
Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

This fanfic is based on over 18 to 20 other fanfics that I have found interesting but a few very good ones that were never finished, I must write one of my own and since I have a lot a time on my hands, hope to finish by the end. I have read and researched all those fanfics and added what I thought was missing in them and put them all together in my own work. I have used examples but not copied any of their stuff to mine. Well maybe a few lines that were very good, but there are a few sections where I do copy ‘them’ and/or ‘the origin’ of the story. Please be advised that I do not own ‘The Twilight Saga’ and or any other movies or stories related to this fanfic that come into play. Most of these chapters in the beginning will be from 3-5 thousand words, then gradually increase later being between 5-7 thousand words per chapter as the characters progress. I like my fanfics long and sometimes comedic. Again, I do not own any movie rights or any characters that come out from this... THEY ARE FANFICS. RATED M FOR MATURE!!! Please be warned: there are some light and heavy lemons in this fanfic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! SEX SCENES YES!!! AGAIN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Alexandro died saving a little girl from getting ran over, funnily after he died, he meets a ROB saying it died stupidly, he is given a wheel of powers to spin and a spin to when he will arrive in another world. He awakens as a baby in the world of Twilight. Having a good childhood, when he hits his teenage years, tragedy happens and is left alone, family murdered and a crisis of who his long-life mates will be. While adventuring in an old tomb, he finds an old relic that when after he put together something wonderous happened. He is transported through dimensions. Will he ever get back to his? Will he want to? Will he live for revenge or get passed his grief of his family being murdered by the same type of supernatural's that murdered his family? Or will he choose another route to happiness? This is not a pick-up all females he sees harem, the most he'll have is three maybe four. He started with three, that's because they were soul mated to him, not a choice. That ROB wasn't giving him one and he may have another along the way but that's it, no others, no midnight getaways, no rendezvous.

Roberto_0461 · Movies
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8 Chs

Women’s confrontation, Stalker Appears

Chapter 7: Women's confrontation, Stalker Appears


"I am fine, Great actually!! And you mother? You called me earlier, for what reason?" I asked my mother in return. "Great my son! And when should I be expecting you back in France, Chris!" She asked with a worried sound in her voice. "Fashion week starts in Paris in 2 days mother, starting on the 1st of March, and I'm currently headed to my last venue here, after that and I shall catch the next flight to Paris at New York airport for my return. So, I'll be arriving in Paris if there are no more delays by noon tomorrow your time. Why the rush mom?"


I reply getting a little worried as to why she was asking me how long my arrival in Paris was going to take. Talking to her for a while as Sam and I headed to my next venue, the usual mother son banter conversation commenced; I was just happy to hear her voice and I could hear that she enjoyed talking to me. Later that night after the third venue was over, I had Sam take me directly to the airport to catch the next flight out of New York to Paris.


I bought the first available seat which was a first-class ticket from New York to Paris on a 6-hour flight which was boarding in ten minutes. I said my goodbyes to Sam and boarded my plane, which got me to Paris a little earlier than intended, my mother would be surprised when I arrive earlier. In which she was, happier none the less as I got home and surprised her stepping through the front doors of our home in Paris...


--Time skip--1 ½ year later--

February 15, 1976... Paris France...

The last year and a half has ended and so did my modeling career, my mother was very upset I gave that up at an early age, right at the peak of my fame. I had completed my contract and told my parents that I would be moving back to the states in a few weeks, in which my father was happy I wanted to live my life on my own. But my mother was a little sad and mad at me and father, she still wanted me around, it was hard for her to let me go on my own.


I have just turned 21 not to long ago and I'm happy to have full control of my own life, 'alone and in control baby.' I thought to myself happily singing in my head. But I must move on, I do have other things to do. I mean if I really need money, I could just create it out of the rocks around me, but good thing that I don't because I'm loaded due to the years of modeling. This last year I've improved most of my skills a little more but was hard to get any further than I had wanted it to.


My height went up 2 more inches and my mass increased a small bit as well. Now I sit at 6'1.5 and weigh 170 lbs. with a swimmer's physique. I've increased my strength to 150 tones lifting power and can run now at 430 km per hour for a good 8 hours straight before getting tired. All of my magic skills are at mastery levels, and I don't waste any energy when casting multiple spells consecutively or consistently.


