
Crossroads of Nowhere

"In the lost city that connects all lies the answer you seek"

UrukNoKiseki · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

A weird kid

I'm going to do this alone, that was my first thought after hearing such dumb name, more than half an hour passed and we're still discussing this matter.

-"I'm not going to be called that, that's for sure. I was thinking of something like Burned Man, The Lone Wanderer, you know, things with more impact"

-"Now you're being just dumb, those aren't even names you dumb Mummy, you need a real name and Frodo is cool, it's from an old book i found about a unlikely hero going on a grand quest, that suits you very well i mean if we're talking about looks you are prolly to be a villain more than anything" he said so full of himself while looking away

-"No, this is no grand quest, nor i'm an unlikely hero, i'm not even the protagonist of something, what the hell, just let's go with Mummy for the moment and let's go, we need to hurry before it gets dark"

This is why i hate kids like him, so full of themselves talking to adults like they own the place, calling my a name from a novel, i'm starting to regret this but seeing him laughing about it feels good in a way...huh?

-"It's something the matter Mummy? You look kind of pale"

Yeah, he is right, i feel like i remembered something, not a face nor a place, a feeling, laughing like this over simple stuff, feels weird certainly, like an emotion that i awakened for the first time in a long span, maybe this is the way.

-"I felt a little dizzy there but now i feel like new again, what about you kid, feeling ready to go?" I don't want to bother him with my idle thoughts, he is just a kid after all

-"It's okay if you don't want to tell me but i need you to trust me if we are going to do this, after all, we both might get killed by the Seven, right?" he sounded sure of himself but in a mature way, not like a kid that doesn't know what fear is.

After that, he went up the stairs and shut off the whole casino from a fuse box, being everything dark as it is right now that wonderland that i was daydreaming feels far away from us and so was him, carrying a big sack down the stairs, probably two times bigger than his whole body, something told me to help but man, i wanted to laugh if he lost all that pride after falling.

-"I know what you're thinking so don't say it, yes, it's bigger than me, and yes, it fell on me two times in the past, but here is something that you'll need, the city is full of dangers after all, choose something of your liking, i don't have any guns, those vanished from the city...somehow"

I didn't even recognize what most of these things were, a knife doesn't seem proper, after all if there is any wild life in the city it'll probably laugh at me trying to fight them with one.

-"You are clueless aren't you? Man, being an outsider must be hard really..."

-"That's not it, i know a lot but my memory is blurry, like if i take these one, i'll think of it as a gun, but that's probably not the case, am i right?"

-"Yeah, that's a bolt pistol, not really a gun. I have an idea, take this, easy and simple, a bat"

Go handed me a wooden bat, i seem to know how to hold one, it feels nice and after some preparations, we left the sleeping giant that was the Casino behind us, taking the first step towards our destination, the foreign district, Japan Town.

-"Oh, now that we are here i need to show you something, my little project and dream, do you see that broken building there?" he said pointing at a lifeless venue with some titles on it

-"Yeah, what about it, it says... Ci-ne-ma i think"

-"Yup, that's a cinema, the pinnacle of entertainment in the old world, i watched some movies on my DVD player and stuff but the experience isn't the same or so i suppose. After we got rid of everything here i want to repair that place and breath new life onto it, maybe if the Seven vanish people will overflow the city again and the possibility of progress and starting anew rises"

-"That sure is a big dream but what are movies like, you know, most of the establishments lack technology for entertainment purposes" i asked dumbfounded.

-"You'll love them, that's one of the reasons that we need to free J-Town, there is where all the entertainment industry of this city lies, like a gold mine of art if you ask me"

That sounds really cool, i'm having a hard time imagining how these movies work but maybe it's like some kind of scientific magic, i don't really know but this kind of little goals in between feel good, i want to see what shape can this city take if we free it from the Seven.

Sometimes when i feel down i remember that maybe one day i'll live as i want, that's kind of the key of life i think. Living by your own rules, maybe it's hard to reach but i want to keep trying till i get there.

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