
Crossroads of Nowhere

"In the lost city that connects all lies the answer you seek"

UrukNoKiseki · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

A sin born out of love I

Travelling across the city was tiring and between the temperature and the fact that there wasn't anything remotely interesting it started to drag a lot, most of the buildings were just copies of each other over and over again, Go told me that people used to live in that kind of districts where everything was the same and that kind of let me down, in an age where you can do everything being limited to live in such boring houses seems shallow to be honest but i can't complain about it either, i don't have a home after all.

-"We're here...finally" Go said nearly collapsing on the floor "Man, that was some walking that we did, it was weird though, there wasn't any damned on the area, usually you can find some of them scattered, lost from other districts."

-"What are you talking about shortstuff?"

-"Oh, yeah i haven't told you about them, i call the monsters that creep the city damned altough some of them are peaceful, others are predators but don't worry, they only come at night and if you're inside there is nothing to worry about and don't call me shortstuff you mummy"

-"Well, whatever, just hide if gets dark, i get it"

-"Yup, that's the spirit, now, let's search for my secret entrance"

According to a map that Go gave me earlier, the districts are separated by walls like the ones that surround all the city itself, Japan Town was no exception so we are searching for a hole that he digged and let us enter the city without alerting the One that has this place hostage.

-"I don't really know much about the one that inhabitates Japan Town since i never had an encounter with it" he told me while taking some scrap metal from an entrance "...but don't let your guard down, these aren't your run of the mill attacks that you can guard, these things are

"otherworldly" if you want to put it that way"

-"I'll take your word on it then, how much til we can cross to the other side"

The hole itself wasn't that big but it was enough for both of us to pass through, the thing i didn't know at the time was that on the other side a fragment of me that was lying dormant would awaken.

-"Well mummy, here we are, the best place to entertain ourselves after we save the city, there isn't a thing that this place didn't have, but first i want to show you a really cool place before it gets darker"

-"Yeah... i can picture how people enjoyed this place"

The sight was awesome, it was a mix of classic and modern in one place, there was a lot of signs for different kind of places. "Cafe", "Bar", "Arcade", "Karaoke", "Disco", it was a neverending sea of those and how do i start to describe the feeling in my chest seeing the district with all the lights on... my first thought was "Man, i want to stay here for my whole life if the situation were different"

-"Yo, Mummy, stop staring and follow me, we're going to have some fun" he said while smiling at me

-"Did people really had all of this everyday? That's sick"

-"That's what i want to achieve, that feeling you are going through is something pure, something that everyones needs to know but in this rotten world where everything is ruined it's a fool's wish"

-"You sound like you tried before to get people here, is that it?"

-"Nevermind, follow me, we're doing karaoke" he answered.

We entered colorful place, brimming with lights and a wierd ball hanging from the ceiling, it was charming yet kind of quiet for what i was expecting.

-"This will do..." he started mumbling to himself.

-"Go, i have a question...how is there energy enough to support all the district, i mean, from where i came generators are a thing that only the most renowned establishments had"

-"Well, on my countless travels between the entrance district and here i was able to grasp some wisdom, if the Casino is running, all the energy from the city deviates there but if it's shutdown the energy comes back to the city itself"

Sounding sure of himself he handed me a microphone and started to look at me with big eyes, music started to play and the screen turned on.

-"This, my mummified friend, it's one of life pleasures, singing"

He was enjoying himself, don't giving anything about anything, just singing his heart out and losing himself in the music and i'm going to be honest, i want to be there with him, i can't shake this uneasiness that having fun is the best thing in the whole world

-"Come here dummy, we are going to rock the next one out" he said grabbing my hand and guiding me to the stage

I don't really know how to dance i mean, since i woke up all i did was wander until i got the letter but right now i'm just moving my body and singing with him like this is the last day of my life, i didn't even know the lyrics of the song but in my head it sounded so beautiful that i could cry... damn i can't even describe this feeling, i don't need to be here, i just need to pursue what's important but what damage can cause a bit of fun... it's just a little detour but if i don't learn who i am quickly maybe i'll lost myself...no, this isn't the time to be thinking about philosophical crap i need to watch the kid in front of me and have fun, there will be a time to think about that stuff later.

My legs started to hurt from dancing so much, we were here for an hour or two, i lost my sense of time while we were at it and when the last song was ending... the lights shut down, there was no light, no music, everything lost in the silence of the night.

-"The shutdown phenomenon...damn, i forgot about it"

Go looked angry and grabbed me again.

-"From this point until the sun sets again, don't do anything that i don't tell you, we will die if we get careless, when the night hits everything goes off from this district onwards, i don't know the cause itself but there is an energy that intervenes with electricity, now, keep down and follow me, if we are lucky there is a hotel nearby that i used as a base"

He was serious, more than before we entered the district yet something was giving me a chill on my spine, there was a statue in the entrance that wasn't there when we entered.

Sometimes i wonder how authors can name chapters so easy, i have a really hard time trying to come up with something cool. Thanks for reading!

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