After leaving my parents in France and making my way to the States, Las Vegas is where I made my landing. Wanted to gamble for a night or two before moving on to the house my parents left for me. Well anyways, staying in Vegas for two days and making sure I gained more money on my already growing riches, yeah, I cheated a little, and gained over 300,000 dollars in those two days. After my brief Vegas vacation, I made my return to Las Angeles.


Now, it has been two weeks since I've been back, I'm currently going on a ride on my unenhanced motorcycle, and after I was taking said ride, I remembered that I still have to engrave the selected runes on it later. I had chosen many runes to be carved all over the bike, which would make it go many times faster. "OOOOH YAAA... BABY!! Just you wait. I'm gonna make you lighter, indestructible, noiseless, anti-theft proof, extend that small fuel tank as well.


You will only be needing one fuel fill up every 5000 kms, I'm even gonna make you fly if that's what it takes just in case I need it. OH, it's gonna be great. You are going to be the best built motorcycle in ages." I tell myself and as I stopped and turned around to go back home and wanting to start carving those runes on my bike. After getting back home, I parked the bike in my workshop, it took me 4 hours to engrave all the runes on the bike.


Everything fit exactly the way I pictured it in my designs. It was awesome, as I rolled it out to the driveway. I was about to take it on a test drive to wherever the road leads me to. "Cool, well not that I need it now, but if I need to get somewhere really fast, I'll use the flight mode on my bike. Okay, let's test out the rune clusters I installed, now if I push it to its limits my bike should top at 800 m/h, block bombs at the same time if needed, which I don't at this moment." I said while thinking about what other magical runes his bike might need.


"Well, I guess I should head to school and enroll myself, can't wait to meet new people and make new friends." I said as I had a full born smile as I was thinking about meeting new people in the new college I plan to go. With my new and enhanced motorcycle engine revving at high idle, I started driving towards my new school with my heart going at a rapid pace as I drove at 600 m/h.


As I was nearing the University, I slowed down to normal speed limits, pulling into the university parking lot on my motorcycle and reading all the signs I passed to get me nearest to the registration office. As I passed a few buildings and made my way to an open parking space, I caught site of a few figures, students maybe and a few people who were talking near the parking space I parked in. Getting off my bike and activating its anti-theft rune which secured its safety, I moved quickly to the registration building that was not far away.


For these early years, going to a university in 1976 was easy enough, the process of registering for university was quite different from what it was in the 2000's, they had online registration systems back then. Let's imagine me a young student, embarking on his educational journey. I had to decide to give them an acceptance letter that my mentors provided or use the mail system that was available now to send my registration forms, and I chose UCLA for my university.


But for me now, I just drove in with it in hand as I made my way to the registration building, making it easier and quicker to attend the university courses. As I entered their office, I handed them a thick envelope from my first-choice university, filled with all the forms and instructions to attend their school. The excitement and nervousness that I had mixed in my stomach as I read through the contents and pamphlets I received by mail as I waited and started to remember how I got to this point.


(Flash back...)

First, I gathered the tools and information needed to attend UCLA. Then my next step, which was to fill out all those numerous forms I needed to hand over. I had sat down with my mother at her kitchen table, and she, with her trusty typewriter, carefully typed out my information to avoid any mistakes that could not be easily corrected onto the form that I was send by the university.


We double-checked every form she typed with me, ensuring that each form was completed correctly and neatly readable. Next, I sent out a copy of the forms through the Postal Dance Once all the forms were filled and I would have the originals on hand when I arrived at the university and handed them over, my mother had put them in an envelope and mailed them back to the university's admissions office.


That way when I arrived all I had to do is pick up my acceptance and class courses list. It was a waiting game for now, hence the 2-day vacation in Vegas when I first arrived in the states. For now, I had to rely on the postal service for the back-and-forth of documents that were filled out. Also the Financial Puzzle Paying for university involved another set of forms and that had to be made in person, hence me being here now.


