
The Database

In an isolated island, shrouded in secrecy and concealed from the touch of civilization, a clandestine facility, nestled deep between the gaps of ravines could be hardly seen as it was hidden by thick foliage of trees and vines.

The sound of footsteps could be heard echoing across the labyrinthine hallways of the facility, as Adam made his way towards a steel door. He approached the door, and casually placed his palm on the small identification screen beside it.

[Palm print have been recognized! Proceeding to confirm identity...!]

As the system prompt appears on the screen, it triggered a round camera to emerged from its concealed place in the door. It rolled itself before a green, wide laser-like light scan through his entire body starting from his head to his toes.

Adam made a small, unnoticeable gesture when the light scan a part of his body. A few moments later, the camera rolled back into the door, and a cold mechanical voice sounded.

[Authentication complete... Welcome Administrator!]

Following that, the steel door immediately slid open, showing a room awash in glow of state-of-the-art equipment and monitoring systems. Adam step inside and the steel door behind him closed once again.

Then, he sat down in front of a computer terminal and began navigating through a private web, eventually accessing a special site where the Foundation's database were highly protected.


Any unauthorized personnel will be terminated through Berryman-Langford Memetic Killing Agent. Proceeding without proper inoculation memetic agent will result in an immediate cardiac arrest followed by by death.


As the warning message popped up on the screen, Adam reached down to the drawer below the table to retrieved a small bottle. He drank its contents in one gulp before proceeding to access the classified archive.

[Memetic Kill Agent Activated!]

The screen flashed and Adam suddenly felt a mysterious force invading his system, but the bottle he had just drunk was like an antibodies that protected his heart and repelled the mysterious force out of his body.

[Continued Life Signs Confirmed!]

[Removing Safety Interlocks!]

With that, the page to classified archive finally opens, and a list of information appeared on the screen. Adam lean his back to his chair and open a file titled 'Codename: S. Andrew Swann: The Database.'

Of course, Adam didn't just open the file. Most of the files in this classified archive are either false and are just there to create confusion/illusion, or have layered protections that only a few handful individual can obtain access to.

As the highest figure in the SCP Foundation, Adam was naturally capable of accessing these files. His fingers moved nimbly across the keyboard as he typed the decryption key to open the actual file.

[Administrator-level Decryption Key have been confirmed. Accessing file... Successful!]


Item #: SCP-001

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedure: Due to its anomalous nature, there is no means to contain SCP-001 in totality yet. Current procedures are limited to monitoring its activity and mitigating the information it is spreading by promoting the idea that information disseminated by SCP-001 is not the reality.

Dedicated team responsible for monitoring and enforcing containment procedures for SCP-001 is ordered to use any means available to prevent further exposure of SCP-001 as long as it will not cause large attention.

Description: SCP-001 is an invisible and intangible entity discovered in 2007 due to a certain post in 4chan forum that leaks information about SCP-173 on internet. It is not known whether SCP-001 have sentience or is only reacting based on its instinct, but SCP-001 have shown a capability to access the Foundation's database through unknown means, and manifesting them in the consciousness of writers (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-001-1).

Further observation showed that SCP-001-1 would have an intense urge to spread the information they received from SCP-001. Any attempt to stop this from happening will is unsuccessful with SCP-001-1 showing unordinary durability that is nigh invulnerable. No known method can disrupt SCP-001-1 from disseminating the information.

Additionally, SCP-001-1 seems to have a strange telepathic connection to internet and an array of things that can hold information which allowed them to achieve their 'objective,' even without the use of physical items.

Once SCP-001-1 achieved its 'objective,' they will momentarily lose consciousness and revert to their initial condition with no recollection of events, except for the idea that they have published an SCP story (unaware that it is not a mere fiction).

Furthermore, information recorded/uploaded by SCP-001-1 (which will now be referred to as SCP-001-1-A) is impervious to deletion, erasure, or obliteration. Simultaneously, information obtained via SCP-001-1-A cannot be erased or altered in anyway.

However, further investigation showed that SCP-001 was projecting any information it scan from the Foundation's database to SCP-001-1, at below level 5 clearance. As a result, certain classified and sensitive information have been blacked-out.

Despite this, SCP-001 have an immensely high possibility of resulting in a catastrophic breach of Foundation secrecy. Therefore, any new activities that differ from its previous actions must be reported immediately as top priority.

Addendums: Containment Log 001-Alpha

Date: 07/04/2007

Incident-A: After SCP-001-1 finished its objective, they must be detained and observed for a month before they are removed of SCP-001-1 designation. Additionally, they are to be given a level 2 amnestic drug.

Date: 09/24/2007

Incident-B: SCP-001's activity spiked as SCP-001-1-A had garners a lot of attention from public, and other Group of Interests. Individuals found to have frequent activities regarding SCP-001-1-A are thoroughly investigated, and once any suspicious activity are found, they are to be neutralized at once.

Date: 12/02/2007

Incident-C: The Foundation had discovered that SCP-001's cannot differentiate between actual and false documentation that is only added in their database to create distraction and/or for safety and security purposes. As a result, SCP-001-1 can also upload this false information, giving SCP-001-1-A a lot of inaccuracies.

This give the Foundation an insight how to combat and mitigate SCP-001 dissemination of their information. By adding more false documentation with some, just for humorous purpose in their database, the Foundation was able to further instill the idea that SCP-001-1-A is just a mere fiction.

Date: 01/19/2008

Incident-D: Observation had shown that SCP-001-1 preferred to upload information on certain sites where fanbase of SCP-001-1-A gathers, which lead to the Foundation creating a website called SCPwiki to centralized SCP-001-1-A.

The site is strictly regulated an monitored by the dedicated team of the Foundation, allowing them to efficiently monitor all activities regarding SCP-001-1-A
