
Chapter 2: Witch

The man with thick eyebrow frowned: "Why don't you talk? No?"

Lu Yu don't have enough time to think much, and was more busy coming up with words to answer: "I am… from far away… ready to leave… not malicious… person?"

The man placed the stick on the ground, scratch his chin, and mused for a moment. With his eyes lighting up, he said firmly: "You are a savage man."

Lu Yu: "…"

Now that he mentioned it, yes. He has lived in the wild for ten days. In a way, he can be called a savage, but–

What qualification do you have to say that since you're the authentic primitive man here! All of them looked liked they have been rolling in the mud, now who looks more like a savage man! How exactly are they different, ah! Asshole!

Lu Yu showed a friendly smile, trying to explain in his first class mandarin that he is in fact not a savage man: "Well, as you can see, I am dressed neatly, and my hair was washed yesterday with water from the river in the east."

"Shan Pu, what are you doing?" A low voice suddenly rang behind him.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and swallowed his unfinished words, a bad hunch appearing in his heart.

He turned stiffly.

Originally, the Matai people who was a hundred meters away has unknowingly surrounded him.

Thirty or so men with wheat colored skin and sturdy bodies stood together.

They even carried the mammoth carcass, which appeared to be around four or five tons, – with just four people. Two pieces of a long wood passed between the legs of the mammoth and one man lift one head easily, and still has a free hand.

Lu Yu wipes his sweaty palm on his grass skirt.

"King! You're here!" The man with thick eyebrows rushed to the man standing in the middle of the Matai.

Lu Yu looked at him.

The man has deep eyes, high nose and thin lips. His facial contours are clear, with a thick and sexy jaw line. His whole face is cold, without any emotion on his dark pupils. Tall and burly, tough and sturdy, with a powerful and oppressive momentum, that exudes a bloody smell.

This is the King of Matai?

Lu Yu's otherwise calm heart also changed and experience an up and down.

"King, he's not a prey. He's a savage man." The man called Shan Pu answered.

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth twitched.

Okay, you've got more brothers, you have the final say.

The Matai king expressionlessly glanced at Lu Yu: "Can you speak? Where did you came from? Where are you going?"

It seems that he will be able to communicate?

Lu Yu's eyes lit up, and hurried to answer the main point, "I come from the grassland over there, and will leave soon."

"Well." The Matai King responded and then looked at the young man with thick brows, "Shan Pu, kill it."

"Good!" Was Shan Pu's crisp answer.

With that, he held up the wooden stick in his hand. and pointed it at Lu Yu.

Hey hey?!!

The situation was reversed immediately that Lu Yu did not have enough time to react.

Why did he suddenly talk about killing him?!

The stick in Shan Pu's hand was about to fall over his head.

With his heart almost jumping out of his throat, Lu Yu hurriedly extend his hand, "Wait a minute!"

He pressed the down the mess in his heart and looked at the Matai King to make a request, "I do not pose a threat to you, nor I will rob you of your food, can I go?"

The Matai King was unmoved, and there was no change in his handsome face.

Lu Yu looked at the other Matai people with tears in eyes.

Scratching their face, looking at the sky, patting their buttocks, all their faces said "just follow what the boss said, what to eat tonight, the wind is pretty good", a perfect eating melon passerby expression.

It seems that he have no way to negotiate.

This place doesn't have a normal moral order, or legal restraint, and killing him may be the same as slaughtering a beast.

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and pushed down his fear back into his stomach. Unwilling to give up, his brain turned sharply, racking up ideas to find a way out.

His eyes swept at the calves of a Matai.

The man's calf appeared to be injured, wrapped up by some unknown leaves, but it does absolutely nothing as a lot of blood still flowed out, looking very appalling.

Lu Yu's eyes turned bright. Noticing the shadow of the stick, he flexibly jumped back from the deadly stick, and shouted at the Matai King: "I can heal you!"

"Well." Shan Pu looked at where his wooden stick has fallen and was a little unhappy. He was about to attack this savage who talks too much again, when the King suddenly reached out to seize the wooden stick, stopping him.

The Matai King stared at Lu Yu, and asked in a low voice, "What did you say?"

Lu Yu watched the bulging muscles on his arm and thickly swallowed: "I said, I can heal."

"Are you a witch?" The Matai King raised his eyebrows.

As soon as his words was finished, the Matai people, who has been eating melon, was immediately restless.

Wu? Witch?

Lu Yu's eyes turned. After a moment of thought, he firmly said: "Yes, I am a witch."

The Matai King looked at him with an unknown meaning, and summoned a man with a leg injury to come to the front.

"Cure him. Now."

"Okay." Lu Yu puffed his chest out and is very confident.

He said to the wounded Matai: "Sit down first."

The Matai looked at their King, and after obtaining permission, he sat on the ground with his buttocks.

The rest of the Matai also surrounded them.

Lu Yu took off the grass bag on his back, crouched down, and carefully untangled the grass leaves that were strapped to his legs.

The sturdy calf of the Matai has deep gashes and is still stained with blood, and some of them even started to blacken. There are also two rows of wound where the bone is almost visible. This should have been bitten by some fierce beast.

Lu Yu has been here for so many days and have seen many bloody scenes, but its his first time seeing it with a human body. Such a serious wound still left some discomfort in his heart.

The Matai man looked unconcerned, as if his legs had only been bitten by a mosquito.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Lu Yu couldn't help but ask.

The Matai looked at him in disbelief and thought, "It's okay, only a little."

Do these Matai people even feel pain?

Lu Yu frowned, and did not think too deeply. After examining the wound, he first took out a piece of bamboo from his grass bag, scraped off some rotten meat, then touched a red thumb-sized pill.

This pill is the [Small Red Medicine]. Its main use is to restore a certain amount of blood, and in this case, become a quick treatment for certain degree of trauma. But if the injury is too serious or an old injury, then the [Small Red Medicine] can only play a small role.

"Eat it." Lu Yu handed over the [Small Red Medicine].

The Matai looked at the strange red pill and did not move.

"Well, look closely." Lu Yu used his fingernail on the [Small Red Medicine to scrapped a little bit, place it on his tongue, signaling for the Matai to look at him, then swallowed.

"I ate it too. Nothing happened."

"It's a good thing. Only I can make this, and it will take a long time for me to do so." Lu Yu said.

Even if he is not a witch, but when they see the uses of the [Small Red Medicine] and knows that he is the only one who has it, they will consider leaving him alive.

Noting the King's nod, the Matai did not hesitate to pick up the red pill and swallowed it into his stomach.

"When will it take effect?" The Matai King asked calmly.

"This…" Lu Yu stood up on his knees, discarding the bloody leaves that stuck to his body.

He cleared his throat and smiled.

"Just after I said that."

His voice has just dropped then there was a sudden cry of surprise around him.

"Look at Ruba's legs!"

The Matai huddled together, and Lu Yu just shrugged and gave way.

"Oh my god, Ruba's legs doesn't bleed anymore!"

"The wound is still shrinking!"

"How is it possible? It's amazing!"

"The savage man's pills worked. He's really a witch!"

"We've met a witch!"