Then my mother and I met with my bank manager a few weeks ago to discuss my student loan and payment plans if needed and I would pay them back those student loans in a lump sum at the end of the course semester. It didn't take long to arrange everything needed for payment. We had left my accountant with more paperwork to complete and submit but was doable for me anyways.


Then came the Course Selections, Course selection was done in person, again hence me being here as well. That is why I traveled to Vegas first then after a brief relaxing period, I traveled to UCLA, where he met with a course advisor. Which I'm going to see in a few minutes, together, we would pore over a printed course catalog, discussing my options and prerequisites before penciling in my choices on the registration form.


And lastly, the Final Countdown with the courses selected and financials settlement, which has already been done on my side. And that is where I'm off to next. I met with my advisor, Mr. Jenson. He and I spent an hour going through the requisites I needed to get an associate degree in Mechanical Engineering. And after signing up for these courses, which took another hour by the way, I received my class schedule.


And that is where I'm headed next, to each class to register and pick up my books to start my new semester. I folded my schedule in my jacket inner pocket, thanking Mr. Jenson for his time and help and headed to the building assigned. The good thing about all this is that mostly all my classes are in the same building, except for track and field. I was already counting down the days until the start of my new adventure.


And so, with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, I stepped into my future, one carefully typed form and chosen course at a time. As I was making my way to the building #203, I stopped mid step when I saw this old 1968 Ford truck single cab 4x4, and I liked the way the truck looked. I stepped over to inspect the truck from all sides as if it was mine, I admired it for a while, wanting to get one of my own later. I like old cars, sue me.


After that brief admiration, I headed into the campus in search of building #203 and look for my classes and where they were being held, arrived at where the first class was in. The building was located not that far from the schools' entrance, close to the parking lot, then I headed inside just to take a look. When suddenly my danger senses went off, without moving around, I checked my surroundings through my 360-degree heightened senses.


From where I was standing, searching for whoever triggered my senses to go off and activated an illusion skill I created a few years back making the people around me think I was just leaning against a wall resting against it. It took a few second to find the culprits that triggers my danger senses to go off, a group of 6 stone looking individuals were exiting a 1974 glossy Red Camaro, 'damn that was a sexy as hell car.'


I thought to myself as I stared at the car from afar. And I knew right away who they were, 'The Cullen clan kids', then I relaxed due to them not being a danger to me but those around me. At least it was just the kids that came out and they were already on the animal blood regimen. After a few seconds as I stared at them through my senses, I failed to recognize 2 of the 6 people standing with the four I actually knew.


Did I land in some sort of fanfic alternative of the 'Twilight' or what? Was God messing with me, right now? Now I know for sure that I was being watched, and I have a vampire stalker that was standing not too far away from where I stood as I took the illusions place a few seconds ago before I got noticed. Not gonna lie it's exciting and scary at the same time, but not ganna get involved in their mess sorry nuh...uah... not ganna happen.


So, I kept walking trying to get as far away and as fast as possible from them, didn't want to be spotted just yet. But all of that was for not, I was spotted before I made it inside, 'man they got some good senses.' I thought to myself as I watched. I knew that they were already watching me from a second ago. I felt eyes from where I was standing. I could feel them on my back as I walked into the social science building as I moved quickly.


The Cullen's enter the picture...

As I finished entering the building and registering for the first class that was on the bottom floor in this building, I did the same to two other classes that were on the second and fourth floors. As I was making my way down to the first floor, I could still feel that I was being watched by those same 6 familiar stone like students as they were still standing outside.


Coming down the stairs I watched from afar myself, I saw a tall 6'2, medium sized muscular man, dark brown going into blond hair slightly curly at the ends, golden rimed eyes with blue in the mix, walking slowly showing a firm extended grin on his face, he was very tall and burly. Since I knew he was a vampire, he looked very handsome with 2 impression dimples as he was smiling. He had a childish look not often seen on grown men.


He actually looked more like a teenager than a grown man. He walked alongside a beautiful blonde-haired young woman, slightly shorter than the man next to her by a few inches, as they were walking together and holding hands. She looked around 5'9", elegant figure, similar to the looks of a grade A model, like the ones I used to work with. She had long wavy blonde hair that fell halfway down the middle of her back.


