
Chapter 1: The Matai

On a sunny, cloudless and endless grassland, Lu Yu lay quietly behind a large rock.

He's a grass ring that he braided on his head, his body covered with grass cloth that he made.

This outfit let him avoid the hot sun, but it made him stuffy and sweaty.

And the reason he wronged himself to this point is to observe and avoid an incoming large group of beast.

Lu Yu breath shakily, his ears erect.

Not a moment later, loud rumble came from afar and comes nearer.

The grasses and sands rose off the ground, accompanied by muffled roars.

A group of huge brown mammoth with thick woolly skin, two long and sharp tusk, slowly moved.

Lu Yu silently said a sentence in his heart.

[Open panel]

Right before his eyes, a light blue transparent electronic screen that only he could see unfolded.

Lu Tu stared at the largest and strongest mammoth at the distance, aiming the aperture on the panel to capture the target, showing a string of information.

[Mammoth (Leader): Land Melee]

[Threat Grade: B]

[Drop: C-class storage ring]

The drop items turned out to be a storage ring!

Lu Yu swallowed his saliva, lingering a few times at the information of the storage ring.

Storage ring, no matter how much space it has, is the best. With this, He won't need a basket to carry things.

However, no matter how good it is, he can only watch.

When it comes to this, Lu Yu can't help but be filled with resentment again.

He doesn't know how he crossed into place, is it still on Earth, in a primitive society?, and the golden finger given to him turned out to be a game panel.

Its not that the game panel is bad. On the contrary, the game panel is very useful. It treats real animals like a monsters in a game where you can get a variety of magical items after killing it.

But here's the thing—

He's just a human being, and the animals here are real. He can't beat the big ones, he can't catch the small ones. With this physical quality, how can he dominate this primitive era!

Lu Yu grinded his molars in anger. Since they gave the golden finger, why not simply strengthen his body ah! Bastards!

Lu Yu, Chinese, 24 years old, is a professional chef, and is aspiring to work in the Imperial Palace. He was invited to be a judge on a cooking contest before he was suddenly brought into this place.

During the competition, he was tasting out a very strange piece of meat and was about to give his thought on the very cringe worthy food made by a timid little chef, before he suddenly fainted.

When he woke up, he began his survival in the wild.

Lu Yu believes that he will be able to return safe and sound. But right now, he has no idea how to go back and can only press down the feeling of despair, fear and other negative emotion, and strive to survive.

But this is reality. He have big thoughts and idea but his actions fell short.

On the twelfth day of transmigration, he felt like he couldn't keep on going like this.

He has no problem with food. As a cook in this lush jungle, he can always find something to eat.

What he feels insecure about is his safety. There are too many dangerous creature. He even have to think deeply where he should sleep, either a small cave, or a tall tree. Every moment he is scared that his small white meat will become dessert.

Fortunately, he hasn't met any ferocious beast head on, and occasionally hunts down smaller animals like hares, slugs, fishes, etc.

These small animals, after searching through the game panel, drop him some 'small red medicine'. These two things are the one that forces his life to continue.

But there are days when his luck will run out. Recently, because of the changes in the season, more and more beast are coming and going, and he has to find some places to hide for his own safety.

Today, he has the chance for mammoth shopping. He has waited a long time for this opportunity.

In this land, there's a den of lions not too far away.

These mammoths who came from afar are bound to encounter the lions, whether they are only crossing the area, or are ready to settle here.

As the saying goes, there is bound to be injuries when two tigers met. And as long as it pass through his game panel, no matter who or what killed it, only he can see the treasure chest it dropped after it died.

Lu Yan intents to be the fisherman after the two cranes fought.

He sneakily aim the game panel at the leader of the lion to see what it drops, [C-class Tomahawk].

As long as he has this axe, he will be able to have an ability to defend himself to some extent.

After awhile, like he expected, the aboriginal lion group met the the distand mammoth legion.

The mammoths huge ivory tusk, curved and sharp, is more than a meter long and can easily poke a hole in its prey when provoked. It's fighting power if obviously strong. But this mammoth family is relatively small in number, only five, while the lions on the other side has twenty adult lions.

Although the lions size is not as big as the mammoth, but relying on their flexible body, reasonable labor division where a lion attracts the mammoths attention, others are responsible to biting and harassment, they achieved victory.

The battle lasted for two hours.

Lu Yu, who was hiding behind the rocks, was almost killed by the mosquitos. But he did not dare to move, in fear of being noticed by the sharp-eyed lions. If he does not actively participate in their racial war, then they probably will not bother with small shrimp like him.

As the sun was about to set, the battle finally ended with the mammoths abandoning the body of its compatriots and fleeing.

