windslayer was.

Closing his eyes with a smirk, he would thereafter reach to suit himself. - And of course staring upon the pendant once more... he needed his sister's perseverance and strength more than ever, hence he hold onto it and did wore.

Oh but the shield that was left by his mother too, how could he ever leave it behind?

It was the perseverance of Dokebi and the protection of his mother that he needed the most. - Along with the curved blade of his, all that he needed.

Stepping outside, his forest-green eyes, now not surrounded with despair - but with courage.

He looked at his tent for one last time - for all of his life, it was this little enclave that has been his sanctuary - the hold of his nightmares and his dreams alike. - Yet it was now... to bid farewell to his home.

Kaghan had closed his eyes within a peaceful manner and taken a deep breath of relief - of preparing himself... of determining himself.

"Well well, it would seem someone's preparing himself quite the damn I see." His brief moment was interrupted not long after as Kellthir spoke to him with a teasing tone just behind him.

"So you're actually... leaving...?" His playful tone would be shift to change into a subtle sense of concern, as one of the large hands of the silver-maned giant placed itself upon the left shoulder of the young wolf.

"As much as it pains me... I have to." Kaghan replied, as he meekly turned his gaze back upon the towering man. Indubitably there was great sense of pain within those forest-like eyes of his, Kellthir's smile remains however.

"It sure looks like it pains you aye, yet it's also clear that you made up your mind." He said.

"Well, this old man's gave you all the lectures he's been meaning to - I don't think I need to overbore you with my 'wisdom' at this point." Kellthir's bursted out a lightheated chuckle, which Kaghan lowly giggled too admittedly, as much as he hated listening to his lectures rather than training when Kaghan was a young pup. - Now he realises that he will be missing all of such, for he knows not if he will ever come back.

"I will be sure to remember them all through my journey, Kellthir."

"Sure you will."

"I mean it!" Kaghan pouted.

"Hah! We'll see how long shall you keep unto that, pup. - Either way, allow me to pass you until the gates, and give you a proper farewe-"

Just as when the silver-haired giant was seconds away from guiding Kaghan to the outskirts of the camp, a very... extragavant yellings of a child--Iatrin obviously-- aswell as the agitated barkings of Arlio begun to rang.


Although the gray-maned one had meant to let his little one sleep- so that he may not be saddened to see Kaghan's departure, it seemed little Arlio had came to see him one way or another - perhaps he hadn't slept at all, granted the darkening under those little eyes of his were a clear giveaway, and the soreness of those eyes hinted that the little boy's been cring ever since.

"Easy there- easy there, boy! Kaghan's right here- he wasn't going to leave before he said goodbye to you anyway!" Kellthir gave his son a big smile, at the very least- trying his best to make this as joyous as it can be for Iatrin.

"As if I'd ever think otherwise." Kaghan said gracefully, he would crouch down upon his one knee and urged the little boy to come closer, to that which Iatrin followed - thereafter the young wolf extended his hand to ruffle the little boy's beautiful, curly hair, with a smile remaining upon his lips.

"Out of all the people, I think I shall miss you the most, little brother." He said longingly, which his words were far too quick to tear up Iatrin's eyes, in unison Arlio seemed to brow her ears down too, followed with a saddened whine.

"Awh Arlio, don't give me that face! I'll never be whole without you jumping over my face to wake me up every day, too... come here!"

Kaghan said, which to his response - the dog would jump right over the young man's arms, she meant to cuddle him, even if it may be for the last time.

"You'll... you'll come back, right?" Iatrin asked, arching his head down, sniffling.

"Who do you think I am? Of course I will! I just... need to see the outside world with my own eyes, it'll be for the better I promise. ... and hey! Perhaps when I return, I'll take you and Arlio with me so we can go to adventures together!"

"Really??" Iatrin jumped on his feet in excitement.

"Really, I mean it!" Kaghan would nod.

"A wolf is never whole without the warmth of its home after all."

Kellthir barged into the little conversation, placing his hand upon his son's shoulder.

"Though a long journey is ahead of him, he shall return to us, be it tomorrow or the next - this is not our last time seeing him, son. - Well, it's about time you gave him your goodbyes, isn't that why you were up all night?" Kellthir said, remarking on his son's sleeplessness.

"Y-Yes! Ahem..." Iatrin took a deep breath, and looked up at Kaghan with great expectations in his eyes.

"Bye Kaghan! I'll miss you... Arlio's gonna miss you too, but I hope you get what you are after in your adventure, please... please come back to us, okay?"

"I promise I will, you two." Kaghan said, petting Arlio for one last time and giving a little peck on the dog's forehead - before she sauntered to sit beside Iatrin, as Kaghan would get on his feet again.

"I think it's better if I see myself out of the gates alone, lest Iatrin's gonna cry all over again." Kaghan said with a playful grin.

"Right." Kellthir said, extending his largely arm over for a respectful handshake - to that which, Kaghan replied without a hesitation.

"Be safe out there, young pup. Your father's would have been proud of you - as so have I. Never forget that you are always a part of us - whether you be realms away from your home, know that our hearts will lie in you forevermore." He said, smilingly.

"I'd never forget, thank you... for all the kindness you've given me Kellthir... farewell."

"Father-Nature be with you, Kaghan."

Kellthir said his parting words - and with one last glance between the gray-maned one, the lovely little Arlio and Iatrin- Kaghan turned his back, having his steps to be taken further outside the Enclave, no doubt shall he miss treading these peaceful lands greatly, but there shall be a long journey ahead of him - and shall he find his destiny unknown to him.

The more he furthered from the Enclave - the smaller it looked in his eyes, how odd it felt... all those memories of longing, pain - and happiness- all were contained within this tiny-seeming settlement, now were like a dot in his eyes... and at that moment, Kaghan felt like as small as an ant for the world that had been expecting him. He knew not where or to who must he go, yet his feet guided him the way, away from the vigilant eyes of the Fir'fahn, away from all the things he knew...

The great realm of Elrium called the young wolf - and her summons, shall the wolf answer.

All in due time.

The path of unknown awaits.