That only amplified and perfected the pictured of her face, with glistening golden irised eyes that amplified her beautiful face, she looked dangerous and sexy at the same time. 'Emmett and Rosalie Cullen.' I said to myself in my mind as I continued walking down the stairs of the building I was in. Without turning my head to look back at 6 Cullen kids as I passed another window.


As I continued into the building, I was still observing the Cullens from the next window that came to view, a distance through one of my newest abilities. The eagle-eye projection ability: this ability allows me to project my sense of self from a distance to view my surroundings at a 360 degree, able to view up to 3 kilometers from every direction, it be from the sky to the ground around me, nothing escapes my eagle eyes senses.


So, I saw every person that was watching me from inside the building with great clarity. So, I kept observing as I moved downward, behind Emmett and Rosalie who were in front, then came the next set that were walking a little behind them. A tall 5'11, brown-haired young man walked silently with his head down, trying to not attract any attention to himself as the rest of his group were already doing so.


With how beautiful they all looked. His facial features were as you call perfect the same as the others around him, angular face with high cheekbones, strong jawline, perfect designed eyebrows, a straight nose not too long and not to short, and with full lips available to affect any girls' dreams. Next to him, was a young woman with silky dark bronze hair, very attractive I might add, petite build that showed.


She looked like she had a tight toned muscled body which looked perfectly smooth with the right curves. She looked very similar to the man beside her and in height as well, she looked to be around 5'10 to 5'11 in height as if they were brother and sister almost twins by the looks of it. 'That looks like Edward and... hmm, no way... Edythe?' I would presume because of some fanfics described her as an exact copy of Edward but female.


'Yup, I'm in a fanfic version of 'Twilight' dammit R.O.B., that's not what I spun for!! Then I thought about what R.O.B. said about the plus sign meant, some things would be different in this Twilight life of mine from the original.' I thought heavily into what type of world I truly am in. Wondering what else would be different in this world. 'Wait... wait a fucken minute!! That meant meeting Alice a few years ago wasn't a coincidence.


Was she there to meet me? And if so, is she supposed to by my mate?' These thoughts suddenly came to mind as I stopped going further down the stairs. "Not ganna happen... not ganna happen," I keep repeating this for a while as saw that I was talking to myself loudly enough that I sensed Alice look my way. 'Did they hear me, by chance?' I though in my head as I looked their way.


After a second, I gave up thinking about it and relinquished if it was true. 'Dammit, that is not what I wanted!! I wanted no part in their mess!!' I said in my head, it was pretty loud in there (my head). As I made it back down and went towards my last registered class on the first floor, I waited in line to enter the classroom to buy the last books that I needed from this class. I kept staring through my sense ability at the last two in the group.


And behind Edward and Edythe the next set in the group that made up the last of the Cullen's, there she was the little petite girl with pixie-like features, large symmetrical eyes and long delicate eyebrows, Alice my little pixie stalker. She hasn't changed one bit since last I saw her two years ago, she was wearing the same bright cute smile on that face of hers as she kept looking at my direction within the building.


Beside her there stood another young woman with long bright blonde hair that went all the way down her back. She looked stunning like the rest of the Cullen girls, no doubt. Now, this girl had a very dangerous look to her both in looks and in sense, she puts my senses up to an 8 as a very dangerous feeling was coming off her. She looked pale white like any vampire would, marble-like skin with a twist of sparkle in the air.


Again, those golden iris eyes mixed with a flavor of blue in them, and like the rest inhumanly beautiful. Wait, that's the girl version of Jasper from another fanfic I had read, 'Twilight/Life and Death', if I remember correctly her name was Jessamine. If in this world Jasper's a girl, then doesn't this mean Alice is single, and that also means that she was eyeing her future man out. 'Fuuuccck, not going to lie, I kinda like this world now'.


I thought to myself bringing a smile to my face as any man would love a girl like her by his side. As I was thinking all this, Alice stopped walking and she turned her face in the direction where I was standing in the building, as if she could see through the tinted windows and walls of the University building looking straight at my direction. As she kept staring at the window, the other Cullen's also stopped and looked at Alice with a questionable face, but once they saw her face usually meant that she was having one of her visions.