The mammoths body is huge enough for the lions to enjoy.

Lu Yu's eyes lit up, looking at the golden treasure chest beside the dead mammoth.

The mammoth who died was not the leader, but according to the rules he figured out from the game panel, it would still drop the same item but with lower class.

That is, inside that chest is likely to be a D-class or E-class storage ring.

Even if his original plan of picking up a tomahawk from the lion failed, Lu Yu is still very optimistic.

Now he just hopes that the lions will go back to sleep after dinner, or else, after an hour, the treasure chest will disappear.

Lu Yu waited excitedly and anxiously.

In his heart, he prayed to all the gods he knew.

Perhaps, God or Buddha heard his pious prayers. The lions, who has not finished eating collectively run away as if receiving some sort of signal.

Sand rose off the ground, leaving behind the half eaten body of the lone mammoth.

Lu Yu brow scrunch up, more worried than happy.

It's impossible for the lions to leave if they haven't eaten enough. In this land, there is nobody to threaten them, and even if its a strong mammoth, the lions would rather fight than retreat.

Why would they drop so much meat and run away without eating it?

Is it an unknown large beast?

Since the lion ran, should he run too?

But out there on the open is a treasure chest that is as attractive as a naked woman. What should he do…

While Lu Yu is still hesitating, a group of living creature that walked upright suddenly stepped out of the jungle not too far away.

Their numbers was around thirty or forty, with beast skins around their waist, holding a wooden sticks and looks very aggressive. Each of them is about two meters tall, with messy hair on their shoulders, bronze skin, and a strong body full of muscles.

Lu Yu's eyes widened and was startled.

Are they… savages? or primitive people?

At this time, Lu Yu's game panel is still open. When he stared at those people, the panel's aperture also followed Lu Yu's eyes, locking into one of them.

A string of word appeared on the panel.

[Matai Warrior]


Lu Yu stared at this words, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

It's them!

Although Lu Yu did not study the primitive era, he knew something about that race.

He used to look for recipes in his grandfather's study and accidentally turned over a book called 'The Early History', and took a good look at it.

He remembers the few word recorded in the 'The Early History': Matai, with large body, six foot long, brave and fierce, invincible when fighting beast.

If he has this physical quality plus his golden finger, then wouldn't he walking side ways in this primitive era? The reason why Lu Yu remembers this clearly is not only because of this, but also because it recorded a fantastic thing.

The Matai people has a long life and can live for thousands of years, but the strange thing was not only they did not have a large population, they actually went extinct before the Shang and Zhou Dynasty.

He has now really seen this magical race with his own eyes, and if it weren't for the message from the game panel, he would have really thought that they were savages.

So, he's still on earth and did not cross somewhere else, right?

What should he do now, it's not the time for an ancient and modern cultural exchange. He feared that he may be ruthlessly killed by the Matai if he appeared.

Forget it, this treasure chest is destined not to have any fate with him, he doesn't want to throw his life away.

After thinking it over, Lu Yu decided to retreat immediately. He does not want to wait till the Matai to leave before going himself, he has long felt his current position to be unbearable, and he felt that with such a distance between them, the Matai will not notice anyone, they should not be as keen as a beast.

He turned off the panel, and with little movements, he pressed his hands on the ground, from lying down to squatting, picking up the grass bag placed next to him and into his back, and carefully turned around, bent his legs, hugged his waist and took small steps, moving back into the jungle.

One meter, two meters, three meters…

There was only ten steps left before he can enter the jungle. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound, as if a leopard was running along the grass.

After listening carefully, the sound seems to be coming from behind him…

Lu Yu's heart jumped and he subconsciously tried to escape.

Without waiting for him to straighten up, a dark shadow flashed quickly, followed by a gust of wind over his ears.


Two bare and dirty feet fell in front of him.

Looking at the feet of this man, Lu Yu sweated profusely.

Can he be so unlucky?

He choked on his own spit, his eyes moving up at the stout human legs which stood in front of him.

Skirt made from beast skin, sunken mermaid line, strong pectoral muscle… with big eyebrows, high nose and wide forehead.

This Matai is also quite in line with modern aesthetic, not like the other primitive people who resembles monkeys.

Lu Yu strangely relax a bit.

He stood up, patted the mud off his straw skirt, looked up, and up at the wild man in front of him with a sunny smile.

Since he can't run away, he must show a good attitude. Language may not work, but laughter is always the universal language that has been used to send good will since the ancient times.

Perhaps,he can also use gestures?

Lu Yu was tangles. The man opposite to him look at him up and down, and suddenly asked: "Who are you?"


Lu Yu responded subconsciously, and violently stopped, a grimace coming over his face.

Wait a minute.

Big brother, how can you talk?