They Cullen kids quickly surrounded her, shielding her from prying eyes. I already knew what was going on, she was having one of her visions, 'Hmm, a vision I wonder if it has anything to do with me being near them. I know it shouldn't be due to my anti-scrying ability but let's test something...' I said to myself while I deactivated my anti-scrying ability for a second. And just for a second, I did, I wanted to see if she could pick anything from me up with her future seeing powers.


What I heard next shattered all my doubts leaving me stunned and I knew she saw me for a split second. 'Yup, that proves that, lowering my anti-scrying ability can cause her to look into my future... even for a second, good thing I just let it drop for two seconds. She couldn't have seen much, right?' I thought to myself as I moved again. What I heard next scared me a little, "Is something wrong, Alice? Why the worried look? What is it, Alice? You're scaring us."


Edythe asked worryingly as Edward stared at Alice seeing what she saw. "I-I think I saw him Edythe... the one I saw before briefly." Alice muttered quietly, the others with their vampire senses heard her perfectly. "Who, Alice? Who did you see?" The female Jasper asked with as her voice raised with her eyebrow.


"The man that I've kept having visions about, my visions kept changing for some odd reason, and now these visions are much stronger, clearer even, but it only lasted for a split second. They kept changing as if that man is supposed to be with two of our family as a mate. Then it changes to back to only Jessamine, then again with two others in his arms, but I can't clearly see who they were."


Alice said while looking straight at the window I was standing by. As everyone in their group turn their heads to look in that direction, Alice was looking before but I had already moved on. Alice pointed at the window, "He was just there, looking at us. Did you know I have met him before; it was just coincidence. Back while I was in New York for a brief moment.


He was one of the models that was in a fashion show ceremony I went to by chance, while in New York a few years ago. I wanted so much to talk to him that I even followed him to his hotel, but he was already on his way out of the hotel and heading to the airport that same night. All I got from him was a hello, and an awkward response from him saying that I was stalking him." She explained in detail while giggling at the end of her explanation.


"What did he tell you, Alice?" Asked Edythe with all the others attention on her, "he asked if I was stalking him? I mean I was interested in him at the time, but I was not stalking, maybe... hmmm.. okay I was." Almost everyone broke down laughing at Alice's expense and her looking a little upset as they made fun of her and pouted as they kept laughing louder.


"You mean, he's the one in your visions? But what I don't get is why are your visions changing between us two? You said the two of us, but later you said without me but someone else? What does that even mean?" Jessamine questioned her sister confusingly, Alice's predictions, they have never changed mid vision before. Jessamine asked as she had a bright smile on her face while looking at the direction I was standing a few minutes ago, as could still see what they were doing from afar.


"If he's the one from your visions... that means, what I think it means right? But why now? And if you met him before, why did you not feel it happen when you met before?" Jessamine asked Alice with a slightly confused smile and a glint of hope in her eyes to see him again. "I don't know, but we should ask Carlisle about this new predicament we face. I don't want to cause any troubles if he has to choose between the two of us."


Alice tried not to hurt or confuse any of the girls in her family. Because to her family is first and nothing should come between them. "It means... I don't know... maybe Y-yes, that means h-he belongs to one of us or the two of us. Please don't ask me, I'm as confused as you are. This has never happened to me before." Alice murmured while still dreamingly looking at the last place I was last standing.


But then to their surprise something happened that made all of them jump scare, I had appeared behind them, making them stopped walking in place. As I slowly turning my head towards Alice then saying with a weary upset expression on my face, not asking, just staring at her with a serious look, until I finally broke the silence, "So, we meet again my little cute stalker. What was it again, Amy... Andy... ahhh... Alice right?


Alice Cullen the stalker following me everywhere I went. Not here to kidnap me, are you? With all these people to help you, are you?" I said teasingly to the young-looking girl. Not letting her speak, I quickly turned around and sped off towards the science building at a rather fast pace. Catching all of them off guard on how fast I left them behind...

(To be Continued...)